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**⚠️ Mature Content Ahead ⚠️**

"Do you like it?" I hear Jungkook's question and I turn to see a cherry haired man in front of me. Grinning like an idiot, I walk over and run my fingers through it to move it way from his forehead. "I love it! You look adorable!" I watch his cheeks catch a pink tint and I give him a peck before starting to walk away.

Two strong arms grab me around my waist and stop me in my tracks. He places his mouth near my ear. "Adorable? Not sexy?" He almost growls into my ear making shivers run down my spine. "You know you're sexy... So, adorable is a nice change." His lips land on the skin under my ear making me moan quietly. "Aaahh... Jungkook... We can't right now..." He sucks harshly on my neck and I feel weak when his hand goes under my shirt to lay flat on my belly.

"What's my name Love?" His hands are moving up towards my breasts, and his mouth is moving into the crook of my neck, nipping and sucking. "Ju-Justin... God... You have to stop... Anyone might catch us..." He chuckles, his chest vibrating against my back. "So what if they see that we love each other. I don't mind." I can't help but smile at his words, but I pull his arms away to turn and face him. "I have to go do my hair now. We will continue this later... Ok?" His fingers move to tuck the blonde hair behind my ears, and he kisses my forehead. "I'm going to miss the blonde."

"Did you talk to Olivia about her hair? Does she want a new color?" He shakes his head, and I sigh at him. "Why are you so afraid to talk to her about this?" The truth is, for the past 2 days, Olivia has been locked away in her room. She is mad that she didn't get to say goodbye to her Uncles and grandparents. But she's most upset about not seeing Aera again. We can't tell her what's really going on, just that we are not safe here, and have to go into hiding. It's alot to take in for her... And I know she believes that it's because of me, so she has stopped talking to me.

"I'll try again. If she'll let me talk this time..." He grabs my hand, pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry she's being like this. She'll come around." I feel his lips on my forehead to try to soothe me, but I'm frustrated with everything. "I'm ok Jungkook... I mean 'Justin'... God, I'm never going to get used to that!" He cracks up at me, and I can't help but giggle.

"I was thinking... Do you think we can film a video to be delivered after we leave? To say our goodbyes to your parents, and for Olivia to make one for Aera? Do you think it's a good idea?" He smiles at me and kisses me. "You're pretty and brilliant. That is an awesome idea! I'll talk to Mr. Min and ask him for the things we'll need. I love you so much!!"

While he's busy with that, I go to Olivia's room. Holding my breath, I knock on her door. I don't hear anything, but I enter anyway. I see her sitting on her bed, looking out the window. Approaching slowly, I make me way to sit next to her.

"Hey. I know you're unhappy with us right now, but I was wondering if you'd like to get your hair done with me. I'm going to change the color, and you could also... Does that sound like something you'd like to do?" I see her shrug her shoulders, but she looks at me for a minute. "What color?" She asks. I smile and tap my finger on my chin, thinking. "Do you think brown would be nice? Maybe with some blonde streaks? Or I could do a purple... What do you think?" I get the first smile I've seen from her in a couple days which lights my heart up. "I think you should do the purple Eomma. It would be pretty with your eyes."

I smile at her compliment and decide on the purple in order to please her. "Would you like a new hair cut? Or color? Or both? We could do it together." I feel her pull back, and she goes back into the original position I found her in. "No. I like my hair. Aera helped me grow it and she used to trim the ends to keep it nice." I force the smile on my face, and bite back the tears that threaten. "Alright then... Just let me, or your Appa know if you change your mind."

I say that and leave her room feeling worse than before. When I see Jungkook, he's talking to Mr. Min and looking very serious. I'm in no mood to hear more bad news, so I just continue to the room where the people doing hair are. We had new passports made, but they suggested we change our appearance even more. Apparently, it is normal to not look like your passport photo... My brain hurts from all the info I've received since 2 days ago. But I have to just put one foot in front of the other, and be strong for my daughter.



Aaaargh!!! Where did they go?!? Even my father can't find them... I'm so frustrated right now trying to figure out what happened. They went to dinner... They should have been home... How can I lose to that stupid bitch?!? I'm going to kill her when I find them.



I just left the place where Rosé is hiding. I told her that we've taken Jungkook, Sophia, and Olivia into our protection, and she's relieved. She and I have been talking about all the things she found out about Aera over the years. She still cares for her that much is clear, but she is afraid of her because of how ruthless she can be.

Aera was abused at the orphanage, and when she was adopted by Kang Daeshim, he taught her how to defend herself. Rosé says she actually ended up being more of a bully in high school and college. It was a surprise when she went to school for early childhood education since she had such a rough start. Everyone thought it was a noble thing she did to help kids like she used to be, but Rosé didn't think so.

Rosé told me that when Aera first started working for Jungkook, she became instantly obsessed. She placed hidden cameras in his house to see what he was doing when she wasn't there. Rosé had tried to leave the friendship with Aera on more than one occasion, but got beat up both times. Aera was a brutal woman, who physically abused Rosé whenever she was frustrated by Jungkook not responding to her advances.

The relief Rosé felt when Aera finally got to marry Jungkook was so great she says she cried for days. Jungkook caught her a couple times and being the caring guy he is, offered to have her move in with them. He was still fooled by Aera's act and thought Rosé was crying because she lost her girlfriend. She felt so guilty that Jungkook didn't have a clue who Aera really was, but was too afraid to tell him.

All of these things are swirling in my head when I pull into the parking lot of Hobi's building. I hadn't really planned to come here, but my car just seemed to bring me... I sit looking at the building, rubbing my sweaty palms on my thighs. Should I call him? I feel my phone vibrate and I take it out of my pocket.

<Are you just going to sit in your car, or did you want to come inside?]

[😳 How did you know?>

<Yoongi... Come inside 😉]

I get out and walk to the entrance. The door buzzes open before I even press the call bell. Smiling at how he seems to be anxious to see me, I make my way to the elevator. My feet are tapping in impatience while the elevator seems to take a very long time. This will be the first time Hobi and I have been alone since he was released, so I'm nervous and excited.

When I arrive on his floor, I see he's left the door open a little. I walk toward it, fastening my steps. As soon as I push it open I'm grabbed by my collar and a pair of lips slam onto mine. I react immediately and push him against the wall. I feel his tongue press against my lips and I open my mouth to welcome it. We kiss deeply, caressing each other over our clothes until we can't breathe... Seperating reluctantly, I look into his beautiful brown eyes. "Wow... That was..." I start "Hot!" He finishes.

We continue to stand, looking into each other's eyes. His hands cup my cheeks, and I grab his waist to pull him closer. "Yoongi hyung I" I begin laughing causing him to stop talking. "You can't grab me, kiss the fuck out of me, and still use honorifics Hoseok... It's weird!" He smiles shyly, and I kiss his cute lips. "Let's talk Hobi..."

We sit together in his living room, and I feel suddenly awkward. "Yoongi... I want to tell you that it meant everything that you came to see me." I think about all those visits separated by glass, and I stand to get closer to him. Straddling his thighs, I grind myself on him a little. "Hobi... I've wanted you for so long... I have never been with a man before, but I want to be with you..." He smiles at me and it's like the sun rose in the room. "I love you Yoongi. I'm in love with you... I have never been with a man either, but it only matters that my heart wants you." "I am in love with you Hobi. I was so nervous to tell you... I thought you wouldn't want me the same way."

He kisses me breathless, and we start to undress each other...

**I wrote a whole "SOPE" scene, but feel strange publishing it. I know it's fiction, and all in my imagination, but I just don't want to do graphic shipping. If enough people want me to publish it, I can... Otherwise, use your own imaginations... They're probably better than mine. 🤭♥️🤭♥️**

I collapse onto the bed. I'm completely exhausted, and covered in cum, but I don't care. I've never felt this satisfied in my whole life. Hobi lays down next to me, playing with my hair. "That was so incredible Yoongi. Next time I want you to fuck me... You have to feel what that's like..." I can't help but smile at the thought, and meet his sincere eyes. I reach a hand to cup his cheek and caress it with my thumb. "I love you Hoseok." He kisses my cheek and smiles. "I love you so much too Yoongi. Now let's get up and shower."

The rest of the night passes with us cuddling and kissing. I feel so happy that he returns my feelings. We have serious discussions about everything. I tell him all the secrets of my family, because I don't want to hide anything from him. He is surprised, but accepts that I come from a dark element. He says it's sexy that I have mafia ties. I ask if he wants to get his job back, or what he thinks he'll do. He surprises me and says he wants to just be a private duty nurse midwife. I'm happy to support him while he gets a clientele established. Not wanting to waste any more time, we plan to move in together. I'm the happiest I've ever been, and I understand now how Jungkook feels when he has Sophia with him.



Tomorrow is the day we will officially become new people. I'll be Justin O'Brien. I have a job lined up at a University, teaching business courses. I'm excited for this because Sophia will be my student again... Her name will be Ella Murphy. Olivia will be known as Mia O'Brien. It was decided that we would not present ourselves publicly as a family. I fought the idea because it's what we are, but it draws attention to us if people are looking for 3 together.

The town we're moving to is in New Hampshire in the US. We will have an English tutor with us to teach Olivia... I mean Mia, for the first months until she's comfortable to communicate without us there. My love, Ella, will be staying home until Mia is ready to start school. I will start my position right away, and I feel really excited actually. I miss teaching.

We will be living in 2 apartments that are located across the hall from one another. I hope that we'll actually share one of them, with the 2nd used only as 'cover' if necessary. Mr. Min told me to make sure that both apartments are used though. Utility bills and usage need to be similar, and I'm glad he mentioned it or we might have screwed that up. There are alot of challenges coming our way, but hopefully we'll get through them together.

I'm deep in my thoughts when I feel her little arms wrapping around my waist. I hold her hands to me and smile. "Hi Love. Are you ready for tomorrow?" She squeezes me tighter, and just humms into my back. I turn to look at her, and I am surprised to find her hair is a beautiful shade of purple.

The cut exposes her neck which I love and I can't help but to place my hand on it. "Wow... Sexy look..." She turns a little pink and looks away out of shyness making me chuckle. I place my lips on her neck and feel her shake. Pulling her closer to me, I continue kissing and sucking on her skin finally getting a quiet moan from her. "Was that so hard Love? Don't fight it so much next time..." I move back to dive into her green orbs, grinning at the blush she has."

Her arms go around my neck and she kisses my lips sweetly, but I grasp her head to hold her against me to deepen our connection. My tongue runs around her warm mouth and she begins to suck on it causing me to groan at the sensation. I tighten my grip on her waist and push my hardening member to rub it against her. "Jungkook... We"
I spank her ass when she calls me that name, and lift her off her feet. "Baby... You have to stop calling me that..." She wraps her legs around me tightly and grinds into me seductively. "I'm sorry Justin... I can't get used to it... Especially when we're like this."

Her hands are in my hair and her hips are circling dangerously on my erection. "God... You're so fucking sexy Love." She grins and I feel her mouth by my ear. Her lips take my earlobe in gently then she nips at it. "what is my name justin?" I huff at the feelings she's causing with her hot breathe in my ear. "E-Ella... Fuck..." She sucks on the spot under my ear that drives me wild. I squeeze her ass causing her to buck her hips forward giving me incredible frictions. Carrying her to our bed, I throw her on it and watch her bounce a little.

Wasting no time I pounce on her and kiss her roughly. I'm so horny for this woman, I can barely contain myself. I make quick work of our clothes and finding her soaked for me, skip the foreplay and push into her. We both moan into each other's mouths and keep our eye contact. I know I won't last long, so I pound into her hard and fast. She is moaning and whining while tugging my hair with one hand and sinking her nails into my bicep with the other. "I love you so fucking much..." I feel her walls clenching and I know she's close. I move my thumb around her clit bringing her to the edge. "Cum Ella... Cum for me Love" I feel her juices cover me as her orgasm rips through her. Her whole body is trembling and convulsing while I chase my high. She's completely oversensitive, and I know that she'll cum again if I can hold out a little longer. Her whiny noises aren't helping, so I attach our mouths and fuck her harder.

When we can't breathe anymore, I attach our foreheads and just stare into her eyes and feel myself losing it. I see her eyes glaze over and I know we're there. I thrust a few more times deeply and moaning her name I cum hard, causing her to follow for a 2nd time.

Panting and sweating we hold onto each other kissing occasionally to calm down. When we're both breathing normally I pick her up, carrying her to the bathroom. "Let's shower and get some rest. It's going to be a long day tomorrow." She just nods as she's already exhausted.

While I'm holding her up and washing or bodies, she is washing my hair. "I'm nervous... I don't think our daughter is ready for this Jun... Justin." I nod at her and try to reassure her in any way I can. "I know Love. But we'll make sure she understands. I think it's just alot of big changes all at once. Once we get there, and settle, she'll relax." I see that she thinks it won't be that easy, but there's a smile on her lips anyway. "I checked the weather there, and there is snow. We'll need to go shopping for new winter clothing..." I laugh because I know she's just excited for shopping. Kissing her cutely, I nestle my head into the crook of her neck. "Anything you want my love. Anything at all..."

Once we're clean and wearing our night clothes, were cuddle under the covers together. I'm almost asleep when I hear a little knock on the door. "Come in." I call out. The door opens to reveal a teary eyed Olivia. She runs to me and I lift her into my arms. "What's the matter baby girl? Did you have a nightmare?" Sophia wakes up, and seeing our crying daughter, sits up. "Appa... Are we ever going to see Halmoni and Harboji again?" I rub circles on her back and place kisses on her head. "I don't know angel... I'm sad too. Eomma and I wish we could do something different, but it's dangerous for us to stay. Do you understand?"

"I guess so Appa... I just miss everyone so much." Hugging her tightly I try to reassure her. "So do we baby... Eomma and I miss everyone too. Do you want to sleep here with us?" She looks at Sophia, and shrugs her shoulders. I look over at my love, and she knows she has to try to speak to Olivia. "Come on. Lay right here between us. We'll all cuddle. Would you like that?" She's looking hopeful, and I give a nudge to the girl in my arms. "Yes Eomma... I'd like it."

That is how our last night in Korea went. The 3 of us, a family for the first time, cuddling under a blanket. Olivia fell asleep, but Sophia and I spent the night awake, staring into each other's eyes, enjoying the moment.



My Father told me that the little family has left Korea. He can't tell me where, but he assures me they are safe, and noone will find them. Their names are different and they've changed the way they look. I miss them already. Hobi and I are heading to Jin's to let the rest know this news. We are also going to tell them we're together...

When we get there, I find our friends are waiting. I see Taehyung looking depressed while Jimin tries to cheer him up. I don't know if the surprise I have will help, but I hope so. Jin had the wait staff bring the food, and we dig in, enjoying it as usual. There is tension and sadness all around. I feel Hobi place his hand on my thigh and give a squeeze to comfort me.

"Hey guys... I have a couple things to share with you all." Everyone looks up at me, while I nervously grab onto Hobi's hand under the table. "What's up Yoongi?" Jin is the first to ask. I smile, take a deep breath in and tell them everything. "First... Hobi and I are moving in together. We realized that we are in love with each other. We hope you'll support us." There is silence at the table, and I worry this may be the last time we all share a meal. "It's about time Hyung..." Namjoon's deep voice breaks the quiet, and the rest of them begin laughing.

"Did you think we didn't know that you liked each other?" Jimin asks. Hobi and I look at each other and he laughs. "I didn't know... I thought I kept it to myself well enough, but I'm glad you guys are fine with it." "Yoongi hyung... Only a man in love would visit a prison every month for 6 years... We all knew you had fallen..." I smile at Jimin's statement, and realize maybe I wasn't so covert.

"Was there something else Yoongi?" I look at Jin and nod. I get up and grab the usb from my jacket which was hanging by the door. "This was given to me by my father. It's from our friends, and we can watch it if you want." EVERYONE cheers and starts yelling at Jin to bring a laptop.

After a few minutes, we're all sitting around the laptop while a video of Olivia is playing. She's teary eyed and talks about how much she's going to miss us. She regrets falling asleep that last night, but hopes we will remember her. When she is waving goodbye at the camera, we all waved back... The video changes to a bright red haired Jungkook and we all start hooting!! He talks for a bit, and tells us to stop teasing him about his hair. We yell at the screen like he can hear us. Sophia enters while he's talking and sits next to him. She says a quick goodbye again, and an apology for missing out on so many of the last years. Jungkook covers her mouth, and forbids more apologies. We laugh at their cuteness, and know life without them will be dull.

When the video is over we are all talking and laughing. I tell them that we can film a reply video to send them through my father in a couple months. We get serious now and talk about making sure that we keep what we know to ourselves. None of us know where they are, but it's important we appear like we are surprised by their disappearance.

Jimin will have the hardest time since he has to see the Kang's. I've instructed him to call me immediately if he feels threatened in any way. Mr. Jeon still hasn't regained his conciouseness, but the Dr's are hopeful he will soon. I don't want anything like this to happen to Jimin. He told me that Aera has visited her father twice in the last few days. He didn't hear what she was saying, but she was definitely yelling...



When I arrived home, I was feeling light hearted knowing my friends were safe. The videos from the threesome were cute, and made me smile remembering that they will be alright as long as they have each other. I think also about Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung being a couple. It was a surprise a few years ago, when the topic was first brought up by Namjoon, but remembering all the times Yoongi hyung visited the prison, I can't help but smile that they are together finally.

When I enter my house, I feel an energy that I don't like. Thinking that it's just because I don't have the love my friends seem to be finding, and instead I'm trapped in a contract, I remove my shoes and let out a sigh of resignation. As I enter the living room, the sight in front of me takes a second to register. Bora is on her knees, with tears rolling down her cheeks, while Aera holds a gun to her temple.

"Welcome home Jimin" Aera's cold voice rings through the room. "What are you doing Aera? Put down that gun!" She is laughing now, pressing the gun harder into her sister's head. "Not until you tell me where my husband and daughter are." I look at Bora, who is wimpering, and try to send her a calming look. "Aera? Have you lost your mind? Check with the Jeon's. I don't know where they are."

"YOU'RE A LIAR PARK JIMIN!!" She is screaming now and shoving the gun harder into Bora's temple. I take a step towards them to try to calm her down. "STOP!! If you don't want to be wearing your wife's brains, you'll not come any closer. Now, I want to know where they are. You have 30 seconds to tell me Jimin." I try to think of something to say that will convince her, but she's being completely crazy and I'm scared for Bora. "jimin... please if you know anything... you have to tell her." My wife whispers to me, and I feel my heart ache for her pathetic situation.

"Aera... Listen to me. I honestly don't know where they are. The last I saw them was a few days ago at Jin's for dinner. Please stop this. Bora didn't do anything. Let her go..." Aera seems frustrated, and like she doesn't know what to do, and I try again to step towards her. "I warned you... Don't get closer..." I hear the front door open and close. Voices are heard, and I know it's my in-laws. "Aera... Please don't do this. If he left you, then you should move on... He" "SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH JIMIN!! I'm going to kill Bora if you don't tell me... "

I hear a gasp from behind me, as Mrs. Kang enters the living room. "eomma... help..." Bora whispers, and Aera hits her head with the gun, knocking her to the floor. Kang Daeshim walks in, taking in the scene, and I rush towards Bora. "AERA! Put that gun down now!" Mr. Kang orders. " B-But A-Appa... I just want to know where they are..." She is sounding like a little girl, and I pick Bora up to get her out of the room. "I warned you Park Jimin..." I heard the loud gunshot, but kept walking. Suddenly I felt weak, and my steps falter. I stumble trying to make it to set Bora on the couch, but fall to my knees because of the overwhelming pain that has taken over me.

"Jimin? Oh my God!! JIMIN!!" I hear my wife's frantic screams as the world around me goes dark.


Thanks for reading!

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Love you all!! ♥️♥️♥️










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