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For where all love is,
the speaking is unnecessary. It is all.
It is undying. And, it is enough.❞
━━ DIANA GABALDON, Outlander.

DEAN WINCHESTER WASN'T USED TO BEING ON HIS OWN. After his little brother had gone to college, he had been alone with his dad as the two continued to hunt everything that goes bump in the night. But, their routine shattered when John Winchester didn't return from a hunting trip. Not knowing what to do, Dean traveled to California where he picked up his younger brother, Sam, and the two began their search for their father. Along the way, an old friend named Birdie tagged along (someone both boys were friends with, but Birdie and Sam had a special bond). But, Dean would find himself alone after a hunt goes wrong and Birdie is almost killed. It caused a rift between the two boys as they went their separate ways ━━ Dean continued to search for his father while Sam stayed behind to help Birdie heal.

It was about a month later when Dean had come across a new hunt, traveling to Missouri for an open-and-shut case. However, things seemed to complicate by the second when he met Isla Carters ━━ a woman hunting down the same nest of vampires as him. An unlikely alliance was formed between the two as they hunted down the nest and killed every bloodsucker in town. But, in the process, Isla had lost her car when one of the lingering vampires had decided to torch it. It left her with no ride and nowhere to go, so Dean let her tag along. After all, the two made a good team.

One year was spent together, leaving the two close as they spent every hour of every day by each other's side. Somehow, Dean allowed himself to open up to the woman and Isla let him into her heart. It was unexpected, but the two allowed it to happen as they hunted down monsters from the West to the East Coast of the United States. Though, their honeymoon phase did not last forever when the two got themselves involved in a hunt bigger than them. Demons were never Dean's favorite, but this was one that was stronger than any lore they had read before. Dàinn is what this demon called itself, taking a blonde-haired blue-eyed man as its vessel. He was able to bring the two to the brink of death, holding their lives within his grasp before he decided to let them go. It would be too easy, Dàinn had said before he let them run off. But, not before bestowing them with a gift on the inside of their forearms.

With the devil's mark and threats of annihilation of themselves and everyone they loved, it was enough for Dean to swallow his pride and find their way to Cannon Beach, Oregon where his brother had made a little home with his, now, girlfriend, Birdie. But, things wouldn't be so easy for Dean as he thinks because there's more to the situation than meets the eye. At least, for now, they were willing to put aside their differences to fight the bigger threat and reunite their families.

━ ━ ━


❝even the brightest of stars dim.❞


played by NADIA HILKER

❝bury your past. let
flowers grow where you lay.❞
━ unknown.

━ ━ ━

I do not own SPN or any of its characters.
They belong to their respective owners. I,
however, do own my own characters, my plot
line, and my writing! Remember, plagiarism
is illegal and can be punishable by law.
Plus, stealing is not cool at all! 😔

Strong Language, Violence/Gore,
Sexual Themes, Domestic Violence,
Sexism/Racism, Deaths, Triggers
(e.g. Depression, PTSD, Anxiety, etc.)

If any of these trigger you, please
do not read this fic. My inbox is always
open if anyone needs to talk. ❤️

I'm surprised it has taken me this long to write a Dean Winchester fic, but here we are! He has been such a comfort character for me throughout my middle school years and rewatching the show has made me fall back in love. I have to be honest, this book is honestly a comfort story and I want to write a love story with Dean. It may not make sense sometimes, but oh well tbh! I wanna write something for fun and I think that's what this story will be! Though, there probably will be a lot of sad themes throughout the book too! I'm not sure how far I plan to take this book, but I will figure it out as I write!

Also, I want to dedicate this book to samwnchesters! Without her, this book would not exist at all and she has helped me so much throughout the planning of this book and I appreciate it so much! The character of Birdie Fowler belongs to Remy, too! She is the owner and has her own Supernatural book for Sam Winchester (where Birdie stars in)! It's called No Time to Die! So, please go check her out and give her all the love in the world! She is an incredible writer and deserves so much more recognition!

START DATE ━━ 04.29.2021

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