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Watch Tower.

It been two weeks since Ghost arrive in Gotham and have slaughter criminals like Black Mask, Scarecrow and Maroni. While curing villains like Clayface and many who lived in the streets.

And Batman doesn't like it at all as this Ghost is no different than Ra. While Nightwing, Batgirl and Robin support Ghost who isn't killing any innocent but in Batman eyes Ghost isn't the law.

Thus why he is in the Watch Tower discussing about the Ghost with the Justice League.

Wonder woman: "I don't see the problem exactly. He's not killing everyone. He's also helped those who are sick. How is he an enemy?" She asked.

Batman: "He's killing people. That's the problem. He may be helping some sick people I won't deny that. But how long until he starts killing everyone who's committed a crime not matter how small? We need to stop him now" He said.

Superman: "I agree" he said crossing his arms.

Wonder woman: "Well I don't. The people he's killed are mass killers who while may have been sick would still kill others" she said frowning at this.

Batman: "Perhaps but he's not the law" he said.

Superman: "Look the point is we need to stop him and convince him there's a better way." He said.

John Stewart "I don't think you can convince someone like this. I say we lock him up and throw away the key" he said.

Hawkgirl: "You haven't even met him yet" She said.

Flash: "I don't know I think we should just talk to the guy. He can't be unreasonable" he said.

John: "Fine we'll talk to him if we get the chance. But if he turns us down we lock him up" He said.

Back at Gotham.

Deep in cold freeze unit there is Mr Freeze who is looking at his frozen wife Nora who is in a capsule to prevent her disease from killing her.

Mr Freeze: "i failed you nora. I can't find a cure for your condition" he said sadly.

???: "Perhaps I can help" a male voice spoke which Freeze aim his gun at the shadows.

Exiting the shadows is Ghost and Ivy.

Mr Freeze: "Ghost. I hear how you cure people. I am willing to pay anything for Nora" he said.

Ghost: "No price is worth the love you have" he said walking up to the capsule then use white flames that spread all over the capsule.

It wasn't long until the capsule open which reveals Nora who is unfrozen and gasping for air.

Mr Freeze: "Nora! Are you alright?" He said which Nora nod then begin to cry.

Nora: "Ghost show me everything that you try cure me but I still love you as I would do the same" she said which Mr Freeze cry then embrace her.

Mr Freeze: "Is there anything I can do to repay you?" He said.

Ghost: "I need help to change this world as the Omni beings see humanity extinction" he said surprising the two.

Ivy: "It true as he heal plants that was being killed but thanks to him the plants are now recovering" she said.

Mr Freeze: "I can help but us alone won't change the world especially if it involves killing certain people which the Justice League won't like" he said.

Ghost: "Most of them see reason however only Superman and Batman won't immediately see reason unless I explain it" he said.

???: "Thus why I make sure the Justice League can't touch you" a male voice spoke which everyone look around.

Ghost: "Malevolenternatus. Why are you here?" He said looking up which everyone did and immediately Ivy and Freeze froze in fear as staring at them is red eyes in the darkness.

Malevolenternatus: "Most of us Omni beings want to make sure certain individuals doesn't interfere. Thus why I made a few connections that will give you free range to kill certain people" he said which Ghost nod.

Ghost: "You might be the Source of Evil but you sure got a soft spot for innocent lives" he said then the red eyes vanish.

Ivy: "Um can you explain what just happened?" She said as she felt like she was staring right into evil itself.

Ghost: "I explain later. For now let go to Arkham as it seems that Malevolenternatus gave us the perfect chance to take down certain scum" he said.

At Arkham Asylum.

Currently Arkham Asylum was very quiet tonight. A majority of the worst of the worst in Gotham were here today. Those like Joker, Bane, Mad Hatter and Mr. Zsasz.

While some of the more unfortunate ones were also there as well such as Two face and a few others.

The rest however though were beyond redemption due to the actions of Hugo Strange who toyed with the inmates like his own private army. Even the guards and staff were completely corrupted by greed.

When suddenly the lights went out which confuses everyone until screams is heard.

Outside the Arkham Asylum the Justice League arrived alongside the police but to their shock they are being blocked by the government.

Jim: "What going on!" He said but then a soldier give him a document which he read then pale.

Soldier: "As of today the Ghost and his allies is under the government protection thus why they are in the Asylum purging it" he said shocking everyone.

Batman: "On who orders!" He said but then a familiar face arrived which shocked the Justice League.

Lane: "On mine especially since it seems that you Justice League can't do anything right with these scum" he said.

Superman: "Are you crazy! Those are lives the Ghost is slaughtering!" He said then the Asylum roof exploded which had Hugo Strange head landing in front of Lane who glare then crush the head.

Lane: "There is tons of Evidence that say many of these scum are on death row" he said then the Ghost come out of the asylum carrying the Joker dead body.

Walking behind him is Harley and a cured Harvey alongside Ivy and Mr Freeze.

Ghost: "Ah the Justice League I see you are here but sadly you don't understand the true reason" he said confusing them.

Batman: "Explain!" He said.

Ghost: "Sorry but I am saving humanity from Extinction after all the Omni beings created me" he said which shocked the Justice League and the police.

John: "You're insane!" He said then attempt to attack only for his ring to stop then punch him in the face surprising the Justice League.

Ring: "attempting to attack on creation of Omni beings will result in punishment" the ring said surprising everyone.

Flash: "Wait what!" He said completely surprise.

Ghost: "The rings of the Lanterns will never harm the Omni being of Emotion creation" he said.

Superman: "What do you meant by created!" He said.

Ghost: "Simple there is a threat called Daognnarh that is influencing certain people which is causing extinction to humanity" he said surprising everyone.

Lane: "Alright men time to move out. And thank you Ghost for keeping the world saver by killing scum like these" he said then walk away with his soldiers.

Ghost: "Now then if you excuse us we need to leave" he said then Himself, Harley, Ivy, and mr Freeze vanish.

A few minutes later.

At the watch Tower the Justice League is in the meeting room discussing what happens.

Batman: "There no evidence of this threat" he said which Superman nod.

John: "I don't think so as I done some research and apparently these Omni beings are ancient and they can make Darkseid look like a coward plus this Daognnarh does have culture yet they doesn't make any sense" he said looking at his ring data which does have information.

Wonder woman: "Well whatever happened you need to realize that not even the Justice League alone can stop a threat like this" she said which Hawkgirl agree then the two leave.

Flash: "This is not great" he said sad.

Meanwhile at Gotham.

Currently Ghost, Harley and Ivy is in a pocket dimension where they are prepared for the next location: Metropolis.

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