Dark Place

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"Of course, people would find out about things like that, one way or another. But they would always avoid me, because how often have you heard of a 14-year-old girl becoming a shut-in, being depressed, and almost committing suicide? Naturally, people would think that they should stay away from that girl, because there was something about her. Something off. They wouldn't want to get roped into whatever happens to her."

Takiyo listened patiently to Yuko's explanation. He, Yuko and Ren where leaning against the wall of the classroom. What amazed him most was how calmly and naturally she was talking about it, as if it was a simple as what she was planning on cooking for dinner. Ren was also oddly composed about it.

"That's why it made me really happy when you became my friend, Takiyo-kun." Yuko finished, smiling at him. "I felt better about myself."

"Oh!" Yuko suddenly remembered something. "That's also why I wanted to help you with Michi-chan. It was so similar to what happened between me and Ren, so I thought I could help you. I understood how you were feeling, because I had felt it before. That's why I thought that there was a really good chance."

"So you're saying..." Takiyo thought for a bit. "Michi could just be distracted?"

Yuko nodded. "Obviously, she cares a lot about you. Or cared." Takiyo jolted at Yuko's bluntness. "So all you need to do is get her to notice you again. Right, Ren?" Yuko leaned forward and smiled at him.

Ren nodded.

"You shouldn't fall into a dark place, Takiyo-kun." Yuko said seriously. "You shouldn't fall into a place as dark as I did. Then the person who left you becomes unhappy and feels worse about themselves." She looked sadly as Ren.

Takiyo was lost in his thoughts. Here Ren was thinking about how he had ruined Yuko's life, but Yuko said that he was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Friends sure were weird.

But Ren had said that Yuko wasn't completely happy yet. Takiyo wasn't sure if it was so either. Ren had said that Yuko hated herself.

"Hey, Nishikawa." Takiyo said suddenly.


"You're not... thinking about killing yourself, are you?" Takiyo asked uncomfortably.

Yuko looked at him, then said, "Of course not!" and smiled. "I can't pass on any more pain to any more people. No matter how much I hate myself, I'm going to try and redeem myself. I'm going to make friends. I'm going to lift burden off of people. I'm going to keep other people from dark places. I'm going to love myself.

"And so, I am definitely going to help you with Michi-chan. I promise."

She put on the brightest smile she could muster, then said goodbye, leaving Takiyo with Ren again. Takiyo glanced at him, then asked something that had been playing on his mind for sometime.



"I've been wondering, then how did Nishikawa become friends with Kaneshiro? At first I thought she was a childhood friend too, but based on your story it seems not."

Ren looked at him and smiled widely. "That is entirely thanks to Arisu herself. She may seem airheaded, but she's actually really clever."



"Okay, please pick partners for your projects."

There was a scraping of chairs as everyone scrambled around for a pair. Yuko immediately turned to Ren, only to see he was already ambushed by some of his friends and admirers. Yuko backed away. She didn't want to cause trouble.

"Excuse me."

Yuko jumped to see a girl with a long, blonde ponytail talking to her. She smiled kindly and asked, "Um, actually, I need a partner. You wouldn't mind?"

"Eh?" Yuko stammered. "M-me?"

"Yeah, my other two friends can pair up with each other, so let's pair up! I'm Kaneshiro Arisu, by the way." She stuck out her hand.

"U-um, okay. Nishikawa Yuko." Yuko took her hand and shook it nervously.

Ren finally fought over to Yuko, but saw that Arisu was talking to her. He smiled to himself, and backed away. He turned and yelled, "Okay, I need a partner!"


Good job, Yuko. You're making friends. That girl has a good eye.


"Arisu can always notice people in trouble and helps them out." Ren said, gazing at the said person. "She noticed Yuko had trouble, and walked over and became her friend. They became really good friends, as you can see. Didn't you ever get that from her?"

Takiyo thought for a bit, and realised it was true. Arisu was quick to see on the first day when he was looking for the seating plan, and wasn't willing to ask anyone.

"You're right." Takiyo said.

"Yeah." Ren smiled. "Arisu really is amazing, isn't she?"

Takiyo stared at him for sometime.

"And that's why you like her, right?" Takiyo asked plainly.

Ren jerked and blushed violently. "Don't... Don't say stupid things!" He yelled, knocking Takiyo on the head.

"Come on, admit it." Takiyo said, rubbing his head.


Ren huffed and walked away, trying to hide the red in his face.

Eh, why's he denying it? The idiot. Takiyo thought. Yet, he grinned ever-so-slightly.


Arisu appeared beside him.

"What?" Takiyo asked, rearranging his face back to normal.

"Nothing!" Arisu said cheerfully. "I just wanted to talk to you!"

She definitely gives off an airhead vibe. It's difficult to think she's clever. Takiyo thought.

Arisu stood beside him silently, smiling and humming. It took some time for Takiyo to realise the humming had died down. He looked at Arisu, to see her smiling slightly at her feet.


"Huh? Nothing!" she said quickly. But in a short while, she spoke again.

"So, Takin. You found out about Yu-chan, huh?"

Takiyo was surprised to hear the sudden dip in Arisu's tone. He felt uncomfortable, so he looked away.

"Yes, I did." he replied.

"I see."

There was a silence again. It was broken by Arisu.

"But, now that you know that, Rekkun..." she began, but then she stopped. Takiyo turned back to her, and Arisu looked up at him. She started again. "You've learned about all that, so you should remember...

...Yu-chan isn't the only one in a dark place."

--First Arc Complete--

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