End Note

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I can't believe it! I'm actually done with the entire book! I've started books before, but I usually end up deleting them because I'm dissatisfied or I'm bored of the story. But Saviour was different! I guess getting feedback from all of you really boosted my will to write!

So, firstly, I would really like to thank YOU for reading this book all the way to the end! If you have voted or commented, I appreciate it even more! Every vote and comment means the world to me! A big thanks especially to the people who supported me.
I love you all! ❤️

This book is really close to the insecurities I have. I'm really glad to write, because I'm really bad at expressing or talking about my problems. I'm happy expressing it through my writing! I just love breaking clichés.

Some people asked me: Any tips for great writing?

Honestly, I don't know. I always find imperfections in my writing. There were several times when I just didn't want to write it anymore, feeling it was too... not good. I'm not even close to some of the best writers of Wattpad. There were times when I just felt like chucking it out the window, yelling, "This isn't worth it!" I mean, if a person was to seriously criticise my book, they'd probably find so many plot holes, unclear explanations, and just so much imperfection.

On a separate note, when planning a story, usually I start with a single idea, and build upon it. My writing is often inspired by my own thoughts and feelings. I take those feelings, edit them so they fit into the context of the story, and implement them. I can never write about something I am not even the slightest bit experienced in, like mystery, for example. You can see that in my lame confession scenes -_-

I guess writing is a natural instinct for me. I can really pour my heart into it. Also, it's best to write about something you're experienced in, even if it's a little. Like in this case, anxiety for example. But really, I just love to write. If you told me to write for the rest of my life, I will do so happily.

I'm really glad I wrote this. I love my characters so much, I got attached to them. So I can't believe it's over. I guess I'll see you in my next work! I'm probably going to write an action one, but another one about love wouldn't be too bad.

Confession time: I do ship Takiyo and Yuko. But I didn't technically implement it for the sake of the plot. But, you can see I left that ending wide open. Yes, epilogue usually is about how they live happily ever after, but I just contradicted the entire plot. You are free to use your imagination for how their 'new battle' goes. I do have some ideas for a sequel though... I mean, there are SO MANY CHARACTERS, you know?

I can't abandon my characters already, there are some things I wish to resolve. So, stay tuned for extras! Three of them:
👉 Extra 01 - Hikari
A two-part extra about Hikari's pursuit for her love!!
👉 Extra 02 - Hotaru
An extra about Hotaru and Namie in high school, and about Hotaru's struggle with alexithymia.
👉 Extra 03 - Aya
A 2700 words+ extra about high-school Aya coming to acceptance with the death of Yuuki and moving on.

Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to ask as many as you like! As. Many. Or if you feel as though there is anything unresolved, let me know. I'll answer them after the extras (^^) I also have a number of things I want to address myself. Such as,
👉What the hell is it with Michi? Why does Takiyo even like her?
👉What exactly is it with Shun and Sara?
👉Did Yuko actually truly love Takiyo, and not Saburo? Does Takiyo like her back?
👉Does Yoichi actually repent? Where did he go in the final chapters?
👉Who exactly is Yuzuha?
And more...! ^^

And if you guys don't mind, I'd really appreciate it if you would comment your reviews over here so that I can learn how I did --->

Arigato guzaimasu!!


The OG squad.
(I played around with Yuko's hair a bit, because I'm so bad at drawing her hair T_T Although I guess her original is better...? Meh.
Also thanks to Ashanonymous1266 for her help with this!!)

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