Special Chapter - Yuuki

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(Note: This story takes place from Yuuki's point of view five years prior to his death and Yuko's depression. For clarification, Yuuki is currently 7 y/o, Yuko, Ren, Takiyo and Michi are 9 y/o and Aya is 3 y/o.)

My Onee-chan is really bad at making friends. Like, really bad. For some reason, she's always scared when she meets people. Lately, she spends most of her time at home. She hasn't gone out in a while.

One time I asked Oka-san, "Why doesn't Onee-chan make friends?"

She said that Onee-chan has social anxiety. I didn't know what that was so when I asked, Oka-san thought for sometime and then said, "It's like, Yuko is afraid of people."

Why would somebody be afraid of other people when they are a person themselves? I don't know. Ren-nii always tries to get her to go out, but Onee-chan is always running away and staying at home. I wonder how she manages school.

Ren-nii is very cool and mature. Oka-san and Oto-san trust him very much. He is my idol. I wanna be just like him when I grow up. Unlike Onee-chan, he's very good at making friends. He's very nice.

One day, Ren-nii took me and Aya-chan, his little sister, to the park. We tried to get Onee-chan to come, but she locked the door and stayed in her room.

"Yuuki-chan, what are you thinking?" Aya-chan asked me, throwing herself into my lap.

"Nothing." I said, patting her head. Aya-chan is very cute,with her big hazel eyes and chubby cheeks. She looks up to Ren-nii too. But she always tells me that she wants to be with me forever. She's with me a lot.

She pouted and said, "Yuuki-chan is thinking something. He's hiding it from Aya."

"I'm just wishing Onee-chan would make friends." I told her.


"Yes." I nodded.

"Hm..." Aya-chan turned over and leaned against my legs. "Ren-nii!" She turned to Ren-nii.

"You're asking about Yuko?" Ren-nii asked. He sighed and said, "I wish she could make friends too."

"Yes! Onee-chan should make many friends, and I want to meet all of them!" I said. Ren-nii only smiled at me.

Somebody called him from the distance. He looked up, and it turns out that it was one of his friends from school. He went to talk with them, and Aya-chan thought for some time and then followed him. I stayed on the swing and watched them.

Aya-chan held Ren-nii's hand, and Ren-nii introduced her. I looked down and kicked the ground a little. Aya-chan was so lucky. She could meet all of her older siblings' friends. I love Onee-chan very much, but I really wish she could make friends.

"Michi! Is that you?"

I turned around and saw a girl who looked about Onee-chan's age. She had orange-y hair and green eyes. She was playing with a boy who looked the same age as her on the monkey bars, with blonde hair and brown eyes. A couple of girls were calling the girl. She looked around, and I guessed she was 'Michi'.

The girl smiled and jumped down from monkey bars and came to talk with the two girls. The boy remained on the monkey bars and ignored the two girls.

"Michi, were you hanging out with him again?" one of the girls asked.

"Yeah." Michi replied brightly.

"Eh, he's so weird." the second girl said. "He never talks to anyone."

"But..." Michi looked back at the boy, and then smiled at the girls again.  "He's actually very nice!"

"Really?" The girls didn't look so sure.

Watching them, I had this weird feeling of similarity. Then I realised, the boy, reminded me of Onee-chan and the girl reminded me of Ren-nii. And the most insane similarity was....


That's insane!

I hopped down from the swing, and glanced at Ren-nii and Aya-chan, who were still talking to his friend. Then I walked over to the boy.

"Excuse me, Onii-san!" I called.

(Note: 'Onii-san' is a way of saying 'older brother'.)

The onii-san looked down at me. I smiled at him and asked, "Onii-san, do you have social anxiety?" I couldn't help but ask because he reminded me of Onee-chan.

"Huh?" The onii-san looked confused.

"Are you afraid of people?" I asked, thinking he didn't know what social anxiety was. I felt very smart.

"Huh, no." Onii-san gave me a weird look. "That would be weird."

"Then why aren't you talking with your friend's friends?" I asked him.

"I don't want any friends." Onii-san replied.

"Eh, why wouldn't you want friends?" I asked him. Onii-san ignored me. I waved my hands. "Hey! Onii-san! I'm talking to you!"

He turned the opposite direction. I smiled at him and said, "You really remind me of my Onee-chan."

"Really now?" Onii-san asked. He looked slightly curious.

"Yup! I really hope you and my Onee-chan become friends one day." I told him.

Onii-san didn't say anything.

"Yuuki! Yuuki, where did you go?" I heard Ren-nii calling me.

"I'm here." I called back. "Bye bye, Onii-san! I hope we meet again." I waved to him, then ran back to Ren-nii and Aya-chan.

"Who was Yuuki-chan talking to?" Aya-chan asked me.

"That Onii-san." I said brightly, pointing at Onii-san, but he had jumped down from the monkey bars and was walking away. I shrugged.

"Come on, let's go home." Ren-nii said, and I held his hand, and Aya-chan held mine.

I really hope that Onii-san and Onee-chan become friends one day. When Onee-chan starts talking to people again, and she would be less afraid of them, I'm going to introduce her for sure.

Then Onee-chan can have a new friend.

Author's note
It took Yuuki seconds to realise that they had corresponding hair colours while I realised only after I had planned out half the story. Originally, Ren was also gonna have auburn hair but then when I realised I changed it to 'orange'. XD

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