Unrequited Love Sucks

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Takiyo-kun likes Michi-chan, huh? Yuko thought, resting her head on her hands one morning at school and gazing at Michi. That's really sad. That girl isn't willing to look anywhere else.

Takiyo hadn't arrived at school yet. Ren was busy talking to his friends from his old class. Arisu was chatting with her friends as well.

Yuko was really very grateful that Takiyo had become her friend. As long as she could remember, nobody had ever asked her to be her friend. They'd just take her as a joint package with Ren. Like, buy one get another free! When you never really asked for the free thing, but you get it anyway, and you never use it.

Becoming friends with Takiyo was pretty much beneficial. He was one of those people who just... clicked. When a person clicked, Yuko could easily communicate with them, because she somehow knew they weren't judging her. Ren had eased up, knowing she wouldn't be alone.

She told him to forgive himself already, but he never did. Takiyo had brought ease upon Ren, without knowing it, which was the best thing he could have done.

So she wanted to do something for him in return. She could at least see what Michi felt about Takiyo. She glanced at Michi again, surrounded by her friends, and he heart started thumping faster and her palms got sweaty.

Damn this anxiety! Yuko thought angrily. How can she be a good friend if she couldn't return a single favour? Her knees wobbly, she stood up from her chair. Slowly, very slowly, she made her way to Michi and her friends. Michi, unfortunately, hadn't clicked yet, so talking to her was still nerve-wracking.

About two feet from her group, one girl laughed loudly, and Yuko jumped back, knocking into a boy's desk.

"I'm so sorry!" she yelled, straightening his desk for him as he stared at her. I can't do it after all! She thought angrily to herself.

Michi had taken notice of her. Who wouldn't?

"Ah, Yuko-chan!" Michi said pleasantly.

"I-I wanted to talk to you." Yuko stammered, twisting her fingers and avoiding eye contact.

"Yuko-chan, don't be so scared!" Michi said kindly.

"Sorry!" Yuko yelled, and automatically her feet were directing her back to her seat.

"Wai- Yuko-chan!" Michi grabbed her hand. "What did you want to talk about?"

"U-um... I want to..." Yuko stuttered, looking everywhere but at Michi. Do it, Yuko! Believe!

"I want to ask you about Takiyo-kun!" Yuko blurted. This was a major achievement and Yuko was internally celebrating.

"Takiyo-kun?" Michi asked. "Huh, what about him?"

"What...what does Michi-chan think about him?" Yuko asked quietly. Michi, however, was able to catch her words.

"What I think of Takiyo-kun?" Michi smiled. "Takiyo-kun is my childhood friend. He always said he didn't need to make friends. I was so happy when he became your friend! He's very nice, actually."

What the heck, that's great! Then why did you ignore him so hard?

"But this only thing about Takiyo-kun is, I wish he'd act more likeable." Michi added.


"Yeah, he's often very mean with people. He's always saying he doesn't need them, or to go away, or he does this thing that states loud and clear that he doesn't want them. It's such a pain! He needs to act more likeable!"

Yuko stared at Michi. She just stared. Then she stared past her, to see a certain blonde boy standing in the doorway.


Takiyo silently walked in, deposited his bag on his table, turned around and walked right out again. Yuko took a few uncertain steps in his direction, but then turned back to Michi and said, "You should pay more attention." And went after Takiyo.

Michi blinked, surprised at Yuko's sudden change of tone. "Pay more attention...? Did she see me snoozing in class yesterday? Oh my god! Suzuki, what did we do in class yesterday?!"

Yoichi watched Yuko as she went after Takiyo.

Good. He'd better stay away.


Takiyo was sitting with his back against a pillar in the courtyard, staring into the distance. Yet, he noticed when Yuko leaned against the pillar on the other side.

"Why are you here?" he asked quietly.

"Just because."

"Well, I'm not likeable, am I?"

Yuko shrugged. "I guess I like people who aren't likeable."

They sat/stood in silence for a bit. Then Yuko asked, "You're not okay, are you?"

"The pains of unrequited love." Takiyo mumbled. "They're always so careless when they say things, not considerate enough to know how much it hurts to hear that."

"Yeah..." Yuko sighed. "Unrequited love sucks."

There was more silence, and then the realisation of what Yuko had said crashed over Takiyo. He whirled around to look at her.

"You're in an unrequited love too?" he asked disbelievingly.

Yuko merely smiled. There was this hint of sadness.


They saw Ren walking towards the two of them, grinning. "Yuko, likes someone? Who could it be?"

"Shut up, you bull for brains." Yuko said. "You already know well and good."

"Could it be our good old friend Takiyo, perhaps?" Ren asked, looking at Takiyo slyly.

"No." Yuko said as bluntly as possible.

"Huh? Wait, you don't believe in love, do you?" Takiyo asked. That was, after all, what she had stated yesterday.

"I don't believe in true love. You can't escape from love." Yuko said.

"Who? Who do you like, Nishikawa?" Takiyo asked urgently.

Yuko smiled quietly and looked away, hands buried in the pockets of her cardigan. Takiyo instantly guessed.

"It's Anzai-senpai, isn't it?" he asked.

Yuko looked surprised. "You know him?" She asked.

"Not personally." Takiyo asked. "But aren't you supposed to ask how I know?"

"Because you're a stalker." Yuko replied.

Takiyo jerked uncomfortably. So she noticed him back then, too. "I'm not a stalker." he mumbled. "Anyway! The truth is, you like him, right? Then confess! What makes you think it's unrequited?"

Yuko's smile faltered.

"Hirose-senpai." Ren answered plainly in her stead. When Takiyo looked confused, he turned to him and said, "Everyone knows how close he is to Hirose-senpai. They're practically joined at the arm. She's always with him."

Takiyo glanced back at Yuko, who was facing away from him, but he could tell she didn't like this conversation. Takiyo reached a decision, and stood up.

"Nishikawa," he said. Yuko looked at him. Takiyo took a deep breath. "We both know that we like someone who doesn't like us back. I can understand that because I'm facing it too.  So let's make a deal." Yuko tilted her head curiously. "Let's help each other out. You help me with Michi, and I'll help you with Anzai-senpai."

Yuko continued to look at him. Then she smiled. There was the hint of sadness again. "You know this kind of thing usually goes, right Takiyo-kun?"

Catching on, Takiyo replied, "Shut up. I won't fall in love with you. You're my friend and nothing more. You don't have a Michi-like bone in your body."

"Huh, is that so?" Yuko closed her eyes and crossed her arms, still with that odd, sad smile. Friend. How nice.

"So, is it a deal?" Takiyo asked, sticking out his hand.

"Okay, deal." Yuko said, shaking his hand.

"Oooooh." Ren giggled, smiling up at the two of them.

Takiyo bent over and whispered in Yuko's ear. "And while we're at it, let's get this retard together with Kaneshiro."

Yuko nodded, laughing.

"Hey, what did you say?" Ren asked, flaring up. "What was it? Tell me!"

"Well, I'll be heading back first." Yuko said, waving goodbye.

"Hey, wait! Yuko!" Ren yelled. Yuko didn't turn back.

Ren sighed, then smiled.

"So you did that, huh Takiyo." He sighed.

"What?" Takiyo asked, glancing at him.

"Nothing," Ren shook his head. "Just thanks. It's been a while since I've seen that." He gazed after Yuko, and added unconsciously, "I just want her to be happy again."

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