Games Of Pain And Torture

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August 4 2020

A Man In a Hood jacket was walking to a family house.They call themselves The Parkarsons. Recently they lost their Son last week and they are still grieving over her death. The Man rang on the doorbell and a old women opened the door.

Martha: Yes Who are You?

Man: Are you Martha Parkarson? The Mother of Tom Parkarson?

Martha: Yes That's me

Man: I want to talk to you and your husband

Martha let the hooded man enter the house and he sat down as the Husband And wife Sat down with him

Bob: I want to ask Who are you?

Man: You don't need to know my name

Martha: Why are you here?

Man: I'm sorry for the lost of your Son


Man: I know how its feels to lose a loved one

Martha started crying as her husband was comforting her

Man: I'm sorry but I want to know what happened to your Son?

Bob: Tom was being blackmailed for money and torture to the point

Martha: That man leaked The videos and everyone called Tom a Criminal to the point.....My Sweet Boy.....

Martha cried even more as Bob was fighting the tears

Bob: I told the police again but they said that man didn't do anything. That man belongs to a rich family and they got away while my Son died because of them

Man: I'm sorry Mr and Mrs. Parkarson but I want to know what's that mans name?

Martha: That Bastards Name is Finn Balor

Bob: His Family owns multiple businesses around the world and they can buy anything

Man: Hmmmm That Family can buy anything and the law but there's one thing they cant buy

Martha: What is it?

Man: Their Lives

Bob: What are you talking about?

Man: I want to play a game

They listen to what the man has to say

Man: You both have two options either You tell the police what you know with the evidence and show it to them and let them decide his fate or Let Him feel what your son felt.



Man: The Choice is Yours

Martha: Option Two

Bob: Option......Two

The Man hold both of there hands

Man: Be strong for your son

August 17 2020

The Survivors were going through another hallway as they were scared what will happen next.

Maria: I just want to go home and see my family

Charlotte: Why? What did we do to deserve this?

Seth:... I killed my friend to save someone oh God

Summer: Now Dolph is gone

Becky: Either he is dead or Missing

Alex: *Sigh* I cant believe this, All of this for what?

Buddy: I dont Know dude

They kept walking until they step on a unstable platform and then

Charlotte: What The Fuck?

Alex: Jeez what the hell is this?

Buddy: Oh god if we hit one wire....

Becky: Those spikes on the ceilings will kill us

Alex: Okay everyone one at a time

Charlotte: Me first asshole

Charlotte walked through the wires really slowly as she was terrified but she made it. Becky went through the trap and she made it.

Alex: Miss Kanellis, I suggest you remove your heels

Maria: Oh Yeah Right

Maria removed her heels and went through the trap until she made it. Soon Alex, Buddy,Summer,Seth and Nikki made it through the trap as they opened the door to the next room.

Two Months Ago

Vince McMahon woke up in a room as he was terrified. The room was surrounded with glass on the floor and he was bare foot. The Room also had Five Dead Bodies as He was panicking..The Television Next to Vince opened and revealed the Puppet.

Billy The Puppet: Hello Vince you may not know me but I know you. I want to play a game. You see Vince, You are nothing more then a disgusting and degenerative human being. You fire others because they hate the script of your movies. You pay your "Favourite Golden Boys and Girls" for just sleeping with in fact you force others to sleep with you. You even Plagrism other writers and directors to get your money. A Man Name Bray Wyatt who has worked hard to bring a movie to you and you just stole his work and claim it to be yours while firing and not paying Bray Wyatt But Today Vince it's your day to decide if you want to get out alive. The Room your in has a key, The Key is inside the dead bodies and you have a blade but remember the blade cant trust you so one of these bodies has a key to your freedom, One small mistake could be your death so choose wisely, You only have Seventy Seconds to get out of here, Live or Die The Choice is yours.


Vince Panicked as he went through the glass while hissing in pain and grabbed the blade and tried to see which body has the key. The Bodies had Surgical Mark's but he found an X ray with the Name Deleray with a key in it. Vince cut through the body to find needles in it.

Billy The Puppet: You Forced Others to dig through your contents, Today You will dig to save your lifes

The Puppet Started Laughing as Vince had Thrity Seconds left but Vince in pain dug through the needles in the body in a painful ten seconds to grab the key and got to the door but the timer ran out and a huge wall of needles went through Vince's body as vince saw in the next room. A Huge Container of HydroFluric Acid going through the Tubes of the needles and then

The Acid went through Vince body as he was screaming slowly melting his body away along with his face until he fell down as the acid continued going through his body and melting him even more. The Man in the hoody recorded everything and put the tape in the envelope and wrote an address in Queens along with The couples name.

Letter: The Deed is Done So Watch This Closely Naomi Knight

The Man left the room as Vince was on the floor dead.

August 17 2020

The Survivors were going through a door until Summer step on something and then

The Survivors were Screaming as Summer was dead but they had to keep going or else

They will end up like the others

A.N: Thank You For Reading and Stay cool

PS: Also Shoutout to Dario and 16Vxriot for the victim :)

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