Say it in english 1

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In the Kitchen

The kitchen is the room where food is prepared and cooked.  Often, food is also stored and eaten in the kitchen.  Other homes have a separate room for storing food (pantry) and for eating meals (dining room).  Kitchens are also used for entertaining informal guests, for holding family discussions and for doing school work.

Fred is cooking something.          Sally sweeps the kitchen floor.  He is slicing an onion.     Don't put the cat in the washing machine.             We need a new garbage can.

Common expressions used in the kitchen:

•             Sit down and eat.

•             Help me set the table.

•             Please close the refrigerator.

•             Don't hold the refrigerator door open.

•             Jane, it's your turn to do the dishes.

•             I'll wash the dishes and you can dry.

•             Is supper ready yet?

•             When will dinner be ready?

•             Tom, will you please load the dishwasher?

•             Put the dirty dishes in the sink.

•             We need an extra chair.

•             Don't eat so fast.

•             Don't gulp your food.

•             Don't talk with your mouth full.

•             We're having soup and sandwiches for lunch.

•             The turkey is in the oven.

•             I'll warm up the pizza in the microwave.

•             Don't put those bones in the garbage disposal.

•             Please put the silverware on the table.

•             Do the spoons and the knife go on the right side of the plate?

•             The forks go on the other side.

•             Use one squirt of dish detergent when you wash dishes.

•             The broom and  mop are standing in the closet.

•             The dust pan is in there, too, hanging on a hook.

•             I need the mixer to blend the cake ingredients.                 •             I have to put the groceries away.

•             What are we having for dinner?

•             We're having spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.

•             Would you like a tossed salad with the spaghetti?

•             Put the plates and saucers in the cupboard.

•             Put the cups and glasses in the other cupboard.

•             What's for dessert?

•             Let's have roast beef and mashed potatoes.

•             Eat your broccoli; it's good for you.

•             I have to scour the large pan.

•             Do you want fried eggs for breakfast?

•             I want cereal for breakfast.

•             Put some bread in the toaster.

•             You can have orange juice or milk with your eggs.

•             Where should I put the canned goods?

•             Cleaning products belong in the cupboard under the sink.

•             Boxes of cereal and crackers go in the cupboard over the sink.

•             Please put a new roll of paper towels in the dispenser.

•             I have to sweep and mop the kitchen floor.

•             Please get a bucket of soapy water for me.

•             Rinse the dishes before you put them in the dish washer.

•             Will you put the silverware in the drawer?

Jim has fried eggs, bacon, toast and coffee for breakfast.             This is corn on the cob, a favorite summertime food in the United States.   From back to front: carrots, a can of spinach, a banana, a tomato, half of a grapefruit and a potato.                Some people like a sandwich with many ingredients in it.              These are called spareribs, even though they are all in one piece.

In the Bathroom

Joe is taking a shower.

The bathroom is the room where people get rid of bodily waste, shower or bathe, wash their hands, shave, comb or brush their hair, apply cosmetics and brush their teeth.  Many homes in the United States have only one bathroom which is shared by all members of the family.  Other homes have two or more bathrooms, with the additional rooms being used by children or guests.

Now he is brushing his teeth.     Grace is brushing her hair.           Her friend is drying or toweling her hair.                Mrs. Martino is weighing herself.        George is shaving with shaving cream and a safety razor.

Common expressions used to go to the bathroom:

•             I'm going to the bathroom.

•             I have to go to the bathroom.

•             I'm going to the rest room.

•             I need to powder my nose. (female)

•             I need to freshen up. (female)

•             I have to fix my hair (fix my make-up). (female)

•             May I use your bathroom (restroom)?   •             Where is the ladies' room?

•             Where is the men's room?

•             I'm going to the ladies' room.

•             I'm going to the men's room.

•             Do you need to use the bathroom (restroom)?

•             Where are the restrooms?

•             I'd like to wash my hands.

•             May I go to the lavatory?

Most people clean their teeth with a tooth brush and a tube of tooth paste        Many women use an electric curling iron to put curls or waves in their hair. A hair drier blows hot air onto your hair to dry it more quickly.    You can use a bathtub to wash your whole body.  This is an old-fashioned tub.      Bathroom scales show how much you weigh when you stand on them.

Common expressions used in the bathroom:

•             I'm going to take a bath (shower).

•             I'm going to brush my teeth.

•             I'm going to floss my teeth.

•             I have to (need to) shave.

•             I should shave.

•             He shaved before work.

•             She shaves her legs every other day.

•             Sally bathes before bed.

•             Sally takes a bath before bed.

•             She took a bath last night, also.

•             She bathed last night, also.

•             You should dry off after a shower.

•             Dry yourself off with a towel.

•             Towel yourself off.

•             The children played and splashed in the tub.

•             He lathered himself, then rinsed off the soap.

•             He shampooed his hair.

•             She curled and set her hair.

•             Put the plug in the drain and fill the tub.

•             Mike pulled the plug in the sink so the water would drain out.

                •             I need to take a shower (bath).

•             I have to brush my teeth (floss my teeth).

•             I'm going to fix my make-up (fix my hair).

•             I need to trim my hair (my beard).

•             I should wash my hair.

•             I should set (brush) (spray) (comb) my hair.

•             Use the hair drier (blower) to dry your hair.

•             I'm going to blow-dry my hair.

•             I blow-dried my hair before my date.

•             I showered before fixing my hair. 

•             I took a shower before going out.

•             I took a shower after playing tennis.

•             Sam soaked in the tub.

•             He scrubbed his face with a washcloth.

•             She lathered her face with a beauty bar.

•             She washed their feet.

•             She washed behind their ears.

•             They brushed their teeth carefully.

•             Judy rinsed her mouth with mouth wash.

•             George flossed his teeth every night.

•             Hang the towel on the towel rack.

In the Bedroom

Bedrooms are used for sleeping, for recovering from illnesses, for storing clothing and for changing clothes.  Some children have desks in their bedrooms for doing their school work. They also store their toys and books in their bedrooms.  Many homes have a Master Bathroom connected to the Master Bedroom, for the use of the parents or adults in a home.

Fred is making his bed. This means arranging the linen neatly.    A woman's shirt is usually called a blouse.             This is a woman's undergarment called a bra or a brassiere.          Girls and women wear bracelets around their wrists.      This is a pair of ear rings, even though they are not rings.

Expressions used in the bedroom:

•             Please make your bed.

•             You should make your bed every morning.

•             Is it time to change the sheets?

•             We keep the sheets and pillow cases in the linen closet.

•             Do you need an extra blanket on your bed?

•             Mr. Snyder prefers to sleep with a window open.

•             Put the socks and the underwear in the top dresser drawer.

•             Do you hide Christmas presents under the bed?

•             I'll put fresh sheets on the bed tomorrow.

•             Don't jump on the waterbed.

•             This mattress is too hard.

•             What time did you set the alarm for?

•             Don't just throw your clothes on a chair.

•             Fold or hang your clothes neatly when you take them off.

•             I prefer sleeping on my side.

•             Matthew, pick up every one of your cars and put them where they belong.

•             Martha stores her good dresses and sweaters in a cedar chest.                 •             Johnny, hang your clothes up neatly.

•             There are clean shirts in the closet.

•             Turn the night light on, Mommy..

•             Suzie, you have to pick up your toys.

•             Mrs. Thompson has to sleep with two pillows.

•             Is the desk light bright enough for you?

•             Don't close the door all the way!

•             Many women keep their perfumes and cosmetics on their vanities.

•             I'll put my clothes in the dresser and you can put yours in the chest of drawers.

•             There's not enough room in this dresser for all of my clothes.

•             Try to fit your sweaters in the bottom drawer.

•             Good night.  Sleep tight.  Don't let the bedbugs bite.

•             Don't forget to set your alarm clock.

•             How many times are you going to change clothes?

•             I don't have anything decent to wear.

•             Don't hog the blankets.

•             Sheila keeps her bracelets and necklaces in a jewelry box.

                 <----- Bed with bedspread and teddy bear

Chest of drawers with six drawers ----->

Both boys and girls carry their school books in backpacks.             Pants like these made of denim are called jeans or blue jeans.    Many women wear high-heeled shoes.                Women sometimes put on lipstick to color their lips.       Bikini panties like these are worn by girls or young women.

In the Living Room

Living rooms in United States homes are used for different purposes by different families.  In some homes, the living room is a formal room containing the best furniture and is only used to entertain formal guests.  These homes will have separate rooms for watching television, playing games or doing school work.  It is more common for the living room to be the center of family life: the place where children play games or do school work, the place where the family watches television, the place where conversations with guests take place.  Many times, all these activities occur at the same time, which can be rather confusing.

This person is relaxing in a rocking chair.                This tan sectional with blue throw pillows is in a corner.They are sitting on the floor watching television.     This is a green sofa or couch. It may be a sleeper sofa.    This is a stereo with 2 large speakers.

Expressions used in the living room:

•             "Come in and have a seat."

•             "Come sit beside me on the couch."

•             "Don't take a nap on the sofa; it ruins the cushions."

•             Couch and sofa are different names for the same thing.

•             "Every time I sit back in the recliner, I fall asleep."

•             "Paul and Alice, I want you to help me clean the living room."

•             "Alice, you dust and polish the tables."

•             "Paul, you can run the vacuum cleaner."

•             "Be sure to clean in the corners and under the tables."

•             "Pick up all the toys before you run the sweeper."

•             You will find a piano or an organ in some living rooms.

•             A living room table set is made up of one or two end tables and a coffee table.

•             A sofa table is tall and narrow and sits behind the sofa.

•             In many homes, the television set in the living room is the center of family entertainment.

•             "There's a good program on TV tonight."

•             "Mom, Judy won't give me the remote!"

•             "If you can't behave, I'll turn the TV off and nobody will watch it!"

•             "Come sit beside me on the couch, Johnny."

•             "Why do you have every light in the living room on?"

•             "You kids are going to ruin your eyes by watching television in the dark."

•             "Help me hang the drapes at the living room window."

•             "Help me rearrange the furniture."         •             "Do you like the new table lamps I just bought?"

•             "The new lamps don't go with those old end tables."

•             "I don't like glass coffee tables because they show everybody's fingerprints."

•             "You children shouldn't roughhouse in the living room."

•             "Children, stop wrestling on the couch!"

•             "Sit still and be quiet; I'm trying to listen to the news."

•             "Tommy, don't put your shoes on the sofa."

•             "Mark, please don't prop your feet on the coffee table."

•             A two-piece living room suit consists of a sofa and a matching chair.

•             A three-piece living room suit has a matching loveseat, as well.

•             A sofa usually has three cushions while a loveseat only has two.

•             Many living rooms will also have a wing chair or a recliner.

•             "Come on in and sit down, Jack."

•             "Do you have to have the TV so loud?"

•             "Do you like the new drapes in the living room?"

•             "We should put the desk and book shelf in that corner."

•             "Arnold, would you like to watch that TV special with me tonight?"

•             "Be quiet now, kids.  The movie's ready to start."

•             "Oh, Dad, that's only a commercial."

•             Some living rooms have wall-to-wall carpeting on the floor.

•             "I prefer a living room with a fireplace."

Vpage break

A book shelf can be found in the living room or bedroom.            This is a modern glass coffee table. It collects fingerprints.                These people are in a living room having a conversation.               This is an end table with a vase of flowers on it.This is one type of fireplace, with a mantle at the top.

If this is tall, it's a floor lamp; if it is short, it's a table lamp.             This is an upright vacuum cleaner, also called a sweeper.                This living room has a sofa, chair, coffee table and swag lamp.    A father is playing with his baby on an area rug in front of the couch.          This person is relaxing in a recliner.

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