The Next Ophelia

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Somewhere in Planet Neptune
Two months later...

Ying's POV

My friends and I are sailing over the planet's rough seas. Our spaceship was transformed into an awesome-looking ship, just like the ones I used to see at the Earth's harbor. We have just rescued another power sphere named Aquabot and it is now in the care of Gopal. We're still hear because Papa Zola once again broke one of our engines and we need to wait for Ochobot to finish charging up.

So while waiting, I decided to have a look on the deck. You know, sight seeing is a good way to distract one's mind. Instead of cutting yourself.

Last week I've been starting to cut my left arm. I hide these scars under my sleeve over a pile of bandages, and two bloody razor blades in my bag. To me, I deserve it. It is my punishment for not... for not saving-

I furiously shook my head and instead I begin to let my thoughts wander off randomly.

Geez, the waters here aren't good for swimming. Or even for running.

I doubt our ship would last long enough. Ochobot needs to charge up pretty quick.

Who knows what lurks beneath these waters. Maybe there's a shark down there. A very, very big shark that has abnormal teeth and it would send Gopal to panic mode.

Or maybe there's gigantic whale that could tear our ship apart! Like Moby Dick. The one that-


I turn around and find Boboiboy already beside me. He is also gazing at the blue stormy waves but, whenever a gust of wind blew past us, he holds his cap tightly.

Ever since his fight with Captain Kaizo, he's been bringing up small talks to distract himself and sometimes he doesn't even talk to us. Boboiboy may have a grudge on Fang's brother, but he still contains it. He might unleash his fire element on all of us.

"Can we talk?" he asks.

I frown as I casually hide my left arm behind my back. "You know that we're not together anymore, Boboiboy."

"Yeah," he agreed. "But, as your friend, I was wondering..."

"What is it?"

"Is there something special with that penguin keychain?"

I look at my right hand and, to my surprise, I was now clutching the same keychain Fang had given to me.

"Oh, this," I hold it up so that he can see it clearly. "It symbolizes the unbreakable friendship between me and Fang."

Wait, it's friendship, right? Or was it love?

Boboiboy nods solemnly. "Is that why you want to break up with me?"

"What are you talking about?" I quickly retort, then playfully punched his shoulder. "You already know my true intentions."

"Yes, yes," he says. "Thanks for making me realize... that I really do love her. No offense here, Ying."

I put a fake smile on my face. "I told you so. Better confess to her right now before it's too late."

"Ying, this isn't a perfect place to-"

"To talk while you're still in duty," someone interjected between us.

Boboiboy and I jump back and see my friend, Yaya, crossing her arms.

"So, this is where the exes spend their time to reconcile to each other. Secretly." she deductively says, eyes now glaring at us.

"No, no, no," we quickly wave our hands. "This is not what you think it is."

Yaya eyes us one more, then she is back to her cheerful self.

"Anyways, Gopal is calling for Boboiboy 'cause he needs help on Aquabot. The poor power sphere is causing a tantrum inside."

Boboiboy face palms himself. "Gopal, not again. I'm saving him for the millionth time."

The two are about to go, but I grab Yaya's arm.

"This will take a moment," I tell Boboiboy, then I face my best friend.

"You haven't told him about your condition, Yaya?" I whisper.

She shakes her head. "He doesn't need to know. It will only worry him."

"But, if you tell him at the future," I quietly argued. "It will worry him much more."

"Don't be like that. He's-"

Then Boboiboy cleared his throat. "We should go now, Yaya. Gopal's going to be in big trouble, if we don't help him."

"R-Right," Yaya stammers cutely. "See ya, Ying!"

"Wait!" I stop them again and shakily hold up my keychain in front of them.

"Can any of you put this at my bag? It's in the cockpit."

"Sorry, Ying," Yaya sadly says. "I need to check that busted engine. It might be smoking up right now."

"I can," Boboiboy volunteers. "I want to check if Papa Zola's doing his job seriously."

"Okay," I give it to him. "Bye-bye!"

They both say their farewell and part ways.

I look back at the stormy waves and gaze at it for a while.

I really do hope that setting away the keychain would make her forget about Fang. But, as I let my mind wander again, I keep on coming back to that unforgettable December night. It is my greatest regret in history.

I can still see it very clearly: him, falling from that frozen waterfall. He had no coat to warm him from the winter cold, his spiky black hair stained with a lot of snow flakes. His eyes... oh, those red sorrowful eyes. They were still staring at me. Not a single glint of hope was shown in those hollow eyes.

And his voice...

Ying... why?



I deliberately shake my head and clutch my ears. I can still hear him. Every day. Every day. And every day, tears just stream unconsciously on my face.

"Fang, I'm sorry..." I croak as the rain begin to pour down hardly.

"I'm so sorry..."

My clothes are getting wet from the rain, but it doesn't matter.

I really can't live without Spiky.

God, I should've told him that before. If only I really meant to say those 8 sweet letters, he would've been here beside me. Hugging me, kissing me, telling me everything's alright.

But I kept on running away from stupid love. I'm such a jerk.

"I... love you, Fang," I slowly muttered. "I have... always wanted to stay with you... forever."

I kneel on the deck, my hands gripping the rails and my head bowing down in deep sorrow.

"Oh, Fang... Fang..."

"This is all my fault..."

Suddenly the ship is lurched sideways and, without a single cry of help, I am thrown overboard.

I plunge very hard and deep to the blue sea. I am trashed back and forth by the mad currents. Like a rag doll, I am toyed all over again. My beanie hat separates from me, leaving my black pigtails to synchronize with the waves.

I try to swim my way up to the surface.

I claw,

I flip,

I paddle.

But the storm won't let me. As if...

As if fate won't let me, I terribly conclude.

I look back up at the ship's reflecting light, my last and only hope.

I stretch out my hand

As high as I could.

Guys, 帮我...



Help me...


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