Chapter 1 : Unexpected Encounter

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Hi guys here I am with the first chapter of my Season 2...!!!
I'm so happy seeing all of your response on promo...!!!
So let's start without any delay...!!!


Say That You Love Me
Season 2

Chapter 1 : Unexpected Encounter

A texi is's moving towards a small village town...suddenly it stops in front of a hospital...

The hospital is small and from outside it's looking so dull...a girl in her early twenties gets down from car and see hospital...

She brought out her luggage and moves in soon as she enters in hospital...she makes a yukkkk the whole hospital was totally untidy....

She sees that there is no one on reception...and there was no patient also...she put her luggage at a side and moves forward...soon she spot some people sitting and drinking and talking...

There was one nurse one receptionistand one cleaner and one compounder...she moves towards them...

Girl(politely) : excuse me...

All turns towards her...and stands up seeing her...all were confused seeing the lady...they think she is a patient...

Nurse(with attitude) : look is no she is in her tell us what problem you have...we will give you medicine...

Girl with shock face see them all...than she becomes angry on doctor's irresponsible behaviour...

Girl(angrily scolds them) : what kind of doctor is she??? Doesn't she know that she should be in hospital...if a emergency case comes...than who will treat the patient...and why this hospital is so dirty and untidy...

Cleaner(with attitude) : Ohhh madam who are you to talk to us like this...It's our hospital...and we will do what we wanna do...who are you to tell us...what to do...and what not??

Girl(introduce herself) : I'm Swara Bose..Dr Swara Bose the new doctor or this hospital...

Listening to this all becomes shocked...and started to sweat...tension was clearly visible on their faces...

Nurse(apologize) : sorry...sorry ma'am...actually we...

Swara(angrily) : I don't want any excuse...I'll talk later...first five me keys of my home...

Compounder(with tension) : I'll bring...

Saying so he runs from there leaving rest with Swara...Swara was silently seeing here and short she was observing the hospital...

Soon compounder comes and gives the keys to Swara...she take the keys and silently left towards the home...

Note # guys when government appoint a doctor in some small town than they also gives the house facility to doctor...that's why Swara has a home in village...

In Swara's House

It was a small house...with one bedroom one kitchen and one bathroom...she sees the whole house and soon set her all luggage in the cupboard...

She was he'll tired so she lays on bed...and soon drinfts into sleep...

Next Morning

It was a bright and shinning morning...Swara gets up and make breakfast for there was only bread and she just apply jam on bread and eat it...

While eating she remembers how always her brother and father...make her ear with their hands while pampering her...tears comes in her eyes...but soon she wipe them thinking about other incidents...

Soon she gets ready and move towards the hospital...


She enters and soon orders nurse to 's other doctor...and orders cleaner to clean the hospital...and make it tidy...

Cleaner(explains his condition to Swara) : ma'am I can't do this much work alone...

Swara(asks thinkingly) : you know some people who can help us in cleaning...

Cleaner(confused) : yes Ma'am I know...

Swara(tells him) : ok go and call them...

Cleaner(asks) : but ma'am who will pay government will not give us extra money...

Swara(say angrily) : you don't take tension about that...I'll deal with just go...and call them...

Cleaner(runs from there) : ok ma'am...

Soon some people came and started to Clean the hospital...componder also set the medical store...and nurse also help him..

Soon the hospital was clean and Swara pay the other workers who have help them...and the second doctor also comes their...

Doctor Shalini : She is a doctor...but too lazy...she only visit Hospital once in a month...and always receive its pay...on other words she hates to work

Shalini(with lazy attitude) : what's the matter Dr.Swara why have you calm me here???

Swara(angrily shouts on her) : miss Shalini...government give us pay to treat patients...not to sit in home and from now on you will work here in hospital instead of resting...

Shalini(irritated) : but???

Swara(angrily) : no but...and you(to nurse) arrange a free checkup for all village...ok..

Nurse(scared seeing her angry looks) ; ok ma'am

Kanta : Nurse of hospital...a very lazy lady...she hates working...

Kanta with a bad face left from there...and inform in whole village for free checkup...

All people in village becomes astonished with this sudden announcement...but they decide to go to hospital...

Maheswaries are reputated Choudaries(Landlord) of the village...they also get to know about a new doctor in hospital...

As Ap Maheswari was a very kind hearted she invite Swara at Maheswari Palace for dinner...

With the arrival of Swara the hospital started working...all people in village were really immpressed from Swara...they bless her and give her blessings...

One whole week for Swara was really busy...and she didn't get time to go Maheswari Palace...and Kanta and Shalini thinks that Swara is really proud...that's why she is not going...

One day Ap herself go and brings Swara in Maheswari Palace for dinner...Swara was already embarrass that she couldn't go to palace earlier in their she go with them...along with Kanta and Shalini...

Maheswari Palace

Soon the car stops in the porch of Maheswari Palace and all moved inside...

Swara along with Kanta and Shalini enters in lounge...and Ap say them to sit comfortably...

She orders tea and snacks for them...and starters to talk with them...Swara feels good while talking with Ap...and she was also enjoying her company...

Ap introduce Swara to all her family...but...Sanskaar was not their...he was out due to some work...

Swara who was happily talking and laughing with Uttra...suddenly becomes pale...the cup of tea slips from her hand...she whole body started to shiver...Ap and all becomes worried seeing her condition...

While Swara's gauze was fix only on one person...Sanskaar...yup he just comes home and as soon as he enters in lounge seeing him Swara becomes shocked and Sanskaar was also shocked too... But he mask her expressions...

Shalini check Swara's BP which was so much low...her hands were cold like ice...Kanta make her drink glucose but it was of no effect...

Swara said to Ap that she wants to go home...but Ap was not ready to send her...seeing her condition...but Swara was continously saying only one thing...that she wanna go home...

Sanskaar see Swara's condition and shocked seeing her fear for him...Ap tells Sanskaar to drop Swara at driver was not there...

So having no choice she agrees...Kanta and Shalini becomes angry as they have done a great preparation  to meet Sanskaar...but when they get to know that Sanskaar is dropping them home...their face becomes bright like light...and Swara's face was more than pale...

She tries to refuse but no one heard her...and unwillingly she sits in car but at back seat with Shalini...

Sanskaar first drops Shalini...and than was about to drop Kanta...but...Swara say to drop her first...

Seeing her fear he doesn't argue and moves towards her house...soon car stops infront of Swara's house...
Swara came down from car and was about to move inside...but stops hearung him..

Sanskaar(formality) : wait Swara...I...I'm really sorry for whatever I did on past...I hope you will forgive me...

He says all this but just for He was was not guilty...While Swara see him with full of harted look...but Sanskaar was least bother about it...he left from their leaving Swara..Soon sheopen the door of her house and sits on bed with thud...she cries and cries...untill sleep took over her...

So what's the secret between Swasan???
Well I'll not tell so all wait...😂😂😂😂


Next : Swara treating Sanskaar...!!!


Well here was first update...I hope you all would have love it...please comment and give me your  feedbacks...!!!
And yes don't forget to vote guys...!!!

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