Chapter 13 : TRUST Issue's...???

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Hi Guys...!!!

I'm back again...!!!

I know you all are really upset about last chapter about Sanskaar's outbrust...!!!

Well let's see than...!!!


Previously : Past becoming hurdle in Future...!!!


Say That You Love Me
Season 2

Chapter 13 : TRUST Issue's...???

Maheswari Palace


It was morning and Geet was the first one to come in lounge and she notice a petiet figure on couch she moves towards it and was shocked seeing Swara shivering with cold...she hurriedly runs and called Ap...all make Swara settle in AP's room and call doctor Kavita...Ap was very angry on Sanskaar for leaving Swara in lounge that too in winter...he told one of the servant to call Sanskaar all were waiting for Sanakaar in AP's room who was sitting near sleeping Swara caressing her hair...soon Sanskaar enters in room and becomes worried seeing Swara but soon mask her expression...

Ap(sternly asks and points towards Swara who was unconscious) : what's this Sanskaar???

Sanskaar(acts as if he don't care) : what...

Ap(asks angrily) : why Swara was sleeping in lounge...

Sanskaar(blank face) : last night we had a small fight...but why are you so worried... She is fine...

Ap(scold him) : is she looking fine to you...haven't you see she is burning in fever...but you...I didn't expect this from you Sanskaar...

After some time Kavita came and check Swara she gives medicines and left from there...He didn't say anything just lift Swara in his arms and takes her in his room...


SwaSan Room

Sanskaar enters in their room with a unconscious Swara in his arms and make her laid on bed...he caress her soft hairs...and soon feels movement in moves back and stands with blank expressions...

Sanskaar(taunt her) : I didn't expect you to be too much front of me you always pretend to be brave like army officer and last night you didn't even handle just a Simple cold...very sad...well tell me whether you really are I'll it are you pretending...

This last sentence break Swara's heart in million pieces...but still she manage to compose herself from breaking down...Sanskaar was observing her features closely but stays mum waiting for her to say something...

Sanskaar(coldly) : come on get up and drink medicine...I don't wanna take blame of your death on get up...

He holds her arm in his grip tightly yo make her sit but she jerks his hand and turns her gave to other side...

Swara(emotionally) : about Dr Malhotra what you wanna say just say once...I can't bear you allegations again and again...I have no relation with that cheap man Malhotra...

As she was already weak emotionally and now fever which made it worse for her condition...

Sanskaar(angrily) : you wanna listen than listen clearly...(shouting angrily)How could you do this to me...I thought you are innocent and I'm at fault...but are also like other and chacter...

Before he could complete he feels a burning sensation on his left cheek...he see Swara in front him holding the edge of bed for support...

Swara(hurt from his allegations) : Enough...from tomorrow I'm trying to tell you the aren't listening to me...and now know what...I started to LOVE You after knowing that you are responsible for me not being with my family...I thought you are a good person who just gets distract in some of your silly Ego...but no I was are just a merry puppet whom people know very well how to know what you don't deserve me...

Saying so she was about to leave from there buy Sanskaar holds his hand and pulls him towards himself...making her trap in his arms..

Sanakaar(angrily caged her) : what you were trying to tell me truth...when...(asks angrily)when you try to tell me...did you tell me anything after that Malhotra left from here NO...did you tell me anything when I scold you last night I showed my anger on you NO...did you tell me now something when I was taunting you NO...then why the hell you are accusing me...and why you did few seconds ago you slapped me that too without listening to my completely...

Swara was really shocked with his outburst but still said...

Swara(tries to act strong) : because I know you was going yo say that I'm characterless...

Sanskaar(roared making her shiver) : ENOUGH... First listen to me completely than accuse me...I was saying "How could you do this to me...I thought you are innocent and I'm at fault...but are also like other and characterless girl" IF YOU THINK I AM GOING TO SAY ALL THIS THAN YOU ARE WRONG...(hurt from her distrust)and how can you believe that I'll come in that cheap person's talks...(grip her shoulders and said angrily)you know when he was saying that bullshit about you I just wanted to break that bastered's mouth but you know why I didn't do that...because he as standing in my house...and in Maheswari Palace guests are treated like God's that's why I was quiet...and what you did...when last night I shout on just left the room...(shaking her)you should have stay in room and right with me and tell me Truth...But you just ran away like cowards...(sadly)you really disappoint me..I know you don't Love me but I know you trust me at least this much that you can share your problem with me but you didn't even do that...

Swara was looking down and tears were continuously were flowing from eyes...

Swara(hugs him and started to cry) : I'm...I'm sorry...I...I wanted to tell you...but...I...I...was scared...I thought you...

Sanskaar(hurt) : that I'll not believe you...Swara I Love You and I can doubt on you...(break the hug and cups his face)I know you are pure like Ganga's Water than how can you think about me like know I always respected about your decision after marriage...I never touched you...I thought I all these days you would have at least a little tryst on me that I'll never do something which can hurt you...(moves back a little leaving her)I know I once hurt you badly...and till now I'm repenting on my that mistake...

Swara(holds his hand and crying bitterly) : I'm sorry Sanskaar...I'm really sorry...I..I just...

Sanskaar(hurt badly) : your sorry can't do anything really disappointed me...

Swara(tries to say something) : I...

Sanskaar(make her sit on bed) : you are not well you take rest...

Saying so he left from there leaving a crying Swara behind him...who was really shattered by all this...



Sanskaar was driving rashly thinking about Swara and that Malhotra...he just wanted to kill that cheap man...but he was really hurt that Swara didn't share this thing with him...he knows that he is the reason of her pain in past...but now when he was doing his best to make her comfortable she hide this much big thing from him...

He was lost in his thought that he didn't notice a truck coming towards him when he comes out from his thought he tries to change car's direstion and soon his car strike with nearby tree...and Sanskaar's head banged on streaing wheel making it to bleed...

Screen freed on Sanskaar's bleeding head...


Next : Friend or Enemy...???


So here was next part...!!!

Hope now your all misunderstandings are clear...!!!

Hope you all would have like thus new twist...!!!

Please do votes and comments and let me know how was it...???

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