Episode 3 : Heart Or Mind

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Hi Friends On All Your Demand I'm posting again so let's start....!!!


Previous Episode : Swara attends a party and SwaSan Meeting....!!!


***Episode 3 : Heart Or Mind***

***AT GH***

IN Swara's Room

It was 4 in the morning but  still Swara was unable to sleep she was walking in the garden and thinking about recent happening her meeting with Sanskaar
She don't know why but she was feeling great pull towards that stranger than she remembers her father's words

"World's Most Beautiful Creation Is Woman Without whom whole World is colorless A Woman is Beautiful Dream which exist in the World And it's also Very soft Heart in Nature "

The suddenly her mother's(Urvashi) words started to come in her mind that

"A Woman Is Most Beautiful And Attractive In Whole World If She Use Her Beauty As A Weapon Than She Can Win Over Rulers Too A Woman Should Show His Beauty With Full Attention And Attitude She Has the Power To Bend Any Person In Her Feet"

Swara see towards Sun who was riding with full light and was finishing darkness

Swara(Monologue) : My Mom is also a Mother she accept me that time when nobody accepts me  She showers her love on me Now it's my turn to make her feel that I'm her daughter

She thought all this with determined face and started to go inside of house...!!!

Swara started to Attend Parties with Raj on her Mom's instruction and soon she becomes a confident and bold girl

She started to wear tight clothes she cuts her hair into a modern hair style and lots of make up on her face

Raj was very happy with Swara's improvement and day by day his business was increasing and that all was happening due to Swara who goes to investors and talk sweetly with them and on her one sweet and lovely smile business men started to bend on her feet she was not proud but she was misguided



On the other side Neha who had gone out of town as her Grandmother died she came back after one whole month and when she sees Swara she was totally shocked

Swara was sitting on grass and staring in space she comes to senses listening to Neha

Neha(Shocked) : Swara is it really you??? What have you done to yourself dear you was not like this...

Swara(irritated) : What I have done??? I just changed my look and now I'm more beautiful than before why are you reacting like I have done a sin

Neha(making her understand) : The thing I remember is this that now you are no more my friend Swara you know my Swara always used to say that I don't like parties I don't like short clothes etc but here you have done make up wearing body fitting clothes which are showing sorry not showing you yourself are showing your body to other men.....

Swara(shouts) : NEHA.....

Neha(mocks) : what Neha Swara you very well know that I'm saying only truth and these thing your father said to you too but now you had forgotten your father's advice I never imagine in my life that My Friend Swara can do this ....

Saying so she ran from there leaving a shattered Swara

Swara(monologue) : what should I do I know I'm doing wrong but Mom said it's right please help me God please

Swara also left to her house as she has to attend a party...


***AT Malhotra Manshion***

Note : Malhotra is one of the businessman and he was the one who commented on Swara's beauty in last episode when she meet with Sanskaar

Party was going in MM and Swara was amazed to see drawing room of Mansion

Swara(impressed with his taste) : I must say Mr Malhotra you have a great taste these painting are just fabolous I really liked it

Malhotra grins widely and said

Malhotra(grins) : well thanks Swara I'm glad that you are liking my taste Ohhh(giving a box to Swara) here is small gift from my side

He gives a small box to Swara she opens it and found a diamond necklace she was shocked to see this much expensive gift

Swara(hesitate) : Mr Malhotra it's so expensive how can I take this...it....

Malhotra(trying to act cool) : oh come on Swara you are my friend now so please take it....

Swara was hesitate to take this much expensive gift but just than she sees Raj who was signing her to take so Swara hesitantly take the gift from Malhotra....

After party got finished Raj drops Swara at GH and leaves while Swara was still in confusion why Malhotra has given such a expensive gift to her but she pushed all negative thoughts aside and goes in


***IN Swara's Room***

It was still midnight Swara was sleeping but not peacefully from looking at her face anyone can say that she was seeing a bad dream suddenly


A girl of about 5 years old is walking in garden with her father holding his hand

Father : Swara listein to me carefully daughter....

Swara : yes papa say

Father : Swara promise me that you Will never let people use you....you will stay strong and will always fight for your right....promise that you will always listen to your heart first than to your mind you...promise me....

Swara(innocently) : I promise papa I will all this but why all you saying walk this are you going somewhere....

Father : I'm sorry Swara but now I have to go....

Swara(confused) : what are you saying papa....

Suddenly Shekar vanished and Swara started to find him calling papa....

***End Dream***

Swara(shouts and wake up from sleep) : Papa......!!!!

Suddenly she realize that she had saw a dream but that was not a dream that was the promises which she made with her father when she was a child....

Swara(monoluge) : no I can't do this any more I will tell to Raj and Mom that I can't do this more I know they both love me and will understand me......

Thinking a this Swara sleeps for a new morning to shine her world.....

***Next Day***

It was a very important day for Raj as today there was a party in which all big businessmen were coming so he was taking Swara with him....

Swara does not wants to go but she again becomes helpless in front of her Mom....so she thinks it's last time after that she will not attend any party.....but she never knew that this party was going too change her while life....


***IN PARTY***

Party was going on full swing and Sanskaar was also present there
He was seeing Swara time to time and don't know why he was getting angry seeing her wearing tight jeans and pink glittery top.....

Swara's Dress

Raj was drunken fully so Mr Malhotra told Swara to take Raj in there rest room and Swara being innocent so as they said.....


Next Episode :

Sanskaar(Furious) : Fine Than Stay Here And Wait For Someone Else

Swara : No Please Wait I'm Coming


So here was the episode I hope you all will like it I know it's a bit boring but just wait for next everything so turns into blast....till than bye,...

And I'll update my other story Obsession today at night So please do read and comment on that too.....!!!

Please vote of you all are liking my story.....!!!

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