Episode 5 : Raj's True Colours Revealed

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Hi Guys I know you all are very eager to know what will happened next so here we start without any further delay.....


Previous Episode : Raj forces Swara and Sanskaar drops her at GH...!!!


***Episode 5 : Raj's True Colours Revealed***

After getting ready both Swara and Raj left for Hotel where they will do there dinner Swara was wearing a light pink suit and her dupatta was around her neck while the whole way Raj was smirking evilly which go unnoticed by Swara who was lost in her thoughts...

***IN HOTEL***

Both reach Hotel and goes inside and being a gentle man he makes Swara sit on the chair and sat in front of her

Raj(tries to act worriedly) : Omg how can I forgot this....

Swara(becomes worried seeing him worried) : what happened Raj??? Is everything ok??? You are looking worried...

Raj(explains her) : Swara actually I have to give a important file to a client and I have to also attend a call which is important I can't do both things at a time....

Swara : Ohhh so what will you do now???

Raj(pleads) : Swara please can you give me a small favour please

Swara(confused) : what Raj???

Raj(gives her file) : you just go and deliver this file on room no 125 as my client in this hotel with her wife you just give that file and come back I'm waiting right here ok...

Swara(hesitate) : but Raj....I...I..

Raj(again pleads) : please Swara it's really important project please you just have to give file and come back that's it....

Swara(takes the file) : ok

Swara takes the file and leaves for Room No 125 UNKNOWN to the fact that this incident will change her while life...

She reached to the room and knock after few minutes door of room open and guess what Sanskaar was standing there wearing his casuals...

Swara was totally shocked seeing Sanskaar as she didn't expect him...to be here

Swara(smiles genuinely) ; hello Mr Maheswari actually Raj gave me that file for you and I heard that you are here with your wife I'm sorry for disturbing your privacy I just came here to deliver this file here take it...

Sanskaar(smirks) : oh yah my wife won't you wanna meet her please come in...

Swara(goes inside) : ok...



She walks inside the room and Sanskaar locks the door behind Swara was standing in front of mirror and seeing here and there in search of his wife

Swara(seeing here and there) : where is your wife Mr Maheswari??? Is she in washroom...???

Sanskaar comes close to her and hugs her from back Swara becomes startled by his action and immediately frees herself....

Swara(scared) : what are you doing Mr Maheswari...???

Sanskaar(smirks) : oh come on you wanted to meet my wife right....so see there(points towards mirror in which Swara's reflection was visible)...you are my wife for one night....

Swara who was already horrified remembers Raj's actions and the strength in her legs vanishes she sat on the ground while tears were continuously rolling from her eyes...
She sees Sanskaar and started to move backwards while Sanskaar was coming towards her....

Swara(Scared & Crying) : PLease Let Me Go I Am Not That Type Of Girl Please(crying Miserably)

Sanskaar Comes Near Her With A Smirk On His Face And Touches Her Cheek sensually...

Sanskaar(Smrik) : You Should Have Think This Before Darling Now Come And Give Me Pleasure For This Work You Only Came Here So don't be shy...

Swara(Crying) : No Please I Beg you Please Let Me Go Raj sent me here with some lame excuse I didn't know his intentions I'm saying truth please let me go...

Sanskaar(Tauntingly) : I Know Your Type Of Characterless Girls and about your Fiance I very well know what type of man he is what he thinks of himself he will send any random girl with a file and I'll sign this project....if he thinks so than you are totally wrong I'm a man of principles now get out I Think Your Mom Dad Also were Like You...

Swara(Crying) : Please Don't Say About My Papa He Was A Very Good Man...

Saying she left from there hurriedly she was walking on road lifeless suddenly she sees bridge and remembers Sanskaar's words were echoing in her ears"Characterless Girls"

She runs towards the bridge(you can consider it the bridge from where Ragini pushed Swara) she stands at the edge of bridge and sees water

Swara(cringly) : I'm coming Papa

She was about to jump from bridge just than someone pulls her arm from back and turns her towards him before she could see the person's face that person slaps her hard and she faints in that person's arms...



Sanskaar was restlessly walking in front of Swara's ward just than doctor comes out...

Sanskaar(worried) : How is she now Abhi??

Abhi ; she is fine Sanskaar we have operated her it's look like she doesn't want to live but now she is fine but what relation she have with you...

Sanskaar : she is my cousin...

Abhi ; ok take care of her and make sure she don't take stress as nervous breakdown at this age is not good looks like she has taken some kind of shock...well I should go now take care of her...

Sanskaar simply nodes and sees Swara who was lying on hospital bed lifelessly she was looking pale and tear marks were still visible on her face Many machines were attached with her fragile body...

Sanskaar was observing her her trance was broken by her security head...

Khanna : sir we have informed to her family let's go

Sanskaar just nodes and left from there after taking a glance of Swara's pale face


*******IN CAR*******

Sanskaar was still loss in his thoughts He thinks if he wouldn't have notice her devastated state than he may have lost her....

***Flashback Starts***

As soon as Swara left from Sanskaar's room saying that"My Papa was A Very Good Man" he doubts on her state

He immediately calls his security head Khanna to follow the girl and see if she did something wrong...

After about five minutes he gets a call that she is running towards to bridge he immediately left her room and reach near that location and only to see her doing suicide...

He don't know what happened to him his blood started to boil he immediately runs towards her and pulls her towards himself and have a right slap making her unconscious in his arms...

He lifts her in his arms and takes her to hospital where he got to know that her nervous is break down he feels guilty for his act...and stays in hospital till he gets confirm that she is fine....!!!

***Flashback Ends***


***IN GH***

Both Raj and Urvashi were celebrating that now they will get contract from Maheswari Industries but one call ruin there whole plan...

Raj get a call from Khanna that Swara is in hospital at which he becomes shocked and Furious he tells Urvashi everything and they both left to Hospital



Both Urvashi and Raj were standing outside of Swara's ward and talking to each other...

Urvashi(Angrily shouting) : How did this happened I told you to sent her to that Sanskaar and here she is lying in hospital  what's this???

Raj(angry too) : I don't know Aunty I myself saw her going inside Sanskaar's room but this all I don't understand....

Urvashi(Smirks evilly) : now she come to know our reality she will try to escape Now this enough I'm going to get you married both soon so that she don't go anywhere

Raj(smirks evilly) : yes aunty it's good idea in this way I'll force her to do all this I also can't tolerate her these useless talks...

As soon As Swara comes to senses both Urvashi and Raj takes Swara home without giving a chance to doctor said anything...!!!

What you guys think what will happened now....???
Will Sanskaar be able to save Swara or she will get trapped in Urvashi and Raj's evil plan...
Till than keep reading...!!!


Next Episode : Swara comes to know Urvashi's evil plans....!!!


Sorry guys if it was boring and I can't write more my fingers are paining due to allergy I hope you all like it...!!!

And about Obsession my other story I'll try to upload in 1 or 2 days till than bye....!!!

And please guys I'm saying vote for my stories of you are liking them well I'm not glad seeing response in my this story...I hope today I'll get enough comments and votes...
If you all want me to post next sooner than comment and vote or after two weeks next part...!!!

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