Evil voice in my head

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Hi guys so i discoverd how to pics on the internet so this is how Adriana's suit looked like:

Oh and ill tell you when to put on the song!

Alex POV

"So what happend!?!" i ask wanting to know the answers.

"Just come with me." she says. We walk out where no one watching. She closed her eyes and started to glow blue. Whata!? Then she opend her eyes and looked at me.

"Grab my hand!" she says while she ways going up in the air.

"Why?" i ask.

"Just do it!" she says. I grab her hands and close my eyes. A few moments later i open my eyes. I was in this place. It looked epic!

"Where are we?" i ask. She just start laughing.

"What are you laughing at!?!" i say. She hands me a mirror. I look into it.


My hair was all sticking straight up. I quietly fixed my hair.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." i say Just rolling my eyes.

"Ok now come." she says starting to walk. I look at all these cool stuff. I hold this potion.

"Dont touch that!" she says while grabbing it. We continue walking. I grab this cool wand thingy and start to twurl it around. Then it shot out this stuff and broke this picture frame.

"I said to not touch anything!" she says while running towards the picture. She neels down and grabs the now broken picture. She just looks at it and closes her eyes. She starts to cry.

"Im sorry...i didnt now it was important." i say feeling guilty.

"I-i is ok..." she says standing up wipeing her tears away.

"Why is that so important?" i ask.

"It was a picture of me and my boyfreind but...he died. He got kiddnapped by my worst enemy and they killed him. I was trying to get him back. But when i found him i was to late. I wanted to get revenge. So i discovered he was last seen at the hospital i work at so thats why i started working there. But i learned revenge isn't the anwser."

"Oh..." i say feeling even more guilty. She wipes her tears away and says...

"Lets continue. You dont want to listen to me anyways."

"Ya I do!" i say trying to chear her up. She smiled and stopped crying.

"Thanks." she says while i smile back.

"Ok come with me". She says walking towards these potions.

Adriana POV

Alex was a pretty nice guy. I walked towards the potions. I get one of the potion that i wasnt sure if it was the revive potion or the evil potion. I turn around the potion and it says revive potion.

"Oh no." i say. I made a mistake! I gave Sandra the evil potion.

"What?" He ask with a concerned look on his face.

"N-nothing!" i say while shoving the potion behind the box so alex couldnt see.

"Tell me!" he demands.

"Fine...I mightttt havveeee gave Sandra a evill potion." i saw closing my eyes waiting for the yell.

"WHAT!?!" he says screaming. There it is.

"What do you mean 'the evil potion'!!?" he yells.

"Calm down!" i say putting my hands on his shoulders.


"You are going to make me lose my hearing. And watch you language!" i say kunda freaken out.

"Sorry um just worryed..." he says calming down.

"This might mean sandra might have a demand inside her...now you can freak out." i say.

"I...HAVE...NO....WORDS." he says while we just look at eachother.

"What are we going to do!?" he ask.

"Wait Sandra is going to want to hurt some one. She is going to hurt someone that she hates. The demand feeds off sadness and anger." i say worried.

"I have to warn corl and denis!" he says.

"Why!?" i ask.

"Long story."

Sandra POV

I run into the woods. Im freaking out. I just made a hole in the freaken wall!

"Wh-whats happening to me!" i say.

"Hey there Sandra." i voice says.

"Whos that! And how do you know my name!"

"Hahah you will see." the voice said. I start to get scared.

"Leave me alone!" i yell out.

"I just want denis..." i say starting to cry.

"Dont cry." the voice says evily.

"Do you really want denis? He doesn't love you. He HATES you."

"No he doesnt!" i say starting to cry more.

"Corl stole him." the voice says.

"Dont you hate corl?"

"Don't you want to hurt him? I can help you get revenge!" the voice says.

"What?" i say while i stop crying.

"Really?" i say to myself. What are you doing sandra!?! You arent like this. Snap out of it!

"Oh yes! Just come with me." the voice says. I think of what to do. Wait. I cant urt someone.

"No!" i say.

"If you dont want to do this the easy way. I guess we have to do this the hard way." it say i start to levitate.

"Whata!?!" i say.

"Let me go." i say since i cant move. I try to move. It finally comes out. It looked like this:

((Sorry i didnt want to make it that scary.))

"You cant escape!" it says. I try to move and i use all my force and ecsape. I run.

"You can run but you cant hide!" it says.

Corl POV

I need to see denis. I decide to go to his house and suprise him. I cant let go. I said i loved him. And i still do.

-time skip-

I decide to sing him a song.((im sorry i keep making denis or corl sing songs to eachother)) it started to rain. But i didnt care. I would stand in the rain for denis. I go to the door. I start to get nervouse. I knock on the door in the rain. He answerd it and i started to sing.(ok now you can hear the song oh and denis joins in when u hear the girl voice.)


Say something, I'm giving up on you.
I'll be the one, if you want me to.
Anywhere, I would've followed you.
Say something, I'm giving up on you.
And I am feeling so small.
It was over my head
I know nothing at all.
And I will stumble and fall.
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl.
Say something, I'm giving up on you.
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.

Anywhere, I would've followed you.
Say something, I'm giving up on you.
And I will swallow my pride.
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye.
Say something, I'm giving up on you.
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.
And anywhere, I would have followed you.
Oh-oh-oh-oh say something, I'm giving up on you.
Say something, I'm giving up on you.
Say something...

(Sorry i couldnt find the whole lyrics)

"You want me too say something?" denis asks. I nod.

"I love you." he says.

Hey giys hope you enjoyed this chapter! You guys are the best! Remember if u aint smiling u r doing it wrong. PEACE OUT✌

1231 words

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