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update 2019: this is so bad im so sorry if you read this. I wrote this back in 2017, I am fully aware Denis and corl aren't friends anymore and the dorl fandom is basically dead now. I archived my other books but this one because this one still contains a lot of memories.. but it's really cringy. so be aware of that. anyways, if you're going to read this, good luck understanding this terrible plot.

Denis POV

Me and Corl have been friends for so long. I think i formed feelings for him. But he has a girlfriend (i know he doesnt in real life just go with it) If i told him how i feel it might ruin our friendship. I call Corl to see if he wanted to make a video.
"Hello Corl want to make a vidoe with me?"

"Sorry im going on a date with Wendy. Maybe tomorrow?"

"Sure...see you tomorrow."

I walk towards my bed and fall face flat on it. I mumble to myself he isnt gay what am i thinking HE IS MY BEST FREIND. I sigh. He is with wendy! And we are just friends. Why...i check the time and i need to make a video. I get ready and i start the vidoe. When i was done i started reading the comments. Uh they where all full of spam comments. But i keep noticing people are shipping me and Corl and think it is cool. But it would never happen. I love corl. Uhh why is life so hard. I just want to have him in my arms finally call him mine.

The next day

Corl POV

I get dressed as always. I start to look at wendy on the bed still sleeping. It doesnt seem right but i love her. My mind is so confused. I call denis

"Hey so want to do the video!" i say with an excited tone.

"Sure..." he says with a sad voice

"Whats wrong?" i say.

"Nothing...just tell me this are you happy with Wendy?"

I freeze why is he asking me this. "Ya i lo-"

"I heard enough. Lets just start the video."
1 hour later

Corl POV

"Ok buy denis i had a blast!"

"Bye me too!"

I think why would denis ask me that question? He was probably just checking on him to see if i was happy. I see that Wendy. "Listen Braden(corl) we got to talk..."

Denis POV

I dont feel like doing anything today except think about how bad my love life is. The last relationship was with a girl. But you know were that went. I looked at the clock click clock click clock today felt really long my roomate Sandra went to chack on me to see if i was ok (Sandra is single in this story)

Sandra POV

I go check on denis because he seemed didnt make a noise. I saw him lieing down on his bed face flat on it. He seemed so cute i cant believe i have feelings for him.

"Are you ok?" i say

"Ya im fine thanks for asking."

"Ya no problem. Umm would you like to go on a da-"

"I need some time please go." he says and he didnt know what i was going to say. I sigh and walk out.

Denis POV

I hear a knock on my door its...

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