Meeting Someone New?

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Denis POV

I miss Corl. He doesnt anwser my calls, my text. I dont feel like makeing a video. But the fans will worry. I cant tell them what happend because it is personal. But YouTube is my job. So i decide to suck it up and make a video. All during the video i was thinking about corl. Nothing else. Wait a minute wheres Sandra!?! I havent seen her since SHE kissed me. We need to talk. Should i be mad at her? Shes my freind. But she knew i liked corl. Is she really my friend?

Corls POV

I decide to a Cafe. To get some coffee and relax. I keep thinking of denis. I keep imagining an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other.

"Denis isnt worth your love. He broke your heart!" the devil says.

"Give denis a chance you havent heard his side of the story." the angel says sticking his tongue at the devil.

"So Dont listen to the angel he knows nothin." the devil says sticking his tongue out at the angel.

"Listen, do you love denis enough to forgive him? Do you want him by your side till you guys are gray and old? Think of those questions and you have your answer of what you need to do." the angle says fadeing away. Then a cute stranger comes up too me and says "hey..."

Cut Stranger POV

I notice this cute boy sitting alone. I want to talk to him. (*wink wink*) But i dont even know if he is gay. After 5 minutes of thinking of what to do i decide to talk to him. I walk towards him. I say hey. And he says hey back.

"Is someone sitting here?" i say nervously.

"Yep my imaginary boyfriend is sitting here." he laughs. "Im just kidding. You can sitt there if you want." he says. He seemed sad. I didnt want to ask him if he was ok because i didnt want to think im a creep. We talk for awhile. He seems pretty nice.

Corl POV

He seemed pretty nice. But i couldnt stop thinking about denis.

"So what do you do for a living?" the stranger asks.

"Youtube...and you?" i say STILL thinking about denis.

"Youtube too! Omg thats so cool!" he says. I was suprised.

"What kind of content?" i ask.

"Gaming, you?" he says. I freeze.

"GAMING TOO! Thats so cool!" i say.
I look at the time and it was getting late. Did i really talk to him that long?

"I have to go." we say at the same time. We laugh.

"Ok bye!" i say.

"Wait!" he yells.

"What?" i say turning around.

"Wanna hangout another time?" he asked nervously. I think. Suddenly i imagine the angel and devil again.

"Say yes! Who cares about denis." the devil says.

"Your choice...but um im on denis side." they go away when the cute stranger waves in my fave since i was day dreaming.

"Oh sorry. I was day dreaming. And sure i would love to hangout with you." i said. But i wasnt really sure if he ment a date. But whatever. We both said our goodbyes and we exchanged phone numbers. When i got to the car i realized i didnt even get his name.

Cute strangers POV

When i got home i was so happy. Since my love life is so terrible(;-;). I decide i had to tell my best freind about the great news. I get out my phone and i decided to tell my best freind denis. I laughed because i couldnt tell him who the guy i met name was since i didnt ask for his name.

Ohhhhh snap! (Denis is denis the youtuber not just another guy named denis. Just saying if you where wondering.) Hope you liked this chapter. Oh i have bad news...if i dont think i cant update 2 times a week it is because my parents growned me for using my phone to much. So i would not be able to use my phone monday through friday. ;-;*cries forever* so because of that reason i might just update this book once a week. Lets just take moment to cry ;-;.Ill try using my phone secretly MWHAHAHAH. Comment who do you think the cute stranger is. Remember be you and if you aint smiling you are doing it wrong! Peace out✌

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