Suicidal thoughts...

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Sandra POV

Denis isnt home. I miss him but he probably doesnt miss me. I wish i could go back in time. Fix everything. Fix my life. Oh that would be great. Denis doesn't care about me...nobody does. No one ever will. Everyone hates me. I hate myself . Why am i even in this cruel world? I wish i was gone. More terrible thoughts in my head. More and more keep coming. Make it stop! Make my life stop...

Alex POV

I text Sandra. She hasnt talked to me since you know. I just want to tell her how i feel. But im scared. To scared to say my feelings knowing i might get hurt.

Alex: Hey!

Sandra: hey.

Alex: Can I come over?

*the three dots that appear but then disappear*

Alex: Sandra?


I start to worry. I get my stuff and rush over. My face full of fear.

Third person POV

Sandra walks over to the kitchen. Grabs a knife and starts to cry. Then she did it...she stabs herself in the stomach. She falls but hits her head on the counter.

"I love you denis..." she says weakly. Her eyes close slowly. While blood is on she floor.

Alex POV

I knock on the door and no answer. I knock harder and yet again no answer. I start to get scared. I couldnt take it anymore I kicked the door open. I walk in and see Sandra...on the floor all bloody.

"No...NO!" i say putting her in my arms. Im shaking so bad.

"WAKE UP! Please. Dont do this to me..." i say while tears running done my face. I shake her but i know that wont help.

"I love you..."i say while tears falling on Samdra. I hear the door open. It was Denis but he was already crying. He looks at me then Sandra and starts to cry even more. He calls 911.

"They are on there way." he say wiping his tears but they just keep coming. I can see the guilt in his eyes. He probably thinks it is his fault.

Sandra POV

I am in this place with pictures of when i was a little kid. I walk futher in. And more pictures of memories i had but then i see this picture of me getting carryed into a ambulance. And alex crying uncontrollably. Denis wiping down his tears. Then I hear a deep voice.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you want to leave everything behind?" the voice says. I look at alex in the photo again. And think of what to do.

Corl POV

Im still crying. Regreting everything. I decide to go out for a walk in the dark. In the rain. I dont even bring an umbrella. Once I walk out the door my hair gets wet. Everything does. I just walk down the sreet and i see people toghter. Being happy. Laughing and smiling like me and Denis would.

(So ima put this song and pretend this song is playing while corl walks around seeing at all the happy couples. Oh and the girl voice think of it like it is corls pov and the boy voice is denis pov.)

I run into becky. (Corls best freind.)

"Hey! Long time no see." she says smiling. She doesnt notice me crying since the rain is making it look like im not. I dont say anything.

"Omg why dont you have an umbrella!?" she says while covering me with her umbrella. And thats when she notices that im crying.

"Why are you crying!?" she asked wiping my tears away with her hands.

"Was it that Denis guy?" she says. And thats when I can't take it anymore. I burst into more tears and start to cry on her shoulder.

"Lets go to your house and talk." she says and i nod.

*time skip to when there home*

"Im here for you. Remember that." she says while we sit on the couch.

"Thanks you." I say.

"Dont think about denis." she says.

"I'll try..." i say finally smiling.

Denis POV

Sandra is already in the hospital and so are we. We are just here waiting. And waiting. Alex still crying.

"Alex do you like Sandra?" i ask. He looks at me.

"N-ya." he tells me.

"Why didnt you tell her!" i say.

"She doesn't love me...she loves you." he says looking down at his feet trying not to cry. I dont know what to say. Corl would make me feel better right now. But he isnt here. I wish he was. Then this young lady in a doctors suit comes up to us.

"Omg." she says looking at us. We just wave.

"I like your videos." she say nervously.

"Thanks. Nice to meet you." I sat shaking her hand then alex shaking her hand. Then she freezes just looking at us.

"Ummmm." i say.

"Sorry! I just...never mind." she says.

"So sandra..." she says taking out a cklickboard.

Girl doctors POV

Omg I cant believe it is Alex and Denis! Im trying so hard to not to fangirl. But i have to act profienal since im a doctor in training.

"We did surgery on her where she stabed herself...but." i say frowning.

"But what!?" alex said finally looking at me. I sigh.

"We dont know if she will pull through...she hit her head hard on something maybe when she fell. We wont know till tomorrow."

"Oh..." alex says trying not to cry. It was weird for me seeing denis and Alex sad. Usually there so happy in there videos but i guess no one is always happy.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Im so exited to right the next chapter or the next one after that. Hint: huge plot twist! Ok i dont know what else to say. Wait do any of you guys have roblox? I do and it is cool_hamster. You may be thinking why that name? Well thats all i could think of! The funny thing is i thought of a very cool name after imade my roblox name. That was sad. Ok to much about roblox. Oh and thanks to Linotellow and AdrianaAdler5 because from there books they made me want to right my own. Thanks! I dont know if you are even reading this. But whatever. Remember if you aint smiling you are doing it wrong!PEACE OUT✌

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