🏰Chapter 24 | In The Great Hall🏰

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*In the great hall,around midday.The students are all doing their homework.Jayden Shen is trying a spell on a cup.*

Jayden: Eye of rabbit,harp string hum.Turn this water,into rum.  *Looks in cup*

Jayden: Ugh.... Eye of rabbit,harp string hum...

Blossom: *Looks at Jayden* What's my brother doing now?

Macy: Jayden is trying to make the glass of water turn into tea.Turn it into rum.Actually managed a weak tea yesterday before-

*Macy was cut off when a mighty flash occurs.We now see that the cup has exploded and Jayden is left charred.Several students laugh at this.*

Macaque: *Laughing his butt off*  Are you ok,kiddo?

Jayden: *Does a sarcastic laugh* Hahaha.....just because that we are in the house,Macaque.... Doesn't mean that you can start teasing me for making my drink EXPLODED.

Macaque: *Smirks at Jayden and looks at Angelina* So....She's in Hufflepuff?

Jayden: Are you talking about Angelina?

Macaque: Well duh. *Wagging his tail* 

Tenshi: Don't you ever get flustered?

Macaque: HA!! I don't get flustered at all! I mostly flirted with her.


Macaque: Yes-

*Suddenly,a flock of owls start coming into the hall from the rafters above.*

Illusia: Ah.Mail's here!

*The owls soar by,dropping parcels to students. Some of the others gets nothing.In The Ravenclaw table,Lottie sees the newspaper and grabs it.In The Hufflepuff Table,Atsuko got like a small box and opens it.*

Atsuko: *Holding a sliver necklace and thinking about Yin* Aww...Yin...

Blossom: Hold up....You're dating one of the Sliver and Gold demons?!

Atsuko: Yeahhhh.....Don't worry....I told my brothers about this and they were ok with me dating him.And yes...Mk and the others know.

Blossom: So....Any news about Catalina and Sun Wukong?

Macy: I heard that they recently that they are back after their engagement vacation!

Blossom: *Looks at Macy* Really? That's cool!!!

Angelina: *Finds a small box and grabs and opens it*

Angelina: *Gasps while blushing* !!!

Angelina: *Slowly gets a heart locket that was mixed with Macaque's purple color and Angelina's Bandana color* !!!

Angelina: *Trying not to get emotional while looking at the heart locket* 🥺❤️

Rise!Mikey: *Opens a box and saws a clear glass ball with a gold banner around it* !!!

Rise!Mikey: Whoa!! What is this?

Daniel: *Looks at Mikey* Hey guys look! Mikey's got a Remembrall!!!

Jennie: I've read about those.When the smoke turns red, it means you've forgotten something.

Rise!Mikey: Sweet!!!

*At the Ravenclaw table*

Lottie: *Looks at an article from the newspaper*"Hey guys check this out!

Nozomi and Amber: *Looks at the article of the newspaper*  ????

Lottie: "Two people from Azkaban named Bellatrix and Melantha,old friends from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named escaped!!"

Nozomi: Azkaban?? Isn't that some sort of prison???

Lottie: Yes.

Amber: *Thinking about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named* .....

Amber: (Mind: He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Where have heard of it before...?)

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