🏰Chapter 28 | The Three-Headed Dog🏰

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*Meanwhile with Rex Dangervest and Eleanor Lee they were walking up a staircase in the Grand Staircase tower.A railing pulls in,while Luke Shen saws the two and  looks at the railing pulls,but continues walking.*

Rex: Is your leg feeling ok now?

Eleanor: Yeah.....It's fine now.

Luke: *Walking to Rex and Eleanor* Hey guys! What's up?

Rex: *Saws Luke* Oh hey Luke.Are you heading back to the common room too?

Luke: Yep.

Rex: Hey!! I actually heard that you are the new Gryffindor seeker!

Luke: Yeah.

*The staircase shudders and begins to move.The three grab the railings.The staircase stops, leading to a corridor.*

Rex: Uh...That's not our common room.But it looks like a corridor.

Mrs.Norris: *Saws Rex,Luke and Eleanor and meows*

Luke and Rex: *Saws Ms.Norris and jumps a bit* 

Eleanor: Awww...It's a kitty!!

Luke: *Realized that's Filch's Cat* !!!

Luke: That's not any cat....That's Mr Filch's Cat!!

Rex: Oh shoot...You are right.If this pussycat gets Mr. Flinch,we are super screwed.

Luke: We got to head back to the common room now!!

*The trio run through the corridor,flames are lit up on the stone supports,one by one,as they run past.They get to the end of the corridor,to a door.*

Luke: Guys! Let's hide through that door!! *Grabs the handle but it's locked* 

Luke: It's LOCKED?! Oh you have got to be kidding me!!!

Rex: *Bring sarcastic* Oh great...We're done for!

Luke: For the love of....*Uses his light powers and makes a light portal*

Luke: Get in!

Rex and Eleanor: *Looks at each other and jumps into the light portal* 

Luke: *Jumps into the light portal* 

*In a dark room*

Rex,Luke and Eleanor: *Ran out of breath* 

Luke: Is everyone ok?

Rex: Yeah...We are fine.

Luke: *Looks at the door and takes a small sneak peak of the doorknob's hole* ??

Luke: *Saws Filch arriving at the start of the corridor with a light in the doorknob's hole* !!!!

Filch (Outside of the corridor): Anyone here, my sweet? 

Mrs.Norris: *Meows* 

Filch (Outside of the corridor):   Come on. 

Filch and Mrs.Norris (Outside of the corridor): *Leaves the corridor* 

Luke: *Sighs in relief* Filch is gone....

Rex: Uh guys....Does anyone feel like we shouldn't be here?

Luke: I don't think that we are not supposed to be here.This is the 3rd floor.It's forbidden.

Eleanor: *Saws something massive* U-uh...guys?

*Luke and Rex turn to stand with Eleanor.There is a massively huge three headed dog sleeping in front of them.The dog begins to wake.It growls,yawns,and growls more...noticing the intruders.*

The Three-Headed Dog: *Roars at the trio* 

Luke,Rex and Eleanor:  AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


Rex: *Runs to the door* WHO CARES?! WE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!!

*Rex Dangervest punches the door,making the door fell as the trio exits out of the room.Rex grabs the door and shuts the door quickly and follows Luke and Eleanor.Then....They return to the Gryffindor Common Room.They are breathless.*

Eleanor: That was horrible....

Luke:  What do they think they're doing? Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school.

Rex: If you two don't mind,I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed.Or worse,expelled.  *Walks to his dormitory*

Eleanor: Same. *Walks to her dormitory* 

Luke: 0_0".

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