Chapter 2

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Iori: "You better learn to control your big mouth!"


I close my eyes as making me feared. As I brace myself and I feel something warm and wet run across my cheek.

(What the?! What was that!?)

Josui: "What the hell are you doing, Iori!?"

As I open my eyes in surprise, but something leaps up at me.

???: "Arf-arf!"

My forehead are turned into blue because I'm scared of dogs.

Josui: "Ah! What's that!?"

A big dog jumps on me and barking excitedly.

Iori: "How could you think that was me? Don't be so stupid and confused. And..."

Iori: "Are you afraid of dogs?"

Josui: "!"

Nagito: "Little Yamada, you sure move fast. But you scared her!"

Kota: "That's the pot calling the kettle black."

Josui: "L-Little Yamada?"

Kyohei: "This is my Old English Sheepdog, Little Yamada."

This certainly came out of left field. But Little Yamada looks so sweet as Kyohei pets him, but I can't help about feeling fear.

Iori: "She's such a scary-cat."

Josui: "Shut up. But... Little Yamada? That's an interesting name."

Josui: "How did you come up with it, Kyohei?"

Kyohei: "It wasn't me."

Iori: "Ryo named him."

Josui: "Makoto... I mean Ryo, huh?"

Josui: "I wonder where he is..."


Makoto: "You don't look too happy. Maybe a nice piece of cake will cheer you up?"


(I still can't believe that normal-looking guy because I knew was actually Ryo.)

Kyohei: "Mr. Sasayama's been looking, but we still don't have any good leads."

Nagito: "Emails and calls don't go through. He probably ditched his cell phone."

Josui: "Have you talked to old friends of his, but he might confide in?"

Kyohei: "Taka and I are the only old friends as he has."

Josui: "Huh?"

Nagito: "The three of them grew up together."

Kyohei: "Taka, Ryo, and I formed Revance."

Kota: "I was in Kyohei's high school class back then and he recruited me."

Nagito: "Iori and I joined through an audition."

Josui: "Oh, I had no idea."

Kyohei: "So, we know all the people, Ryo knows, but I haven't been able to get any tips."

Josui: "Have you thought about contacting the police?"

Kota: "Are you an idiot? We can't let Ryo's disappearance go public."

I rolled my eyes.

(Then the only thing they can do is wait for him to come back on his own.)

(Will I have to keep doing this until then?)

I notice Iori heading for the door, so I call out of him.

Josui: "Hey, Iori. About the song..."

Iori: "You're the ghostwriter. You write it."

Without another word, he walks out of the room.

(Seriously? He's pushing all the work onto me?)

(He's always so mean to me! And why does he dislike me so much!?)

Kota: "Iori's pretty upset."

Nagito: "Yeah, is he gonna be okay?"

Kyohei: "Just let him cool off for awhile."

I can't take my eyes off the door Iori left through. Nagito puts his hand on my shoulder.

Nagito: "Josui."

Nagito: "I don't think he's mad at you."

Josui: "Then who's he mad at?"

Nagito: "He must be mad at Ryo."

Nagito: "He's upset about Ryo didn't talk to him about the problem before running away like that."

Josui: "I don't know about that..."

(Iori doesn't seem like such a thoughtful person.)

Nagito: "What do you think, Ko?"

Kota: "I think part of the problem is Little Miss Wasabi, though."

Josui: "Wasabi? What's that supposed to mean?"

Kyohei: "Yeah, Kota, I think you're right."

Kyohei and Nagito nod to each other.

(They're all on the same page, but...)

Josui: "I said, what exactly do you mean by 'wasabi'?"

Kota: "There, you're being wasabi-ish right now. Can't you figure it out about yourself?"

Kota glares at me coldly.

(He doesn't seem to be joking... wait...)

I rough grab Kota's collar shirt when I glare at him coldly.

Josui: "Are you saying I'm little bit of wasabi!?"

Kyohei: "Josui, chill. Enough chit-chat. Time for you to start writing those lyrics, Josui."

Josui: "Whatever."

I drop Kota down on the floor.

(Just what the hell does 'wasabi' mean!?)

I try to figure it out as what Kota meant cause I'm getting angry when I go back to my room.

Back in my room, I grab the box of orange juice from my mother sent in the care package and I chug it.

Josui: "Mm, ahhh! This is so good! Not from concentrate is always the best."

I sit on the sofa and put on one of the CDs about Takashi gave me. A familiar sounding intro begins to play as I look over the lyric sheet.

(Oh, this was the theme song to a TV series what I watched.)

Josui: "It's called, 'For You'. But I guess they like throwing about English words sometimes."

The conversation as we just had suddenly pops back into my head.

(But what does wasabi mean!?)

Josui: "Grrr, now I just can't concentrate like this!"

I twirl my hair into a bun when I take out my notebook and try to force myself to work.

Josui: "I've got it!"

I joyfully hold up a piece of paper.

(Wasabi tastes bold and spicy. Eating it is like getting punched in the mouth.)

(Kota was calling me annoyingly audacious! I'll call him poor act boy!)

Josui: "Well I'm so glad what I figured this out!"

Josui: "But wait, I shouldn't be glad about this!"

(I'm not like that! But why are they all making me fun of me!?)

I think back on how I've been acting since I came to this house...

Josui: "Ugh!?"

I take a juice box from my bag and leave my room.

Iori: "What do you want?"

Iori looks sullen when he opens the door to his room.

(As what I thought I had worked up the courage to face him, but he looks scarier with damn glasses on!?)

Iori: "I told you to write the lyrics by yourself."

Josui: "This isn't about the lyrics."

I bow my head and hold out the juice box.

Josui: "I'm sorry about walking in on you from in the bath yesterday."

Josui: "I'm sorry about slapping your cheek... cause it's making me shocked..."

Iori: "..."

Iori stands there, as silently, but not even bothering to accept the juice. I look up into his eyes.

Josui: "But I was so flustered about it, so... I threw something at you without thinking..."

Josui: "So, I forgot to actually apologize."

Iori: "..."

Josui: "This juice is from my hometown. Please take it as a peace offering..."

(This is why I avoid his eyes are so cold. But I wish I could get used to it already.)

Josui: "But, I'm not sure if you like orange juice, so..."

Iori: "I don't, so I don't want it."

Josui: "Oh..."

(He doesn't have to be so rude about it!?)

(But I came here to apologize. So I should let it go...)

Josui: "Well, this is better than normal orange juice. Won't you at least taste it?"

Iori: "Go back to your room. I don't want your juice."

He slams the door in my face.


I yelled at the door as he hear it.

(I don't care if he hates me about this much, and I don't think there's anything as I can do!?)

(I'm going to have to put up with him on the job and at home, too...)

I decide to leave the juice in front of his door.

Josui: "You know what Iori, I'll just leave this juice here."

Josui: "But if you don't want it, please give it to one of the other guy!"

There's no answer from the other side of the door. All I can do now is go back to my room.

The next day. I've been staring at my notebook since early from this morning.

Josui: "Hmm..."

(Everything I come up with just sounds too derivative.)

(How am I supposed to write a theme song like that?)

The image of Revance singing my song on that music show pops into my head.

Josui: "Ugh it'll be okay! I wrote that other song, after all."

Josui: "But I'm sure I can do this... I mean, I don't really have a choice!"

I retie my bun and shake it off those negative thoughts. As I sighed, at the sudden sound of my door are opening when I turn around.

Josui: "What the?"

Iori: "..."

Josui: "Iori... have you decided you want to help with the lyrics?"

He ignores my question and goes over to look inside my closet.

Josui: "I guess not..."

Iori: "Is this all the clothes what you brought?"

Josui: "Yes and other my clothes is a costume from Idol "Milky Pop"."

Josui: "Wait, what are you talking about?"

Iori: "This is pathetic. Come with me."

Josui: "What! But I'm in the middle of writing..."

Iori: "Come on, hurry up. Don't make me tell you again."

Josui: "Ugh fine!"

Josui: "Wait... Iori, where are we?"

Iori: "The kick-off party for 25 Hour TV."

(So he dragged me to an expensive store and had me change clothes...)

(For this party, huh?)

Josui: "And why you didn't just tell me about the party to begin with?"

Iori: "Did you say something?"

Josui: "Don't make me repeat it."

I glare at him.

Iori: "..."

Nagito: "Iori!"

Nagito waves as he comes running over to us.

Iori: "Nagi, don't run in here."

Josui: "Hello Nagito."

Nagito: "Hm? Josui!?"

Iori: "I brought her. I thought it'd be better for our image if she's here."

Nagito looks surprised as he looks at me up and down.

Josui: "Do I look that strange, Nagito?"

Iori & Nagito: "!?"

Those two boys are surprise because they saw my face are making a cuter.

Nagito: "No! You look good, really good!"

Josui: "Really? Why, thank you."

Nagito: "I think you'd look even better with a lower neckline, but..."

Nagito runs his finger across my collarbone.

Josui: "!"

Josui: "That tickle!"

Nagito: "Hm? Are you being ticklish? Or are you blushing?"

Nagito grins at me mischievously.

Kota: "Nagi, that's called sexual harassment."

Nagito pouts at Kota.

Nagito: "What? But Kyo does stuff like that all of the time!"

Nagito looks at Kyohei, who's surrounded by a gaggle of women.

Girl 1: "You have to go already, Kyohei? But I have want to talk more."

Girl 2: "So do I. Hey, maybe we can go out sometime."

Kyohei: "If you want to see me, come to a concert. I'll give you a night you'll never forget."

I rolled my eyes when I spoke.

Josui: "These girls are flock to him, huh?"

Kota: "That's part of his business plan."

Nagito: "It is? Maybe I should go do business with someone, too."

Iori: "Forget about that, Nagi. Did you get Takashi here?"

Nagito: "Yeah, I had a heck of a time dragging him out of the recording studio."

Takashi: "..."

Takashi stands broodingly against the wall.

Model 1: "Hey, isn't that Takashi from Revance?"

Model 2: "Yeah. He looks bored, let's go talk to him."

Two girls of model whisper to each other and walk toward to him.

(Revance is really such a popular...)

(I miss my friends...)

As I'm spacing out, but Iori slips past me. He rushes over to the girls and taps them on the shoulder.

Iori: "Good evening. Are you two appearing on 25 Hour TV as well?"

Model 1: "P-Prince Iori!"

Model 2: "Yes, we are!"

The two girls of model happily start chatting with Iori, but I rolled my eyes.

Nagito: "Well done, Iori."

Kota: "He's the prince of damage control."

(Prince of damage control? There's another one of Kota's confusing idioms.)

While I'm still puzzling or annoying out of their words, Iori returns with Kyohei and Takashi in tow.

Iori: "You guys head backstage."

Kyohei: "What about you, Iori?"

Iori puts his arm around my shoulder.

Josui: "What the? Iori!"

Iori: "I have to go talk to a certain someone first."

Kyohei: "Okay, good luck."

I have no idea what's going on as they head toward the stage.

Josui: "And who do you have to talk to?"

Iori: "My dad. I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend in front of him."

Josui: "What? Pretend to be your girlfriend?"

(Iori's family is rich and powerful. Do his parents want to arrange a marriage for him?)

(Marriages are a big deal for wealthy families.)

(They'll say something like, 'This woman is not fit to be a part of the Enjo family'. PLEASE~! I'm a rich girl as family!?)

(Then the girl has to learn to fit in to high society, or else they run off and elope.)

Iori: "Hey, don't get the wrong idea."

Josui: "And how so?"

Iori's words shake me out of the drama unfolding in my head. He takes his arms off my shoulders and glares at me with icy eyes, but I glares at him back.

(What's up with his look!? When he looks at me like that, does I feel like a bug that's about to be squished!?)

Josui: "Sorry..."

Iori: "For what?"

Josui: "What do you mean 'for what'? You just seemed mad."

Iori: "Oh, I'm not mad."

Iori shakes his head.

Iori: "Just pretend to be my girlfriend."

Josui: "But..."

(If he doesn't want me to get the wrong idea, he shouldn't say things like that.)

Iori: "Don't get your hopes up or anything."

Josui: "!"

Josui: "What do you think I would be hoping for? You and Kyohei are both so full of yourselves."

Iori: "Did you say something?"

Josui: "You heard me. I don't like to being pretend to be your girlfriend."

(But he's acts like a sweet prince in front of everyone else, and why can't he be nice to me!?)

Josui: "Also, Iori, your dad's the president of a big company, right?"

Josui: "Entsudoh, the advertising firm?"

Iori: "Yeah."

???: "Oh, Iori, there you are."

A distinguished looking man with a beautiful woman at his side calls out to Iori.

Iori: "President Enjo..."

Josui: "Oh?"

(That's Iori's dad? I thought he'd be scarier looking than that.)

(And the woman with him is quite young... but she's not Iori's mother, is she?)

Iori's Dad: "Why do you insist on being so formal?"

Iori: "Because I am attending this party as Iori from the band Revance."

Iori: "I have to keep up my image."

Iori's Dad: "Revance, hm? Just don't get too caught up in that hobby of yours."

Iori's Dad: "And who might this be?"

He looks at me as he speaks to make me flinched, but Iori places his hand on my shoulder when he spoke.

Iori: "Oh, yes, I wanted to introduce her to you."

Iori: "She's my girlfriend. That information is top secret, of course."

Iori's Dad: "She's your girlfriend?"

Josui: "Um... it's a pleasure to meet you."

Iori's Dad: "Good evening, Miss. Hmm, she's not exactly what I would have expected."

Iori's Dad: "I thought you preferred more mature women."

Iori: "..."

Iori's Dad: "Don't take this hobby too seriously either. We're talking to a matchmaker for you. Watch out for a..."

He makes a gesture like he's taking a photo.

(Matchmaker? For a boy band member? And his dad called Revance a "hobby"...)

(Sounds like his father doesn't support his work as an pop star.)

Iori: "I'm sorry, but I have to perform soon."

Iori's Dad: "It's alright. I'll see you later then, Iori."

When Iori's dad turns to walk away, the woman with him slips something into Iori's pocket.

Woman: "Don't tell your father."

Iori: "..."

The woman flashes a brilliant smile before then hurrying to catch up to the president.

Iori: "That's why I hate women."

Iori takes the paper from his pocket and crumples it up before handing it to me.

Iori: "Throw this away."

Josui: "Yeah, yeah... these women are thirsty... gross."

(His expression is scarier than I've ever seen it.)

(So, maybe it's not me what he hates... but he just hates all women?)

The lights suddenly dim and a spotlight hits the stage.

Host: "Thank you all for coming! Now, let the 25 Hour TV kick-off party begin!"

Kyohei: "Iori, hurry!"

Iori: "Sorry."

As Kyohei calls for him, Iori puts on his pop star face and hurries to the stage.


The rest of the party goes of without a hitch. They announce that Revance will be the main host for 25 Hour TV... and I will write the theme song. Enthusiastic applause fills the hall.

(Everyone's expecting something great. I hope I can live up to that.)

???: "Hey, you!"

Josui: "!?"

(That voice... no it can't be!)

I timidly turn toward the owner of the voice...

Yokoyama: "What do you think you're doing here."

Josui: "No you! What are you doing here, Mr. Yokoyama!"

Josui: "This is all your fault about kicking me out!"

Yokoyama: "Don't tell me what to do! And how did you sneak in! I'm going to call security!?"

Josui: "Shut up!? I didn't sneak in! I'm working as Revance's assistant manager now, that's that!"

Yokoyama: "Revance's assistant manager!? But how did you get a position like that?"

Josui: "That because about that day, AND they recruited me."

(Yes, that's why I'm not lying when I say that!)

Yokoyama: "They recruited you? What was Revance thinking?"

Josui: "Since you're here, and does that mean about you'll be working on 25 Hour TV as well, huh?"

Yokoyama: "Yes. I'm in charge of Revance's section."

(Does that means I'll have to see him again!?)

Yokoyama: "Humph, well, don't get too comfortable."

Yokoyama: "I'll get you kicked out of this industry somehow!"

He jabs his finger at me before rushing away, but one hand firmly on his "hair".

Josui: "You can't kick me out, cause my father will find you and put you in JAIL!?"

I yelled when Mr. Yokoyama heard cause he flinched and run off.

Josui: "I can't believe that scumbag pigyama is pissed me off!"

As an angry feelings comes over me, but I shake my head to clear it when I take a deep breath.

(For now I just have to focus on my job!)

I look up at the stage and watch me Revance.

-End of Chapter 2-

To be continued... 

(A/N: Yeah another drama and- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I add "Pigyama = Yokoyama"!?)

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