Chapter 6

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Iori: "Okay, I think we have everything."

Josui: "Yeah, everything on the list."

Iori: "And why are you disguise about yourself?"

Josui: "Because of fans are keeping chasing me. Ugh. My fake name is Jojo. But it's cute."

Iori: "Fans are after you, pfff."

Josui: "Don't laughed!"

The day after Matsunaga collapsed. Iori and I go shopping for him since he has to stay in bed.

Josui: "Whoa, this is a heavy bag."

Iori: "I'm sure you can handle it."

(Ugh, that's not how a prince would respond...!)

Iori: "Don't look at me like that. I'm not going to carry it for you."

Iori: "It's your own fault for buying too many of oranges."

Josui: "Hey! They're full of vitamin C. perfect for someone who's sick! Okay!"

Iori: "Too bad they can't fix your brain."

Josui: "You're the one who talk after what you did...!"

Iori: "Shut up. Just forget about that."

Josui: "But... hahahaha..."

Josui: "I can't believe you almost walked out of the store without paying!"

Josui: "Ahahaha, how could you be so spacey?"

Iori: "Well, I've never shopped at a place like this before. I don't know how it works."

Josui: "Then stop making stuff up! You can't fool me."

Iori: "..."

An uncomfortable silence falls over us.

Josui: "Wait... don't tell me about this is really your first time grocery shopping?"

Iori: "I already told you it was!"

Iori: "I get Sasayama to go shopping for me or I order things online."

Josui: "And what about the clothes and shoes?"

Iori: "I have a personal shopper come to the house. Why should I waste my time going out?"

(A personal shopper? He's like a prince! But seriously!)

Josui: "What about when you go out to eat?"

Iori: "I go to dinner clubs where they just charge my account."

Josui: "..."

Iori: "What, you have something you want to say?"

Josui: "Hey now! I'm just in awe at the realization that there's a whole other class of people out there."

(I'll have to remember this if I ever write a screenplay about a rich person.)

Iori: "What are you scheming about?"

Josui: "What, no! I'm not scheming at all!"

Iori: "Liar, I can see it all over your face."

Iori pokes my cheek.

Josui: "Eep!"


Josui: "Oh no, the oranges!"

Josui: "Look what you done!?"

I drop the bag in surprise and the oranges go rolling away.

Josui: "Geez! This is your fault!"

Iori: "It's karma for what you said. Pick them up."

Josui: "Whatever karma prince!"

I crouch down and gather up the oranges.

Iori: "This seems really fitting for you, orange-breath."

Josui: "Oh how rude! Stop gawking and help me out!"

(As if he actually would...)

Iori: "Here."

Josui: "Hm?"

Iori squats in front of me and holds out an orange.

Iori: "What? You asked me to help."

Josui: "Well yeah, but..."

(What's going on here? He's been acting weird since last night.)

???: "Excuse me, aren't you Prince Iori?"

(What the?)

I look up and see a group of girls.

Iori: "Yes, I am. Good afternoon."

Fan 1: "It's really him! He's so cute!"

Fan 2: "Did you drop your oranges? I'll pick them up!"

Iori: "Thank you, but we have it under control."

Fan 1: "Eek! He looks like a prince even when he's picking up oranges!"

Josui: "..."

(Say... was he only helping me... to impress his fans!?)

Fan 3: "Hey, isn't that Prince Iori from Revance!?"

Fan 4: "No way! Where?"

Fan 5: "Outta my way!"

Josui: "Hey!"

Before I know it's a crowd has gathered and I'm shoved further and further away.

Fan 3: "Are you here for a TV shoot or something?"

Fan 4: "Is the rest of the band here, too?"

Iori: "Thanks for always being a fan."

Iori: "I wish it weren't so, but I'm afraid when I'm not allowed to talk about that."

Fan 5: "Aw, that sucks!"

Fan 1: "But if you can't tell us, does that mean you're here for a private vacation?"

Iori: "Whether I'm working or taking time off, I'm always thinking of my fans."

Fans: "Eek!"

I rolled my eyes.

(It's been awhile since I've seen his stage persona.)

At the center of the crowd of girls when he smiles like a prince. I can't help but be impressed by his flawless performance.

(But we can't let this get out of hand.)

Josui: "GET OUT MY WAY!"

I push my way through the crowd toward him.

Josui: "Now excuse me, Iori has a packed schedule today, so."

Fan 1: "Who are you?"

Josui: "I'm Revance's assistant manager."

Fan 2: "Well, we're talking to the prince right now. Stay out of it."



Fan 2: "!?"

Josui: "Now listen young lady, if I hear you are being rude! I'll beat you up... GOT IT!"

Fan 2: "...!?"

Iori: "Jojo, calm down. Sorry ladies. This lady is new."

Iori: "Please don't give her too much of a hard time."

Iori: "Besides, it'd be a shame to see those beautiful faces ruined by a frown."

He flashes them a smile and they open a path for me.

Fan 1: "If you say so, Prince Iori..."

Fan 2: "Yeah."

(Oh wow, it's like Moses parting the Red Sea.)

Iori: "Thank you, ladies. I look forward to your continued support."

Iori: "Shall we go?"

Josui: "Why yes~! Sorry, excuse us."

We bow to the fans and hurry toward the car.

Matsunaga: "Oh, so that's what held you up?"

Matsunaga: "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

That evening. We tell Mr. Matsunaga about what happened earlier and he starts apologizing.

Iori: "I told you not to worry about it."

Josui: "Yeah. Nothing really serious happened anyway."

Iori: "Expected, this dummy who angry at fans."

Josui: "That because she's pissed me off!"

Matsunaga: "Now, now. But this is interfering with your work, too..."

Iori: "That's not problem. We're basically done anyway."


Matsunaga: "You are? You always were a hard worker, Master Iori."

Mr. Matsunaga looks relieved.

Iori: "We have to go home tomorrow morning, so I want you fighting fit by then. Better get to bed."

Matsunaga: "I understand, Master Iori."

(That's right. Iori's time off has come to an end.)

(But we haven't made any progress on the lyrics...)

We turn off the light and leave Mr. Matsunaga's room.

Josui: "Wow..."

The night sky is breathtakingly beautiful here.

Josui: "It's so clear, I bet I would see a shooting star if I watched long enough..."

(If I do see one my wish, will be that the lyrics turn out well.)

(I have to face Takashi again tomorrow afternoon. Can I do it in time?)

Josui: "No! Please don't think like that!"

I retie my bun and open my notebook.

Iori: "You're writing out of here?"

Josui: "Oh, Iori."

Josui: "Yeah. I wanted some fresh air."

Iori: "I see. Restless because you can't get your work done?"

Josui: "And you brought me up here to your vacation home, so doesn't that make you restless, too?"

Iori: "..."

(What the, is he ignoring me!?)

As without saying anything, Iori sits down next to me.

Josui: "!?"

Iori: "What? I can't sit next to you?"

Josui: "N-No, that's not it. I was surprised, that's all."

(He never hangs out with me unless he has to.)

(But he came shopping with me today, too.)

Iori: "So, have you come up with some lyrics?"

Josui: "Oh... well..."

Josui: "What about you, Iori?"

Iori: "I asked you first."

Josui: "Sorry... but I haven't come up with anything."

(I bet he's going to be really mad...)

As scared to hear what he's going to say, I brace myself.

Iori: "I see."

Josui: "Huh?"

All he does is nod quietly.

Josui: "Wait... are you not mad?"

Iori: "Do you want me to be? Do you have a masochist streak or something?"

Josui: "N-No!"

Josui: "Anyway, were you telling the truth when you said you were basically done?"

Iori: "If I was done and I would have shown you."

Josui: "Oh? so when you were talking to Mr. Matsunaga..."

Iori: "I wasn't going to say that we haven't going anything done because of him."

Josui: "You really are sweet to him."

Iori: "What's it to you?"

Iori: "Why don't you focus on making the words bubble up inside of you?"

I sighed.

Josui: "Look, I'm trying. It just hasn't been working."

Josui: "But... I think I understand why Ryo felt like running away."

Iori: "..."

(Oh no! I shouldn't probably have mentioned Ryo.)

I tried open my mouth to start apologize, but Iori speaks before me.

Iori: "I think I was the one that drove Ryo away..."

Josui: "Huh?"

Iori: "The one time, he was late with the lyrics and I really laid into him."

Josui: "Iori..."

Iori: "..."

Josui: "I'm sure it wasn't your fault!"

Iori: "Huh? But you just said..."

Josui: "I wasn't blaming you."

Josui: "Anyway, isn't 'harsh' your default setting?"

Josui: "I don't know how to act around you when you're being nice."

Iori: "Watch it..."

Josui: "I said I understood how Ryo felt, because I feel mad at myself for being stuck."

Josui: "Revance is so amazing and talented, I'm afraid I can't live up to your level."

Iori: "Are you regretting your decision to become our ghostwriter?"

Josui: "To be honest, I was really mad at Ryo at first for putting me in this position."

Josui: "But now that I've seen how serious you all are about your work, I've realized something."

Josui: "I want to try to work as hard as you do. It's time to get serious."

Suddenly, Iori leans his back up against mine.

Josui: "!"

The warmth of his broad back makes my heart skip a beat.

Josui: "Iori?"

Iori: "Don't speak."

Josui: "S-Sorry..."

All I can hear from his breathing and then his beautiful singing voice cuts across the clear sky.

(Those words are from my song about that Kyohei who rejected...)

(His voice is so beautiful. Everything seems to drop away.)

I look up at the sky and focus on his voice. When he finishes singing, Iori stands up and looks down at me.

Iori: "I think I understand what Ryo saw in you."

Josui: "Huh? But how?"

Iori: "Ryo said the same thing as you."

Josui: "Wh-What thing?"

The usual, as teasing grin comes to Iori's lips.

Iori: "I'm not gonna tell you. You can ask Ryo by yourself when he gets back."

(Why doesn't he just tell me? Ugh, he's too mean!)


Josui: "Thank you, Iori."

Iori: "For what?"

Josui: "For singing my song, of course."

Iori: "Forget about it. You helped out with Matsunaga. I owed you one."

Josui: "But I did that because I wanted to."

Iori: "Well, thanks."

Josui: "Huh?"

(Did Iori thanked me?!)

I look up at him with wide my eyes.

Iori: "What's with that face? Still trying to be a comedian?"

Josui: "No! I just want to be a screenwriter!"

Josui: "But... I'm still an idol band of Milky Pop."

Iori: "Right now, you're a ghostwriter. Let's go inside."

Iori: "We're supposed to do this together, right?"

Josui: "!"

(He's actually going to help me write?)

Iori: "Hurry up."

Josui: "I'm coming!"

I follow Iori inside.

Iori: "...Hey..."

Josui: "Mm..."

(Is that Iori's voice?)

Iori: "Hey! Wake up!"

Josui: "!"

I'm ripped from my dreams by a shout accompanied by my blanket getting yanked away.

Iori: "Are you finally awake, ya drooling dummy?"

Josui: "Oh shut up rude prince..."

I hurriedly wipe my mouth with my own handkerchief, but there's nothing there.

Josui: "What the! I'm not drooling!?"

Iori: "You aren't?"

Iori: "Your mouth was wide open, so I assumed you were."

Josui: "What are you doing in here—wait..."

(This is Iori's room!)

Iori: "You don't remember about what happened last night?"

A wicked grin appears on his face.

Josui: "H-Hold on... I remember working on the theme song with you..."

(I must have fallen asleep!)

I feel my face are goes pale.

Josui: "Why you didn't wake me up sooner?"

(Oh no, Iori's break is already over...)

Iori: "I tried, but you wouldn't wake up."

Iori: "I got an email from Kyohei. Check it out."

Josui: "From Kyohei?"

I peer at Iori's laptop.

Josui: "Wait, is this...?"

I can't believe what I'm reading.

Iori: "After you fall asleep, I sent him the lyrics we had."

Josui: "So when he says, 'It's looking better', does he means..."

Iori: "Well, he hasn't approved it, but he thinks it's not bad."

Josui: "Oh Iori, thank you!"

(At least we've made some progress! Thank god!)

Nagito: "Iori, Josui, welcome back!"

As soon as we arrive back at the house... we have to go straight to a job, so Mr. Sasayama meets us in his car. The rest of the band are already there.

(They have a magazine interview today. We don't even have time to catch out breath.)

(Iori's vacation time really was a rare occurrence.)

Kyohei: "Welcome back."

Takashi: "Have you made any progress?"

Iori: "Kind of. I think we've got it under control."

Sasayama: "Good. Keep up the hard work, Ms. Nakajima."

Josui: "Of course."

Nagito: "Where'd you two go anyway?"

Iori: "My vacation home."

Nagito: "Just the two of you? Oh, this sounds juicy!"


Iori: "Oh, sorry."

Iori takes his cell phone into the hallway. Nagito looks at me, amused.

Nagito: "Tell me, Josui. Did anything happen with Iori?"

Josui: "Nope, of course not!"

(All though he was acting different from usual.)

(His innocent smile as he played with Princess... the kind way he looked at Matsunaga..)


I remember his voice as he sang under the stars.

Kota: "You have a dreamy look in your eyes though..."

Josui: "What the!?"

Nagito: "That's suspicious. Something did happen, didn't it?"

Josui: "Nothing about happened! Just don't ask me!?"

Josui: "Look, the interview's about to start, right! So I'll go get Iori."

(Nagito always jumps to those kinds of conclusions...)

Josui: "Oh, Iori. There you are."

(Huh, he looks really mad... but who's he talking to on the phone?)

Iori: "I already told you that I refuse to use a matchmaker..."

Josui: "Oh!?"

(Does Iori's supposed to see a matchmaker!?)

-End of Chapter 6-

To be continued... 

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