Chapter 9

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Iori and I sit in his bed from his room as looking at my notebook.

Iori: "'If we could be together and share our feelings...' Hm?"

Josui: "Yes, that's what I want to make the line."

Iori: "Why did you suddenly make all these changes? Did your fountain of words appear?"

Josui: "Um, well..."

(I can't tell him as that about I was writing a message to him.)

Josui: "I think the words just suddenly sprung up inside me. But I don't even understand it."

Iori: "Oh? Okay then."

Josui: "What should we do about the guy's part?"

Iori: "Let's see... I would respond with, 'If I could only keep you safe in my arms'."

Josui: "Hm, 'keep you safe'..."

Josui: "That makes it sound like the guy wants to protect her."

Josui: "But the girl wants them to overcome things together."

Iori: "That's true. I guess it's not realistic."

Josui: "I didn't mean it like that! But I think that's exactly how a lot of guys would feel."

Josui: "But I do think they should come to share the same way of thinking in the end."

Josui: "Hmm... this is tricky."

Iori: "...Though we'll face uncertainty, if we protect each other we can make it through."

Iori: "We'll build these bonds of love together."

Josui: "!"

Iori: "How about something like that?"

(I know he was just reciting lyrics, but...)

Iori: "Don't leave me hanging, what do you think?"

Josui: "Oh, sorry! But I think that's good. So, let's go with that!"

(He wasn't saying that to me... but why do I have these butterflies in my stomach!?)

And so...

Iori: "It's finished."

Josui: "Sorry it took so long."

Kyohei: "Okay, let's put it to music."

Kota: "Are you gonna sing it, Iori?"

Iori: "Yeah."

Takashi: "I'll count off the intro for you."

Iori: "Got it."

Nagito: "Oh, I can't wait to hear this!"

(I'm nervous, but I'm positive these are the best lyrics as I've written yet!)

(But I think they're gonna like it!)

The song's intro begins to play softly.

Takashi: "Here comes your cue in three, two, one..."

Iori's singing fills the room.

Iori: "So?"

Kyohei: "Not bad."

Josui: "Oh..."

(Does he mean it's not good, either?)

Kyohei: "Actually, it's really good. Light years better than the last song you showed me."

Kota: "There were some spots where it didn't synch up with the music."

Takashi: "But that can easily be fixed."

(Oh Takashi is smiling? But I don't think I've ever seen him smile in real life before.)

Nagito: "Isn't this great, Josui?"

Nagito bounds toward me to give me a hug...

Iori: "Hey!"

Nagito: "Ow!"

Iori shoves a notebook in front of Nagito's face.

(What the heck!)

Nagito: "What's the big idea?"

Iori: "Keep your hands off her."

Nagito: "Huh? But I wasn't doing anything I haven't done before."

Iori: "What if you know her down and she gets hurt again?"

Nagito: "Oh yeah. Sorry, Iori."

(Wait, shouldn't he be apologizing to me?)

Iori: "Sasayama will be here to pick us up soon. Let's get ready to go."

Iori: "And good work, ghostwriter."

Josui: "!"

(Iori praised me!)

Iori: "Let's go, dummy!"

Josui: "Coming!"

I hurry after the others.

(I completed my job. I was actually useful to Revance!)

My first job as a ghostwriter is finished, but...

Nagito: "Thanks for doing all this, Josui. Can I come in now?"

Iori: "..."

Josui: "Yeah, I'm done for cleaning. I'll go get you some water."

(Nagito and Iori are practicing the dance.)

(Kyohei and Takashi are recording and Kota is rehearsing for the mini drama.)

(I haven't seen the five of them all together in a while.)

As lost in thought, but my eyes suddenly meet Iori's.

Iori: "Now that your ghostwriting work is done, are you gonna be our maid?"

Josui: "Keep talking like that or I'll switch your water with orange juice."

Iori: "..."

Josui: "Pfff, hahaha! Just kidding! I wouldn't do that."

(It does kinda seem like I'm their maid right now.)

(But famous people always have someone who helps them out behind the scenes.)

(Does that mean I'm becoming Revance's personal assistant?)

(Oh no, I don't want that! I want to become a screenwriter!)

Nagito: "What's wrong?"

Josui: "HOLY!?"

I jump in surprise when Nagito whispers in my ear, cause he laughed.

Josui: "Would you knock it off, Nagito. Sorry, I was just spacing out."

(I wish he wouldn't whisper in a sexy voice right in my ear like that...)

Nagito: "Hm? Why's your face all red?"

Josui: "Wha...!?"

Nagito reaches out to touch my cheek...

Iori: "Outta my way."

Iori pushes me aside and starts stretching.

Nagito: "Hey, you don't have to be so rude about it. Right, Josui?"

Josui: "But I was in the way here...."

Nagito: "Really? But there's plenty of room to stretch over there, too."

Iori: "Nagi, quit stalling and get ready to work."

Nagito: "Okay!"

(He's right about the fact that they need to work...)

(It's almost time for 25 Hour TV. I think everyone's getting a bit tense.)

I leave the studio to get out of their way.

I come back with water for them and quietly open the studio door.

Iori: "Nagi, you were late on that step."

Nagito: "I'm having trouble about getting for this part down."

Iori: "Try starting half a beat earlier."

Nagito: "Okay."

(Their stage performance is always perfect, but it takes hard work to get there.)

I set the drinks down quietly and turn to go.

Kyohei: "..."

Kyohei comes staggering in.

Josui: "Kyohei, are you okay? You don't look so good!"

(His usual, strong presence has disappeared.)

Kyohei: "Iori, Taka wants you."

Iori: "For what?"

Takashi's name instantly makes the atmosphere tense.

Kyohei: "He wants to talk to you about the song."

Iori: "...Okay."

Josui: "What's going on... I'll go too."

(He probably wants to talk about the lyrics. I should go, too.)

Kyohei: "You're brave, Josui. Volunteering to go face the monster?"

Josui: "N-Never mind! Maybe I'd better stay here after all..."

Iori: "Too late, you already said you'd come."

Josui: "You got me..."

I follow Iori into the recording room.

Takashi: "Good, you're here. Let's get started."

Iori: "Uh..."

Josui: "Hold up Takashi, didn't you want to talk about the song?"

Takashi: "Kyohei's been singing so long as he lost his voice, so I told him to switch with somone."

Josui: "Huh?"

Iori: "Kyohei..."

(How dare him! He tricked us...!)

Iori sighs in resignation and walks into the sound booth.

Takashi: "Okay, here we go. Start from the first melody. And go."

Just as soon as Iori starts singing... but Takashi stops the music and speaks into the microphone.

Takashi: "Iori, you're coming in late. You need to switch gears from dancing to singing."

Takashi: "We need to start with a strong base or the overall quality will suffer."

Takashi: "We don't have much time. Let's start from the top. Give it your all."

Iori: "Okay, Leader."

(Looks like monster Takashi is back in action.)

(I made some food for everybody...)

(But I don't know if they have time to eat. I don't want to interrupt Takashi.)

Kyohei: "Oh, that smells good."

Kyohei comes into the kitchen and sneaks a taste of the potatoes I've piled onto a plate.

Josui: "Aw Kyohei, come on!"

Kyohei: "Yep, it tastes good, too."

Josui: "That's not the issue."

Iori: "Kyohei, it's rude to eat with your hands."

Josui: "Oh, Iori, are you finished?"

(He looks exhausted.)

Kyohei: "Yeah, good work."

Kyohei: "Don't worry, the only thing as I tasted was the potatoes."

Kyohei grins suggestively.

Iori: "Quit smirking like that."

Iori: "I was planning on getting the dance down today."

Iori: "Why did I have to take all of your hard work?"

???: "Maybe next time I'll have to work both of you even harder."

(That voice...!)

The three of us slowly turn to face him...

Kyohei: "Uh..."

Iori: "Leader..."

Josui: "A-All done already? You must be tired."

Takashi: "I'm not tired at all."

(It's true, he looks completely fine!)

(He's not a songwriting monster, so he's a songwriting robot!)

Takashi: "I want you two back in the recording room."

Takashi grabs them and drags them from the kitchen.

After tidying the kitchen when I head up to my room.

(The lights are still on in the dance studio and the recording studio.)

(I guess they're going to practice late into the night.)

(Now that the lyrics are done, there's not much for me to do.)

That's to be expected, but I feel a bit left out.

(I know, I'll take another look at the blog. Things should have calmed down online by now.)

I log into Revance's account on my phone.

Josui: "What the..."

My eyes land on a shocking post.


As the phone in my hand, when I run out of my room.

Josui: "Iori!"

Iori: "What? A least knock before you come barging in here."

Josui: "Sorry, but you have to see this."

I hold my phone out to Iori.

Iori: "'Stop giving Revance your money'."

Iori: "'We will punish anyone who mistreats their fans'."

Iori: "'A certain member of Revance is called a prince'..."

Iori: "'But in real life, he threatens his female fans'!"

Iori: "'But thanks to that girl of band Milky Pop's fans who told female prince's fans to say 'D.I.E'! Such a Milky Pop are trash it'!"

Iori: "Don't they have have anything better to do with their time?"

Iori seems unconcerned as he puts the phone down.

Josui: "I'm sorry... I caused all of this bad stuff to happen..."

Iori: "Do you really think that?"

Iori pats me on the head.

Iori: "Your head must be empty."

Josui: "Sheesh Iori, that's not the issue here!"

Iori: "Well, shouting at me hysterically isn't gonna change anything."

Josui: "That maybe true, but..."

Josui: "I don't like seeing people talk like that about you and Revance."

I try to push his hand away as he patronizingly pats my head. But Iori grabs my hand instead.

Josui: "I-Iori?"

Iori: "You should be more worried about your hands turning orange from eating too many of oranges."

Josui: "!"

Iori: "I always thought that was an old wives' tale, but looks like it's true."

Josui: "P-Please let go of me!"

(I hate the fact about that having him touch my hand makes me happy.)

(But I do feel a bit calmer now. Iori's hand is so warm...)

Iori: "Dealing with ugly rumors like these is just part of being a celebrity."

Josui: "But!"

He interrupts me by reading more of the messages.

Iori: "'I heard that Revance only made it because of one of their rich dads. Is that true'?"

Iori: "This is nonsense. Do you know how many times people have spread rumors like this?"

(I-Iori's eyes look so scarier than usual.)

(Looks like this is affecting him after all.)

Iori: "We'll put an end to these rumors. You don't need to concern yourself."

Iori: "We've done it before, we can do it again."

Josui: "I'm sorry, but it just makes me so mad."

Josui: "I wish I could about something..."

Iori: "If you want to help, practice writing better lyrics."

Iori: "Ghostwriter."

His words are still harsh, but his expression is no longer cold. I sighed.

Josui: "Alright..."

(He's right. the thing as I can actually do for Revance is act as Ryo.)

The next day.

(The band's going on a talk show to promote 25 Hour TV.)

(I hope the show goes well enough to take focus off those Internet rumors.)


Sasayama: "May I have a word?"

Josui: "Oh, Mr. Sasayama."

He brings someone back with him from his meeting with the show's producers.

Showrunner: "Sorry for dropping in."

(Huh? That's the showrunner for 25 Hour TV.)

Kyohei: "Is there something wrong?"

Showrunner: "We need to talk about something..."

(If he's coming to see them as personally, something must be up.)

Iori: "Ms Nakajima."

Josui: "Yes?"

Iori's dazzling smile seems out of place in this tense atmosphere.

Iori: "Would you mind when you going to get me something to drink?"

Josui: "Huh?"

Iori: "Sorry, but I'm thirsty."

(Looks like his smile is telling me to get out of here.)

(He doesn't want me in here while they talk?)

I sigh when I spoke.

Josui: "Alright, I'll be right back."

Iori: "Thanks, but there's no rush."

I get the hint and hurry out of the dressing room.

Josui: "But I wonder what they're talking about..."

I stand in the hallway restlessly.

Yokoyama: "What are you doing loitering there!"

Josui: "What the hell are YOU doing here, Mr. Yokoyama!?"

(Great, he's the one who in charge of Revance's section for 25 Hour TV...)

Josui: "Don't bother me and I hope your work's going well!?"

Yokoyama: "Just so you know, I had nothing to do with this."

Yokoyama: "He caused this trouble himself and he has to pay for it."

Josui: "What the? What are you talking about?"

Yokoyama: "Aren't you Revance's assistant manager? Haven't you heard?"

My stomach feels like it's dropped to the floor.

Yokoyama: "With behavior that bad, there's no way we can put out the fire."

Josui: "What fire?"

Yokoyama: "Iori Enjo's behavior has become a problem."

Yokoyama: "The TV station can't risk having someone like him as a host."

Josui: "!"

(Iori's behavior? Does he mean... NO!?)

I think back to the day about Iori rescued me from those fans.

(Has the truth come out!?)

-End of Chapter 9-

To be continued... 

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