Sequel 4

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Iori: "Shiho..."

We get out of the car and walk to the condo entrance. The woman looks relieved when she sees Iori coming over.

Shiho: "Iori? Great."

Shiho: "...It's been a while, hasn't it?"

(So her name is Shiho...)

(She's the one who encouraged Iori to become a pop star.)

(And... she's the main reason behind why he become a woman-hater...)


Josui: "So, when did you start hating women?"

Iori: "When I realized that women were as selfish and self-obsessed as all the rest."

Josui: "Huh...?"

Iori: "She became my father's mistress. She was only after his money and power."

*End of flashback*

On the other hand, she's also an extremely important person in his life.

Iori: "...Why are you here?"

Shiho: "I came here because I have something important to tell you."

Iori: "I have nothing to say to you!"

Shiho: "Please, I have something I really need to tell you..."

Iori: "Go away!"

As with an icy glare, he tries to make her leave.

(He was like this that time with the photograph... it feels like there's no way to get through to him.)

(Of course, I also wonder why she's here now...!)

I sighed.

Josui: "Iori, you don't have to talk like that..."

Josui: "Wouldn't it be good to talk a little?"

Iori: "What...? What are you saying?"

Josui: "I mean... do you really want to end it like this?"

Though he says it's in the past, he flat-out refuses to talk about it.

(But this means there's a part left in him that no one can touch.)

(Where does that leave me...?)

Shiho: "I don't know who you are, but thanks for your help."

Shiho: "Please, Iori. As soon as I've said my piece then I'll go."

Iori: "..."

Josui: "Iori..."

Iori: "...I thought you were stupid, but not that stupid."

Iori: "Don't regret this!"

Josui: "Huh?"

Iori: "We'll attract attention here. Let's go inside."

Shiho: "Iori...! Thank you."

Iori takes Shiho to the entrance of the condo.

Kota: "Are you going to let him go? Doesn't it look like there's something going on there?"

Nagito: "He may rekindle his romance with that older woman. They are alone in private after all."

Josui: "What...!"

As finally as I'm beginning to understand what he meant by "don't regret this."

(But... of course... she's his first love... and she's extremely beautiful...)

*Imagine nightmare...*

Iori: "Shiho, I know I..."

Shiho: "Iori..."

Josui: "Iori!? What about me!"

Iori: "Sorry, orange girl."

Iori: "I'm going to be perfectly happy with her."

Josui: "No... you can't!"

*End of imagine nightmare*

Iori: "Hey."

Josui: "What!?"

(Oh my god, it was all in my head...)

Back in reality, Iori has returned and is right in front of my eyes.

Iori: "You guys go on home."

Nagito: "Iori, what are you planning on doing that will take so long!?"

Iori: "Shut it!"

Kota: "Why do you have to go out of your way to bug him?"

Kyohei: "Okay, we're going."

Kyohei: "Josui."

Josui: "Huh, yes?"

Kyohei: "You stay here and come back with Iori."

Josui: "Wait what?"

Kyohei: "See ya."

As with wicked smiles plastered across their faces, they leave.

(...Stay here!?)

(But I can't just interrupt them, can I...?)

I glance at Iori, but he doesn't even look back.

(I guess I'll just have to wait here.)

I sigh a little bit, and crouch down in front of the entrance.

Iori: "...Silly girl."

While I'm thinking when he flicks my forehead.

Josui: "O-Ouch! Wh-What are you doing?"

Iori: "If you're going to let your imagination run wild, you should have said so from the start."

(Damn it... he knows...!)

Iori: "Aren't you the one who told me to listen to her?"

Iori: "You're out here looking like an abandoned puppy and you want my sympathy?"

Josui: "I'm sorry..."

Josui: "When I thought you went to her, I got anxious..."

Iori: "Okay, so why did you push me to talk to Shiho?"

Josui: "Because... she's always weighing on your mind, Iori..."

Josui: "That's why you threw away the photo... if you hadn't, you couldn't have forgotten her, could you?"

Iori: "..."

Josui: "So I thought if you could ease your mind even a little bit..."

(Was it none of my business...?)

Iori: "...You're such a pain."

Iori: "Whatever. I got to see your funny face."

As he says this when he grabs my wrist and pulls me to the entrance.

Josui: "What funny face?"

Iori: "Stop whining, and come with me."

Josui: "Wh-What... should I be in there with you?"

Iori: "Do you want to wait here?"

Iori: "If you don't mind being reported to the cops as a suspicious-looking loiterer, go ahead!"

Josui: "N-No way! I'm coming with you!"

In the end... I also enter Iori's apartment, and find myself attending their meeting.

Josui: "Please, have some tea."

Shiho: "Thank you."

(She's really pretty... but I can understand why Iori fell in love with her.)

(They looked close in that photo... but what kind of relationship did they have?)

Josui: "..."

As with their relationship on my mind, when I keep quiet and drink my tea.

Iori: "Hey, why aren't you saying anything?"

Josui: "Huh...?"

Iori: "You were worried enough to come."

Josui: "I guess so... but I didn't think I should interrupt."

Shiho: "Iori, I'll tell her."

Shiho: "A long time ago, I was employed by the Enjo family."

Shiho: "When Iori was taking his junior high entrance exams, I was his home tutor."

Iori: "Well, in reality she was more like my personal assistant."

Iori: "My parents were always away. And the other workers in the house had their own work."

Josui: "Home tutor..."

(It... it sounds very suspicious...)

I shut down my imagination before it runs away from me.

Iori: "...And? You were saying?"

Iori brushes his hair back sullenly, and Shiho puts down her tea.

Shiho: "...President Enjo's asked for my help. He wants me to convince you to quit being pop star."

Josui: "!"

(I knew it, President Enjo wants to make him quit at 30.)

Iori: "Hah. You're still with him."

Iori speaks straight without hiding his disgust.

Shiho: "...Excuse me? What do you mean by 'with him'?"

Shiho: "Honestly, I've just heard from him for the first time in years."

Iori: "You don't need to pretend. He said it himself."

Iori: "I bet it's great fun being the president's mistress. All the money and freedom you want."

Josui: "Iori, there's no need to speak like that."

Iori: "Shut up."

Shiho: "Hey, I think you've got the wrong idea."

Shiho: "Did President Enjo say that? That... I was his mistress?"

Iori: "Yes, he did."

Iori: "After all, you wanted the fortune and position of the Enjo family, didn't you?"

Shiho: "No!"

Shiho raises her voice for the first time. Then she calmly shakes her head, as if she's thought better of it.

Shiho: "There was and is nothing between me and the president."

Iori: "So why did you leave?"

Iori: "Once you become his mistress, you didn't need to work as a home tutor, did you?"

Shiho: "That's not true. I... I only left because President Enjo asked me to."

Josui: "!"

Shiho: "He didn't want to fuel an unnecessary scandal, just after you become a pop star."

(President Enjo did that...? But he seemed so against Iori being a pop star.)

(It seems like...)

Shiho: "If he made up a story like that at the time... maybe it was too convince you to devote yourself to being a pop star."

Iori: "No way! He was completely against it!"

Iori: "You know that more than anyone."

(So... Shiho being President Enjo's mistress was just a misunderstanding?)


As little by little, the disgust drains from Iori's eyes.

Shiho: "I felt that it was now worth persuading President Enjo... that you had the potential to be a pop star. I knew that you could could make it."

Iori: "..."

Shiho: "Even after I left the Enjoy house, I always watched you on TV."

Shiho: "You got more and more famous, and before I knew it you were out of reach to me..."

A little bit sadly, she lowers her eyes.

(Shiho... didn't actually want to leave the Enjo house?)

(But she did as President Enjo asked... to give Iori the chance to make it as a pop star...)

Iori: "...Women really are selfish."

Iori: "You vanish without a word, and then suddenly appear out of the blue..."

Shiho: "I'm sorry. But... I thought I would never see you again."

Shiho: "When President Enjo got in touch with me, I thought it was my last chance to see you."

Iori: "..."

Iori's left speechless, and Shiho turns to me.

Shiho: "Josui... wasn't it?"

Shiho: "Are you Iori's girlfriend?"

Josui: "...!"

(What a question to be asked by Iori's first love...!)

(Seriously... are we gonna fight!?)

(Like, "You're not right for him" or "I've love him for longer than you" or...)

(And then what should my comeback be....!)

Shiho smiles as if she's read my mind and understands my shocks.

Shiho: "I'm sorry, what am I saying?"

Shiho: "He's a pop star, so of course you can't tell other people, can you?"

Josui: "Oh..."

Shiho: "When I saw you two looking so close, I felt glad..."

Iori: "...I think I can trust you not to tell anyone."

Iori: "Josui is my girlfriend, of course she's-"

Josui: "Don't say it..."

I stare at him, but he smirk.

Iori: "She's a band of Milk Pop."

Iori say that, cause Shiho was shocked when she looked at me.


Josui: "Damn you, Iori!?"

Iori: "Haha."

(Sheesh you told her! And you've come clean about us.)

(But I'm glad somehow...)

He takes a slightly breath, and stares at her.

Iori: "...I understand about the situation."

Iori: "But it's useless to try and convince me. I have no intention of leaving Revance."

Shiho: "From the very start, I had no intention of trying to convince you."

Iori/Josui: "What?"

Shiho: "Because I'm a fan of Revance and Milky Pop."

Shiho: "I was only keeping up with it to see how you were doing, but... Revance is a great group, isn't it?"

Iori: "...Then why are you here now?"

Shiho: "Because I just wanted to make sure, you were happy with your life now."

Iori: "Hah! How long are you going to play the part of my tutor?"

Shiho: "Haha, you're right. Besides, you seem to have met someone wonderful."

Josui: "Huh...?"


When I see Shiho smiling in relief... but I understand how much she really cares about Iori.

Iori: "...Yes, I guess so."

Josui: "!"

Iori: "The old Iori would have turned a deaf ear to your story."

Iori: "Maybe it's due to her."

(Oh god no way! I can't believe he's saying like this!)

Iori: "I'm used to women being selfish."

As he says this, he looks relieved.

Shiho: "I'm happy about that you have a dream and someone to support you."

Shiho: "Well... I'll be leaving now."

Iori: "Oh... sorry, I can't take you home."

Iori: "You know... I can't just be seen walking about outside."

Shiho: "That's okay."

Shiho: "Just remember this. The president is serious about making you quit being a pop star."

Shiho: "When he realizes it's useless for me to talk to you, cause he may try another way."

Iori: "Bring it on!"

In front of the calmly smiling Shiho... so Iori has a smile as determined as I've ever seen before.

Josui: "Shiho really is a wonderful person."

(I was worried how it would turn out, but I'm glad it all came together in the end.)

Josui: "Let's get in touch with Mr. Sasayama, and head to the studio."

Iori: "No. I'll stay here today."

Josui: "What! Why?"

Iori: "Because I have to talk to you."

Josui: "Wh-What about it? But you sound so serious..."

As looking impassive when he pats the seat next to him.

(For some reason, I feel like I can't resist.)

As with trepidation, I sit next to him... and he quickly takes my hand in his hand to make me gasp.

Josui: "!"

Iori: "...Thank you."

Josui: "Huh?"

Iori: "I'm glad you told me to talk to Shiho."

Iori: "...I feel relieved."

Josui: "It's good that you learned it was all a misunderstanding, right?"

Iori: "Yeah."

Iori: "...I've said it before, but without you it wouldn't have happened."

Iori: "I even surprised myself. I thought I'd never forgive her."

Josui: "Iori..."

(Just by being with him, as I'm affecting his life... but if only a little.)

Josui: "I'm so happy that you think like that."

Iori: "Yeah, so."

Josui: "So...?"

Iori's face draws close to mine. He's more passionate than usual. Under his gaze I feel bewildered. He takes my face in his hands.

Josui: "!"

Iori: "I've said enough. Now it's your turn."

Josui: "I...!"

He holds me tight so I can't escape.

Iori: "What are you hiding from me?"

Iori: "Do you think I believed your story about yesterday?"

Josui: "!"

(What...!? But yesterday, he held me so gently?)

It's like the sweet voice of the Iori in my hotel room was just a lie... but the familiar cold, evil prince has returned.

Iori: "Tell me. If you don't, this won't end."

Iori: "I won't be lied to anymore."

Josui: "O-Ouch...!"

-End of Sequel 4-

To be continued... 

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