Chapter 6

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The day after I fainted in the bath.

Takashi: "To be perfectly frank, we're running out of time."

Kagari: "Yeah, yeah I know..."

I kneel stiffly on the floor in front of the large sofa in the recording studio.

Takashi: "We can't wait on the lyrics forever. How are they coming?"

Kagari: "It's not like I haven't come up with anything. It's just that I'm still tweaking them."

Takashi: "Tweaking?"

Takashi: "Do you actually have the skill to back up those big claims."

Kagari: "Would you stop making a scary face!?!?!?!"

(God! He's scary... The fact that he's usually so quiet makes him seem even scarier than Kyohei...)

Kota: "You're getting dangerously close to witnessing our leader's demon mode."

Kagari: "What the! Demon Mode!?"

Nagito: "Yeah. When it comes to music, Takashi shows no mercy."

Nagito: "He always pushes us during recording sessions, too."

Kagari: "Ugh... you could have told me that sooner..."

Takashi: "None of that matters right now."

Iori: "It's just like he said. We don't have much time left before the 10th anniversary concert."

Iori: "Just how long will these 'tweaks' of yours take?"

Kagari: "Don't know..."

(The time until the 10th anniversary concert is running out. I have to hurry...)

Kyohei: "I understand your worry, but please just wait a little longer."

Takashi: "But Kyohei..."

Kyohei: "Kagari's doing really well working in such an unfamiliar environment."

Kagari: "Huh?"

Nagito: "That's a surprise! Kyohei's usually the harshest of all!"

Kyohei: "I'm not Iori. I'm nice to girls."

Kota: "You're not being nice, you're being played."

Iori: "Have you hit your head or something, Producer?"

Kyohei: "You guys..."

Kagari: Well I'm just as shocked as the rest of them that you'd say something like that."

Kyohei: "What's the big deal?"

Kyohei: "How could I dislike someone who takes my work so seriously?"

Kagari: "W-What?"

Kyohei: "You said you wanted to make the 10th anniversary song really good."

(K-Kyohei, y-you...!)

Kagari: "T-Thanks for sticking up for me."

Kyohei: "If you want to thank me, use actions, not words."

Kagari: "A-Actions?"

Kyohei: "For example..."

I catch a whiff of Kyohei cologne. His face right in front of mine, Kyohei smiles. He lifts up my chin.

Kyohei: "Do something like this...."

Kagari: "W-What are you doing!?"

My cheeks are turned deep red.

Kyohei: "Just kidding. The best thanks you could give me is to write those lyrics fast."

Kagari: "Y-Yeah.. of course. Could you give the rest of jokes, though?"

Kyohei: "That's new... You usually act more over-the-top embarrassed."

(God! That was probably true. But what's changed about me?)

Kyohei: "Anyway, I'll wait for you to finish writing."

Kyohei: "I believe in you."

Kagari: "Okay... I'll do my best to give you a great song."

Iori: "I don't know how much I trust someone who use her feminine wiles to get ahead..."

Nagito: "Come on, that's enough of teasing. We're counting on you, Kagari!"

(I looked foolish fainting yesterday, but things seem to be going better than ever now.)

(This time I will come up with some great lyrics.)


Kyohei: "That's why I think the overall feel should be an upbeat dance number."

Iori: But we want it to be a totally new song. We shouldn't add to much extra fluff."

(Kyohei and Iori are discussing the new song's live arrangement.)

Kota: "You're almost done with the costumes? That's fast even for you, Nagi."

Nagito: "I think you're gonna like them, they look really cool! And I'm designing the concert merch!"

(Kota and Nagito are talking about the costumes and merchandise.)

Takashi: "..."

(Takashi is listening to something on his headphones. He's thinking about the composition.)

(Even while they're waiting for something, they don't rest.)

Kagari: "A popular boy band is truly busy every day."

Iori: "You act like you're not involved. Have you forgotten your part in this?"

Kagari: "That's not what I said!"

Kyohei: "Hey Kagari, what do you think the live version of the song should be like?"

Kagari: "M-Me?"

Iori: "What are you asking her for?"

Kyohei: "Sometimes it's good to get another opinion."

Kagari: "Guess that means you're desperate..."

Kyohei: "Yeah, desperate enough to ask a no-good ghost for help. You're an Idol girl, Kagari."

Kagari: "No-good ghost... but I guess I am Idol girl."

Shinya: "What are you all talking about?"

(What the hell Shinya doing here!?)

I turn around to find Shinya standing in the dressing room doorway.

(Oh crap, he didn't hear the part about me being a ghostwriter or Idol girl, did he?)

Kyohei: "You're starting to act like a stalker."

Kyohei: "Don't you know you should knock before entering someone's room?"

Shinya: "Yeah, whatever."

He smiles and knocks lightly on the door.

Shinya: "Did I hear you mention a new song? What were you talking about?"

Kyohei: "That's a top secret. I'm not gonna tell you."

Shinya: "Sounded to me like you were talking about the live arrangement."

Kyohei: "Don't ask questions you already know the answer to."

Shinya: "I was surprised, that's all."

Shinya: "You're always so guarded when it comes to work. I'm surprised you'd ask her for ideas."

Kagari: "!?"

Shinya leisurely walks over to where I'm sitting.

Shinya: "Maybe you actually hold a more important position in Revance?"

(Did he hear our whole conversation after all!?)

Unable to avert my gaze or answer him, I stare at Shinya silently.

Kyohei steps in between us, as if shielding me.

Kyohei: "Stop trying to scare our assistant manager! I won't allow it!"

Shinya: "Woah!"

Shinya: "My bad. You're as frightening as ever when you threaten someone."

Shinya: "Sorry Kagari. I thought that maybe you were dating him since you two seem so close."

Kagari: "You're got all wrong enough...."

Shinya: "Really? That's good."

Kyohei: "Are you planning on pestering us all day?"

Shinya: "Aw, don't be like that. Sorry for interrupting you guys."

Shinya: "Oh yes, Kagari."

Kagari: "What?"

He suddenly pulls me closer by the arm and whispers in my ear.

Shinya: "Don't forget about our date to the Grenade concert."

Kagari: "Huh...?"

Shinya: "I'm looking forward to tomorrow night."

With that, Shinya leaves the dressing room.

(That's right. I agreed to go on a date with Shinya in exchange for him telling me about Kyohei...)

Kyohei: "Hey!"

Kagari: "W-What is it?"

Kyohei: "When did you become such good friends with Shinya?"

Kagari: "Um..."

Kyohei: "Well, whatever. Just be careful."

Kyohei: "He's not bad guy, but he moves fast. He'd probably break your heart."

(Is he was worried about me?)

Kyohei: "Take care of yourself. I don't want to lose Little Yamada's dog walker to a broken heart."

Kagari: "It's that what you're worried about me?"

Kyohei: "Now, time to go work."

(He was so nice last night, I thought maybe had changed.)

(I have to keep my head on straight.)


(Wow! The crowd's not as big as at a Revance concert, but they have a lot of fans!)

The next day...

I keep my promise and accompany Shinya to the Grenade concert.

(Maybe it's my imagination, but I feel like Kyohei has gotten softer lately.)

(It's a good thing he stopped banning me from going out on my own.)

Shinya: "Here are our seats."

Kagari: "These look like VIP seats...?"

Shinya: "I used my connections to get some of the best seats in the house."

Shinya: "So let's have fun tonight!"

Kagari: "Whatever..."

(I can't help feeling like Shinya has an ulterior motive...)

(I have to be on my guard.)

Shinya: "Do you know any of Grenade's song?"

Shinya: "You said you didn't really follow boy bands."

Kagari: "I listened to some of their songs to get ready for the concert."

Shinya: "A good idea. But it is a bit strange. A boy band manager who doesn't follow boy bands."

Shinya: "Don't you think Kyohei and the others are attractive?"

Kagari: "I do. They're all very good-looking."

Kagari: "But looks aren't as important as what's on the inside."

Shinya: "I see. You're a harsh critic."

(Uh no, but...)

As I've spent with them, I've started to realize something. They may have different personalities on and off stage, but that shows how serious they are.

(If they weren't serious, they couldn't create such convincing facades.)

Kagari: "Actually, I take it back what I said. Revance is really cool.

Shinya: "Huh?"

Kagari: "Sticking to your convincing and giving it your all is harder than it sounds."

Kagari: "When I see them striving to succeed even when it's hard, they look really good."

Shinya: "..."

Kagari: "I wasn't lying and I shouldn't pretend to be an expert when I'm not."

That was shocked by my own words, I look down. For some reason, Shinya looks highly amused.

Shinya: "You really are great. So interesting."

Kagari: "What?"

Shinya: "My impression of you when I first saw you was spot on."

Kagari: "You mean... when you saw me balancing a pen on my lips? You better not laughing!"

Shinya: "Haha, I didn't mean interesting as in 'funny.'"

Shinya: "You look at everyone, even idols, as if they're your equal."

Kagari: "I don't think as if that's true..."

(I've always been scared by how much power Kyohei has.)

Shinya: "At first I thought it was strange that you're so different from Kyohei's normal women."

Shinya: "But now I think I understand why he keeps you close."

Kagari: "It has nothing to do with whether Kyohei likes me or not. I'm just their assistant manager."

(Yeah, it's only because I'm their ghostwriter and I'm Idol girl...)

That's why I tell myself. Shinya's confident grin does not fade.

Shinya: "No, I think my conjecture hits close to the mark."

Shinya: "I am Kyohei's stalker after all. You should trust me."

(I knew it he is...)

Kagari: "Well, I'll be glad if I can be of use to him."

(I need to make this song a success. He said he believe in me, so I can't let him down.)

Kagari: "I've never had any interest in boy bands."

Kagari: "But as I've been spend time with them, I've come to like Revance."

(Just a little bit. They're still really arrogant at times, after all.)

Shinya: "I get it. They're a good band. That's why I won't give up on being their producer."

Shinya: "Oh, looks like concert's about to start."

Kagari: "Whatever..."

(I am at concert... I might as well have a good time.)

Kagari: "That was fun! Grenade's songs are good, but their banter between songs was great!"

Shinya: "Want to go to their dressing room to say hi?"

Kagari: "I don't think so, we can go back to the backstage?"

Shinya: "I told you I have connections."

(Wow, I've never been to boy band's dressing room before! Revance doesn't really count.)

Shinya: "You seemed to know most of their songs."

Kagari: "Thanks to my research beforehand. Concerts are more fun when you know the songs."

Shinya: "Haha, you're really something."

He pats my head and I suddenly frozen. His soft touch reminds me of someone else.

(W-Why am I thinking of Kyohei?)

Shinya: "Your face is turning red, Kagari."

Kagari: "W-What! That's because I'm not used to being treated like this, haha..."

Shinya: "Really? But there must be plenty of guys who are after you."

Kagari: "Uh, no way and not at all.."

Kagari: "Beside, I'm too busy working for Revance right now to think about that."

Kagari: "I'm even on the lookout for paparazzi when we're on the road, so I never get to rest."

(If Kyohei was my date, we wouldn't even be able to do something like this.)

(He'd have to wear a disguise and worry about the tabloids spotting him. What am I thinking.)

Shinya: "I'll help you relax anytime you like. Let's go out again sometime."

Kagari: "But you must have plenty of girls to choose from?"

Kagari: "There are lots of gorgeous women in the industry."

Shinya: "That's true. But there aren't many women I want to date."

Shinya: "Like you said before, looks aren't a important as what's on the inside."

I realize that Shinya is holding my right hand.

Kagari: "Can you not holding my hand..."

Shinya: "Haha, that's the first thing you think about?"

Shinya: "You really are interesting. If I dated anyone, I'd want it to be a girl like you."

Kagari: "There you go with another joke..."

Shinya: "I wouldn't have invited you out if I were joking."

(Shinya really does move fast. I'd better be careful.)

No sooner does that thought cross my mind than... Shinya whisper in my ear and I froze at his words.

Shinya: "I'd love to date Revance's ghostwriter. Or should I say Idol girl from Milky Pop."

Kagari: "!?"

I gasp as I look up at him and see the same confident smile as earlier plastered across his face.

(N-No! He knows that I'm the Idol girl from Milky Pop...!)

(My relationship with Kyohei and the others has been found out!?)

-End of Chapter 6-

To be continued... 

((A/N: That Shinya... know it -_-))

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