(Epilogue) Chapter 1

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Kagari: "Uhhh..."

I slowly came to my senses while lying in my bed.

(I want to sleep in... just a little longer...)

(This blanket is so furry and warm... furry and warm?)

Kagari: "Wait a minute! Blanket aren't furry and warm!"

I opened my eyes only to make a shocking discovery.

Little Yamada: "Woof!"

(Why's Little Yamada is on my right!)

Kyohei: "Zzz..."

(And Kyohei is on my left!?)

Kagari: "Why's Kyohei sleeping in my room!?"

Kyohei: "Mmmm..."

Kyohei: "What's with all the noise?"

I cover my face with my hands quickly.

Kagari: "W-Why he's naked again too!"

Kyohei turned over, exposing his bare chest. I know he does this all the time, but I never know where to look.

Kyohei: "Great, I'm fully awake now. Now thanks to you."

Kagari: "Then why are you even sleeping here?"

Kyohei: "What did you say?"

Kagari: "N-Nothing...!"

He's actually pretty sexy even when he's just woken up.

(As waking up next to Kyohei Rikudoh is way too much excitement!?)

Kagari: "W-What are you doing here? W-We... didn't sleep together, did we?"

Kagari: "I know why Little Yamada is here. He came over to sleep with me last night."

Kyohei: "Of course I'm going to sleep with you."

Kyohei: "After all, I'm your... what was I again?"

Kagari: "B..."

Kyohei: "B...?"

Kagari: "Boss, right?"

Kyohei: "Huh?"

Kyohei: "I didn't think of our relationship that way, but it works for me."

Kagari: "N-No! I didn't mean it like that!"

Kagari: "W-Well, you're my... boyfriend..."

Kyohei: "That wasn't so hard to say, now was it?"

(I'm still trying to get my head around it...)


Kyohei: "Do you guys still have energy?"

Audience: "Oh my god! Sir Kyo! Yaaaaaaaaaaay!"

*End of flashback*

I can't believe I'm dating with Kyohei Rikudoh of Revance.

Kyohei: "I might as well get up now, even though it's my day off."

Kagari: "It's your day off?"

Kyohei: "Until evening."

(This is our first time together on his day off.)

(That means...)

*In daydreams*

Kyohei: "Kagari, where do you want to go?"

Kyohei: "We'll go wherever you want to today."

Kagari: "R-Really?"

Kyohei: "Yeah, of course."

Kagari: "Then I want to go to the shopping!"

Kyohei: "Come on, hold my hand. I don't want you to get lost."

Kagari: "A-Alright..."

My hand slowly gripped Kyohei's.

Reporter 1st: "Hey, isn't that Kyohei Rikudoh of Revance?"

Report 2nd: "Who's the girl as he's holding hands with!? Wait.. it's Kagari Otonashi from Idol pop star girl band of Milky Pop!?"

Report 3rd: "Oh my god! Take a picture! This is going to be huge!"

*End of daydreaming*

Kyohei: "What's wrong, Kagari? You're not moving?"

Kyohei: "Are you daydreaming again?"

Kagari: "Ack! I-I'm sorry, I just had a weird thought..."

(T-There's no way as we can go out a real date!)

(He's too famous. He can't just go walking about town.)

Kagari: "I-I-I-I'm going to take Little Yamada out for his morning walk."

Kyohei: "Make someone else do it today."

Kagari: "W-Why?"

Kyohei: "Because I'm going to take you for a walk."

Kyohei: "After all, I'm the boss, remember?"

Kagari: "W-What!?"


The tree-lined street runs through a trendy shopping area. But I'm so nervous I can't enjoy the atmosphere.

Kyohei: "You're walking so stiffly you look like a soldier on the march."

Kagari: "B-But I'm feeling a bit jittery..."

Kyohei: "Well, it is our first date. Are you nervous?"

Kyohei: "That's cute."

Kagari: "T-That's not it!?"

Kyohei: "Huh? Then what is it?"

Kagari: "Well, you have such a strong presence even when you're in disguise."

Kagari: "I'm worried someone will figure it out of who you are."

(Even with his face hidden, his tall, slender figure really stands out.)

Kyohei: "You're worried about that?"

Kagari: "W-Why wouldn't I be like that, Kyohei?"

Kyohei: "It'll be fine. You worry too much."

Kyohei: "When we met in Shibuya and when we went to my father's grave we didn't have any problems."

Kyohei: "Even if we were spotted, no one would think it's weird that I'm with my manager."

Kagari: "I-I guess that's true..."

(There was nothing going on between us back then though, so I didn't really think about it.)

(But now I almost feel guilty about this...)

Kagari: "A-Anyway, where are we going?"

Kyohei: "Shopping."

Kyohei: "I need some new sunglasses Come on."

Kagari: "Ah! W-Wait up!"

(I can't believe we're actually going on a normal date, it's like a dream come true!)


*In the shopping*

Kagari: "Wow..."

The floor of this store is polished to a glittering sheen and the interior is so stylish. Kyohei has taken me to an Italian designer's shop.

Kagari: "Do you like this designer?"

Kyohei: "Not particularly. I just buy things I like wherever I see them."

Kyohei: "Though I guess I'm a fan of their leatherwork."

Kagari: "You seem so comfortable buying expensive brands."

(I can't even imagine how much more he earns than me...)

Shop Clerk: "Hi there, can I help you with anything?"

Kyohei: "I'm looking for a pair of sunglasses."

Shop Clerk: "Let me show you what we have. Right this way."

(She's so pretty. Even the staff at expensive stores are perfectly styled.)

Kyohei: "You're not gonna leave me for that lady, are you?"

Kagari: "O-Oh, did you catch me staring?"

Kyohei: "Yeah, you weren't doing a good job of hiding it."

Kyohei: "You could learn something from her."

Kyohei: "I think she recognized me, but is being discreet and professional about it."

(Yeah, I see that now.)

(I need to learn to hide what I'm thinking better.)


Shop Clerk: "Here you are."

Kyohei: "Thanks."

(The shop woman didn't make a big deal about him at all.)

(Not even when she got a good look at his face when he was trying on sunglasses.)

Just as that thought crosses my mind... the woman looks fidgety as she hands to Kyohei the bag with his sunglasses...

Shop Clerk: "Are you by any chance Kyohei Rikudoh from the band Revance?"

Kyohei: "Haha, so you did notice."

Shop Clerk: "You're even more handsome than you look on TV!"

Shop Clerk: "I don't want to be a bother, but could I possibly get an autograph?"

Kyohei: "Shh."

Shop Clerk: "!?"

As her voice rises with excitement, Kyohei places a finger over her mouth.

Kyohei: "I don't mind signing something, but please don't make a scene."

Kyohei: "I want to enjoy some privacy on my day off."

Shop Clerk: "Yes, of course."

(Wow... he was right about thing being fine even if he was spotted.)

(Kyohei is scary good at taking care of things.)

Kyohei: "Let's go, Manager."

Kagari: "Okay."

Shop Clerk: "Thank you. We hope to serve you again soon."

We walk briskly out of the store as she bows conspicuously low.


*In the café*

Shop Clerk: "One quadruple-berry parfait and one ginger ale."

Kagari: "Oh wow! This is looks so good!"

After we finish shopping, we visit a café. Kyohei lounges in the booth and stirs the ice in his ginger ale.

(We're on a totally normal date. I think I must be dreaming...)

(At least I'm pretty sure I'm not dreaming.)

Kyohei: "Are you really gonna eat that whole thing?"

Kagari: "I get lots of exercise on my walks with Little Yamada, so I can afford a few extra calories."

Kagari: "Are you really okay with just a drink?"

Kyohei: "Sugar makes me break out and we're shooting a video tomorrow, so I need to look my best."

Kagari: "So that's some dedication!"

(A pop star's face is his moneymaker, so he even has to worry about what he eats.)

Suddenly I feel bad for ordering something so fancy in front of him.

Kagari: "If I knew that, I would have just ordered a drink, too."

Kyohei: "Don't worry about."

Kagari: "B-But..."

Kyohei: "Here, I'll just have a taste of yours."

I think he's reaching for the spoon... but then he swipes something from the side of my mouth.

Kyohei: "Whoa, this is way too sweet."

Kagari: "Wha...! Kyohei!?"

(He ate the ice cream that was stuck to my face!)

Kagari: "T-Take a normal bite!"

Kyohei: "Why are you blushing? We've done much more embarrassing things than that."

Kagari: "E-Embarrassing things...?"

Kyohei: "Haha, now you're bright red."

He flashes me that beguiling smile of his.

(H-He never stops messing with me.)

Kyohei: "Anyway, tomorrow we're shooting the video for that special song."

Kyohei: "You're coming with us, right?"

Kagari: "Huh? Special song?"

Kyohei: "The song as I wrote for you."

The song he sang for me in response to my song to tell me how he felt. I hearing him talk about writing the song for me makes my cheeks even hotter.

Nagito: "Hey out there, it's time for Radio Revance!"

Kota: "I'm Kota Igarashi and I'll be hosting today along with my buddy Nagi."

A familiar voice plays on the radio in the café.

Kagari: "Oh, it's Revance's weekly radio show."

Kyohei: "Nagito and Kota are hosting today."

Kagari: "That remind me, you have a job tonight, right? Was it a photo shoot?"

Kyohei: "No, not a photo shoot..."

Kota: "We're playing our latest song today to give you a sneak peak of our upcoming CD release."

Kota: "But first, here's what one fan who heard this song at our concert had to say about it."

Nagito: "There were some really racy lines, but your passionate performance made it a showstopper!"

Kota: "We got another comment that 'the dirty bits were the best part,' haha!"

Nagito: "Well, have a listen and decide for yourselves. This is 'Last Night.'"

Revance's song plays in the café. Two girls sitting at another table sigh as they listen.

Woman 1st: "Revance doesn't have many sensual songs."

Woman 2nd: "But this one is good. It's more laidback than their usual tracks and they sound so sexy!"

Woman 1st: "I know! That first line is so good..."

Kyohei: "I think it's time to change your nickname from no-good ghost to genius ghost, or cutie Idol girl."

Kagari: "Hey, stop teasing."

Kyohei: "You heard the reactions. Thanks to you as we could update our image for our 10th anniversary."

Kyohei: "I'm looking forward to your next hit, genius ghost."

(H-His encouraging smile makes me feel even more pressure. I bet he's doing it on purpose.)



Kagari: "!?"

Kyohei: "Huh?"

When we step out of the café as we hear the click of a camera shutter. I look around in a panic, but there nobody looks suspicious.

(I-I-I guess a tourist was just taking a picture of the scenery or something.)

Kyohei: "You're worry too much. It was probably nothing."

Kagari: "But Kyohei..."

Kyohei: "Even if someone did snap a picture, it wouldn't be a big deal for me."

Kagari: "Yeah and the photographer would be the one in the trouble, right?"

Kyohei: "That's right. So..."

Kyohei's scent suddenly fills my nostrils.

(H-He wouldn't kiss me here, would he!?)

I'm frozen in place as his face hovers half an inch from mine.

Kyohei: "Just kidding."

Kagari: "H-Hey!?"

Kyohei: "What's with that look? Did you want me to do it?"

Kagari: "N-No!"

(I'm being teased yet again!)

It seems the only thing that's changed about our relationship is that we're dating now.

Kyohei: "Sorry for getting your hopes up. Should I plant one on you now to make up for it?"

Kagari: "N-No, you can't!"

He leans in again, but I shove him away and giggles.


(Oh no! His sunglasses!)

Kagari: "Kyohei!?"

Woman 1st: "Hey, isn't that Sir Kyo!?"

Woman 2nd: "Oh my god, it's really him! He's so hot!"

Man 1st: "Hey, Kyohei Rikudoh's here!"

Man 2nd: "And look! It's Kagari Otonashi from Idol Girl from Milky Pop!?"

Man 3rd: "She's so cute!?"

Man 4th: "Marry me, Kagari!?"

(No! We been spotted! What I have done!?)

Kyohei: "Let's run for it, Manager!"

Kagari: "Okay!"

Kyohei grabs my hand and starts running.

(We're holding hands in public!)

(I never thought this fantasy would come true.)

A large group of girls chase after us. The classy Omotesando area has suddenly turned into a circus.

Kyohei: "Head for that car parked up ahead!"

My head in a whirl as I run as fast as I can. Kyohei holds my hand tight and drags me along behind him. We scramble desperately into the car.


Kagari: *pant* "Phew..."

Kyohei: "Thanks for the rescue, Mr. Sasayama."

Sasayama: "Try to be more careful, Kyohei."

The fans are left behind as the car speeds away. Our unexpected chase scene is over.

Iori: "Are you incapable of not standing out in a crowd?"

Kagari: "Iori! And the whole band's here!"

(And why are they in their stage costumes?)

Takashi: "You better not have ruined the 'surprised' for our surprise concert."

Kyohei: "Sorry."

Kagari: "What..."

(What in the world Takashi talking about!?)

(Did he say "surprise concert"?)

Kagari: "And what do you mean, 'surprise concert'?"

Kota: "Don't you know? It means performing an unpublished concert."

Kagari: "I know that what the words 'surprise concert' mean!"

Kyohei: "We'll be singing our 10th anniversary song as a promotional stunt for the CD release."

Kagari: "So this is the job you had to do tonight?"

Nagito: "Yep. We're heading to the 108 Building in Shibuya right now."

Sasayama: "Kyohei didn't tell you?"

Kyohei: "No. I thought it would be more fun, this way."

Kagari: "You nearly gave me a heart attack! And just tell me about the plan next time!"

Kyohei: "Okay, okay. You don't like surprises. Noted."

Kyohei takes off his coat and changes into a matching costume.

Kyohei: "Well, that little run got me all warmed up for our performance."

Kyohei: "Let's go!"

Kyohei flashes a fearless smile. I think he's more excited about this surprise concert than the fans will be.

(I guess that means our date is over.)

(But I do love watching Kyohei and the rest of the band perform!)

-End of (Epilogue) Chapter 1-

To be continued.... 

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