(Season 2) Last Chapter 10

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Kagari: "We came here on a date before..."

Kyohei and I had slipped away from the festival. We arrive at the viewpoint as we went to on a date once before.

Kyohei: "That night seems like such a long time ago now."

Kagari: "So much has happened since then."

Kyohei: "Like our first, fateful concert. Appearing on TV and all that media exposure."

Kyohei: "They liked it so much when we performed like a boy band on TV as we got into the festival."

Kagari: "You performed alongside Ritsuto, too."

Kyohei: "More like as he took over our performance."

Kagari: "But today's show was the best. Revance shone the brightest out of everyone, Kyohei."

Kyohei: "My lady has good taste."

Kyohei smiles with a shrug. My eyes are glued to him as a pleasant breeze makes him squint complacently.

(Kyohei seems so relaxed and at place today.)

Kyohei: "Do you remember when you first got here? You were down in the dumps."

Kagari: "Yeah..."


Kagari: "I am struggling because I haven't been able to earn Fumito's approval."

Kyohei: "Even the longest journeys start with a single step. Everyone has to start at the bottom."

*End of flashback*

Kagari: "I remember, I was wishing I could be an ever confident person like you, Kyohei."

Kyohei: "Yeah, about that..."

After a pause, he seems to make up his mind about something and he turns to me.

Kyohei: "Actually, I wasn't sure about things either."

Kyohei: "Whether I had made the right choice in bringing the band L.A."

Kyohei: "I even got Sasayama and people at Rikudoh Productions wrapped up in it."

Kyohei: "I wasn't sure what music to perform here... and I was uneasy about Ritsuto."

Kagari: "!"

Kyohei: "I acted all high and mighty, comforting you while ignoring my own worries."

Kagari: "Kyohei..."

(Kyohei is overlooking his pride to tell me about his true feelings.)

(The old Kyohei never would have removed of that mask of unwavering confidence.)

Kyohei: "Ritsuto's criticisms felt especially sharp."

Kyohei: "After watching him perform, I became even more unsure of what direction to take."

Kagari: "So, in your first concert and when you performed with Ritsuto..."

Kyohei: "Yeah, you pointed it out of yourself. We weren't acting like the normal Revance."

(So that was the reason behind it.)

Kyohei: "I was just uneasy, but then Ritsuto made a play for you, Kagari."

Kyohei: "That's why I completely lost my cool that day."

Kagari: "That day...?"

Kyohei: "When Ritsuto brought you over and said he was going to get the biggest festival crowd."

(After that, Kyohei left the room silently and I went after him...)

Kyohei: "You remember how I pushed you onto the bed, Kagari?"

Kagari: "H-Hey! D-Don't say it out loud!"

Kyohei: "But, I need to say something."

Kyohei: "I'm sorry about that."

Kagari: "!"

He presses his forehead against mines.

Kyohei: "I never realized what a jealous guy as I could be. It was inexcusable."

Kagari: "But it wasn't that big of a deal..."

Kyohei: "It's really uncool to be so jealous, though."

He sounds a bit embarrassed as he averts his gaze. He's showing me a lots of sides of his personality tonight.

Kyohei: "What are you grinning at?"

Kagari: "Well, I'm just enjoying the rare sight of your jealous side."

Kagari: "I think I said this before, but I'm happy as you care enough to get jealous."

Kyohei: "I don't want that to be the way as I make you happy, but I'll take it."

Kyohei smiles sheepishly and he squeezes my hand. The lights of L.A. at night give it of the same orange glow as they did that other night.

Kyohei: "I'm glad as we could come back here and that I could tell you as my true feelings of this time."

Kagari: "And I'm glad as you told me. I may not be the most reliable girlfriend..."

Kagari: "But I'm going to work hard to be someone you feel comfortable relying on."

Kyohei: "I do rely on you, Kagari."

Kagari: "What?"

Kyohei: "Nothing. Anyway, we should probably head back."

Kyohei: "But before that..."

Kagari: "...!"

He pulls me into his arms and he presses his soft lips against mine. He smirks teasingly at my surprised expression.

Kyohei: "Now, I'm fully recharged."

Kagari: "D-Don't startled me like that!"

Kyohei: "I would tell you in advance if you didn't always get so self-conscious."

Kagari: "You're a big meanie..."

Kyohei: "Heh, you can't just be realizing that now."

Kyohei: "Now I know for sure. I'm glad you're here."

Kyohei: "If I get lost, I can always find my way home, because you're my guiding light."

Kagari: "Kyohei..."

Kyohei: "So, let's have one more kiss."

Kagari: "AH!? H-Hang on!"

Kyohei: "I don't want to wait~ Kagari~"

This time Kyohei announces it before he kissing me. He chuckles, he tickling me as his lips touch mine. Before as long, I realize as I'm smiling too.


Kagari: "Wow, there are way more people in the audience than when we left."

Kyohei: "Because this is the real show. The headliner of the festival is a really big deal."

Kagari: "Really? But I thought you guys had to get the biggest crowd, Kyohei?"

Kyohei: "This performance won't count against us. There's no way as we could beat a rock megastar."

This band was the biggest name in rock through the 80s and 90s. Everyone waits excitedly for this legend to appear.

Kagari: "You can feel the electricity coming from the crowd. It's really exciting!"

Kyohei: "It would be fun to watch from the audience, but let's go backstage for now."

Kyohei: "I need to change. After the headliner, everyone goes on the stage for a final bow."

Kagari: "We better hurry then!"


The first rocking chords light the crowd on fire. The headliner's set begins and the audience is more excited than ever.

Kagari: "Amazing! They really are super cool!"

Kyohei: "Even you must have heard of them? The band named "Dylan."

Kyohei: "They're from America, but they blew up in Japan first."

Kagari: "I know. They still tour every few years in Japan."

Kyohei: "That's right. The band is named after their lead singer, Dylan."

Kyohei: "He was so handsome back then. People treated him like an idol and he didn't like it."

(It was have been hard to get people to take their music seriously then.)

Kyohei: "Personally, I think being treated like an idol is better, but..."

Kyohei: "I understand why he was annoyed. Because he wanted people to focus on his music first."

Kagari: "But they found their way in the end and now they're legends."

Kyohei: "Yeah. Whether we get the world to pay attention or not is up to us."

(How far can Revance go in the American music scene?)

(Kyohei is determined to find their own path.)

Just then... after finishing their song, one of the men on the stage looks back her.

Kagari: "Wait... that's Dylan, right? The vocalist?"

Kyohei: "Yeah."

(He seems to be looking right at Kyohei...)

Dylan: "Hey, Kyohei! Revance's performance today was great!"

Kyohei: "!!"

Dylan: "Come out of here and join me!"

Kagari: "A-Amazing! He's asking for you, Kyohei!"

Kyohei: "But..."

Kagari: "There's nothing to think about it! This is a once in a lifetime, chance! Go to him!"

Kyohei: "....!"

Kyohei: "You're right, I'll do it!"

Kyohei walks out to thunderous applause. He shakes Dylan's hand and the band begins playing a familiar tune.

(Hm? I recognize this intro...)

Dylan: "Kyohei, you ready to sing with me?"

Dylan: "A special jam session for all the great fans here today."

Kyohei: "Yes!"

Nagito: "Wow, incredible! That's one of our songs, right!?"

Kagari: "Yeah, Nagito! They're doing a Revance song!"

Ryo: " I didn't even realize Kyohei was back and now he's out on the stage with a legend!"

Kota: "This jam session is unprecedented."

Nagito: "Unprecedented? You mean this is the best thing ever, right?"

Iori: "For once you're right, Nagi. This is definitely the best thing ever."

Takashi: "It's not fair as if Kyohei gets to be the only one out of there. I'm going too."

Kagari: "What! Takashi!?"

When the others members rush the stage, Dylan smiles and he holds his fist in the air. Dylan's version of Revance's song reverberates across the L.A. sky.

Kagari: "This is amazing. I can't believe as I'm seeing of this."

(I can feel the bass in my bones, but I wish I was in the audience so I could cheer along.)

Kagari: "But how on earth does Dylan know Revance's song?"

Sasayama: "I think they must know Revance because they knew Kyohei's father back in the day."

Sasayama: "I heard they became friends with him after appearing on a music program together."

Kagari: "So they've been following Revance's career?"

Sasayama: "I'm not sure about that, but that would be great."

These guys was dance to the song and the audience goes wild. Lit by a spotlight, Kyohei points to the crowd.

Kyohei: "We're not done yet! Keep it going, everyone!"

Audience: "Yayyyyyyyy!"

(Revance's style has the power to stir the audience up like nothing else.)

(Kyohei and the rest of the band are so cool!)

Kyohei: "Don't give up, keep screaming!"

Audience: "Yeahhhhhhhh!"

(I feel like I want to brag to the entire world.)

(Kyohei overcame all odds and is out there absolutely rocking it!)

Kyohei: "Let's make this an unforgettable night! Come on, everybody!"

(And he's my beloved boyfriend!)


Fumito: "This is last one? I see no problems."

Kagari: "W-Wait... could you say it again?"

Fumito: "The 100th screenplay of your 100 screenplays. It's good."

Kagari: "One more time~"

Fumito: "..." *sighs*

I can't believe my ears when I hear his praise and Fumito grimaces.

(This is the first time he's complimented one of my screenplays.)

Fumito: "You said you were trying not to write romances, but I guess you lifted that ban for this?"

Kagari: "Yes, that's right!"

My 100th screenplay is a romantic comedy. A story with a fun, happy ending that will make you forget about all of your worries.

Kagari: "I decided to write that after the advice you gave me, Fumito."

Fumito: "My advice?"

Kagari: "When you looked at my lyrics."

Kagari: "You said I was good at the writing romance. Thanks for that."

Fumito: "How very simple."

Kagari: "Hehehe, it's true."

Fumito: "You had been trying so hard to earn my praise by changing from your style, but..."

Fumito: "It turn out staying true to yourself brings out of the best in you, Kagari."

Kagari: "F-Fumito!"

Fumito: "There's still room for improvement. For one, the plot gets a bit tedious in the middle."

Kagari: "Oh..."

Fumito: "And the hero's crisis is weak. She needs to fall harder, or it diminishes the recovery."

Kagari: "Oh..."

Fumito: "Keep your nose to the grindstone, my young screenwriter."

Kagari: "...Okay!"

Fumito smiles slightly at my resolute nod.


Kagari: "Kyohei, guess what! I have a big news!"

Kyohei: "Fumito finally accepted your work?"

Kagari: "!?"

After getting first approval from Fumito, I was hurry over to the band's house.

Kagari: "H-How did you know? Did he tell you or something?"

Kyohei: "No dummy, I just guessed by the way your grinning."

Kagari: "Awww, but I wanted to surprised you."

Kyohei: "This is great. I'm happy when you're happy."

Kagari: "!"

(I can't stay mad when he smiles like that...)

Kagari: "So much has happened, but it feels like it went by in the blink of an eye."

Kyohei: "It all worked out. The festival was a big success. The teacher from hell accepted your work."

Kyohei: "Uh, don't tell Fumito as I called him for that."

He laughs at his own joke.

Kyohei: "I can't believe you ended up writing 100 screenplays. What was the winning one about?"

Kagari: "It was a rom-com."

Kyohei: "That's nothing unusual. You wrote that kind of thing all the time in Japan."

Kagari: "Yeah, I know. All that practice paid off."

Kagari: "All I know realize you need to throw away your past to do well in a new place."

Kyohei: "That goes for both you and me."

Kagari: "Yes!"

(Kyohei and I both found the way out of our individual struggles.)

Kagari: "Now, I'm going to keep on the prize and do my very best."

Kyohei: "Oh? You weren't doing your best before?"

Kagari: "I mean I'm going to do even better."

Kyohei: "I see. Then I want you to do better in this area as well."

Kagari: "What area?"

Kagari: "Ah!?"

Kyohei: "What a beautiful sight."

I'm flipped onto my back so vision is filled with Kyohei and the ceiling above. Kyohei looks down at me happily with an enticing smile.

Kyohei: "We've made it through our struggles. So now we can focus on being together."

Kagari: "Y-You don't announce that until after you have me on the bed?"

Kyohei: "You don't like this?"

Kagari: "...I don't hate it, but..."

Kyohei: "But?"

(I can feel my cheeks are burning. Why am I the only one turning red?)

Kagari: "..."

Kyohei: "?"

I glare up at Kyohei as I pouted and his nonchalant grin. I love that he's always so composed, but I get jealous of that sometimes.

Kyohei: "Tell me what you're thinking."

Kagari: "I hate that as I'm only one who feels all flustered in these situations."

Kyohei: "Oh?"

Kagari: "S-Stop! Don't look so self-satisfied or I won't tell you as how I feel!"

Kyohei: "Listen. You just don't notice it."

Kyohei: "You have no idea how you constantly make my heart race, Kagari."

Kyohei: "Here, I'll hold you close so you can listen to my heartbeat."

Kagari: "!?"

His smile is still full of teasing confidence, making it hard to believe his words. But...

Kagari: "It's true. Your heart is racing."

Kyohei: "See? I just don't show it on my face like you."

Kagari: "I wonder if I'll ever be able to tell when you feel that way."

Kyohei: "Who knows. I think if you give it enough time as you'll figure it out, though."

(Does that mean he plan on staying with me long enough for me to figure him out?)

Kyohei: "By the way, I like pushing you onto the bed, but I really like this position too, Kagari."

Kyohei: "It feels nice having you pressed so close."

Kagari: "!!"

(I realize as I've been hugging him really tightly.)

Kagari: "I-I'll let it go..."

Kyohei: "Don't, dummy. I told you, we have plenty of time to be together today."

Kyohei: "Forget everything else. Just feel me."

Kagari: "Oh..."

His voice sweet and he smiles temptingly. I don't think I'll be able to hold back today.

(But that's fine, I love the days as I get to spend with Kyohei.)

Songs, screenplays, and myself. It's all important. I want to remember to my past fondly and move forward with lots of new experiences.

Kagari: "Kyohei..."

Kyohei: "We have a lots of time, there's no need to rush, Kagari."

Kagari: "I-I just wanted to say.... I love you, Kyohei."

Kyohei: "!"

Kyohei: "...I love you too, Kagari."

After a gentle kiss and I hug him tight. If we nurture these feeling, I'm sure together as we can do anywhere!

*Lemon: Start*

At night, we kissed each other as I breathing into the kissed.

Kagari: "Mmmm~"

Kyohei sits up when he took off his shirt and he throw left on the floor as he's showing his abs and he unbutton my shirt down then unclipped my bra to throw on the floor next to his shirt. He attacked licked my right nipple with his tongue deeper as I gasp and moans louder.

Kagari: "Ahhh~!"

Kyohei: "Mmm~"

His hand runs goes under my shorts and panties when he played with my pussy from his two fingers goes deeper and deeper as I panting then moans his name. He removed his hand away from my panties and shorts when he take off my shorts and panties down to throw left on the floor next to my shirt and bra as he kisses me deeper as he licks my tongue as we fighting our tongue when he won and we pull away as our tongue string of saliva then he took off his pants and boxer down to throw left on the floor next to my shorts and panties when he spread out of my legs with his hands, he move his face close to my pussy and he started to licked my pussy with his tongue goes faster and harder when I moans louder as I hold his head with my both hands.

Kagari: "Ahh yes~ ohhh Kyohei~"

I moans to him when he eating my pussy deeper and deeper as I gasp of cute sound.

Kagari: "K-Kyohei- ahhh! N-Not too deep! Ahhhhh!"

I cums on his mouth when he swallow it as he sits up and I turn around to lift my ass up in the air then I swaying my ass. As suddenly....


Kagari: "Ahhh!"

I cried out because he spank my right ass with his hand harder and he spank my ass again and again and again of harder with his hand when I cums harder.

Kagari: "I can't take it anymore~"

I moans when he chuckle as he thrusted enter in my pussy harder and I cried as he started to thrusted into me goes harder and deeper when I gasps of cute tone and he groans louder.

Kyohei: "You're so tight, Kagari!

He said when he thrusted in my pussy goes deeper then roughest and roughest and banged into my g-spot with jackhammer speed-up as nonstop when I scream in pleasure and moans louder as his skin slapped my ass hardest and roughest filled in the Kyohei's bedroom as I breathing heavily of cute noise and cried out. The bed are creaking and the bed are banged into the wall are louder. I gasps when I moans and cried out of cuter sound.

Kagari: "Ahh ahhh ahhh K-Kyohei~ r-right there~ ahh ahhh ahh!"

I moans to him when he groan louder as he grab my hips with his hands then he thrusted into me goes inhuman speed-up as nonstop, I drool runs her chin as she gasp when I arches her back and he groans louder then he grabs my hair with his hand and he yank my hair back, as suddenly he banging into my g-spot goes inhuman speed-up like sonic as full power as I scream and moans louder when he grunt louder.

Kagari: "Ahhh arg mmm nngh haaa mmh yes~!"

Kagari: "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!"

He grunted louder because he bang, bang, bang, bang into my g-spot harder and harder when he groans louder and he grunt louder then his skin are slapping against ass deeper and deeper.

Kyohei: "UGH! C-Cumming!?"

He grunted louder when he thrusted into my pussy inhuman speed-up as jackhammer like a sonic and I cried out then my boobs are bouncing up and down, he smacking my left ass with his left hand as I gasps. I felt knot from my stomach as I cums on his rock hard cock, but he doesn't cum because he let go of my hair when he grabs my both wrist with his both hands to pull back then he keep thrusting into my pussy to banging my g-spot inhuman speed-up as jackhammer like a sonic with full power when I scream in pleasure. As suddenly he slammed into my womb when he spurt the white cum inside my womb as I cried out of pleasure and he grunted louder, he slap my ass against his skin as I moans then he can't stop cumming in my womb. He pull his rock hard cock out of my pussy when he hugged me from behind as he turn off the light and I looked at him.

*Lemon: End*

Kagari: "That was fun, hehe."

Kyohei: "Haha, yeah it was."

He kisses me on the lips when we fall asleep.

-End of (Season 2) Last Chapter 10-

*Dramatic Love*

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