(Sequel) Chapter 7

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Kyohei: "Just let me ask one thing, Kagari."

Kyohei: "If I asked you to choose between coming with us and writing songs..."

Kyohei: "...And realizing your dream of being a screenwriter, which would you choose?"

Kagari: "Uh..."

The news has reported that Revance will go overseas. Kyohei stares at me with a serious gaze.

(I have to choose?)

Kyohei: "You are my songwriter and you're my Idol girl."

Kyohei: "But I don't own you as a person."

Kyohei: "You must decide for yourself."

Kagari: "I-I..."

Kyohei: "..."

My lips are tremble as making it difficult to speak. Kyohei continues to stare at me as waiting for my response.

(I want to keep writing songs for them.)

(But I can't give up my dream of being a screenwriter.)

Kagari: "I..."

Kyohei: "..."

It may be a small dream. But it's a dream I've been chasing for so long.

(I can't just give it up to write lyrics. Not when I'm so close...)

(The one thing I regret is how this will disappoint Kyohei.)

Kagari: "I... I want to realize my dream of becoming a screenwriter."

Kyohei: "That resolve is one of the things I love about you."

Kyohei smiles, but there's a sadness in his eyes.

Kagari: "Why...?"

Kyohei: "Why what?"

Kagari: "You would do anything for Revance."

Kagari: "In the beginning you basically held me prisoner until I agreed to write your songs."

Kagari: "Why didn't you tell me I had to come with you? Why did you give me a choice?"

Kyohei: "The same reason I didn't sleep with you on that night before you ran away."

(H-He means...)

Kyohei: "Because I love you."

Kagari: "Mm..."

Kyohei: "If you want to follow your dream, I will support you."

Kyohei: "With all my heart this time."

(W-What does he mean... "this time"?)

His words remind me of when he was acting strangely. But now he smiles even though I know it's hard for him. I don't know what to say.

Kyohei: "Kagari, I think we should stop seeing each other."

It takes several seconds for me to understand. When his words finally sink in as I let out a choked gasp.

Kagari: "Huh?"

Kyohei: "If we stay together, eventually I won't be able to keep supporting your dream."

Kyohei: "I'll want to take you with me, regardless of what you want."

I've never seen Kyohei looks so forlorn. Normally he's so confident, even to the point of arrogance, and he gets what he wants.

Kagari: "Kyohei, I..."

Kagari: "I agree that's for the best..."

Kyohei: "Yes. I think this is the best choice for both of us."

(I guess breaking up with Kyohei is the best choice?)

(But as long as I want to keep chasing my dream, it's the only choice.)

As silence fills the room, memories of my time with Kyohei flash through my mind.

(I never imagined all this would happen when I first met Revance.)


Kyohei: "I'll continue the search for Ryo."

Kyohei: "But Revance can't just stop working until he's found."

Kyohei: "We may still need to need to call on you. Just until we find Ryo."

*End Flashback*

(When he told me about his father, I decided that I wanted to help him.)

*Flashback again*

Kyohei: "I must become good enough to surpass my father... to surpass Hiromi Rikudoh."

Kyohei: "I can't let the sacrifice he made for me go to waste."

Kyohei: "I need you, Kagari."

*End Flashback again*

(I thought I'd always be with them, but I can't let my dream cause any more problems.)

(And I want to honor the encouragement Kyohei's given me.)

Kagari: "I understand."

I look down to hide the tears streaming from my eyes. I imagine Kyohei's hand stroking my hair, but the real sensation doesn't come.

Kyohei: "I never thought things would end up like this at the time..."

Kagari: "What time?"

Kyohei: "When I told you that you should enter the contest."

Kyohei: "I liked seeing you going after your dream... but when you got through the first round..."

Kyohei: "I couldn't just be happy for you."

(I knew he was acting weird that time...)

Kyohei: "Isn't that silly? You were so happy about getting closer to your dream."

Kyohei: "But I felt like you were drifting away from me and I couldn't take it."

Kagari: "Kyohei..."

Kyohei: "You have something you can't give up just like I do."

Kyohei: "I'm glad I won't become someone who stands in your way."

Kagari: "!"

Kagari: "Kyohei, I... I swear I will become a great screenwriter!"

Kyohei: "Yeah. And I will climb to the top of the US charts and surpass Hiromi Rikudoh."

Kyohei: "So, let's both work hard at our dreams."

Kagari: "Thank you for everything you've done for me."


*In my room*

After explaining things and saying goodbye to everyone, I go to gather my things.

(Oh... where are those earrings?)

I lost them somewhere in this house. If I leave here without them again.

(Now I've lost my memory of him along with the most important person to me.)

Kagari: "Is this really what I want?"

(This is the path I have chosen.)

This will be the last time I cry about it. As I steel my resolve, my final night this house comes to an end.


Director: "And now, let me introduce our first place-winning playwright, Ms. Otonashi."

Kagari: "I'm Kagari Otonashi, I'll look forward to working with all of you."

Several days after leaving Revance's house. As part of my prize, I'm attending the production meeting for my play.

Staff: "Here's a copy of the upcoming schedule."

Kagari: "Thank you."

(Oh, the auditions are so soon. I hope they choose a good actor for the lead.)

I'm so excited about my first production as a writer.

(Things are going to get busy. I can't stay in a hotel forever, I need to find a place to live.)

Director: "Now, we will have to make some alterations to this script."

Kagari: "Oh, I have some thoughts about that..."

Kagari: "What do you think about adding a breakup in the middle?"

Director: "A breakup?"

Kagari: "Yes. Even though they're perfect for each other, they decide to breakup."

Kagari: "I thought that would put even more emphasis on their true feelings."

Director: "I see... It's not a bad idea."

Director: "Could you write up a draft of that scene by tomorrow?"

Kagari: "Yes! Absolutely!"

The meeting continues smoothly and we start talking about the cast.

Kagari: "For the male lead, I think we should use someone who gives off an aura of strength."

Kagari: "Someone with a real presence..."

Director: "Yes, but actually we've already decided on the actor."

Kagari: "Hm? But according to the schedule, the audition isn't until..."

Staff: "For this contest, we arrange the actors who will appear in the winning production in advance."

Director: "But we still hold an audition just to keep things aboveboard."

Kagari: "Oh, I see..."

Director: "You'll be asked to attend, of course."

Kagari: "I understand..."

This dose of reality makes me understand that even this industry isn't perfect.

(I shouldn't worry about that as though. I need to focus on improving the script.)

(Things can't always go perfectly right away.)


I'm meeting Rina and my girls band of Milky Pop by the main crossing in Shibuya so we can go celebrate my win.

Rina: "Hey, Kagari!"

Mai: "Over here!"

Kagari: "You girls are early!"

Rina: "Actually, I wanted to check something out before meeting up with you. And your friends with you."

Kagari: "What?"

The word "Revance" appears on the big screen above the intersection.

Narrator: "This is first new song from Revance since their six consecutive singles."

Narrator: "And we're revealing it here tonight!"

(This is the last song I wrote for them.)

My eyes start to burn...

(God... I told myself that was the last time I'd cry about it. I can't let myself to cry now...)

I hold back my tears and I stare at the letters on the screen.

(I wonder how Kyohei is doing...)

*In imagine*

Kyohei: "You still love me, don't you?"

*End of imagine*

Kyohei appears in my imagination and smiles.

Rina: "They're showing the first performance of the song live. I want to stay here and watch?"

Kagari: "Uh... well, sure.."

Revance appears on the screen to a loud fanfare. It says "Live" in the upper left of the screen.

(That's the same studio where they had the rehearsal for N Station.)

(I almost can't believe I used to spend my days running around TV stations.)

Kyohei: "This is our new song."

Rina: "Oh, it's starting!"

Mai, Tamaki, Josui, & Yugiri: "Yeah!"

A cheerful intro begins to play. Everyone around us is looking up at the screen.

(This is my first time hearing the completed song. Kyohei's about to start singing...)

Kyohei: "..."


Rina: "Hm? What's wrong with Sir Kyo?"

I hear the other people around us start to wonder as well. Kyohei is just staring into the camera.

Passerby 1st: "What's wrong? Is his mic are broken?"

Passerby 2nd: "Did they start broadcasting before they were ready?"

Just as people start getting restless, I notice the screen flicker. Suddenly, the band is singing and dancing like usual, as if nothing strange had happened.

(Hm? Iori and Kota just made eye contact...)

(This is exactly the same as the rehearsal?)

Rina: "Wow! It looked super cool when Prince Iori and Kota switched places!"

Mai: "True... but I was worried about Kyohei, right Kagari?"

Kagari: "Yeah..."

I realize that they're showing the previously recorded rehearsal.

(But why? Did they switch this with the live feed because Kyohei missed his cue?)

(But it's not like Kyohei to mess up like that.)

Before they switched the footage... Kyohei was starting into the camera as if his heart were somewhere else.

(God! What's wrong with you, Kyohei!?)

Rina: "Another great performance! Sir Kyo looked especially cool!"

Rina: "Hey, what are you doing? Sending an email?"

Kagari: "It's an urgent matter for work, don't worry about it..."

I hide the fact that I'm emailing for Kyohei away from Rina.

("I saw your live performance. Are you feeling alright? Don't push yourself too hard.")

("I'm your Idol girl. One day when I'm a better writer, I hope I can write you another song.")

After I type it all out as I decide to erase the last sentence.

("One day when I'm on the same level as them, I'll go sell them song.")

("Until then, I will keep cheering Revance on as a fan.")

I hit the "send" button and head toward the restaurant with Rina and my girls band of Milky Pop.


A few days later. Today is audition day.

Staff 1st: "Ms. Otonashi, you look a bit pale. Are you feeling alright?"

Kagari: "I'm fine..."

(I've been working day and night to perfect the script, so I'm exhausted...)

Staff 1st: "Well then, let's go on with the auditions!"

The audition begins and the actors start performing a scene for us.

(Oh, that's the guy they've decided will play the lead.)

He's about the same age as the members of Revance. So this reminds me of when they all performed a scene.


Kyohei: "That's my line. I won't let you see her."

Nagito: "But I have a business dinner with Mr. Inoue."

Iori: "Just do as I say. As long as you don't resist me, I will do anything for you."

*End of flashback*

(They brought my script to life with their dramatic skit.)

(It was so funny when Nagito pretended to be the girl.)

I try to stifle a laugh.

Director: "Ms. Otonashi? Is there something wrong?"

Kagari: "Whoa! Uh.. it's nothing. I'm sorry."

(I'm glad I can still remember them fondly.)

Director: "Thank you for your time, everyone. We will announce the results in a few days."

The audition comes to an end. All of a sudden, a commotion can be heard from outside the door.

Director: "What's that?"

Staff: "It's coming from the hallway. I'll go check it out."

Before the staff member can reach the door, it bursts open.

??: "Excuse me!"

(That voice!? Wait.. it can't be...!)

Director: "Y-You're..."

Kyohei: "Hi, I'm Kyohei Rikudoh. I'm in the band Revance."

Kyohei: "Is this where the audition is being held?"

-End of (Sequel) Chapter 7-

To be continued... 

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