Chapter 19: Quite The Bizzare Ending (Ending 1...duh)

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I'll keep things simple... This last few chapters sucked ass. Truly the stereotypical fanfiction stuff... Anyhow, if you decide to continue this book... I wish you best of luoc not to die of... Whatever feeling of disappointment you'll have.


Relaxing on a chair was our protagonist in the Student Council Room. School was finished for the day, and he decided to pay the place a visit.

Y/n: Soooo.... Sooo-chaaaaan.

The heir of the Sitri family sighs, stops writing on a paper, and looks up to meet the bored h/c haired boy.

Sona: ... Why?

Closing his eyes, he shrugs.

Y/n: Eh, it's fun.

Sona: I already have to deal with Sera, please don't make it harder than it should be.

Y/n: Or what? You gonna chase me, shorty?

She pauses for a solid five seconds as our protagonist looks at her with a smug smile.

Sona: Out.

Y/n: Dawww... Please don't do that to lil' old me.

Sona: Later. I have work.

Y/n: There she goes... Work, work, and more work. Those papers are your life, you gotta start enjoying life a little.

Getting up from your seat, you walk up behind her.

Sona: What are you-

Y/n: Tut-tut. Relax, it won't kill you... Probably.

Hesitating a bit, she decided to trust the CHARMING MC. As he puts his hands on her shoulders with his sacred gear on to find the best location, he begins le message.

Sona: KYA! Y-Y/n! Not now!


Sona: F-For Lucifer's sake!

Y/n: Come on, don't be such a tsun. Show your dere side!

Sona: You... *sigh* Fine... You win.

Finally giving in, the four eyes proceeds to take a deep breathe and relaxes herself.

Y/n: Wasn't so hard was it? Now take a deep breathe, and YEET the thoughts of work. ASMR time... I'm gonna open this peanut butter jar real quick.


Sona: ...

Y/n: Give just a few seconds.


Sona: Y/n, I know you're doing this on purpose.

Y/n: Hehehehe. No, I'm not.

Sona: Oh Lucifer... (I guess it's a nice change of pace though. He's still annoying though, but it kind of grew on me.)

With a smile on her face, the Student Council President takes the jar away.

Y/n: OI!

Sona: Daw, let me try.

She proceeds to open it with literal ease and hands it back to the protagonist.

Sona: Wasn't so hard now, was it?

Y/n: You dare use my own spell against me, Sitri?

Sona: Yes, I do.

With a smirk on your face, you felt a glare coming down on you. It didn't take a genius to figure out who it came from.

Y/n: (Good old, Saji-roony. He likes Sona, but he is too dense to notice that brown haired girl being into him.)

Ruruko 'side character' Nimura

Y/n: (He'll be an annoyance, so might as well ship him as soon as possible.) Now we need some bread. Do you have some bread, Sona?

Sona: Do I look like I have bread?

Y/n: I mean... Yes.

Sona: *sigh* Give me a second, I'll go get the lunch box. I have some spare there.

And so she got up from her seat in order to look for ZA BREAD.

Whistling innocently, you proceed to put your hand in your pocket, as something crawls out from the other.
A robo spooder.

You really like spiders, don't you? Or maybe you just made it to scare people.

Dudududu. The mini Spyder proceeds to crawl with its sneak 100 towards the unsuspecting Saji who was drinking grape juice.

Smirking from the sidelines, you watch the show unfold.

Saji: Hm?

He felt those were a alot of pointy stuff in his shoulder. His skin immediately pales.

Slowly tilting his head towards his right shoulder as sweat runs down his face. His fear was confirmed!


The juice gets spitted out, as the packet holding it spills on his white clothes, and the color of the purple juice took over just like the Mongols did back then.

Ruruko: G-Genshirou-kun!


He was rolling on the floor furiously while hitting his clothes in hopes of crushing the spooder.

Momo: H-Hey! Gen-chan, calm down!


Ruruko: Hm? *le gasp* IT'S ON YOUR BACK!


Y/n: (Did I go too far? Hmmm.... Probably not.)

Sona: Y/n, I see that smile on your face...

Y/n: Oh, hi. And you got thr bread! Noice. Come on, I'll make us a sandwich.



With books in her hands she starts chasing the spider as she throws one after another at it with malicious intent. However each shot missed as the spooder was fast asfuckboi.

Meanwhile the spooder was chased out the window, as it bounces with its tiny feet away to never return... Probably.

Ruruko: There! It's gone... Oh, I'm tired.....

She was holding her knees panting, before taking one final deep breathe and stands straight. She was taken off guard by a hug coming from non-other than Saji.

Saji: Q_Q M-My hero....

Ruruko: U-uh...

Blood starts to go towards the head of Ms. Violence is the answer. As a red hue forms on her cheecks. Shaking a bit, she returns the hug and rubs the back of Saji in a circular motion.

Ruruko: No problem...


Sona: You know... This is pretty good.

Said the Student Council president as she took another bite of her sandwich.

Y/n: *munch* I know...

Sona checks her phone and looks at the time, her eyes slightly widening.

Sona: It's not like Tsubaki to take that long...

Y/n: Oh... Yeah, about that. She's kinda with Kiba right now, probably fuc-

Sona: S-Stop. Please.

Cutting out boi off, the black haired lass looks away with a blush formed on her face.

Y/n: Oh, So-tan is embarrassed? Hehe. You're not having some lewd thoughts about me, are you?

Sona: I am not!

Y/n: Whatever you say, Tsuna.

With a sly smirk on your face, you head pat the waifu.

Y/n: I see a smile!

Turning back to you, the smort waifu shakes her head, her smile never fading.

Sona: Hm. Did you have to scare Saji that hard?

With a shrug, you reply.

Y/n: Not really.


Strolling the streets of Kouh, you didn't have anything to do. As usual, you kept your guard up just in case a wild Majima appears.

While looking around, you spot empty cans on the floor.

Y/n: .... Tsk! How hard is it to put 'em in the recycle bin? Good grief...

Sighing with an annoyed expression, you head towards the rubbish, and crouch down in order to grab them.


Startled, you roll out of the way of whatever the fuck that was. You could see a person with messy hair, wearing a maroon suit on what looks to be a bike.

Kasuga 'Dragon Quest is my passion' Ichiban

He runs over the cans, as they jump out and fall on the cart behind his bike.


What he didn't know however was that another person with his bike was boosting his way on him.


Ichiban: GAAAAAH!

The maroon boi flies off his bike onto a nearby garbage can. And his cans fly away from his cart onto the other guy's.

Guy: Thanks for the cans! AHAHAHA!

And with that he drives off, leaving Ichi to his fate.

Ichiban: *sigh* I was doing so well... Ah, well. I'll just get back to it after I *grunt* actually get out of here!

Y/n: Well, that's not something you see everyday.

Ichiban: Ah, hello! ... A little help here?

Y/n: Uh, sure.

Jogging towards his location, you grab Ichi's arm, while he was holding the can in the other. Steadying your feet, you pull and manage to free maroon boi.

Ichiban: Ah, freedom! Feels nice. Thanks, buddy!

Y/n: No problem-o. What is all this about?

Ichiban: Hah? Haven't you heard? This is a competition! Speaking of which, I need to get back and get sweet-sweet revenge for my little can babies!

He goes and runs off, going through an alley way leaving you confused, but intrigued.


A few seconds pass by and he comes back still running.

Ichiban: Ah, right!

The man with messy hair proceeds to pick up the bike, reatatching it into the cart.

Ichiban: Do you wanna come by and watch?

Y/n: I mean... Sure.

Ichiban: Ha! Follow me! TO VICTOOORYYYYY!


With his hands clenched, our boi the Koi Dragon, magnificent wholesome basta- ahem... Ichiban gets ready to take off.


And then he pedals away with the speed of a running stream of water.

Y/n: I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but I'm on board.

Alas, the man proceeds to navigate every single recyclable cans on the ground and runs over them, somehow they go to his cart.

With a swift move he drifts, dodging an explosive barrel that was there for some reason. Leaving marks of the bike's tires on the street.

From the corner of his eye, he notices a familiar person with riding a bike with a bunch of cans on his cart. The lad's eyes widen.

Ichiban: *gasp* There he is!

By cartoon logic, he pulls out two fire extinguishers from his back, shaking them a bit for the added drama. With a smirk on his face, he glares at the man.

Ichiban: Skadoosh!


With immense speed, good ol' Ichi-boy heads straight to Mr. Stealyocans to steal his title and reclaim what's his. And CRASH!


Ichiban: NAILED IT!


After the competition, and Kasuga's victory. The two somehow start to hit it off. They were currently taking a stroll.

Ichiban: You're telling me you haven't played Dragon Quest!?

Y/n: I've heard of it, but never played it. It's a turn based JRPG from what I've heard.

Ichiban: Buddy, buddy, buddy. You're missing out a ton! I've got the full collection with me, you HAVE to check it out!

Y/n: Hm. Maybe I will.

???: OI!

Alerted by the noise, the two look back to the source. They see a familiar guy with two random punks behind him.

Ichiban: Hm. Oh it's you. Can we help you?

Kazuto: Yeah, by standing still for an ass-beating! No one crashed into Kazuto and gets away with it!

Y/n: Oh, we have a sour loser over here.


Kazuto: A GAME!? A GAME!? HAHAHA! You're as stupid as you look... I TAKE PRIDE FROM IT, FUCKER!

Ichiban: Oh, boy... Stand back, kid. I got this.

Y/n: This guy is annoying me, I might lend a punch or two.

*insert epic fight opening*

The three punks proceed to turn, the leader becoming an org, the other a goblin, the last one a giant.

Y/n: Eh? Am I high or did these fuckers just transform?

Ichiban: You see it too!? Ahaha! This'll be fun!

Enjoy your sacred gear making you hallucinate again, Y/N.

Y/n: (Great.)

From outta nowhere Ichi pulls out a wired bat. His greatest hero sword that he pulled out from the ground.

He runs in and goes for a double swing to the org, ending his turn.

Great I'm narrating a JRPG... Author, you really are overestimating your ability.

Apparently it's your turn now, you decide to get rid of the smaller boi by doibg the good old


Its now the org's turn. He runs in a jumps at the two of you with his fat belly.


When he made contact with the floor, he broke the floor underneath you as your leg is stuck now. Oof.

The giant proceeds to make his way to the stuck Scanny Boi, with his club in hand he goes for a swing, but due to him being a slow fatass you were able to put your guard up and resist the attack.

Ichiban's turn. He stands with such determination, grabbing his phone he goes to call for a special delivery for the giant boi.

Half of the giant's health is gone, and now he has to deal with poison damage overtime.

Y/n: (Holy shit!) That was awesome!

Ichiban: I know!

You decide mess around a little by charging electricity within yourself and jump out of the hole, you pull out an oversized piece of paper and begin to fold it dramatically with electricity helping you do it faster.


With your might, you YEETUS DA FEETUS DELETUS towards the enemies, it hits both dealing quite the amount of damage alongside a stunned effect with electricity sparking through it.

Org loses turn, giant loses turn.

The giant was so close to retiring as the poison is taking its tull him.

Kasuga proceeds to go for the final hit to get rid of the Org, he runs towards him with heroic intent and drop-kicks him the face.

Org retired.

You look to see a nearby trash can, taking hold of it, you YEET it to the giant. CLASH. Well, bois. We did it. Side characters are no more.

You notice Kasuga is cheering as a fucking victory screen appears next to him earning exp and money.

Y/n: (I thought this was a DxD story... Okay then. Not complaining.)

What our MC didn't know was that he was reaching an ending. One of possibly a lot on his journey.

Alas, everything is back to normal, as your gear deactivates.

You notice the three idiots are running away while the leader is doing the good old "You'll regret this!" before hauling ass.

Y/n: That was a drug trip and a half.

Ichiban: Phew! It was fun though. Haa... I'm hungry.


Nothing much was going on, just two bois eating their burger outside while sitting on a bench.

Y/n: So you see every fight as a turn based JRPG, eh? I'm guessing it's because of Dragon Quest.

Ichiban: Hehe. And I am the protagonist of it, I am the hero who will save the world!

Y/n: Sure, you definitely will. (Him and Nanako will get along.)

You were about to take another bite, but you notice a familiar white jacket in the distance.

Y/n: *mutters* Ho? Is that Kiryu-san...? He looks he gained some weight.

Activating your gear, you notice that a person comes out from the store next to "Kiryu" looking distressed.

Curiosity took the better of you as you begin to approach the area, as the maroon boi looks confused.

Manager: S-sir, you have to pay! You can't just stroll in take what you want and threaten my employees!


With raised eyebrows, the man chonkiryu tilts his head.

Kiryu?: Ho? Do you have any idea who you're talking to? I am the Dragon, Kazuma Kiryu!

Manager: I-I-I'm s-so-so sorry, Kiryu-San! B-But you have to pay, just l-like everyone els-

The man suddenly punches the wall making the manager scream in fear.

Fakeiryu: Did I hear something?

Manager: N-N-N-Nothing!

A wet sensation is crept onto the Manager's leg, as now there is a puddle on floor beneath him.

FakeKiryu: Good...

The manager was just standing there for en with his legs shaking as if he was in the coldest area on earth.

Ichiban: The hell? This guy looks nothing like Kiryu-san! How are people falling for it!?

Y/n: No clue...

Closing your eyes, you sigh feeling dissapointed. As you heard thuds come next to you. Opening them, you look at the source as you see a football spinning on the floor, coming your direction. It finally stops just as it makes contact with you.

Kid#1: Hey, mister! Could you please pass the ball!

Kid#2: Did you seriously have to hit it that hard, Hideo?

Kid-Named-Hideo: I said I was sorry, Yusuke!

Ichiban: Ha! Of course. Come on, Y/n. Pass 'em the ball, and let's deal with that faker!

You were still looking at it, then you looked back at "KIRYU-CHAN" who was on his phone.

Y/n: I have a small idea.

Ichiban: Haaa?

You pull the ball towards your foot as you begin to raise it balancing it perfectly... With a small help from your gear. You begin to kick the ball upwards then switch to your other foot.

Left, right, left, right. With each pass making the ball go higher and higher.

Y/n: Oi, kiddos. You don't mind if I do some small tricks, do you?

You said nonchalantly, never taking your eyes off the ball.

Hideo: Woaaah! Of course! This is so cool!

Yusuke: Yeah!

Y/n: (Heh. Kids are easy to impress.)

Y/n: Ichi, heads up!

You pass the ball towards your maroon friend, smirking he kicks it with immense power, making it fly over earth making two yours around it.


The ball returns with a baguette, a Sombrero, and a cup of tea that somehow didn't get spilled.

With a smile, you run towards Ichiban as he YEETS you upwards, you do a flip for no good reason, before bicycle kicking the ball towards the back of a certain someone.

Fake Kiryu: GUWAAAH!

The ball hit him so hard it made him hit the wall, as the Sombrero falls on Hideo's head, and the mustache on Yusuke's face.

Grabbing the baguette was our boi, Ichiban. And the tea was Scanny Boi, Y/N. As he took a sip.

Y/n: Needs more sugar.


He raises his baguette as if it is a holy sword... Which it is, and the kids cheer on, as the ball makes it way to them.

Hideo: That was cool!

Yusuke: Yea-- oh, crap! Let's go before our moms get mad!

Hideo: O-oh no! Thank you, misters! Bye!

Alas, the two young kids run off to not get an ass whooping.

Y/n: Cool trick?

Ichiban: Cool trick!

Fake Kiryu: What the fuck!? Now my blo- I mean shirt is dirty!

Y/n: Oh, right. Almost forgot about you.

Fakiryu: What the bell's your problem, kid!? Do you know who I am!?

Y/n: HmMMMmmmMm. You look familiar, but I can't say that we met before. Please don't say that you knew me when I was like three years old. I don't remember whoever the fuck is who back then.

Fakiryu: Tch... You think you can just disrespect Kazuma Kiryu like that... Now your place, punk!

Y/n: Kazuma... Kiryu... Hmmmm. Oh yeah! You look... Slightly different.

Fakiryu: (O-oh shit...)

Ichiban: Probably changed his haircut.

Y/n: Hm. Makes sense.

Fakiryu: (Thank God they're idiots!) You think you can just kick a ball at me and get away with it!?

You calmly walk in front of the faker, staring directly his eyes-- before bowing.

Y/n: I'm sorry, Kiryu-san. It was an accident. Let's sort this out peacefully.

Fakiryu: Hm... Don't make me laugh.

Y/n: Oh, did I say something funny, Kiryu-San?

Ichiban: Repeat it. Let's get the whole squad laughing.

Y/n: Normally, I wouldn't give a damn about this situation, but I can make an exception out of this, Chonkiryu.

Fakiryu: You little.... You are really starting to piss me off!

He goes for a swing, but you saw it from a mile away, as you duck under it sending a punch for your own towards his stomach.

He grunts in pain, but that wasn't enough to take him down.

Y/n: (Oh, guess he has some POWAH within him... Still no match for the actual Kiryu-san.) Come on, Diabetes of Dojima! Let's get this over with!

Fakiryu: You little-

Ichiban: Honestly if he said he ate the dragon, it'd be way more intimidating and impressive.

Fakiryu: GAAH!

He charges at the two of you, clearly unhappy. As you roll out of the way.

Meanwhile not too far from the location, a certain someone was walking with a phone in hand.

Kiryu: Hm? Last post was here... Still don't understand why he smashed the letters in it. Let's see...

Scanning the whole area, he notices three bois in the middle of a fight.

Kiryu: Oh...

Back with the two bois and fatboyo.

Y/n: Did I make him upset?

You said as you jump awat from another swing.

Ichiban: I don't know. Ask him.

Y/n: Hey! Did I-

Fakiryu: Shut the hell up!

Y/n: Now that's really mean. Identity theft is a crime, Jim.

Ichiban: L/n, come on!

Y/n: Gotcha!

You run towards the Koi-Dragon, as he takes a hold of you, YEETing you to a wall, as you somehow were able to do 180° spin, landing your feet to the wall and kicking off from there heading straight towards the fake.

Unable to keep his eyes from the two of you, shifting around. Until he got kneed by you in the side of his head, and punched in the gut by Ichiban.

One word: OOF!

Yay, you won.

From the ground, the Fakiryu was lying there belly first. He felt a something wet in the side of his head. Getting his head up, he realized it was... PISS!

Y/n: Pffft! How disrespectful, am I right?

Fakiryu: Y-you...

Getting up from the floor, while holding his stomach. Fake Kiryu, tris to go for another punch.

Fakiryu: H-huh!?

Only to be stopped by a certain someone.

Kiryu: Hey asshole. You're the one who made these blogs, right?

Fakiryu: Huh!? And who are you!?

Y/n: Did... Did he just...?

Ichiban: Can't even recognizs who he's impersonating...

So, like any other Yakuza related shit. Apparently you aren't allowed to recognize the person you're impersonating... Ahem... Fake Kiryu, Fake Akiyama. Ahem...

So to keep matters short, Kiryu kicked his ass. It was an epic fail.

Kiryu: Weren't you doing this sort of thing before?

FakeKiryu: Wait... Hold on... Don't tell me you're the real Kiryu!?!

Kiryu: If you're impersonating me, you ought to at least recognize me.

Bowing towards the king, Fake Kiryu speaks in a panicked matter.

Fakiryu: I-I'm so sorry! I just wanted to have a little fun, that's all!

Kiryu: Yeah, you mean causing a bunch of trouble and posting your lame-ass blogs under my name? Real fun.

Fakiryu: You know about that too!? I'll post an apology right away!

Y/n: Heh. He's lucky he hasn't met Majim-


Ichiban: Is that an exclamation mark?

Y/n: Oh... Oh shit.

All of you proceed to look up as a plane passes by, from it jumps out a figure with an umbrella in hand, falling down really fast.

Until it was fifteen meters left before he made contact, he opened his umbrella as he slowly descends to the ground.

Majima: Yo! The gang's here!

Y/n: Good day, Majima-San.

Majima: Huh... Am I seeing double or is there two KIRYU-CHANS!

Ichiban: Nah, there's two. One's a fake.

Majima: Haaaa.... Who do I stab now? Oi, you! What's your favorite weapon?

Fakiryu: Uhh... My fists.

Majima: No! Kiryu-chan really loves bikes!

He pulls out his tanto, with a crazy smile on his face he goes and dashes towards the real Kiryu.


Realization hits as Majima stops dead on his tracks as he slowly turns to face the Fake Kiryu.

Majima: You! Tarnishing Kiryu-chan's image, huh!?

Y/n: He's so dead.

Fakiryu: I-I won't so it again! P-Please!

Majima: Boo!

And he passed out on the floor, hitting the piss once again.

Majima: Eeeeeh? How disappointing... Eh, I'll just hang him on top of a volcano.

Kiryu: Majima...

Majima: Oh, you're no fun, Kiryu-chan!

You also notice that his pants got wet. Yeah, he also pissed himself.

Y/n: Well, that takes cars of that. Off to finish my borgar.

Walking away as the others follow for some reason, you pick up your borgar, looking to the sky.

Y/n: What a beautiful duwang.

Ichiban: Chew.

*insert guitar riff here*

Y/n: Heh. That was fun.

Ichiban: Hell yeah it was! And here I am, I got a new sword!

Y/n: (You know... I really like these guys. But they are morally better than I am, like a lot! Hm... Can I change? Maybe I can... I mean... I want to. )

Alas, this is what set Y/n's future.

What Y/n didn't know was that the world around him suddenly got dark. As you see him being the only one there with chains wrapped around his wrists, and legs.

The chains begin to shake violently. As loads of CRACK CRACK is heard.

The chains of the plot are beginning to break.

Your first ending is near, Y/N.

His eyes widen, as he begins to look around.

Y/n: What in the Kentucky Fried Fuck!? GAH!

Immense pain fuels your head, it was like as if a hundred knives were jammed in it while you were being burned alive by a donkey shooting fire from his mouth... Don't ask.

You try to hold your head, but the chains rattle and won't allow you to, angered and confused as fuck, with whatever strength you have you begin to pull.

You've chosen your path...

Gasping in surprise as the world around him comes back to normal.

Y/n: The hell?

Ichiban: Oi, kid! You okay? You've been spacing out.

Y/n: Oh... Ah, I think so... (That was weird.)


Not long after the events occurred, it was currently night time. You were currently walking back home with a weirded out expression.

Y/n: (What now...?)

Currente Objective: Head to West Kouh

Y/n: Huh!? (I don't remember activating you!)


Y/n: (Wait. You talk now!? Or... Well... Just words, not really any voice going on. But why? What's so important there?)

Do you want the good ending or what?

Y/n: (Good ending? Wait. Hold on a second! Why is it that only this time your beginning to actually communicate with me?)

Well, a certain h/c haired fucker is breaking the plot, which is making him speed run the book. Now come on, Boii!

Y/n: (Okay then... Guess that's happening.)

You begin to haul ass towards the west. With probably the most serious face you've ever had in your life.

Y/n: (An ending, huh...?)

Fucking stupid, am I right? NOW YEE HAW! RUN!

You look at your watch as the time says it was 8:36 P. M.

Then all of a sudden it is 8:42 P. M.

Y/n: Does someone have a King Crimson on steroids or something?

Nah, you are just more aware of TIMESKIPS now

You take a good look at what's in front of you, to see a bigass warehouse. At the main gate there was about five people wearing suits, with pistols by their side. You also sensed some Fallen Angel energy from the inside.

Y/n: (So these fuckers are humans, huh?)

They finally see you as three of them get a hold of their pistols.

Goon#1: Huh!? Who the hell are you!?

Immediately you put your hands up. And definitely didn't press a button on your watch.

Y/n: Woah, woah, woah. Easy there, I'm just passing through. (I want to enter this place... I don't know why, I just want to.)

Goon#2: "Passing through"? Yeah, sure...

Goon#3: How the hell did you get in here!? (Shit! What if he's here for Haruka!? How did he know in the first place? They still haven't made an announcement to the Dragon himself!)

Goon#4: State your business, kid!

Y/n: You see....

Your eyes light up... No, they literally lit up!

Y/n: We've been trying to reach you over your car's extended warranty.


The good old sneak attack of the American Spider. Not only is it a fucking grenade. There are also bullets, so when it fucking exploded the bullets flew off continuing your massacre, and destroyinh the front door.

Rubber bullets, by the way... And rubber explosive... Probably. Eh who cares!? They are unnamed characters.

Enter, Boii!

Y/n: Okay, Kratos...

From the door comes out two goony goons. Not taking any chances with their G U N S. You hide behind a car... That was there... Bare with me on this one.

Only for you to hear sparks of electricity as the two get knocked the fuck out!

You see a blue ball flying above you as it slowly comes down to your level.

Y/n: Yo, Sprite-boy. Ready for some screen time?

The sprite dragon just nods in response, and from the bushes come a wild Fox Girl.


Mittelt: Don't scream next to my ear!

Mittelt is seen holding some weapons in her hands while scolding the fox girl.

Asia: Who needs a smacking!?

With her guitar in her hands, the smol cinnamon roll was also there.

Mittelt: What the hell is the problem, Y/N?

She tosses you the pistol she was holding, alongside a fucking KATANA.

Y/n: A warehouse clearing. There's something there that'll help out.

Ahem... SomeONE!

Y/n: You fucker... Change of plans: Rescue mission!

Mittelt: Who the hell are you talking to?

Y/n: Myself. I'm schizophrenic.

AY, fuck you!

Y/n: (Take me to dinner first... Actually, don't. It'll be fucking confusing.)

Alas, the crew proceed to run inside the warehouse. As about ten Fallen come out of no where.

FallenAngel#1: So it's you who made the commotion!? Well, we'll just ge-


Screaming, the fox girl pulls out her Bazooka Wrench and shoots it at the fallen.



Screams of pain and anguish are heard, as six if the fallen are gone. Now there is four left.

One of them charge at the nearest crew member aka Mittelt with a light spear in hand. Only for Mit to block it with a Light Sword. As the two proceed to clash, we cut to the next attack.

Lily: Reloading takes too long. COME HERE!

With the oversized wrench in hands, the fox girl proceed to charge at the fallen, who in turn, threw a spear at her.

Seeing as how she was about to get hit, the fox girl decided to make her hit box smaller.

And turned into a fox, who continues the charging. And bounces on the fallen.

Meanwhile Raigeki is hovering over Asia while glaring the the enemies. As another fallen proceeds to fly in order to take out Rai.

Asia: A T T A C C !

It charges a ball of electricity in its mouth, as Asia creates a puddle of water on the ground below. Then she proceeds to YEET her guitar hitting the Fallen's wing making it fall because why not?

Finishing his omega charge, the Simp Dragon shoots it out towards the FALLEN! HA! COMEDY! Who got shocked with the bonus of water being there.

Raigeki then roars Like a Dragon - - eh? Get it? I fucking hate myself.

Swinging his sword from side to side, and even throwing it from one arm to another with an evil smile on his face. As Y/n watches with a dead panned expression, before pulling out his gun and BANG shot the Fallen.

Mittelt was still clashing with the Fallen, each one trying to overtake the other. She lifts her foot as knife comes out from it and kicks him in the DEEZNUTS.

Meanwhile Lily in her fox-girl form was beating the other guy with a wrench.

This is a bit too easy for a final battle... I got it!


You hear a mechanical voice come out from a nearby room.


A fucking wrecking ball destroys the garage door nearby and from it emerges...

Mittelt: Would be nice if you reload your bazooka, Lily!

Lily: Will d-

She looks at her weapon seeing that it was broken...

Lily: WHA--!? HOW!?

Y/n: Fucking plot... I'll break you in this very chapter, then I'll live my life without significant troubles.

The HEAVY MACHINERY pulls up on all of you as it goes for a swing, all of you jump out the way. With you and Mittelt on the right. Asia, Rai, and Lily on the left.


Y/n: Haru...? Oh, her. She didn't get any screen time, did she? Not my problem.

Mittelt creates a light spear and YEETS it, but guess what? IMMUNE!

Raigeki who was charging his lightning powers, shoot it towards the heavy machine... It managed to stagger it for 0.5 seconds.

Y/n: Wow. Thanks, Narrator.

No problem! :D

Oh, and Lily threw a marshmallow that just bounced off.

Y/n: Hmm... I have a small idea.

You pull your phone, with great speed, turn it on, SWIPE unlock it, TAP calls, SWIPE scroll through contacts, TAP press on the name of a certain someone.

Y/n: Come on!

TAP! Press call.


Meanwhile Mittelt and the others were distracting the HEAVY MACHINERY DA. With Mittelt creating and YEETing spear even more.


Operator: What the--


A wall was gone, as the dust settles revealing a pink truck with Hello-Kitty stickers on it.

The door opens and from it reveals the Mad Dog.


The door gets flung open from the passenger seat and from it comes out a very angry Dragon.

With a mildly annoyed face, the operator goes and swings the the wrecking ball towards the dragon who didn't even bother to dodge.

As the ball of steel got closer to the neatly dressed man. He swings his fist SMACKING the fucking wrecking ball, breaking it to pieces.


You could smell the fear coming from the operator. Heck, he probably shit his pants.

The man tries to back up the HEAVY MACHINERY, only for it to not move. He looks back towards the two new arrived bois to see that Kiryu was grabbing the damn rope that holds the wrecking ball.

Majima: NYEHEHEHEH! You are very pathetic.

The Mad Dragon proceeds to jump up about ten meters, with a dark purple aura sorrounds him. Before several clones appear next to him.

With the power of ZA LIGHTNING the Mad Dragon proceeds to YEET a shit ton of knives alongside his clones DIO style. All of them surrounding the HEAVY MACHINERY.

And now, Majima finally let gravity has its turn on the Xbox as he comes down, with one final kick and a beam of purple electricity comes from the sky directly at the machine.

Nicely done.

Oh, the operator was still alive... Somehow. Rubber lighting?

Crawling from the ground was the nameless operator. We Kiryu walks up to him grabbing him by the collar.
He gives him the look of an angry father.

Kiryu: Where is Haruka?

Operator: Th-there! There's a basement at that room, Y-you'll find her! P-please don't kill me!

He motions towards another door towards the left.

Letting go of him, all of you proceed to run towards the door.

Y/n: Honestly, don't feel like it.

E-excuse me?

Y/n: Let's just destroy the floor, it's way faster.

But the scripts!

Y/n: Fuck your scripts! We're breaking the floor with this.

Wait! I wasn't the one who put the picture! Oh shit! Oi, author! Author! You fucking drug addicted, moldy banana! Come take a look at the scripts! They're re-writing themselves!

Kiryu: What's he doing?

Majima: He's beginning to believe!


Y/n: Come on!

Current POV: Y/n L/n

I proceed to jump down the hole doing a flip because why the fuck not!? I'm fabulous, bitch!

Nailed it, Partner!

HA! Of course! It's me who we're talking about.

I proceed continue to run, as my eyes begin to shine even brighter than before. With a smirk, I pull out a box and press a button on it, as it begins to form a bunch of smoke and then the it is! Thomas the Thermonuclear engine that I used in the previous chapter except bigger! I can operate that shit!

Smiling like a mad man, you went to jump on it, only to feel something holding me as I hear a familiar rattling.

The fucking chains of plot, huh? Tsk! How annoying. With YOUR might, I pull that shit off my right arm as it makes a loud CLANK.

I'm the fucking protagonist! Of fucking course I can do that shit!

.... Fuck! The second one is a bitch!

I grit my teeth in annoyance. The plot is still there. God damn, being a fictional character sometimes fucking sucks! Despite the everlasting existintial crisis every now and then.


That's what I heard, as now my left arm is free from the chains. I look to see who the hell it was... The fucking man-child resting his baguette on his shoulder.

Ichiban: Yo, Y/N!

Y/n: You magnificent bastard! Come on!

Me and the bois about to rescue one of our home's adopted child.

That sounded way better in my head. Who the fuck cares!? I'm free... Almost.

Thomas the Thermonuclear Engine is ready for combat. Making the bad boi stand up and open the cockpit.

Who named it cock-pit?

Humans are fucking weird. Don't ask.

I look back to see what the hell the others are doing, and look at that! Kiryu-san got a hold of a Fallen's wings and is spinning him. Oh, he let go.

THUD! Ouch... That looked like it hurt.

Majima is beating one with his bat using it as nunchucks... Somehow.

Entering the bad boi, I proceed to operate it to move it forward. And goodness, is it fast?

Narrator, take it from here. I'm having the time of my life.

Narrator Time

Huh, that was a nice break. The author is fucking sleeping, that lazy fucker. Oh well, let's see what you will do.

A bunch of Fallen proceed to sorround you, as they YEET light weapons ranging from, spears, swords and even axes.

The legs of Thomas open, and from each comes out a fucking mini gun.


Bullshit MC powers mower them down.

You make the spooder Thomas shoot out laser to melt a lock of the door. Before you got bored and kicked the door open.

You shoot a balloon towards the room with a derpy face drawn on it.

POP! The balloon explodes from a gunshot. As you make your way towards the location with Thomas being your shield.

And now you got seperate from everyone. THE PLOT IS RETALIATING! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO!?

Y/n: Break it again?

Oh right. The culprit is in front of you.


Y/n: Uhh.... Who?

The annoying fucker with the microphone back there.

Y/n: O-


With a THUD the host falls on the ground lifeless.

???: 🎶La la Lala🎶

Your eyes widen in surprise and shock--you remember that voice.

???: 🎶LA LA LALA🎶


The figure is now revealed. It was red, and was wearing a suit.


Y/n: Son of a bitch...

Elmo: Hello, Y/n! Elmo wants to t̨̀͘͜͡͏͏͏̷̵̛͘͟͟͢͞í̶̧̧̧̛͘͜͟͟͞͠͞c̀͏̸̵̧̧̧͘͟͜͢͞͞҉̸̀͟ķ̶̶̸̴̧̀̀͟͢͟͟͢͞͞͠l͜͠҉̸̴̢̧̡́́͘͘͜͞͞͝ę̷̡́͏̷̸͘͜͢͏̢̢͢͞ ̧̧̡̢͜͢͠͏͘҉͢y͘͘͢͢͠͡͡ǫ̴̕͝͏̸̧̨̛̀̕͘̕͞҉̨͠͝ù̷̴.

He proceeds to shoot laser towards the mech creating a hole on the ground.

No vital organs were harmed. You'll live, bitch!

With a bruise on your cheek, you re adjust the way your sitting.

Y/n: Ha... I know I will.

You proceed to press the emergency button which YEETED you out of your seat. And made Thoma stand up on his own. As his head shoots out and his mouth opens in order to consume Elmo, it bites his shoulder, but he was able to bat it away.

You proceed to pull out another weapon, ready to kill.

..... What the fuck!?



... That's probably what it is.... Probably.

A direct hit on Elmo, as it proceeds to disintegrate his suit.

Elmo: ...

Y/n: Won't make a cum-back, huh?

Elmo was angry.

Y/n: Oh, he's charging. I'll just--

RATTLE RATTLE! The fuckers are back, and your legs are stuck!

Y/n: This is some serious bullshit! Oracle, how the fuck to dodge!? Google it!

Uhh.... Let's see.... FOUND! Only someone hotter than Elmo's fire can cancel it! Someone new! Currently brainstorming your brain for that someone.

Y/n: Uhhhh....

Nailed it! It's gonna cost all of your SP!



Dear God....

Shun 'BEAUTY' Akiyama

Akiyama: I felt like I had to be here for some reason. Hello, everyone!

Sexy motherfucker... Uh-ahem... You heard nothing!

He descends from the Sky... Because Sky Finance. I'm on a roll with the horrible puns!

With his godly kicks! The beautiful son of a n-ahem! Shun proceeds to kick the shit out of Elmo cancel9his flames.


The source of it being non other than Saejima who was spinning fast as fuck! Making a way for the others who were seperate, and now they have Haruka with them.

Akiyama: Oh, so it was a good decision to come here.

Kasuga: OI, kid! Catch!

Something white was thrown at you, it was smol, fluffy... And bucks!

You jump up, and catch it with your hands, while looking intrigued at it.

It looks at you before bucking as it jumps away, leaving an egg on your hand.

This egg somehow had a sticker on it, it said SP.

The egg proceeds to shine and now you have a bowl on your hand.

Y/n: Omelette... Heh.

Somehow you wolfed it down entirely in mere three seconds.

Your eyes begin to shine even more, as words appear in front of you.

Enable Ultimate Move?

There was also a description for it, but you won't see that.

With a smile that is bigger than your ego, you look back at Ichiban. While Saejima YEETED a tire that was in his hand towards the Tickle Monster.

Y/n: Your phone please.

Several knives got YEETED towards Elmo making him get stuck on the wall, but not dead.

Kasuga: Huh? Sure.

Handing it to you, you also pulled out your phone in the meantime, constantly switching back and forth between the two. Until a button appeared on yours that said "Launch".

Y/n: Jackpot.


Space... A very mysterious place. Hey, that rhymed! Ahem... With millions upon millions of galaxies, and a shit ton of stars. Always expanding in a never ending matter.

Yeah, we don't really care about that right now. Let's take a look on what the hell is going at high speed!


And now.... Earth.

Elmo: ELMO WILL K̡̢͠͠͡͏Į̴͟͢͜͟͜͡͡L͟͝L̴̶̵̵̨̡̛̕͘͜͢͠͠͡͡ ̸̸̴̵̶̴̧̨̡̢̨̛͡͡҉̶̨̧͝͝Ỳ̡̨̛̕͜͡͞͞͏̢̧O͢͜͞U̴̕͢ ̷̷̷̴̢̧̢̛͘͟͟͝͝A̛͟͜͝Ĺ̡̢̛͢͟҉̨̛́͟͢͡͠҉̢́͝͏Ĺ̴̴̸̷̡̡̛́̕͜͟͢͞͡!

Be warned, headphone users. And no problem.

Mittelt: You did not...

Y/n: Oh, I did.

Lily: Well, it was fun knowing ya...for like ten seconds.

Kasuga: Hey, I remember this music!

Haruka: Wha-What is happening?

Slowly but surely the music got louder and louder. Everyone proceeds to look up at the broken ceiling where Elmo first entered and notice the Ultimate Attack.

Elmo: YOU FOOL! Y̴͢͝͏̀͞Ǫ̀͘͞͝͠͏̨̛͘͠҉Ų͘̕̕͟͠͠͞'̛͠L̨̀̀̕͘͘͜͜͡͠͡Ĺ̶̸̶̢̨̡̨̛̕̕͢͟͜ ̶̸̢͢͢͞͝K̴̴̴̢̡͘͢͠͏̨҉͘͜͞I̵̧̧̛͠͏̵̨̛̛́͘͠L̀̀͘͜͟͡L҉̶̷̴̴̧̧͘͞͡ ̸͠҉̴̢͜҉Ų̸̷̕̕͢͡S͘҉̕͟ A̸̴҉҉̴̵̢̡̢͘͜͜͞Ļ̀͜͡͏̴̸̨͠͞L҉͘

Y/n: Rescue in three... Two..

An oversized string that probobly will be called rope got thrown at all of you, you also notice an oversized hook there.

???: Aniki, everyone. Hold on!

Shinji 'Legend' Tanaka

Kiryu: Shinji... You're...

Taking a way better look, you notice two pure white wings behind his back. They were truly mesmerizing.

With a smile on his face, Shinji just nods.

All of you proceed to hold on, and fly away to safety... Somehow, don't question it anymore. This fanfic was supposed to be somewhat of a serious shitpost, but now it's just crackhead shitpost.

Meanwhile with Elmo


Y/n's POV

While we were getting away as we watch the beautiful explosion the world me suddenly changes, and now I were standing on a solid ground.

Wait what!?

Y/n: The hell...? Oi! Oi! Plot! Is that you again!?

I begin to look around frantically, before looking down-- only to see broken shackles.

Did... Did I do it!?

You've unlocked: The Good Ending


.... Now what? Why am I even here?

The world around me proceeds to spin around really fucking fast, as I begin to feel nauseous from it. And POOF it's now back to normal... Only this time I was inside some sort of house?

Confused I begin to check my sorroundings... This was definitely a living room.

I heard a muffled voice come from a nearby room... A familiar one. I proceed to walk towards it, as the voice becomes slightly clearer. Oh, I know who that is.

With a mischievous smirk on my face, I slowly lift my leg.

Y/n: Some...



Narrator: WHAT THE FUUU--

He fell from his chair startled by my beautiful singing,as a bag of cheetos falls on him.

Y/n: So this is you, huh?

Narrator: Son of a... So THAT'S where you are! Honestly, didn't think it'd be this early.

He gets up from the floor, dusting himself.

Y/n: That's a lot of monitors.

Definitely, he was sitting there with one of the monitors viewing the world, the other has a bunch of words in it. I notice that the last line was when we got out of that Warehouse.

Narrator: Well, it's my fucking job after all!

Y/n: And who's that? The short guy over there... With a... Flying marshmallow?

Narrator: Other Y/n from another fanfic.

Y/n: Ah... But, you expected me to come here. Why?

Narrator: Well, Y/n... Or Yin...or whatever the fuck the readers call you. Every Y/n has his final chapter, and every single Y/n who finished his journey comes here... This place. I still haven't thought of a name, I just call it "This place".

Y/n: Wow. So creative.

Narrator: Piss off.

Y/n: Soo... What exactly are you?

The Narrator replied to me with a shrug.

Narrator: Basically the voice in people's head when they read or something. I don't really have a Canon appearance.

Y/n: So, can I imagine you as Kermit?

Narrator: I'll make you Kermit suicide.

Y/n: Can you?

Narrator: ... Not really.

Y/n: Speaking of which, is the fucking author here?

Narrator: Nah, the fucker is writing. But he can hear us... So if you have something to tell hi-


Narrator: I'm not gonna argue with that.



Narrator: He needs ice... Lots of it.

Y/n: So... Can I go back or something?

Narrator: I mean. Yeah, you can. You can always visit too. So far you're the first Y/n to finish his shit, and probably will get a story of your own with some one shots about random Shenanigans.

Y/n: Oh! That's nice. Wait- what about the plot?

Narrator: It's gonna be continued with an Alternative Universe Y/n, one where he remained the same and didn't want to change... At least for now.

Y/n: Coolsies. You're pretty chill, Narrator.

Narrator: Done with work today... I don't have anything else.

Y/n: Well, adios!

Narrator: Toodles!

Trasnporing back to ZA EARTHU DA

Narrator Time

A few days later...

Kasuga: Use a healing potion!

Y/n: But I only have three left!

The two bois were currently sitting on a couch, as you hold a Switch in your hands.

Kasuga: Attack incoming!

Y/n: I'll get the hang of it!

Oh, and Kasuga told Y/n to not use his gear because it'd ruin the experience. To which Y/n agreed to.

That was some interesting turn of events... A confusing bunch, not gonna lie. But in the end, it worked out for you, Y/n L/n.

I do wonder how the other Y/ns will be without the Yakuza bois with them.

Guess we'll have to see WHEN THIS FUCKING BANANA WORKS!

Y/n: *chuckles* This is very fun. (Guess that's my life now, with the Peace Meeting coming... Yeah, it'll definitely be a success if I get Majima there.) OI, Rai. Pass me a Sprite!

The blue dragon stops drinking as he jumps into the portable fridge pulling out a can, and flies towards our protagonist.

Everything was fine and peaceful.

Majima and Saejima went around and in a FRIENDLY manner made the Three Factions stop fucking around.

Kiryu and Haruka were still on good terms, so no drama over there thankfully. With Kiryu managing orphanages buot by Majima's Construction and funded by Sky Finance.

Y/n and Kasuga became good friends as the two pull up to continue playing the game with Ichiban watching proudly as Y/n became better at it.

Kaori and Fuji were visited by William and his wife, Shizuka. Good old friends.

Nanako was being herself again, one day she visited when there was. A gaming session going on, and met Ichiban, the two became friends with their heroic moves while Y/n watched in the background.

Mittelt started to get better at sketching, a hobby that she loves. Which made her happier.

Lily tried to create Thomas the Atomic Bomb.... Tried. But that fox girl is a determined one. Hopefully, she doesn't kill anyone.

Asia proceeded to become way better at playing the guitar, going to actual concerts, and sometimes work with Haruka.

Issei was Issei... Nothing more, nothing less. Good job, Issei.

Kiba and Tsubaki became a thing, and so did Saji and Ruruko.

Koneko ate some chocolate.

Akeno was.... Akeno.

Gasper cosplayed DIO.

The others didn't really have much of a change, but nothing negative was going on.

What a wonderful end.... Probably.


Walking among the streets were the TigerBoi, and the MadBoi.

Saejima: So if seen you fight this kid for like 27 times, what's the occasion? Another Kiryu situation?

Majima: Wha- noooooo.

Sae gives Majima a look with raised eyebrows.

Majima: OK, maybe. But he took my tanto!

Saejima: Don't you have like thousands of those tantos stored?

Majima: Still mine though! Besides, I'm not the only one who has a shit ton of the same stuff! Look at everyone here! We have been wearing the same clothes for years!

Saejima: What? You wanna go to the clothing store?

Majima: Nyeheh! Sure!

The two proceed to head towards a nearby clothing store, looking for costumes that suit them.

Saejima: Hm? That mannequin is very detailed.

Majima: Haaa?

Curious, the eyepatch wearing lunatic proceeds to take a better look at the mannequins.

Majima: HmMMMmmmMm.

Suddenly, he felt someone tap his shoulder. Thinking it was his sword brother, the mad dragon looks behind him only to see someone wearing something black to cover his head, while blending in with the mannequins.

???: Yo...

Suddenly the unknown person pulls out his cover revealing non other than...


Majima: Oooooh! NYEHEHEHEH! You dare use my own spells against me!?

Y/n: Nyeheh! Yes, I do. I haven't seen you in over a day, that's unlike you, Majima-san. So I decided to make a change of pace... Now come on!

Y/n: Outside the clothing store of course.

Saejima: *sigh* I never knew I'd see the day where someone pulls that off.

Alas, the two head outside with Majima and his tanto, and Y/n with his bullshit.

I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore.


Yo! Finally a chapter, huh?

So... This version of Y/n's story is over.

I'm sorry if I didn't live up to your expectations, I just didn't know how to make Yakuza work in DxD, I clearly overestimated myself. Haha.

But I'm actually thinking of making a separate story for this Y/n, where it's just... Weird shit. The usual.

So if you're wondering "What well happen to the story?" I will continue it, just remove the Yakuza bois from it... Sorry.

As for the final picture, it's kind of what I imagine Y/n to look like in this ending. Of course, you don't have to use it.

Speaking of which... What did you name your Y/n L/n? And what did you make him look like? I'm quite curious

This is also the longest chapter I've written for this fanfic... What a ride.

So... Moment of truth...

How was it? Good? Bad? Nishiki WHYYYYYY?

Sorry if I gave you bad memories from the last one.

Until next time

See ya!


Alternative Universe

The sunlight hits a certain h/c haired boy's face, as his eyes flutter open. Groaning in annoyance, he shoves his head further into the pillow.

Y/n: Fuck... The... Sun.

A few minutes pass by, as you hear a knock on the door.

Kaori: Y/n, wake up! You're gonna be late again!

Y/n: *sigh* In a second!

Knowing better than to annoy your mother, you reluctantly get out of bed, taking a hold of your phone to see the time.

For some reason you opened the contacts. You take a pause thinking of why the hell you did it.

If you look closely at the phone, a certain Mad Dog's number was not here.

A universe where the Yakuza bois just disappeared, and no one from here remembers.

And now, we are back to the original plot.

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