Chapter 21: The Scanner

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About a year ago

We start off looking at a house in Kouh, a car with an open trunk is seen with a few boxes in them.

We also see a certain h/c haired boy with e/c eyes, staring at the house with an intrigued look on his face. Then a man with a beautiful beard proceeds to stand next to him.

Fuji: Back in Kouh, huh?

Y/n: Mhm... Been a while.

Fuji: *chuckles* Yeah. No slacking off now, let's unpack. Already signed you up to a school not too far from here. Who knows, maybe you'll meet your old friends here.

Y/n: *sigh* Just a small break, okay? I finished my chess lessons in Kyoto then all of a sudden we're leaving early to Kouh.

Fuji: No procrastinating, if we finish early, we get to rest longer. Come on, even Nanako started before you.

The fatter then left, leaving the son standing there, pondering to himself.

Y/n: (Guess I'm finally starting Highschool... From what I've heard, it's damn annoying...)

You look up to the sky with a bored expression on your face.

Y/n: I wish something interesting would happen...


Nanako: Up-up-and away!

We see the two siblings running, with you chasing your little sister. Both of you were in your school wear, currently messing around before you part ways.

Y/n: I'mma get ya!

Nanako: You'll never catch me! Not when I shift to maximum overdrive! HYAAAH!


Y/n: (Damn! She's fast!) I won't lose, come here!

A few minutes later of this, the two finally reached a place, where you had to catch your breathe while holding your knees. Panting and huffing, you look up to your little demon of a sister who was doing a little victory spin.

Nanako: I win!

Y/n: *huff* How much energy... *pant* do you have!?

Nanako: More than you'll ever get that's for sure, old man!

Y/n: *chuckling* You devil...

Pulling out your phone, you check the time. As you had a disappointment filled reaction.

Y/n: School will start in thirteen minutes...

Nanako: Aww.... Do we really have to? It was fun.

Y/n: *sigh* Unfortunately... We'll suffer, but that's okay, we'll get a PhD and a medal saying that we survived this hell... Let's hope there's no devils in there.

Nanako: *giggles* Yup! Bye-bye!

Y/n: Later, Apple-tree.

You watch as your little sister walks off to school with a smile on your face. As she turns corner, you frown knowing damn well that this walk would be boring, a sigh escapes your lips as you begin walking towards your doom.

Y/n: 🎶Kouh Academy... Academy Kouh🎶 Tadadada... This is turture.

Finally, after about five minutes of speed walking. You reached the place.

Y/n: *whistles* Youve been funded well, haven't you?

Y/n: Roadway to hell...

As you enter the school, you immediately felt as if you were watched by the whole world. And by that I mean the students were staring at you, some whispering to their friends.

Y/n: (I already hate this fucking place. Seriously, I just stepped foot onto this cursed land, and oh boy, everyone is looking at me as if I came into their home and took a shit on their bed.)

You were quite curious on what they were talking about, so you may or may not walked a bit to wherever the most murmurs are, while still having a fixed expression that is looking forward.

Guy#1: Dude, it was not a girl.

Guy#2: Aw, man! And he even has the looks and we're gonna suffer yet again!

Y/n: (B R U H ! Why the fuck do you care? It's clearly obvious why no one is attracted to you. Plus, from what I've heard, there's more females than males in this school because it's used to be a female only one, at least you can find one with no standards for you. Well, onto the next eavesdropping.)

Girl#1: Let's go! A handsome boy!

Girl#2: He has this bad boy vibe to him... Sexy~

Y/n: (Seriously they are "whispering" so damn loud, I can hear them... It's like a damn anime or a horribly written story where the MC somehow gets all the girls' attention. Well, if they are in my class, I could use my "sexy bad boy" moves to become the Student Council President... Yeah... Maybe... Probably not, I wouldn't enjoy it, but it would help in in college seeing I'm the ever so good leader. )

In the very back you notice a boy with red hair and blue eyes eating a salad in peace, while sitting near the fountain.

Y/n: (Oh, thank God, a normal person! Calm down, Y/N. Let's not get into trouble on the first day.)

And alas, you proceed to enter the interior of the school. With the bigass long hallway, you proceed to venture further inside while looking around, inspecting the area and taking it all in.

Y/n: (Sparkly. Alright, where in the blue hell is the Student Council Room?)

After asking the nearby students for directions, some were more annoying than the others, eventually you reached that fucking room.

Knocking on it like a normal person, it was opened by a woman with longass hair reaching her knees and was wearing glasses, also may be known as Tsubaki. But we don't really care about her. We're here to revive and rebuild this story after.... That.

Not all drugs can help.

Y/n: Hello, I'm L/n Y/n, the first year.

Tsubaki: Oh, you're the new transfer. My name Shinra Tsubaki, the Vice-President. Guess you're here for the schedule, correct?

Y/n: (No, I'm here to twerk on the table. Of course I'm here for the damn schedule!) Yup. Can I get it now, so I'm not late for my first lesson?

The vice president proceeds to motion for the first year to enter. Going inside you saw that it was only girls in this room.

Y/n: (If there's one thing that confused me most in life is how do they have these hair colors? I saw one outside with pink, and here we have one with blue, and it's natural! It's quite weird honestly... I don't know why though, they're not the first person with these kinds of colors.)

After following behind Tsubaki, you saw another gal with black hair and violet eyes, wearing glasses. Currently going through some paperwork.

Y/n: (This is why I hate to become a Student Council President, so much work... So boring, nothing exciting.)

Noticing the both of you standing in front of her desk, the girl stops, and looks up to the both of you.

Sona: Oh, Tsubaki. And... The new student, right?

Y/n: *nod* That's me. (First name basis, guess they are close, not big surprise considering it's the President and the vice.)

Tsubaki: Sona, could you please bring out his schedule.

Nothing really interesting happened, it's just the classic talk, and Y/n didn't bother talking anymore as he just nodded after taking what he came for.

He eventually reached his class. A sign displaying 1-B is seen outside the door.

And alas, more knocking, until the teacher opened the door.

Y/n: Yo. Can I enter? (I haven't even started Highschool and I'm already bored.)

Main character charm incoming. As you entered, your fabulous face made its way in the class. Jealous simps and horny thots.

Guy#1: Dammit, he's in this class.

Girl#1: Yes! He's in this class!

Y/n: (The fuck is wrong with these people? They're not even bothering to hide it with whispering anymore.)

Teacher: Alright, class! We've got a new guy here, make him feel at home. And Mr. Hyodou! No talking about boobs!

Hyodou: Y-Yes, sir!

Hearing that name, your eyes widen a bit, before coming back to normal.

Y/n: (Oho! Hyodou! This is one hell of a coincidence... A bit too perfect... How convenient. Just gotta check if that's really Iss- what the!?)

As you were looking at the brown haired boy, an image of his head appeared and there was this image of a robot like scanning, it reminded you of these movies where the maincast identify who's the criminal.

Name: Hyodou Issei.

Y/n: (Holy shit... That definitely is his face, damn he didn't really change much... This is intriguing... What is this?

Teacher: Go ahead and introduce yourseof.

You stop your inner monologue, and look at the students, who were looking at you. And you looked at them, and they looked at you, and you lo- okay I'll stop.

Y/n: Yo. My name is L/n Y/n.


Teacher: Uhh, that's it?

Y/n: Yeah, I don't have a long name. Any questions?

Girl#1: You single?

Y/n: Yep.

A bucn of WOOOO and cheering was heard, that you had to cover your ears from.


Girl#2: Shut up, flat! He's obviously gonna want someone like me!

Girl#3: Look who's talking, silicone! I'm the best candidate!

Y/n: (I'm getting a somewhat ego growth, but I'm still feeling rather uncomfortable... I'll keep calm right now, puberty hit them hard.)

Meanwhile the simps were not so happy, groaning and looking away.

Boy#1: Not even five minutes.... Tsk!

Boy#2: Keep some for us dammit!

Y/n: (The girls and boys are equally as horrible. Each one objectifying the other... What kind of school did you sign me in, mom and dad?)

While everyone was recollecting themselves and the teacher shutting them the fuck up, you begin to try to do whatever you did with Issei.

Name: Boy#3

Name: Girl#2

Y/n: (What the fuck!? Who names their children like that? This is like those stories where the author doesn't even bother giving the characters a name because they are so unimportant! And they even look like extras!)


Y/n: (Hold on a minute... WAIT WHAT!? This is a dream! I'm still in Kyoto!)

You put your hands behind your back and secretly get a hold of an exposed part of your hand and pinch it.

Hissing in pain silently, you had a disbelieved look.

Y/n: (No...FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUUCK! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT!? IT'S TOO DAMN FAST! Wait, wait wait! What if it's because I don't know their name. Yeah! That must be it!)

Yeah, sure. Whatever you sa-



Issei: Wha- Y/n!?

Y/n: (Oh, he finally spoke!) U-Uh, yo, Issei. Been a while.

You give him a little wave, while rubbing your nape. Somehow you still had a casual look on your face.




Girl#3: Dammiiiit!

Y/n: Wha-? Weren't you the ones who were talking about my abs or something!? Isn't that perversion?

Girl#4: But that's different!

The hypocrisy was killing you from the inside, you were slowly but surely getting a bit furious, and with the added tension of being chosen as the protagonist of this fanfic, it was not helping.

Y/n: The fuck is wrong with you people!?

SNAP! Angry boi time!

Girl#2: Huh?


Teacher: HEY, NO SWEA-


Teacher: N-not true! Q_Q

Issei: Oh damn... Wait. That's true though... Huh.

A white knight in shining polished armor decided to take a stand to defend his queens.



Girl#2: YOU PI- HUH!?


And that's how Y/n became self aware and how his first day went. Not his best experience in life, getting "haha you're a fictional character that is literally called the letter Y then / then N"

After some time of getting in trouble on the first day and not being expelled because of the plot. We see you sitting next to the same tree in the first chapter, next to you was Issei.

Issei: It's been so long! And that was on hell of an introduction you made!

Y/n: ... Yeah... Yeah, it was...

You were holding a sandwich while looking at it with an empty gaze.

Y/n: So, biggest pervert in the school? No big surprise, somehow you hit puberty without actually hitting puberty. You were damn six years old, and you were taking about these shit!

Laughing nervously, Issei proceeds to scratch the back of his head.

Issei: Ehehehe. Yeah... But you already got the title of --ahem... "The Rude Boy".

Y/n: They can't even come up with creative names... Bunch of fucking hypocrites. *sigh* Guess this is my life now...

Went through the five stages of grief real quick.

Y/n: (Shut the fuck up... Please shut the fuck up...)

Suddenly two people proceed to call out to Issei.

Issei: Ah! It's time already? Hehehehe.

You immediately notice his monkey face that screamed "I'm gonna do something perverted".

Issei: I'll be going now! We'll catch up later!

You just nod, you weren't some kind of hero to stop him from doing whatever the fuck he planned to do. Plus, you didn't really like the people in this school, so fuck them!

Y/n: ... At least you're with me sandwich.

Just as you were about to take a bite, a sudden female voice rings out.

WhiteHairedLoli: This is my spot.

Y/n: Well, I don't see your name written on it, nor do you own this property.

The gal then proceeds to give you a deadpanned look.

WhiteHairedLoli: Rude...

Y/n: Deal with it. I'm eating my sandwich, fuck off to the rooftop.

WhiteHairedLoli: Can't, I don't attend this school yet.

And now you finally turn around meeting the Koneko.

Y/n: Do I look like I give a damn!? Steal a ladder or a rope, madam middle schooler!

Koneko: Are you okay?

Y/n: .... No.... No, not really. I just need some alone time.


Koneko: Before I leave. By any chance have you seen three perverts?

You simply point at the direction of the kendo club.

Y/n: There. Why?

Koneko: Oh, just to beat them up again. Thanks.

With that she struts off to their location.

Now interested on how someone as small as her would beat up these idiots, you tried to use it as a coping mechanism.

Four-Eyes: Daaaamn....

LowBudgetObama: Those tights...

Issei: Heaven...

They didn't know, but Koneko was slowly slithering in, approaching them from the back. While the three were distracted.

FourEyes: Hu-

BAM before he knew it, he was stealthy punched and dragged to the bushes.

LowBudgetConnie: Ayo, what the--

THWAK Koneko pulled out a comically large spoon from the bush she hid in and hit NOBAMA in the head.

As for our last boi, the biggesy pervert. He was still distracted. Until he was tapped from the back.

Issei: Just give me a second...

Koneko: One second has passed.

Hearing that voice, Issei immediately went pale and felt a shiver. Swear starts to form against his forehead, as he slowly turns a bit.

Issei: K-Koneko! H-hey!

Meanwhile we see our boi, Y/N, by the tree with a surprised look.

Y/n: Damn! That was intertaining.

You look up to the sky, as you take a deep breathe. Hearing the birds chirping, the wind blowing against the tree you were under, the clouds just vibing.

Y/n: Fictional... Yeah, it might be. But it's still very much real to me... I'm surprisingly okay with this... Hey. Wouldn't that make me a protagonist like Deadpool? Oooh, I wonder what's this story about.

A smile finds a away back to your face, as you were gazing at the scenery... And the trio getting beat up, this time the Kendo Club joined in.

Y/n: What a beautiful duwang.


After speedrunning the sandwich, you were about to get up and check on Issei, but as you were about to, a book catches your eye. It was right by the tree as well.

Y/n: Eh?

You look around a bit before coming to a realization.

Y/n: (This must be that... Koneko's, it must've fell off. Her name means small cat. Weird. I'm not one to judge though. Wait. This is plot convenience! Guess this book starts my journey!)

Picking it up, you dust it a bit. And take a very good luck at it, you felt something form against your nose and ears. Surprised, you put your hand on whatever it was.

Y/n: Glasses? Okay then... Ahem... Scan!

You didn't really need to shout it out, but okay. You scanned the cover of the book, slowly but surely a pop up came.

Fake book cover

Y/n: I see...

You check again to see if Koneko was nearby, thankfully the Kendo club were there praising her.

Murayama: Koneko-chan! You helped us again! Thank you!

Y/n: (Oh, so that's why a middle schooler is here... Shouldn't she be at her school? Whatever, I'm not her parent.)

Checking your surroundings, you open your bag, and put the book inside. With a smirk on your face, you put your finger on your glasses and push it a bit.

Y/n: This'll be interesting.

Chuckling to yourself, with that smirk still visible, you hear the classic Japanese bell ringing, and make your way back to the class while you look back a bit.

Y/n: (Thank you, smol cat. You may have made my life more fun.)

The glasses then disappear, making you even more intrigued.

Y/n: (God damn.)

On the rooftop was the same boy eating a salad. He may be spying on you, whole nodding to himself.

Yusuke 'Salad man' Sakamoto

The legend himself, salad man. Yes, we made him a character with a name and a picture!

Yusuke: (Mhm. It's going good so far. He talked with a Devil though, need to report that to Kurusu-san. But damn! This salad is the shit!)


After school, and after your first ever detention that won't be the last, you finally left the school building with a bored look.

You look around a bit, some clubs were still there, and to your surprise, you found Koneko who looked to be searching for something.

You immediately look away from her as you begin heading towards the exit with a 1000 kilometers gaze. Trying to look as less suspicious as possible.

Koneko: Hey, you.

Y/n: (Dammit.)

You pretend like you didn't hear and continue moving without missing a beat.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out as the white haired gal cought up to you and grabbed your sleeve.

Koneko: Didn't you hear me?

Y/n: Oh? I'm sorry, what did you say?

Koneko: Did you see a book in here? I lost it. It had a red cover.

You pretend to be deep in thought and put your hand on your chin.

Y/n: You're looking for the maths book?

Shaking her head, the neko replies.

Koneko: No, no. It's a normal cover without anything written on it.

Y/n: Damn... Well, I don't know. Have you tried the Lost&Found?

Koneko: Did so not too long ago.

Y/n: God da-

Immediately Koneko proceeds to hold her head while hissing in pain.

Y/n: Um, are you okay? Should we get you to a nurse that'll only give you a bandage and some ice packs?

Koneko: No... I'm fine. I'll just keep looking. Thank you for your time.

Speech increased to 100 there, pal.


The L/n residence

Kaori: You got in trouble on the first day!?

It was getting quite "lively" in the living room. You immediately put your hands up and do what France is now most well known off called surrendering despite their victories, this is what we remember the most. Thanks, Britain. Very cool.

Y/n: I can explain!

Fuji: You better do, your mom's angry.

Said the father if the house while scrolling through his phone.

Fuji: Hehe. Made me exhale out of my nose.

Kaori: You're not helping!

The sister showed up right next to you, and had a cheeky smile on her face.

Nanako: Hehehe... You're in trouble.

Y/n: Hey, mom. Guess who was the person exploding the flour in the kitchen yesterday?

Nanako: W-Wait no-

Kaori: So that was you! Both of you! Agh... Go clean the dishes and take out the garbage!

Y/n&Nanako: Yes, ma'am!

FWOOSH the two immediately rushed out to speed run chores in the house. Kaori just sighs and slumps back to the couch next to Fuji. Snuggly snug.

Kaori: Kids...

Fuji: Come on now, no use to getting upset.

Kaori: We still need to give Y/n the chess lessons for Sitri though. But... Do we really have to?

Fuji: (She's still at it... I don't blame her but we need to go through with it) *sigh* Both you and I know what Minato told us, this has to happen. Y/n is the key to that operation.

Kaori: ... I still don't know how he saved Y/n after the eight months pregnancy. Apparently seven month is okay, nine months is the normal one, but eight months is the bad one.

Fuji: Like I told you... The key... He's fifteen now, and we're back in Kouh, we should be on guard.

Kaori: Yeah...


(Gravity falls POG. I have a plan with all these symbols.)

It was now night time...

The time where most people should be sleeping in, and some of you readers are probably in that category.

I don't blame you, the author and I aren't really much different.

We see Y/n in his room still awake, sitting on his desk removing the fake book cover while wearing gloves.

Y/n: I'm a filthy theif...

And now you see the book cover in its full glory, the real cover is black, there was also a pentagram logo.

Y/n: (Ah, cults... Probably. Demonic cult. If I remember right, we have an Occult Research Club.)

Opening the book, you were introduced to this introduction. "Magic improvement for dummies-experienced"

Y/n: Well, aren't you specific? Hoho...

You proceed to focus, and summon your glasses. Scanning through any possible hidden thing, and there was... A logo.

Y/n: (Ooh, reminds me of Bakugan... "property of Gremory Clan.")


Y/n: Wait what? Gremo-!?

You immediately stop yourself from shouting, you wait a bit not doing anything then look at your room's door. A few seconds pass, and you felt you were in the clear.

Y/n: (Gremory? THE Gremory!? This is... Interesting. It could be false, but this is plot material, I can't just brush it off. This is so... exciting!)

You begin flipping through the pages, scanning every single detail in it. Then a though hit your head.

Y/n: (I wonder if I can...)

Your eye darts around the pages, as you look for something that catches your fancy and a simple start.

Y/n: Blue ball... Why do I have the feeling it gets forgotten?

Another hit to against the author!

As you scan the spell, it immediately pops at you yet again, with a picture of a damn blue orb.

Spell: Blue Orb.

Description: Not the most used one, but it's a good start for beginners. With a wave of your finger, remain calm and focus on your target. So go fuck shit up!

Y/n: (Damn! It copies the words from the book, and some added parts in the end... Guess that's my power. It shouldn't be too hard since my Scanner helps me memorize this even if I forget, as long as I read and scanned it. I've been screwing around with it as I was walking back, the picture and name of Issei still appear apparently... This is like those Gamer Reader Insert stories that mostly get discontinued or left to rot.)

And with a fave of your finger and a flick of your co- I mean, you twirl it around and do it yet again... And again... And again.... And again.

Y/n: (Boi! I'm supposed to be getting it already! Aren't I the protagonist? I should immediately get the hang of it!)

No. Suffer.

Y/n: (Ooooh.... You bitch.)

Yoi continue doing it for about two more hours, and now you were sitting on your bed with a dissapointed look, and still twirling your hand, still persistent.

Y/n: Damn... Tsk! This is bullshi-!

ZIIP Just now, a blue spark comes out of the palm of your hand, and shoots to the ceiling. BAM it hits the fan in your room, as it goes through it by its blade, until it hit the core, as sparks start to fly from it and you knew what was gonna happen.

Immediately you get away from below the fan by leaping away. BOOM a small sound of "something went terribly wrong" in the fan comes out, as the two of its blade fall down CLANK CLANK the wound of metal making contact with the floor as it officially joins floor gang.

Meanwhile you had your back on the wall watching whatever the fuck unfolded.

Y/n: That... was not a blue orb...

Taking a deep inhale, you lift your arm and open your hand, staring at your palm.

Y/n: Hehe... I did that.

Kaori: Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY!?

Suddenly, you're mother's voice rings out, as you heard sounds of very quick footsteps rushing in.

With a panicked look on your face, you run to your desk while shouting your response.

Y/n: I'm okay! Just the fan transforming into a stan!

You get a hold of the magic book, and just as you put it in your bag, the door of your room opens. Revealing your parents.

Your mother immediately rushes at you as she begins checking for any sign of injury.

Kaori: It didn't hit you, did it? Are you okay? Do yo-

Fuji: Honey, please. Calm down, look at him! He looks fine and dandy, don't you, boy?

Y/n: Yeah. The only thing that is not okay is the ceiling and the fan, but even so... It's good so far.

The h/c haired adult looks at the two blades on the floor, then at the ceiling. With a shisyke he says.

Fuji: Damn... Guess it wasn't a fan of being stuck in the ceiling.

You roll your eyes at the pun, and chuckle.

Y/n: Nanako still sleeping?

Fuji: *chuckles* If all the volcanoes in Japan erupted, she still would be fast asleep!

Y/n: Eheheh... I'm jealous. (That was close... I was almost losing hope but... I finally harnassed some magicc! I feel a weird tingle... Lighting powers, huh? Interesting...)


Y/n's POV

It was the second day of school, and just like yesterday, I was walking to reach it with some visible excitement in my face... And some bags under your eyes, that would be the start of my horrible sleep schedule, I can tell.

I am now walking in an empty street. This is quite confusing... where is everyone? Maybe at work? Well, I'm up later than yesterday, so maybe they already left.

Walking, and walking, I was minding my own God damn business, until I felt... something. Something unfamiliar, and it was nearby.

Pausing my walk, I raise my head and look at where I felt that weird feeling, it was a roof of a house to my right.

Y/n: (What the...?)

I summon your glasses and try to find anything there, but couldn't spot anything due to the damn wall.
Silently contemplating whether I should go and enter or go to school.

A normal person with common sense and an IQ over room temperature would not go there... But then again... I'm the protagonist, and protagonists are always curious... What awaits me there? Is it dangerous? Is it an old man who will teach me more magic?

Somehow, I felt that I should... No, I need to go there. I don't know why I'm thinking this... This is so stupid, yet... I don't know, it feels right.


This is stupid. This is so damn stupid.

I hide my face with my scarf that I grabbed from my bag, and a wore a beanie along the way. Very sneaky, I know.

Crouching down, so no one sees my through the window if they opened the curtains, I go to the door and reach out to the door knob with my gloved hand. Slowly but surely, I twist it open, and it unlocked.

This is dumb, I know.

While pushing the door knob upwards to not make the annoying CREEEAAAK, I slowly make my way inside.

Something then hit my nostrils, something so damn disgusting, luckily my scarf covered most of it, so no puking for me.

I look down the wooden floor and spot red splashes, with my gla- wait... Didn't I use this crap without having glasses? The closest thing to glasses that aren't really glasses are contact lenses, sooo...

Just as I focused on changing it, the glasses disappeared, yet the scanning didn't. Booya! OK, onto the stain...

Subject: Blood. 4 hours since being spilled.

Oh... Oh shi-


The ceing immediately broke, as I felt something hard and solid hit me in the cheek. A damn debris hit it! I held my now bruised cheek and cough a bit because of the damn dust.

Y/n: Gah! Son of a-

???: Oh, little cat thought he was being sneaky? Eheheheh! Bitch, your energy was as clear as that woman's body!

There stood before me, was a man with a bigass smile plastered across his face. Blonde hair, red eyes, he was wearing a dark cloak, and had some wrinkles on his face.

And there he held something in his hand... An extremely bright sledge hammer! What the hell!? He has wings! Crow-like wings! Holy shit!

CrowBastard: Oh-hoho! I see you're looking at my baby, Yuki! Ohoho! WELL, SHE IS MINE, YOU LITTLE SHIT!

While I was hissing in pain. His fist tightens around the base of his sledge hammer.

Warning! Warning! Danger!

YEAH, NO SHIT! Shit! Shit! This is bad! Where is my MC powers!?

Right now, I saw an arrow pointing down, while the motherfucker was still lefiting that heavy ass hammer, as now it was over his head, he was clearly enjoying the panicked look I had on my face. I follow the arrow with my eyes, and see a circle on my opportunity to escape.

With whatever might and protagonist power I had, I reel back my leg and thrust it forward BAM

CrowBastard: OOO-!!!

Dropping the oversized hammer to the side, his wings disappeared, the bastard now had his legs tucked together like a person trying their damn best to not piss themselves.

Oh yeah, I kicked him in the nutsack, that's why.

This was my moment to pull of the MC powers. I clench my hand as some sparks begin to form and I immediately extend my arm up front with a huge smirk on my face.


Only for the sparks to vanish.


And this person is clearly not human so he is recovering faster than I would like.

CrowBastard: You.... Bas-

Not waiting time, I grabbed the nearest small debris I could, that I can lift and swung it towards his head. THWAP I couldn't move my arm further as he blocked it.

CrowBastard: Eheheheh... You've got some fight in ya, have ya boy!?

I could see him reel back his arm while he was going on about his previous line. Even getting warnings yet again, it clearly knew I was in a desperate situation. Thank you, Scanner!

Knowing he clearly had a hold of me, I immediately threw my whole weight at him as a kick would take too long, and now both of us joined floor gang.

Since I was up top, I should have the advantage, so I tried to electrify him by using my hand that he blocked, and the damn lighting decided to take an early vacation.

Alright then... Bullshit time! I'll prove that I'm an entertaining protagonist!

With my free hand, I go for a swing BAM I punched him in the nose, I go for it again and successfully managed to land the second one. The third wasn't lucky for me as I was fucking thrown away by him kicking me with both of his legs.

THUD I fell down on the wooden floor and my head made contact with something that was not the floor, everything was bright white for a second then my vision came back.

I could feel something wet against my head... No against my beanie. With my scarf out of the way I could smell some green tea. Oh... I'm probably in the kitchen... This is a weird layout.

Never mind that, I look to see the bastard getting up while wiping his bloodied nose and chuckling.

CrowBastard: Broke my damn nose... Ahahaha! You broke a Fallen Angel's nose!

Fallen angel? Oh... That explains the wings!

CrowBastard: I'll give you that, pathetic human... But this is your end!

Y/n: Damn... If someone as pathetic as me can break your nose and fuck you up even when you had the element of surprise, I can't imagine what a normal person would do to you.

I said as I slowly got up, with my hand on the counter I crashed it. Re-adjusting, and re-focusing with the help of the lenses.

CrowBastard: Pff-ahahaha! I'll cut that tongue of yours!

And so he brought up his wings and flew directly at me in this area, I then proceed to grab the kettle of the spilled green tea, and throw at at him, alongside some cups there.

The kettle hit him, and a few cups did, but those didn't hinder his flying. I was about to throw another cup and he came crashing in me as him and I go over the counter and into the kitchen.

I was lying next to the stove and he was next to the sink... Let that sink in.

Alright, epic climax fighting time! I've got a boner for murder!

The fucker still had his wings on. And now we got up. Man vs Bastard. And the bastard being him, because apparently that's his dialogue name.

This time, I chose to strike first, with me YEETing the cup I I was holding and him.

He proceeds to extend his wing and throw and parry it away.
FWOOSH I came by with a kitchen knife held very tightly in my hand and slashing his wing. As three feathers find its way away from the wing.

Letting out a scream, he used he went for a swing as I duck below it and put my knife behind his knee and proceed to cut only to be met with a TWACK kick making me hit the counter yet again with a loud BAM.

He summoned a Light Spear and pinged it downwards, but I rolled out, and opened the next counter door, and throwing whatever plate was there at the fallen.

Him blocking the attacks gave my the chance to get back on my feet, and went for a swing, but he jumped back nearing the sink.

A bright idea hit your boy, Y/n. I decided to keep pushing and moving forwards slashing and hacking, with all of it being dodged. And now there was nowhere for him to go. He then proceeded to grab the nearby lemon and squeeze it directly at my face... Or most importantly my bruise.

That fucking hurt, let me tell you that.

I was hissing and grunting yet again, he used this opportunity to push me back a bit with his wings, and jumped over me, and now I was the one cornered to that sink next to me.

I could see him smiling, don't get too cocky. You don't even have a name.

He goes for a horizontal swing. Seeing it come from a mile away, I proceed to duck down. As the spear hitting and destroying the tap, as the water begins to flow getting on him.

All according to keikaku.

I was so happy and so angry at this fucker thinking him can beat me. Ohoho! I'm the MC! Who the fuck are ya!?

Strong sparks begin to form around both of my hands as, I plunge towards him like a fucking predator catching its prey. ZAAAAAAAAAP


YES... Scream! I'm hurting him alot! AHAHAHA! THIS FEELS GOOD! Winning is extremely tasty.

Then I felt being grabbed by my waist.




And now the both of us fall down the floor with a THUD.

CrowBastard: Ahaha... Just as I hoped... *huff* You're new to this... Pathetic really... Getting electricuted by your own magic.

This.... This sack if shit! I won! I had to have won! I CALL HAX! HAAAX!

I was so... Angry. I want to fucking kill him!

Somehow I found a way to get back up, as I watch him do the same.

I'll kill him. I'll fucking kill him.

With rage filled eyes, and a damn maniacal look on my face, ignoring the pain of thr damn lighting, I rush that bastard. Ramming against him as he gets up.

CRASH the sound of glass shattering could be heard, as the window was no more. I take a great look at what's next to me and notice a glass bottle, I proceed to grab it and bash it against the fallen's face. Crimson liquid spreads there, blood mixed with wine, truly the Crimson duo.

Sharp pain shoots through my left thigh, I look down to notice a Light Dagger, the dagger wasn't as bright because of our Crimson session.

Fascinating... So weird.

I look back to the bastard and see him gritting his teeth, only for his eyes to widen for a few times.

No time to think what is happening, I hold him by the collar, still confused a bit. And limp my way to the oven, and take a lighter that was next to it. Only for a brighter idea to hit me and I tend the oven on, and Light it up.

I look at the baggot to see some blood coming out of his behind... Or is that wine? Probably both.

This is it.

I then pull that fucker to the oven, taking a hold of his hair this time and bash it against the iron parts of it, completing his new nose job, and making him more dizzy.

And now.... Fire. I witness as his cloak begins to catch it spreading extremely quick, and now he was overtaken by it.

I could hear his screams of pain and agony as he rolls on the ground, doing his best to take out the fire.

What a way to go out in... I need to be careful, he might put it out.

Turning off the oven, I limp to where I found the bottle of wine. Luckily for me, there was more. I'll save one for my thigh.

Grabbing a nearby cloth I wrap it around the bottle, and stare at the fucker I was about to make him burn more.


A gender reveal party gone wrong? That's a lot of fire...

Its been a couple of minutes now, and I was just staring at him trying to put it out. Whenever he looked like he had a chance of doing so, I hit him with a reality check.

And now... He has gone limp, and turned into charcoal.

I shouldn't be enjoying this. But I have won.

I just killed him... Wow. This is... A weird feeling.

I look around the house, where the hole was made and then at my hands, inspecting them.

Y/n: Ha... I did that.

I'm surprisingly more calm than I thought I would be. This is weird....

What would my parents think? What would Nanako think? What am I doing? Should I have let him live?

......... Meh.

Who cares? He's an extra, why does he even matter. Plus, what he said in the beginning, and that blood... He definitely deserves it... I'm not the bad guy here.... I'm the protagonist... Protagonists are the heroes of stories, right?



I'm in the right here... I have to be! It was self defense!

... I still wonder how anyone hasn't knocked the door yet or any police siren is there.

I need to leave. Whoever died here is not my problem, my condolence to the family, I did get the killer.

I was about to begin walking as the pain in my thigh hits again.

Grunting, something else hits me.

The cops will come check this place, and my blood is here so they'll figure out my DNA! Shit!

Uhh... Main character stuff, do som-

A whistle behind cut me out of my line of thoughts.

Man's voice: This is quite the party, huh? Too hard on the booze there?

Shit... I can't fight like this... Ah, fuck! Negotiations it is!

I turn around to see a man wearing a red coat, he had black hair with some yellow parts there. He also had one hell of a smirk.

Y/n: Something like that, old Yugi with short hair.

Azazel: Ahaha! I like you already! The name's Azazel. Don't worry, I'm not here to d-d-d-du-duel! I'm just trying to look for a certain not-so-good Fallen, but it seems like you already took care of it.

Y/n: Wait. Azazel!? The bloody scapegoat!? The damn creator of Grigori himself is here!?

Azazel: Ah, the prais-

Y/n: I expected better honestly...

Azazel: OI! *chuckle* Don't fucking break my ego like that! But I guess I have to thank you for sorting this mess out, I was kind of too lazy to do it, but Shemhazai kind of told me to get off my ass, and I may have lost a bet as well.

Y/n: That's... tuff. So you won't, I dunno... Kill me?

Azazel: What made you think that? Also for what damn reason would I do it? You did my bloody job, and I'm being thankful over here. Meanwhile you insulted me and think I will kill you. Oh, the humanity! You probably think, Devil and Fallen bad, Angels good. My heart!

He was dramatically putting his hands on his head and chest, pretending to be hurt.

Y/n: I've seen acting on the hub less dry than yours...

Azazel: Haha! Fair enough... What's your name? No need to be scared and lie.

Y/n: (Fuck... Guess no faking names here, plus if he really was Azazel, which he probably is due to the damn dialogue name, he'd find a way to expose that lie. Might as well seem like I'm trusting him.) L/n. L/n Y/n.

Azazel: Why last name fi- oh right. You Japanese folks put last names first, snd call yourselves by it.

Y/n: I don't mind if you use my first name. No need for the "kun" as well.

Azazel: What about "chan"? Like "ONII-CHA-"

Y/n: No. Just no.

Azazel: Fair... That'd be kinda gay. Even though it's a normal Japanese word. Porn ruins innocent words, don't they?

I just killed a person and now we are having a discussion about porn... What a normal day this is.

Y/n: You're right. In comes the boomers and Gen X ruining "baby", the mellinials with "daddy". And the zoomers with "Oniichan" and siblings stuff. Guess that's humans for you.

Azazel: Wonder what the next generation will come up with... Anyhow, patch your bloody damn leg, will ya!?

Y/n: Ookay...

Narrator time

Whike Y/n was patching his bloody damn leg. Azazel stood there, overseeing him.

Azazel: (Holy shit! He is Fuji Junior. L/n confirms it... Guess I'll help out this kid so we remain on good terms.) Hmm... Maybe you could help me out in the future.

Y/n: ... How so? Damn! It stings...

Azazel: *shrugs* Some minor stuff here in Kouh. Don't worry, I follow the law of equivalent exchange. You have my word.

Y/n: Oh, ain't that great? (The Azazel is offering me this, never did I think that would happen... But the leader of the Fallen helping me... That's gonna be very helpful in my journey. Ehehe... Who's to say he won't try to do something else.) Hmmm... I want you to sign a contract of your supernatural stuff insuring your word to the fullest. And since I already went out of my way to help you with this pesky little killer, I think I deserve somewhat of a compensation right now.

Azazel: Damn. Order an aquarium while your at it.

Y/n: Do you want me to?

Azazel: ... Dolphins are cool.

Y/n: Eheheh... Guess I'm skipping school, aren't I? What a great second day.

Azazel: Pshhh... School is boring. Come on, we'll take a bus like normal people.

Y/n: (Guess it was a good idea to come in this house... This is so cliché having the MC beat this enemy in his first fight, I'm not complaining. I'm getting rewards and some excitement in my life!)

Little did the two know, someone was watching everything unfold from a the house in front.

The person was currently yet again, spying on the two. This time a sniper rifle is seen laying next to him.

Yusuke: (I see, everything as per the operation. But geez! I was almost cought by this crow! Holy fuck! But it's a good thing I took those shots, Y/N would have been in more trouble... He looked so furious! Anger problems over there.)

The red haired salad enjoyer watches as the two leave the area.

Yusuke: (Narukami didn't hold back here. Clearing up the entire neighborhood, and bringing a murderer gal against the Fallen they have been spying on for some time.)


The two of you were sitting in a cozy room, with a TV in front that was playing some Tony Hawk skating skills.

Azazel: Ah, so you have a Sacred Gear?

Y/n: A what?

Azazel: Blessings from God, also known as God's Artifacts. You humans get them when you were born. But... Yours is quite weird, glasses and eye wear? Now that's a first for me. Guess yours is the only one to exist. Not only one person can weild the same type of gear... But I guess it helps you so that's what matters.

Y/n: I see... (So I'm some sort of "Chosen one". Yup, definitely main character cliché. Scan stuff, I'm like a robot who copies then pastes by creating-- ah! ) I have an idea for my reward! I'm gonna need a lab though...

Azazel: Ah. Planning on creating stuff? I dunno about that.

Y/n: Well... How about this?

You look back to the TV witnessing a damn kick flip, then to the nearby skateboards laying in the room.

Y/n: Since you're a damn collector, and love skating. What do you think of a Turbo Skateboard? It will be my first ever creation.

Azazel: You son of a b-


Y/n: Don't you dare call my mom that.

Azazel: My bad! My bad! Geez, you're angry!

Y/n: Tsk. Guess we have quite the future don't we?

And so the deal was sealed. You would have quite the business opportunities ahead of you.


Y/n: We still gotta explain to my parents why I didn't show up.

Azazel: Leave this to Azazel, kiddo!

Y/n: Oh boy.

He proceeds to knock the front door of your house, you could hear some shuffling inside, as you take a peek at Azazel, who just shrugs.

Then the door opens, revealing a worried e/c eyed mother.

Kaori: Y/n!

And thus, you were immediately taken in by a mother's warm embrace.

Kaori: Are you okay!? Where have you been!? The school called, you missed your second day?

Y/n: I'm alive, and in one piece. Had some trouble on the way to school.

Kaori: Who did this to you!?

She finally releases the embrace and takes a look at the one standing next to you, her eyes widen a bit.

Kaori: Ah! And...

Definitely-Not-Azazel: Zack Hamilton. I was driving my car and noticed a bunch of trouble-making delinquents picking on lil' old L/n over here. So naturally, I pulled over and called the cops on them, the little fucks pussed out like a bunch of bitches.

You elbow him slightly due to the fact he swore tight in front of your mother... Yeah, she doesn't really like them.

Kaori: ... I see. (At least Y/n has protection here.) Y/n, come on. Enter. And go take a seat.

You were quite surprised, but nodded nonetheless. And now you made your way back inside.

Azazel: So... How's life?

Kaori: Why are tou here?

Acting 100.

Azazel: Oh, I can't help out our human friends?

Kaori: Wherever you are, there's definitely trouble. I swear if you made Y/n go--

The Grigori leadef immediately put his hands up in defense.

Azazel: Ay ay! I didn't do nothing! It was a rogue fallen! You know bad stuff are bound to happen no matter how hard you try.

Kaori: ... *sigh* Explain what happened please.

A couple of minutes pass and everything was spilled to Kaori, despite knowing some parts of it. She now knows of their conversations.

Kaori: Turbo skateboard, huh? Heh. I remember when he was little he always dreamt of one...

Azazel: Aw, nostalgia.

And now we see a mother in a dead panned expression.

Kaori: You weren't even there...

Azazel: I'm going along the mood of the room

Kaori: We're outside.

Azazel: Works too. Well, I'll be going now. My planet needs me!

And just like that, he proceeds to walk away like a boss.

Kaori: .... *sigh* I'll never understand him.


You were just chilling in your room with a bandaged leg and cheek, eating some popcorn your mom made while watching a show unfold. Nanako's Shenanigans.

Socks with googly eyes.

The first one was a grey one, it had this weird mature and calm feel to it despite looking goofy, and so Nanako tried her best to sound the part.

Grey-Sock: I'm sorry, Chie... But I can't do it, it's ligma...

The second green sock was moving around in a concerned and confused matter, it's voice was Nanako trying her hardest to sound like a Highschool student.

Green-Sock-Chie: But, Yu-san! What does ligma mean?

The grey sock then looks at the green sock, and begins to chuckle evilly, snd then exclaims.

Grey-Sock-Yu: LIGMA BALLS!

Green-Sock-Chie: NOOOOOOO-

It was such a dramatic moment. A very rare show could convey these emotions by mere words, the green sock was so devastated, it was YEETed to the ceiling where the broken fan was, and fell dramatically.

You were clapping at the beautiful ending, and Nanako comes out with a bright smile on her face, bowing.

Nanako: Thank you! Thank you!

She giggles to herself and looks up to you.

Nanako: Feeling better?

Y/n: Yeah, you dork. It was beautiful, I feel myself being healed faster.

She jumps with excitement because of that, and shouts.

Nanako: POWER!

Y/n: Yeah!

You then heard knocking on your door. Confused a bit, you didn't think too much about it.

Y/n: Come on in to Sesame Street!

The door then opens revealing a familiar brown haired Hyudou with a bag.

Issei: Yo...

Y/n: Yo.

Nanako: Uh... Yo!

Issei: Sorry for not talking much yesterday, you okay?

Y/n: 'Tis but a flesh wound. I'll be okay in... Tomorrow... Or the day after... Probably.

Issei: I've heard from Kaori-san, a bunch of delinquents! Really now?? Stooping so low.

Y/n: You're one to talk after what you did with the Kendo... That was an RKO and a half.

Rubbing the part where it happened, Issei chuckles nervously.

Issei: Yeah, it hurt. But you get used to it.

Y/n: Seriously wonder how you guys are not expelled. From the sounds of it when Koneko hit you, everyone was praising her as if she is some sort of Goddes, Protector of Kouh. So this isn't the first time you...

You pause and gaze at Nanako.

Y/n: Hey, can you leave us for a bit.

Nanako: Awww... Why?

Y/n: You can have the popcorn if you do so.

Nanako: Deal!

And just like that, she left while eating the popcorn.

Y/n: Okay... Where we left off... This isn't the first time you peeped on them changing, right?

Issei: Yeah...

Y/n: Wow... You guys are fucking morons.


Issei: Hey, so I brought these magazines for you to check out while you're healing. Oh and the teacher told me to give you the homework.

Y/n: Second day and already homework!?

Issei: Well... It's technically second day for you, and not the rest in the class.

Sigjibg tiredly, you let yourself rest and get comfortable in the bed.

Y/n: Man.... Just show me the magazines you're talking about to get my mind off.

You didn't even have to look at Issei to feel bus checks flush and having the monkey face.

Issei: Eheheh. It's good that Nanako-chan left. These are extremely good and cultured stuff her-

Y/n: Who the fuck still uses magazines to have his private time!?

Issei: I....... You're right. The internet is there... Well shit.

Y/n: Hmmm.... Just don't bring 177013 here please.

Issei: Dude, no! That one is cursed! Jojo ending canon, by the way!

Y/n: Agreed on that.


A few days later and now you could walk normally without limping. Fully healed.

While you were alone in your room, you came up with all sorts of designs and blueprints while scrolling through the internet.

Issei was a bro and visited you when he could. No hate on Issei here, except sometimes, but we all like to blame the authors. Isn't that right, Author?

And now, you were at your favorite spot, by the tree. Witnessing yet another beat up. Whenever you felt like it, you would rescue Issei, and only Issei, by stopping him from going there. The others you couldn't give less of a fuck about.

Unfortunately for Issei, today was not the day of his rescue. As you watch, sitting by the tree, eating a sandwich with a disappointed look.

Y/n: How many times do they need to get beat up to understand that's not a good thing? Why isn't the school principal doing anything about it? Oh right... Plot.

You may or may have not felt some weird energy come from the Student Council, and the ORC members, it was a bit similar to the Fallen Angel, yet different in a weird way. So you informed Azazel, who face-palmed and gave you a necklace AKA a seal.

You may or may have not gave him an earful that day. But you did end up with more days off and free materials to shut you up for a bit.

The ORC and Student Council didn't get fooled that easy. And now Rias took it upon herself to find out more about you, and suspected that you were the one who took their book. But she didn't ask about it in the previous chapters since the author didn't really know what the fuck he was doing back then, he still doesn't, but better than last times.

And so Koneko was sent to you, but she ended up vibing and chilling as you fed her chocolate and snacks to distract her.

And now, you finished your sandwich as you were thinking back about these moments and how you got involved in it.

Y/n: (Damn... Time flies by fast... Especially during time skips. I should be getting a partner today though. Mittlet, huh?)

Overall, everything was going great....

Everything was great.

It was great.

.............. It was fantastic.


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N̢͘ow͢.҉̧.̧̀͏.͝.̴̡ ̸͡͝W͟ake̕ ̛up̧͟͠, H̷̛y͘͢͏҉̶̨a͟͝b͝ų̷̵̧͢͠sa̷͏ ҉̡


A gasp is heard and some heavy breathing afterwards.

You begin to look around you, only to find yourself sitting on your desk in your class.

Teacher: *sigh* L/n-kun, I'm not even gonna bother with you anymore, you seem to be holding up great with your scores...

And so he went back to teaching, only two students stopped listening and were looking at you concerned.

Issei: *whisper* You okay?

Y/n: Yeah...

You reassured, snd and then look towards the blond former nun, and just nod with a forced smile. She returns it, only for Aiko's eyes widen and stand up very quick and adjust Asia's head to the front, and immediately sit back.

Just as she did so the teacher checked their rows. Everyone was safe from his eye for now.

Meanwhile our main character... Was not his usual self.

Y/n: (Why did I get a damn flashback while sleeping!? Everything felt so real as well... The details... The pain... Those weird visions that made their way inside in form of a timeskip.... What... What was that message in the end? I.... What?)

Then knocking is heard as the teacher goes to check it out, and looks to be talking with someone.

Teacher: Alright, class. We've got a new student here, so please make her feel at home.

Boy#1: A girl! Yes!

Y/n: And you wonder why you're single...

Boy#2: Sh-

Y/n: Eat a dick...

Girl#1: Not again...

Y/n: Your name is literally Girl#1 shut the fuck up...

And so it began yet again, yet this time you didn't really feel as much happiness from insulting them as before.

Of course, some noticed, and actually got worried.

Murayama: *whisper* Hey, Asia... Is your friend okay?

Asia: *whisper* I... I hope so.

Aiko: *whsiper* L/n Y/n not being enthusiastic while burning everyone and shouting. The world must be ending...


Irina: My name is Shidou Irina, I like running, and volleyball. Please take care of me!

And the class erupted in chaos, asking the usual questions if she is single or what she likes to wear or whatever. That's irrelevant, just as this story is/going to be.

Y/n's POV

Hmm. Guess Michael signed her up here, Kouh really became the "peace" test area, especially the academy... It's quite funny to look at it. Irina, Issei, and I are all childhood friends, yet we took different paths... Irina with the Angels, Issei with the Devils, and I mess around with the Fallen Angels... Yet I'm the only one fully human... Is this a sign I'm gonna become a Fallen? Probably not.

It really is funny though....


Everytime I try to rest or when I even try to do anything I get these visions. This one was the clearest so far.

Its been happening ever since the Khaos Brigade incident in the Peace Meeting, two days ago.

What... What are they?

And those messages... My family... In danger? Pasasytes? Lucy? Sitri's box? Hyabusa, the damn falcon?

I don't know about any of that... But those are clear warnings. I shouldn't just dismiss them....

Whatever that danger is, I won't allow it to hurt my family.

My family will live long and happy lives... I'll make sure of it.

I don't know what's getting onto me these past days... But one thing is clear for me.

I'll make sure that my family is safe.

Whoever dares to get in my way of achieving this goal, whoever dares to lay a finger on them, and whoever dares to threaten them will be eradicated.

And I'll make damn sure of it...

My next task now... Is to to get that box and find Lucy.

I wonder who she is... And how she will help me.

Guess I'll have to find out for myself...


Good God! this is my longest chapter in this trash book! We reached almost 10,500 words! This A/N is gonna make it reach the exact number. And it just did when I said "is gonna make it".

So... This was how Y/n or Akira(if you want to go with the "cAnOn" name)

This chapter didn't really take as long as I thought, I started working on it when I published my other story's chapter 20. Starting with 400+ words.

Guess this is what you get for having some stuff in mind for the future, and my brain constantly thinking about how he found out about the SN when I try to sleep and think of how to write a new chapter for my other book! GOD DAMMIT, BRAIN!

So... How was it? Good? Bad? Bro... What are you doing?

More visions are hitting Y/n in the head, but some of them are too blurry sometimes... Sometimes.

Now Y/n has to protect his family from whatever approaching danger. I wonder how his gear told him that? *le gasp* subconsciousness!?

That was cringy a bit, but I'm too tired right now, I sat here writing from 10 PM and now it's 1:06 AM.

Ignoring my parents calling me to help then with whatever. And also ignoring what I wrote in the afternoon.

I'm too lazy to check the chapter for errors and confusing stuff, so feel free to go full grammar police on it and ask me questions if you found a part too stupid/confusing.

Until next time... Which is probably gonna be a while.

See ya!

DashingBanana dreams of drugs

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