Chapter 3: The ORC & Devils

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At ORC room

3rd person POV

After the near death experience and getting transported by Rias. Issei is now seen sitting on a couch alongside the other members of the occult research club except Koneko. Leaning on the door was non other than the pretty boy that almost every girl in school have fantasies about.

Yuuto 'Golden Retriever' Kiba

After a few seconds the black haired onee-san comes out of a room with a some tea. She holds the teapot and put some tea in the cups.

Akeno: Here, you must me thirsty, Issei.

Issei: Y-yeah. Thank you. Just what is going on right now?! Why did Yuuma want to kill me?!

Rias: Well, Issei. Let me explain... Do you believe in the supernatural?

Issei: Huh? Well, not really. I have watched some hentai about it though.

Rias: Well then, Issei. What if I told you they exist. And the one who tried to kill you was a fallen angel.

Issei: Wh-what?! H-how can you be so sure?

Rias: In fact every member in this club is a devil.

Right after Rias said that she alongside, Akeno and Kiba show their devil wings.

Rias: All of us here have special powers including you, Issei.

Issei: Me?

Rias: The reason on why the fallen tried to get rid of you is because you are gifted with a sacred gear. Sacred gears are given to chosen poeple and you Issei are one of them. What sacred you have, I don't know. But all I know is the fallen angels won't stop until they get rid of you.

Issei now has a shocked look on his face.

Issei: I-is there any way to make them stop trying to kill me??

And with that Rias has a smile on her face.

Rias: Well, in fact there is.

She opens her desk's drawer pulling several pawn pieces.

Issei: is chess supposed to help me?

Rias: These are no ordinary chess pieces, they are called evil pieces and they are what could turn people into devils. Each piece has a special power. Let me tell you about a peerage and some history first.

Rias: a peerage is what a high ranking devil gets from the devil kings, the high ranking devil gets the king piece. The king is the one who looks for peerage member and plan strategies,its my piece. The knight piece gives the ability to be fast, my knight is Kiba. The bishop improves magic. The rook gives the ability of strength, which is Koneko.

Issei:So that's the reason on why her punches hurt.

Right on cue the door opens revealing the white haired rook eating a chocolate.

Rias: Ah, Koneko. Welcome back.

The rook just nods and goes to a sofa far away from the perverted lad without glancing at him as she continues nibbling her choco.

Rias: Well?

Koneko: He got away. He just turned to an alleyway and dissappeared. Kept looking for him. Didn't find him.

Issei: Ah, who is "he"?

Koneko: the one with a funny nose.

Issei: Oh right! Is he a devil as well?

Koneko: I couldn't sense any demonic energy from him nor any other supernatural energy.

Rias: So the best guess is that he is a human mage, huh? Anyway, we'll talk about it later.

Rias continues explaining the evil pieces to Issei.

Rias: and last, but not least the queen piece this piece has every power of the other pieces, and it's Akeno.

Rias: Well, with the evil pieces explained let's get to the history. A few hundred years ago there was a great war between the three faction, the angels, the fallen angels and the devils.

Rias: The war like any other was not a pretty sight with many lost lives from all three and even humans. The four original devil kings were killed in the war,and other high ranking devils taking their place. The number of pure blooded devils decreased as now they started using the evil pieces to recruit more devils.

(That is what I remember of the history. I'm sorry if a missed something)

Rias: I have an offer for you Issei.

Issei: Hm?

Rias: In order to prevent you from getting killed by the fallen angels... I want you to join my peerage.

Issei: H-huh?! But wouldn't that make me a devil?!

Koneko: No, it would make you a butterfly. OF COURSE, IT WOULD MAKE YOU A DEVIL!

Obviously annoyed by the young man's stupidity the chocolate lover shouted at him. And he shrieked like kid seeing a clown.

Rias: Indeed. But there are also benefits for you from it. You get to be more powerful than the average human and live much longer, I will also train you so that we can see what your sacred gear is. And if you keep it up, you might become a high ranking devil and get your own peerage.

Issei obviously interested in the power, the long life offer and the possibility of him aquring a peerage thought to himself.

Issei: That sounds really good. Finally the world is repaying me after suffering from her. And now this hot babe is offering me this and the peerage. I'll live long enough to obtain my dream of becoming a harem king!!! I might be able to see her boobs when she trains me!!!

Rias: So, Issei Hyoudou. Do you accept my offer and get ready to become part of the family?


Koneko: I bet he is having perverted thoughts again.

Akeno: *giggles* Don't be like that, Koneko. We should welcome our new member.

Rias smiles once again and says.

Rias: Very well then. Lay down, and I'll prepare the ritual.

After that being said Issei complies and lays down on the couch. Rias approachss him with the pawn pieces. And prepares the ritual.

And the ritual began and Issei's humanity went bye-bye. To Rias' surprise he took all eight pawn pieces.

Rias: Dear Lucifer. He most a strong sacred gear.

Rias: You should head home now, the ritual definitely took alot of energy from you.

Issei gets up and replies tiredly.

Issei: A-alright.

And with that Issei gets up and leaves the ORC room leaving the school grounds.

Akeno: Ara ara, he is quite powerful isn't he?

Rias: Indeed...

Rias turns to Koneko and talks to her with a serious tone.

Rias: Hey Koneko. Could you explain in detail what happened with the coated guy?

Koneko nods and replies.

Koneko: Well, I was quite surprised that he showed up to save the pervert's life, and he is quite powerful. But after he went to the alleyway I didn't sense any magic from him. It's as if he hid it.

Akeno: Ara, all of a sudden he doesn't have any magic on him. Doesn't that sound familiar, president?

Rias: It's does.... We'll invite L/n tommorow alongside Issei.

With Issei

Issei is seen walking towards his house as he looks away from the now setting sun.

Issei: The devil's senses are really powerful. Even the setting sun hurts my eyes...

Unfortunately for the poor pervert, he didn't seem to be reaching his home in piece as a light spear pierces his abdomen. And some guy with black wing lands in front of him.

Dohanseek 'Probobly lures kids with candy'

Dohanseek: So, you're the person who Raynare couldn't kill, huh? You don't look like much... Well I guess I just have to finish the job then.

Rias: Stop at once, fallen angel!

Before he was able to land a finishing blow interrupted by a certain red haired woman.

Dohanseek: Gremory?! You have something to do with this boy?

Rias: Indeed! And I will not tolerate you hurting my new member!

Dohanseek: Well,you shouldn't let your family loose like that otherwise you know what happens.

With that being said and not wanting to deal with a Gremory he flies away.

Rias proceeds to pick up the injured unconcious pervert and makes a portal to his room.

Timeskip brought you by the author trying to remember what happens next.

Monday... The day every student despises and wants to continue on sleeping or continuing their hobbies. Why is that? School.

In the house of a certain brown haired pervert. Is seen sleeping.

BEEP BEEP GOES THE SHEEP- I mean alarm clock.

And now he wakes up with a nude Rias with him.

Issei: WAIT WHAT?!

Due to him being loud as fuck he wakes her up.

Rias: Is it morning already?

Suddenly the door opens and from it comes his mom.

Issei's mom: Issei! What's all this noise about and get up already it's Monday! Huh?!

The sight of her son with a naked girl took her by complete surprise. In fact she was more surprised on how he managed to get a girl in the first place.

I think I've seen porn about this before.

It didn't happen, she just closed the door.

Timeskip with the author slamming his head due to not involving any creative stuff

Issei is now in his class as the teacher was teaching stuff.

While Y/n was sleeping without a care in the world. Until a girl's scream interrupted his sleep.

Girl: KYAAAA! It's Kiba!

While the girls were making the blonde boy uncomfortable while making Y/n and Issei annoyed for their own reasons.

Issei: Damn, he just gets girls as easy as that. I hate pretty boys.

Y/n: If only I could get away with it I would kill the girl who woke me up... I'm considering it though.

Kiba: Excuse me, I'm because my club's president wants to talk Issei and Y/n.

Issei: Huh?! Y/n?!


Girl#2: Please Kiba! Reconsider!

Girl#3: Uhh who's Y/n?

Girl#4: I don't know apparently we have one in class.

Girls#5: It's the rude boy...

Teacher: Very well then, Kiba. Hyoudou and L/n! Go with Kiba please.

Issei gets up to go while Y/n stayed.

Teacher: Is something the matter, L/n? Didn't you hear me?

Y/n: Nah, I'm just thinking on how a club president can interupt the class like that.

Kiba growled annoyed because of the non-caring boy.

Kiba: The president wants to talk with you. So could you please comply and follow me?

Y/n: Hmmm, sure. It's better than staying in class full of thots.

And now it's the unimportant girls to grow mad. As some glare at you while the others throw low thought of insults.

Y/n just yawns and tunes them out as he starts walking towards Kiba.

Y/n: Come on, let's go already before I decide to throw desks at them...

With that being said the three just walk towards the ORC room. Issei picks up the pace as he is walking next to Kiba now and whispers.

Issei: *whispering* why is Y/n with us?

Kiba: *whispering* like I said, the president wishes to talk with you both.

After about two minutes of walking they reach their destination and Kiba open the door. The other two enter first as Kiba enters last and closes the door.

Akeno: Ara ara, welcome.

Issei: Uhh... Where's Rias.

Kiba: President is currently taking a shower.

Y/n:*sarcasticly* Wow, so she sends someone to invite us in the middle of class and then not show up. Yeah, hse definitely is a kind one.

Kiba: Tch. Shut it.

After seeing how much he is annoying the blonde boy, the sarcastic boy smirks.

Y/n: Make me.

Kiba turns towards Issei.

Kiba: Is he always this annoying.

Issei isn't responding as he looks to be daydreaming with a blush on his face and drooling.

Y/n: I gave you a chance to stop me and you didn't take it. Guess I'll keep annoying all of you. *chuckles*

Kiba just sighs in defeat and walks away. Not long after a towel wearing Rias comes from a room.

Rias: Oh hello, I hope I didn't keep you waiting.

Issei: No, you didn't!

Y/n: How were you able to get a shower on school property?

Rias: Well, I'm sorry could you both wait a bit longer so that I can dress up.

Issei being himself didn't mind at all. However the h/c haired boy was getting more and more impatient.

Y/n: I'm leaving. Fuck ya'll. You take too long.

Y/n starts walking towards the door, but his path gets blocked by "Kouh's prince".

Kiba: Just wait a it longer. It won't kill you.

Y/n: You're wrong. It would kill me of boredom, now if you want me to stay while waiting for our oh-so-loving host. You better give me something to kill time with.

Koneko: Would you like to play Mario Cart while waiting.

Y/n: ... I'm in.

Kiba: Wait this easy?

Timeskippu, my friendo

After playing a couple of rounds of Mario cart while choosing Waluigi to run a marathon. Rias finally shows up.

Rias: Well, Y/N. You probably wonder why I called you here.

However Y/n did not respond as he was racing against Koneko and throwing a shell at Mario.

Y/n: Haha! Take that you fecking plumber!

Rias: Hello! I'm talking to you!

Still no response. As Koneko throws a banana to which bowser slipped on.


Nope. Not even a flinch.

Rias: ...

Even the other members didn't bother helping her out with this one. And now Rias is the one who has to wait for them to finish.

After the two finally finishing their round. Y/n gets up and looks to Rias who slammed her head on her desk a couple of minutes ago.

Y/n: So what's it about?

Rias: FINALLY! Why did you take so long?!

Y/n: Hey! Don't put the blame on me. You're the one who decides it was a good idea to shower while you had guests.

Rias: *sigh* Well, Y/N you probably wonder why I called you here?....

Y/n: Do enlighten me.

Rias: Do you perhaps believe in the supernatural?

Y/n: I think I know where this is going.

Y/n: I do. Actually.

Rias: Fantastic. Well Y/n. I along with everyone in the room including issei are-

Y/n: Devils. Cool...

Everyone except Y/n: Huh?!

Y/n grew a smile on his face and points at Gremory.

Y/n: You're next line is " H-how did you know?!" TOYU?!

Rias: H-how did you know?! W-what?!

The ORC members look at Y/n as Kiba takes a fighting position in case if things escalate.

Y/n: Well then, Gremory. Get to the point.

Rias: A-Ahem, we know that you have some sort of magic and that you are the one who saved Issei from the fallen.

Issei: Wait that was you?!

Y/n: "Know"? Are you for certain or are you just throwing guesses until you get one right.

Rias: Y/n L/n, I'm very sure that it was you. One day you show up to school with magic radiating from you and after about three days it's gone. I'm pretty sure you have got your hands on some sort of seal!

Rias: I don't think it's a coincidence that the coated guy and you have the same ability.

Y/n: Why's that, Sherlock?

Rias: Well after all you went to save Issei, and that's why I think it's no coincidence.

Y/n closes his eyes and claps slowly with a smirk on his face.

Y/n: Congratulations, Holmes. *chuckles* You got me. Well, you solved the case, but I'm pretty sure you have something else on mind, yes?

Rias: I do. I want you to join my peerage it can give you lots of benif-


Rias: Eh?

Y/n: Know your limits, Gremory. Besides this gives me no benefits, quite the opposite, actually.

Rias: And why's that?

Y/n: That's for me to know and for you to find out. Anyways, I'm tired. I feel quite generous after my wins on Mario art, so I'll answer one last question.

Rias takes a couple of seconds to think about a question before looking back at Y/n.

Rias: Well...if you won't become one of my peerage members. Could you become an ally?

Y/n: When I feel like it. Adios.


And another one is done. Phew!

I apologize if some parts didn't make any sense, because I had to write this chapter and what happens from memory. I didn't find the scenes I wanted on YouTube and I don't know where they show DxD. So I had to improvise.

The next chapter should be more about Y/n if I know what I'm doing.

And if you somegow survived the reading all the way here. I'm thinking of keeping Asia a human, but I'm not sure on how affective that would be so... Yeah.

Anyhow and I say "any" a lot. How was this brainstorming? Big PP? small pp? You don't even have a Pp?

Banana boy is running away from a dumpling.

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