Chapter 6: Not So Engaging

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It's the next day and we see Y/n walking with a certain brown haired devil, and that devil had a nervous look on his face and a bruise since the dumbass fell... And Y/n may or may not be the cause of it, but Issei doesn't know.

Issei: So, uhh Y/n?

Y/n: Hm?

Issei: I still haven't thanked you for saving me from Yuuma.

Y/n: Eh, don't mention it. I just felt like doing it. That and I had some benefits from it as well, honestly even if I didn't save him the outcome would be the same, him becoming a devil, but now that he is a devil for a high ranking devil and him being a friend of mine is quite good for me.

Issei: Still, it was terrifying, even if I managed to see a nip. It was not worth it.

Y/n: *chuckles* Asia should be close by waiting for me, well guess she'll get another friend. And the plan will begin.

Walking towards school the two see the blonde Nun and she seem to have noticed them as well, she waved happily at our protagonist.

Asia: Y/n! Good morning!

Y/n: Morning.

Issei: Eh? You know her? Shit, she is cute and totally my type!

Y/n: Issei this is Asia Argento a friend of mine. Asia this is the past protagonist Issei Hyoudou.

Asia: Hello! Oh, you have a bruise on your face, here let me heal you

Issei: O-oh thanks! Smokin'hot chick! I gotta act like a gentlemen-Wait she has a sacred gear!?

Y/n: Too easy.

Leaving the two to talk to eachother Y/n is looking at his phone.

Y/n: So far, everything is going great. Now onto the bag in her hand AKA groceries.

Asia: C'mon, Y/n. Let's go.

Issei: H-hey, mind if I tag along?

To which Asia responds with a closed eyes smile and says.

Asia: Sure!

Issei: YES! L-let me hold this for you! Think of it as a thank you for healing me.

Walking towards the church, Issei because of him being a devil starts to have some sort of headaches as Y/n is fighting back a smile.

Asia: I-issei! Are you okay!?

Y/n: Classic devils, not telling people about the disadvantages of the deals. Not my problem. Hm, the fallen is gonna get quite surprised of Issei being here. This is gonna be amusing, I can tell.

Issei: Y-yeah, I'm fine. O-oh crap! We're gonna be late for school! Come on, Y/N!

Y/n: Go ahead, I'll stick around for a few minutes.

Issei: Is that the reason why you were late?

Y/n: Perhaps. Now scram.

Asia: Wait, you are ditching school?

Y/n: Yup.

Issei: Isn't that bad?

Y/n: Yup. First step done. Onto getting Issei hang out with Asia after school.

Issei left for school, leaving the h/c haired boy and the Nun alone. They entered the church and got greeted by non other than the crazy looking priest and the other fallen angels.

Freed: Ah, Y/n. I see that you have returned, my child.

Y/n: Sure did, sir priest. I have to say, this place needs cleaning, seriously this is very dusty.

Oh boy, the fallen angels did not take that well. Exactly what Y/n wants.

Y/n: Geez, they suck at this acting. Getting upset that easily. Meh, I'll annoy them more. So far they did an improve, they actually hid the basement entrance quite well, my best bet is that where they will do the ritual. Probably would take a few days to get it ready and considering me and Issei befriending Asia, it would take a bit more.

Y/n: Of course they can always erase our memories, but knowing Asia she would go out looking for us to check if we're okay. Heh, I just knew her for like a day and figured out she'd do that. The pure mess of her soul is quite fascinating.

Dohanseek: We plan on start cleaning today after praying.

Y/n: Great, you're learning the basics. So about making this churge look not so haunted.

Freed: Unfortunately we can't. The church doesn't have enough money for the construction.

Y/n: Ah, I see. Horrible liar, check. How was it that you were able to afford the plane ticket for Asia and maintain quite the amount of food. Eh, whatever.

Timeskip because this is only scouting

After the church session, Y/N is seen entering the school grounds and to no-one's surprise he was a little bit late.

Opening his class' door, everyone turns towards him, some annoyed, some glaring, and some didn't know how to feel about him.

Y/n just casually walks towards his seat, like any other normal day.

Teacher: *mutters* I don't get paid enough for this.

And he turns to continue the lecture, poor soul. The brown haired pervert turns towards Y/n and says quietly.

Issei: Hey Y/n? Can you like.. Maybe get me in touch with Asia?

Y/n: Eh, sure thing.

Issei: Thanks! You're the best, wingman!

Y/n: I know. Perfect, all according to keikaku...I expected this to be a little more exciting. The author must be thinking of something, if the pacing is this slow.

A knock is heard on the class' door as one of the student council members walk in, she had white hair.

    Momo 'I touch myself' Hanakai

Momo: I'm sorry for interrupting, but the student council president wants to have a word with, L/n.

Teacher: *sigh* What did this trouble maker do now?

Getting up from class that you just arrived in like 2 minutes ago, you follow the white haired girl towards the Sitri council.

Y/n: So, what does she want? Another match, because I demolished her?

He says with a cocky smirk on his face.

Momo: Far more important than you think, L/n-kun.

Y/n: playing the hype game, huh? Hope it's not disappointing then.

Entering the student council room, you see quite the surprising anxious Sona.

Momo: President, I've brought him

Sona: Thank you, Momo. Uh hello, Y/n.

Y/n: Yo. So, what's the occasion? Do I get a day off?

Sona: I'm afraid not. But it's something else...

Y/n: Unnecessary dramatic pauses DING. author, you suck.

Sona: Are you perhaps free after school?

Y/n: You sent one of your members to get me out of class so you can ask me out? Okay, that chess game had something else in it. Oh boy.

A certain blonde haired pawn was not so happy about this, but he knew it's better to shut up.

Sona: Well... I would like to get to know you better. It's best if we are on good terms, if we get to be allies.

Y/n: Well, yes. I am free. MERICA!

The purple eyed devil smiles and replies.

Sona: Fantastic! Just come by when school ends.

Y/n: Is that all?

Sona: Well, about the stray you told me about. I discussed it with Rias, and she seems to want to take care of it.

Y/n: And you just accepted?

Sona: At first I did want to do it with my peerage, but she insisted on doing so, probably something to do with her new member.

Y/n: That's all I need for today. We'll then, M'lady. I'll be going to class and sleep like the usual. See ya.

Y/n leaves the room and thinks to himself.

Y/n: Opportunity after opportunity, this is too good to be true... Something is gonna happen, I can feel it. Either way, a Sitri is interested in me... Heh. Wonder how that'll play out.

    Another Timeskip to the ORC

Ah, what a scenery. Issei is getting his ass whooped by non other than the club's president. The reason of him getting the ass whooping is because he went near the church.

                        With Y/n

                       Y/n's POV

Before my dumbass friend over here, went to the ORC I told him where to meet Asia, so that they can hang out, and knowing him, he'll go no matter what Gremory warned him about. It's a good thing that I told Asia that Issei will give her a tour around the town. So step two is over.

Right now I'm sitting in a café in front of me was Sona Sitri, doing small talks. Honestly, it was quite enjoyable. But of course, I was cautious about it.

Y/n: So, if you don't mind. What exactly was that chess game about? And no changing the subject, please.

After I said that, Sona flinches and has a Blush on her face. I think I know where this is going.

Sona: Ah... Well... You see, in the devil world, we have arranged marriages...

Y/n: Still living in the medieval times, eh?

Sona: I know, but it is made to keep the devil bloodline pure.

Y/n: Sweet home Alabama. How many pure blooded devils are there? I am not a devil. Plus what does this have to do with me?

Sona: Not much, after the great War between the factions, the numbers of pure blooded devils has drastically decreased. And to answer your second question...

She grew and even larger shade of red. Oh boy, what did I get myself into?

Sona: You see, my parents arranged a marriage for me with a guy that I didn't want to be with. So I challenged him to a chess match, he lost. And I told them that I wouldn't marry a person who isn't smarter than me, and the marriage was called off. 

Y/n: Until Zeus came along and stole your cookies?

Sona: N-no...Until you won against me, so right now we are e-engaged.

She closes her eyes and looks down, while I had a stoic expression on my face.

Y/n: I don't remember agreeing to this... Don't take is as rejection though, at least yet. We still don't fully know each other, Sona.

Sona: Exactly, and that's why I invited you here.

Y/n: *smirks* Is that so? I thought you said you wanted to know me as an ally?

Sona: Th-that's...

Y/n: *chuckles* Easy to embarrasse eh?

My phone starts ringing... This is no ordinary ring tone though. Something:s must've happened with Mittelt.

I get up and get ready to pay the bill.

Y/n: Sorry about that, have to go now. Something came up. Bye!

I paid the bill and rushed out of the café with my phone in hand, as I look at the map for the tracker.


                        With Issei
                        Issei's POV

Man my ass hurts... Did president really have to spank me like That? I'm not a maschoitic, unfortunately. Koneko looked like she was enjoying herself watching me suffer....

No use crying over that! Right now I'm with this cute blonde nun that Y/n hooked me up with! Man, he is the best friend I could as for!

After I gave her a tour, we went to a restaurant that she didn't know how to eat a burger, so being a gentleman I helped her, then we went to the arcade, and I got her a plushie! Score!

Unfortunately she had to go to the church in the end, but she said she'd love to hang out tomorrow.

Issei: Man, this is the greatest! O-oh crap! I forgot the requests, president told me about.

Those devil stuff, I have to work so that I can rank up to get my own peerage, and when I do I'll become a harem king!

Issei: ... This is gonna take a while.


(So... I kinda of forgot what happens when her delevers those fliers, soooo.... I'm gonna skip, if you don't mind)

                    3rd person POV

Issei: How did I end up here?! At first this was just asimple request, but now this crazy white haired guy is trying to kill me!


The crazy white haired guy was non other than Freed, as he shot Issei on his shoulder. He laughs like a madman before saying.

Freed: Feeling more pain? Well, that's because my bullets have some holy power, you damn devil!

He gets ready to finish the pervert off before someone stops him.

Asia: Father Freed! Please stop!

Freed: Oh, Asia. I see that you have befriended a devil. I'm afraid I can't spare him, so go back to Raynare.

Asia being Asia didn't comply as she was focused on saving her friend. While doing so Issei remembers some words from a certain jackass.

"Use the one brain cell you have, ya dumb fuck!"

With that he used his one brain cell and gets a flier and wishes to meet Rias and the flier starts glowing like last time, before all of a sudden the Gremory portal shows up.

(I don't really remember what actually happened, the lines or how Rias showed up, but I hope my little improve is good)

Rias: Issei! Are you okay!?

Issei: No...

Koneko: He has been shot, how can he be okay?

Freed: Tch, I see you brought Gremory here. Doesn't matter, have a little taste of the holines.

Koneko and Kiba charge at him, however due to him having a fucking gun, he manged to overpower them this time.

BANG BANG, he shoots the devils as some hit both of the attackers. Making things worse the other fallen angels showed up, the only exception being the goth loli.

Seeing that they'll get demolished the tomato head Rias gets her peerage out of here as she casted a portal to the ORC leaving Asia with the church members.

Issei: ASIA!

And poof the portal disappeared. Freed turns towards Raynare.

Freed: Take Asia, and get the ritual, we already wasted enough time due to the h/c haired fucker. Tomorrow we take the Twilight Healing.

Raynare: Roger!

Picking her up Raynare goes to the church but not before knocking her out due to the nun's struggling.

Freed: Kalawarner, I'm guessing you sent Mittelt and Dohanseek to get the other sacred gear user, right?

Kalawarner: *nods* Yeah, this time the gear owner is a kid. How unfortunate for them. After we're done with her, we'll wipe out the family's memories.


A young girl is seen walking out of her friend's house, and that girl was the little sister of Y/n.

Nanako: Bye, Yui!

Yui: See you soon, Nanako! And thanks for that bracelet!

Nanako: This day was super fun! Yui seem to have loved my bracelet that mom gave me. I'll just tell mom to make me a new bracelet, I wonder on why mom insists on me wearing it everyday...

Nanako starts walking to her house on her own, unknown to her two individuals were watching her, one with a fedora and a killer look on his face, while the other was surprised.

Mittelt: N-no way! She has a sacred gear!?

Dohanseek: Heh, this'll be easy. We just have to wait for the perfect time and get her.

Mittelt: Y-yes, sir.

Dohanseek: You sound quite scared, Mittelt. Don't worry, I'll kill the kid, you just keep watch, bad wing.

Mittelt: O-of course. I gotta stop him. I need to contact Y/n, just in case if Raynare or Kalawarner show up to check on us. This watch that he gave me has four buttons, each has their own use. One for us to meet so that I tell him the info, the second is for immediate emergency, his phone'll track where I am which I'll use. The third is for the Asia situation, and last one in case I get cought.

The blonde loli presses the emergency button. And the two fly towards the unaware Nanako, it didn't take long before lands in front of her, making Nanako startled as she falls on the ground.

Dohanseek seeing how powerless she is and being a fucking maniac laughs.

Dohanseek: Hey there, kid. This is quite the nightmare, eh?

Nanako: Wh-wh-who are you!? P-please don't hurt me! I-I just wanna go home!

Dohanseek readies a light spear and aims it at her, when he gets stabbed in his arm with one. He screams in pain and looks at who threw it on him, and it was his partner.

Dohanseek: Mittelt! You damn traitor!

Mittelt: I will not allow you to hurt this human, you damn pedo looking! I've been waiting too long for this.

Dohanseek: Well then prepare to die!

And the battle begun even after the coat wearing fall angel has been struck, he was still quite strong making a and throwing spears at Mittelt.

The goth loli struggles a bit, but managed to evade them, she summons some spears herself before flying in and making it rain the air, as the DonutC dodges them. While doing so Mittlet creates a L O N G spear before charging at him. He dodged before kicking her away from him.

Mittelt falls on the ground, but gets up hastily. She was breathing heavily and holding tightly on her weapon. And yet again she lunges at him, as they clash spears as if they are swords. Each trying to overcome each other.

Dohanseek: You really thought you could defeat me? Heh, how adorable.

Mittelt: Suck... A.... Dick...

Dohanseek: Tsk, you asked for it! But since you really want to protect this human, I might as well kill her in front of you!

Dohanseek spits on her eye which gave him the chance to strike and win, whoever he felt a sudden impact as a garbage can slammed his body. The person who threw it was the h/c haired jackass gasping for air as he looked like he ran a marathon and he was holding the garbage can's lid as if he is captain America.

Y/n: Late *inhales* entry for the protagonist. DING! *exhales*

Dohanseek: Huh!? YOU!

Y/n: Me! So... you about to suck a pp?

Nanako: Y-Y/n-nii?

Y/n: Yo, Nanako. It's-a me WALUIGI!

Y/n said as he takes off his necklace and gives it to her.

Y/n: Wear this. And go to the blonde bimbo, okay?

Dohanseek: Ah, I see. You have been using a seal this entire time. Well too bad for you, you won't get ou-

Y/n: Blah, blah, blah. All do you talk too much. Just get this over already. I don't have any weapon with me, guess garbage it is.

Dohanseek: Heh, SO BE IT!

The Grey coated fallen angel dashes towards Y/n in order to impale him, but wacks his armed hand on head. While he was distracted with Y/n he failed to realize that Mittelt impaled his leg with a spear as his atery popped and he was now bleeding from both his forearm and leg.

However it didn't stop here, as Y/n Slams the lid on his face and charges it with electricity, the pain Dohanseek was receiving was as if his head was getting turned into a smoothie.

Of course Y/n did receive some drawbacks as his arm grew numb,like he woke up sleeping on his arm due to him overcharging as he as well. He used his other arm to move and he lays on the ground panting.

Mittelt makes sure that Nanako was not looking before lunging a spear into Dohanseek's face killing him.

Y/n: Well... That happened.

Nanako: Y/n!

Nanako runs up to her older brother and attacks him with her bear hug as she dug her head on his shoulder shedding tears as if it's a waterfall.

Nanako: I-I was so *sob* scared!

Y/n: Easy, easy... You're okay now. I never knew Nanako had this sort of power. I never sensed it, could it be new or did she always have them?

Y/n: Mittelt, could you hide the coaty in some alleyway or whatever, when your done come with me, this whole spying gig is over now...

Mittelt: Hai!

Y/n: This running took its toll on me, guess I need to focus on stamina next.

Mittelt does as she was told, while you hug your sister back with on arm patting her back, as the other is resting.

Y/n: Well, this hug is hurting me. Ow.


I see you survived this reading... I don't know anymore. Hope the fight scene was at least an improvement, I watched a tutorial... Yes only one, I'll watch others later.

Anyways so PedoDonut is dead, and Mittelt can't return otherwise questioning is gonna happen. And now Nanako has a sacred gear... I'm still looking at mythologies to find a good sacred gear for her.... Who knew making a fanfic was gonna be a journey.

So, ahem. I'm stuck at something. Do you want Asia to live or to die?

A- Live.

B- Die.

Update: Asia will live, it won 3-1.

Please do tell me if the chapter sucked ass, and the reason to it so that I can identify the problem and screw up more thi king that I fixed it, lmao.

How was it Medium? Bad? Why did I waste minutes of my life reading this?

DashingBanana has a headache and fucking dies.

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