#Notitlefornow (Vminkook|kid au)

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"Uncle Hobi! I mish youu~" the latter felt a hug on his legs as soon as he opened the door.

He looked down to see a little Jimin grinning wide, with a sleepy Yoongi at the door who walked right inside straight to the kitchen.

"Hey kiddo, i miss you too," he smiled back at him fondly, "go wake up Taetae," as he ruffled the kid's hair.

Jimin then ran upstairs which led to the younger's room.


"Morning Yoongs" Hoseok handed the elder a cup of coffee.

"Morning." He sat at the chair and went through the newspaper.

"So you think it is safe to leave them alone? Will they be fine?" Yoongi spoke up after having a sip of the coffee.

Hoseok  chuckled, "Aay hyung! They're old enough to take care of themselves. It won't be long so, they'll be fine. Don't worry," as always, he showed his bright smile.

Yoongi sometimes wondered how the younger one was always so positive. It was one of the trait which he noted that he should learn from Hoseok.


Jimin had reached Taehyung's bright purple door. He turned the doorknob and peeked his head inside.

He saw his friend still in his dreams, arms and legs spread wide like a starfish, with half of the blanket falling aside.

His left sock was missing, while the other was hanging on loosely for its life.

Jimin covered his mouth as he chuckled softly at the sight.

He walked silently towards the bed and climbed on the bed.

He engulfed the younger with a long hug with a "Goo morning Taetae."

But all he received was a quiet snore.

Jimin pouted at the silent treatment. "Ya Taetae!" he hugged him again and lightly patted on the younger's chest, "It's already morning."

He was returned a bone crushing hug from the other with a soft "Hi Chim".

Jimin removed his arms and cupped Taehyung's face, "Let's get ready fast. We going to Uncle Joonie's house and we can see Kookie."

Taehyung jumped up, suddenly remembering about the visit today. So, he went quickly to the bathroom, washed his face and brushed his teeth.. [y'know... important businesseu ;) ]

Both the kids ran down to the kitchen where Yoongi was still busy reading the newspaper and Hoseok noticed the two of them.

He made them some pancakes and poured them a glass of milk for each.

"Jiminnie, stay indoor with Taetae and Kookie and don't go out okay? We'll be out for a short while so don't do anything which is not allowed. No breaking rules or Uncle Seokjinnie will scold you."

"ay captain!" Jimin saluted, to which Yoongi chuckled and Hoseok ruffling the boy's hair.

"Uncle Yungoo!" Taehyung jumped at his seat, forks tightly gripped on his hands, "Taetae will protects Chim today! He will be safe. I am strong!"

"Of course Tae, you are Chim's hero since day one."
Yoongi sure has soft spots for these kids.

"Taehyung, let's go change your clothes now. Then we'll leave." Hoseok brought the younger to the room.


"Yoongoo Boongoo"

Yoongi looked to his side to find Jimin standing beside him poking his arms. He lifted him and carry him in his lap.

"What is it Jimin?"

The older quickly fixed his hair with his hands.

"Promise you'll buy candies when we come home." Jimin brought up his little pinky, "I want to eat it."

Yoongi did the same and interlocked their pinkies (?????? it's not wrong, right?)

"Promise. Lot's of candies" Jimin giggled and hugged the latter, which was responded with a kiss on the head.


"Okay, Tae go sit in the back seat with Jimin. Yoongi, can you please bring the lunchbox on the table?" Hoseok was busy packing some clothes and toys for the kids.

Probably  he knew they'll surely end up having a sleepover in Namjoon's house.

So after Yoongi loaded all the things, he opened the backseat where the kids sat.

Both of them were sitting near the window, busy talking about the colours of the houses.

"Okay, time to buckle up."

He first helped Taehyung with the seatbelt to which Taehyung whined about not wanting to wear it because it prevents him from moving around and that he couldn't dance.

"That's why seatbelts are made for," the latter replied.

Jimin simply obeyed and let the older buckle him up.

Hoseok came out of the house and locked the door, quickly went to the front seat.

"Seems we're ready" Yoongi drove the car, heading towards Namjoon's house.

Well the ride was peaceful for a few minutes, until Hoseok turned on some music and the playful little kiddos at the back started to bounce around and dance, including the big boy Hoseok at the front.

"Cute little brats" Yoongi mumbled.


hey im back 🙃 lol

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