page four

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People and birds interflowed with each-other, and somewhere you can find a line between the two. But it's very faint between the shades of red; the color of endearment and animosity.
Peter found birds to be hateful, as they would soar above and mock him with their chirps while carrying secret messages to people throughout the village.

Vincent never understood why Peter hated birds, he actually found them to be ethereal and calming. They'd soar above the boys lying on the vast field and chirp catchy melodies. Vincent never found them hateful, but again, he was always the one to try to look for the best in people.
Peter always felt hated, probably from his own self-hatred. Nature never betrayed him, but he always had a dagger in his back from the names his schoolmates would call him. So he always resented people. And for that matter animals, there was no line between them as he saw it at least.
Vincent on the other hand hid his true self better. Making him go by life more easily. So he'd always see the lines between shades of red.

Peter stayed still as he lied on his back, soaking up the sun.
To him the heat felt nice, the breeze felt even better.
He'd stay there for hours waiting for Vincent to show but he never came and that's when the wind whispered,
"Check on him."
Peter ran across the field, the sun was going down and the chilly night air was slowly taking over. He ran until he got to the village. He knew exactly which house was Vincent's. It was the tiny yellow one by the newspaper store.
Vincent lived with his Mother and father and their porch light would always be on all times of the day and night. The only time it was off is when his family left for a long period of time.
This time, it wasn't on.
"Maybe they left to go somewhere?" Peter had thought to himself as he stood outside his house, gazing at Vincent's bedroom window.
He would at least give it a chance.
After the third knock and no answer the dreadful pain came to him,
Vincent had left.
But why would he have left? There was no reason. And anyway, Vincent would've told Peter.

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