page twelve

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November 11.

Vincent and Peter had watched as the sun vanished earlier each night. They watched as each leaf became an émigré. They watched the world turn colorful before it died.
Now the air had become cold, both boys sit across from each other at an oak wood table. Grape wine in front of them.
In comfortable silence, they made a vow. Now here, nobody saw them, they can do whatever they pleased. They sat in a Victorian; a house that used to comfort a family now comforted two boys who didn't know what to make of themselves yet.
Two boys; one turning eighteen in a couple of hours, one a couple of weeks.
"It is funny? Our birthday landing on the same month." Peter shifted his wine to his left, admiring all the perfect flaws of Vincent.
"'Tis." Vincent raised his sherry wine glass.
Peter sometimes questioned himself wether Vincent was ever getting tired of him. It was a hard revelation to get closure on. Peter wanted to spend the rest of his life with Vincent, he wanted a priest to declare them forever entwined.
Peter got up, "Follow me."
Since ever Peter told Vincent he'd follow him wherever he goes, it had been an unsaid rule between both of them.
Peter guided Vincent into the night.
Instinctively, Vincent was cautious. Had his trust been unfaithful to Peter, would he not follow him. They always trusted each-other no matter what.
Once Peter had went far enough to where nobody, even though anyone in the city was far from where they lived, he had to make sure any soul awake in the deepest time of night wouldn't see.
He kneeled down,
"Vincent, have I not loved for you for a promised eternity? Have I not a ring, but a question like gold. Love me for time has felt so short. Love me without no end. Love me for a preacher will hold our sin and gift us love forevermore."
Vincent stood still. Peter was always naïve, they could never be married.
"Marriage for us, may never be something taken into the hands of a Pastor. But I know damn well Peter, I can kiss you underneath a million stars. I can hold you beneath the floorboards where my parents sleep and dream for me an ingénue. I

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