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I just wanted to start with this. Writing this short story has been an incredibly eye-opening experience. Every time I write, my emotions subliminally influence the emotions of my characters. I didn't realize this until recently, and when I reread my writing, it's always a new epiphany.
I've never been vulnerable, I find it within my writing. Writing has always been cathartic for me in any circumstance.
Even though I adore the ambiguity of the English language, every story, poem, and novel has a meaning that the creator associates with.
For me, this story takes place in the 1800s when two boys face the hardships of loving in a clandestine relationship.
In general, it's about the complexity of love.
However, because my sentences are equivocal, I urge whoever reads this to approach love with an open mind. Just love.
This story evinces emotional volatility and vulnerability in the two characters.
Of course, neither of their eyes are "Raven" nor "Scarlet," but a metaphor for their character and attitude toward life.
As colors, we can interpret Raven and Scarlet in a variety of ways, which is where the ambiguity of my work comes from.
In the end, love is calamitous, extraordinary, and most importantly impenetrable. Love is not just black and white, and that's where the gold lining in clouds aligns... or scarlet.

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