Scarlet Flowers

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The scarlet flowers bloomed, sprouting forth from the stabwound. The moonlight glistened on the delicate vermilion petals. I smiled and wrenched the knife out, the serrated steel squealing a nasty sneer against the wet flesh as it ripped and tore its own path out. I watched, cocking my head to the side as the child's eyes fluttered closed, never to open again. He almost looked peaceful, visibly fading from the world. I shook half from pleasure, half from the chilling wind. I watched with rapt attention while the child's complexion paled as his blood drained, his life seemingly floated away on the very river he shed from his veins.

"Sleep now child..." I whispered. My smile faded however as I heard a voice in the distance. My brief red joy marred, I went oddly still, a scowl of contempt etched across my hardening features. I hastily wiped the blade clean on the boy's shirt and silently rose to my feet, triangulating the source of the noise. My eyes quickly caught a sliver of pale white light, peering through the trees. The flashlight beam speared through the forest, frantically piercing through the night in the search of me. A familiar rush of anxiety and pleasure rushed through my head, and I gripped my knife tighter in anticipation. My eyes snapped into focus, shoulders bent into a new determination. I was hunting again.

"Johnny!? Johnny are you out here? Its me, dad! Johnny where are you?" A gruff voice called out, his voice thick with fear.

Foolish man, I thought, glancing down at the defiled corpse, Johnny Liam Andre who lived on 763 23rd street in the room with a broken lock on the window and sound proof walls is quite dead. In a split second decision, I dragged the boy's body into a hollowed tree, and covered what was still visible with fallen leaves. But even as I did the wind blew them off.

It's too late now.... I thought. I turned my head and began to run, I was likely out gunned I knew from previous information I had gathered. The wind contested my every step, slapping its icy whip across me with every step I took. The trees swept past me like pillars of tall inky shadow as I gained speed, their clawed arms raking down at me. The voice gained volume from behind, though the words now muffled to indistinct yells.

He's STILL following me. I realized. I slowed to a halt, my mind racing for a plan. A myriad of faded brown and grey leaves whispered across the ground ominously, the trees creaking and groaning as they bowed to the wind. The ensemble of noise clouded my thoughts, and it was too late when I heard the twig snap.

I spun around so fast I fell to the ground. The white noise of the turbulent forest was suddenly accompanied by two acute cracks of deafeningly loud sound, muzzle flash briefly illuminating the forest for me to see the shooter.

The boy's father! My mind registered. I rolled to the side behind a tree and flinched involuntarily as he squeezed off a third shot from his pistol.

"HOLY SHIT!" I yelled, hyperventilating. I'm not hit. I reassured myself. I considered the gleaming knife in my hand for half a second before thinking better of it. I instead, in a panicked flurry of steps, took flight once more into the safety of the trees. Two more shots rang out after me, slamming into tree trunks near me. Bits of bark showered the earth, but I payed this no heed. I instead raced towards the twinkling yellow lights in the distance. Trees thinned out as I drew nearer. I paused my strides for a second, taking in the town. The squat buildings of the suburban neighborhood were draped in curtains of silver moonnight, and in between them I quickly calculated my escape route. The frigid air seared my lungs, pain screaming up my diagram. But I ran for it anyways, another series of wild gunshots streaming past me. I sprinted into open street, my heavy footsteps echoing loudly across the uniformly congruent walls of the houses. A door across the street was ajar, but I could see lights on in the house.

People are definitely inside... I considered. I heard pounding footsteps from behind however, and instinctively dashed across the street. With a sudden squeal of rubber, a car slammed on the breaks as I ran in its path. I tripped over my own footing at the sound, but quickly regained my balance.

"WATCH IT JACKASS!" He yelled, blaring his horn and displaying his middle finger.

I ignored him and pushed through the door. Then I was enveloped by the embrace of warm air in the house, but the panic had not left me. Exhaustion seeping into my legs, I half ran half crawled up the steps and yanked open the first door I saw. I closed it behind me and listened intently. The brief silence was shattered though as a baby in the room began to cry. My head snapped to the noise, fear gripping me.

You're causing far too much noise, You're going to get me caught! I thought, my mind suddenly contorted into a fiery rage. I stalked towards the crib, the pale blue night light gleaming across the blade as I poised it for a downward stab.

BANG! The door exploded open. The boy's father swept into the room with the force of a hurricane. Muscles rippled across his arms as he raised his gun and pulled the trigger in one swift motion. However this time, there was no acute gunshot sound. Just a mechanical "click, click". The sound was like that of an off switch, entirely turning fear off. I smiled dully,

"Out of ammo are we?" I asked mockingly. The man let out a wordless yell of infuriation and strode forward, throwing a punch. I caught it easily and slammed my knife up into his gut. His eyes widened in shock, and I felt his muscles tense and lock. I smiled dryly, cocking my head to the side, and gripping the knife tighter. He grimaced and grunted in pain as hot tears streamed down his face. All the while I pushed it further, the knife slipping in tooth by serrated tooth until I felt the satisfying steaming liquid ooze across my hand.

"Like father like son" I whispered into his ear. He would have screamed, but it turned into a hoarse gurgle of liquid. He half collapsed on me, coughing blood over my shoulder.

"You sick son of a-" He wheezed.

"-Shhh, sleep now." I cooed, before ripping the knife out loudly. I watched, smiling, as he staggered back and slid down the wall to collapse on the floor. Dopamine released explosively through my head as my eyes soaked in the newly sprouted bouquet of...scarlet flowers.

................................................................................................................................................................Authors note:  I'd just like to point out that im not a pycopath and do realize how messed up this is.  Just a story.

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