Chapter 3 - Finding Solace

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Chapter 3 - Finding Solace

Quote of the day: Find solace in touching your deepest wounds. There, you will discover not just yourself, but true happiness.

Meaning: Accept your past, or get over your troubles. By letting go, you will be able to enjoy yourself and live life to its fullest.

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It had been quite some time since Crimson had terrorised a village. After his attack on the previous village, he had decided that he would allow rumours about the "Scarlet Havoc" to spread before attacking another village.

Memories from the previous village haunt him constantly, giving him sleepless nights to ponder over his actions. Frustration and guilt plagued his mind, yet steeled his resolve. Since he had set his goal to protect the Absol, he would do so until the very end. Even if it costed him his sanity.

He gritted his teeth, tears threatening to spill out from his eyes. "Retaliation breeds regret. M-Morality is virtue. H-Help the weak, support the-"

With a pained growl, he slashed at a pile of branches before him, cutting his speech off. "It's no use..."

Physically exhausted and emotionally hurt, Crimson curled into a tight ball. He felt even more lonely as each day dragged on, yet he could do nothing but curse at his weakness and cry himself to sleep.

It frustrated him to know that those he sought out was not in that village. It was almost as if he was being mocked just by aimlessly running around. He eyed the splintered branches through his teary eyes and muttered under his breath, "I'm even worse off than you, huh? Even though you're broken, at least you have others next to you. I'm pathetic. I told myself I'll do what I need to for my goals, and yet... I'm alone. I'm afraid."

He allowed sleep to claim him, ignoring the cries of the bird Pokémon around him.

The next time the sun saw Crimson, he had arrived at another village. Unlike the previous villages, this had a different demeanour - so different, it made him uncomfortable. I need to keep my guard up.

As he continued on cautiously with his ears alert, he observed his surroundings. The village entrance was eerily silent, a sight he was not used to after travelling to annoyingly rowdy villages. He jumped in fright, his fur bristling; he had accidentally stepped on a twig, effectively snapping it into half. He felt fidgety and anxious, and the unintentional jump-scare caused by the twig did nothing to sooth his nerves.

Maybe I should leave and search in another village... I didn't see those poachers here anyway, he thought, stopping to turn back. However, before he could leave the path he was on, his instincts screamed at him to enter the village - it was almost as if if he did not, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Resigned, he returned to the path and rushed forward with long strides. His heart thumped painfully against his chest with each step he took, urging him to go faster. From long strides to swift trots to hasty sprinting - he was but a blur of red and white.

Before long, he arrived at the centre of the village. Much to his surprise, it was bustling with activity - villagers, both young and old, crowded around the city centre. The crowd made it difficult for Crimson to make out what was happening in a swirl of faceless people. Summoning his courage, he tentatively stepped towards the crowd, constantly checking to ensure that he remained unseen. He leaned forward, struggling to listen in on the villagers' conversations.

"It's an Absol! I wonder... time! I really... Ashley," a villager chattered fervently in a hushed voice.

"Ashley? ... Livia!" Another responded animatedly. "... most wicked!"

Crimson's head shot up in surprise, his whole body tensing. Could they be hostiles waiting to attack named Absol? But I can't sense danger emitting from anyone.

"Guys, guys! It's here!" A female villager exclaimed, pointing towards Red's direction.

He immediately tensed up, feeling threatened. Could it be that I have been seen?

As the crowd of villagers turned towards his direction, it was as if a cage was encompassing him, sealing off any viable exits. Crimson frowned grimly, shifting into an offensive stance. There was no way he would allow himself to be brought down before he found the poachers that killed his parents and returned the favour. For my parents, and for the greater good, I will not fall now.

"Oh, look! It's Livia! It's Livia!" A child bounced up and down excitedly like a Spoink.

Livia? Who's Livia? Crimson titled his head curiously, but made no move to relax his stance. A few moments later, an Absol appeared in front of the villagers, her head high with pride, yet her eyes glimmered gently. Crimson widened his eyes in wonder. Her eyes... Are the most beautiful shade of red I've ever seen... Even more so than my mother's.

"Livia!" A little girl shrieked enthusiastically, rushing towards the female Absol. Crimson immediately scowled, a low growl rumbling in his throat.

However, before he could leap in front of the female Absol protectively, the female Absol smiled tenderly and calmly walked towards the child. Stunned, Crimson held back himself and watched the unusual scene unfolding before his eyes - a human girl hugging an Absol. W-What's going on?

"Hello, Emily," the female Absol greeted, nuzzling the girl playfully.

"Livia, that tickles!" Emily giggled, pushing Livia, the Absol, away. "I'm so glad you came! It's almost time for the Absol Appreciation Festival."

"No fair, Emily! I want to play with Livia too!" Another girl pouted, nudging Emily. Livia watched, amused. "Lena, don't fight with Emily."

Absol Appreciation Festival? Since when... Since when did humans show appreciation to us? I... I can't believe it, Crimson thought, watching in disbelief as Livia greeting with the humans with friendly nuzzles and soft barks. Nervously, he stepped out of his hiding spot and purposefully stepped on branches to announce his arrival. Emily and Lena looked at him in surprise, before turning to Livia questioningly. "Who's this?"

Livia immediately stepped in front of Emily protectively, her red gaze stern. "A red Absol? State your name."

"Crimson. My name is Crimson," Crimson responded, and pointedly glared at the humans. "Better known as the Scarlet Havoc to the humans."

His chilling green glare burned into Livia's calm, red eyes, bringing an involuntary shiver down her spine. She eyed Crimson warily. "Scarlet Havoc? The notorious red Absol who had been wreaking havoc across the lands of Hoenn?"

"Fear not. I have not come to annihilate anyone. I am most... curious about your relationship between the humans," Crimson explained, sitting down to show that he meant no harm.

Livia sniffed suspiciously, but made no further moves to interrogate him. She signalled to the humans that he was not a hostile. "This village is special to us, Absol. Unlike any other places, humans understand our intentions and show appreciation to one of us a month."

Crimson glanced surreptitiously at Livia, admiring her graceful movements as she explained the reason behind the humans' actions passionately. "By the way, I'm Livia. It's nice to meet you."

"Livia? Livia... Can I call you Lia instead? It's easier to pronounce," Crimson asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Wha- All right. In return, may I call you Crim?" Livia responded with a playful grin.

Startled, Crimson drew back, frowning. "But-"

"I'm just kidding, Crimson," Livia giggled, swatting a paw at him. "You're so easy to tease."

In a matter of moments, Crimson felt himself laughing as he childishly rolled to the ground with Livia. With a single smile, Livia had caused an unknown sensation to burn in him, stirring his cold heart to life with painful pounding. No one else mattered. Not the humans, and certainly not the poachers he sought after.

Ever since then, he thought to himself that Lia was the most beautiful Absol he had ever laid his eyes on.

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