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Author's note:
Guys, the Korean age which is legal for drinking is 20. Let's just take it like Jimin is an year less to be eligible for drinking and Yuri is eligible for drinking legally. Don't get confused with that and enjoy reading....


I woke up with a very bad headache. I must have drunk a lot last night. I held my head tight unable to control the pain inside my head. Ugh! It's so bad. Could I chop my head now? And then it hit me. How did I get here? How did I land up in my room?

I remember going to the bar last night and what next? I ordered the drink and I remember a young guy. What did I talk to him? Did I do anything stupid? Ahh, my drunk ass! I hate that I couldn't be in control when I drink. But I just can't stop myself from that habit. That's the only medicine to forget my past.

I turned my head to find a sticky note on the lamp table

Hey! You fell asleep in the bar yesterday. I didn't think it would be right to leave you by yourself. So I carried you home

- ­The Sweet Bartender­­

Sweet Bartender! Does he call himself that? I could remember his face. I just fought with him before having my drink. He was so dedicated to work that he even asked my id. Poor guy, you must see his face when I countered him with the same. I just hope I didn't speak anything stupid in front of him when I was drunk.

And I sighed. So, he is the bartender who claimed himself as sweet. Such a kid he is! I need to make a ginger lemon tea immediately. I am so used to these there. And I am not pretty good in cooking to make myself a bone broth.

As I switched on the stove, I boiled the water. This pain is killing me a lot. As the tea is being done, I looked at the time, it is still 6:30. Why did I get up so early? I forgot that I got used to wake up this early. Pouring the tea into the cup, I took a sip. As the warm liquid enters my throat, I feel so relaxed.

This is one of the best hangover remedies. It's been a week that I have moved in here. For the first week, I stayed in dad's house. Did I forget that Mr Kang insisted me to call him as dad? I regret thinking him as a person who wants me into his pants when he offered that he would take care of me.

I had completed all the formalities and registrations. Now I am legally his daughter. I suppose he works under the civil department as the work went really smooth and fast. He gave me space and even rented this flat for me.

I don't know why he is doing this but I don't want to trouble him by turning down his hospitality. He is taking good care of me, that's really a good thing and I don't want to complain. I am fortunate to be found to him in that night.

As I thought about that, I slid my fingers through my hair. Why is it so long? My mother is a red haired woman and I got that trait. Though my hair is more the shade of scarlet red. I remember people complimenting for the long hair I have.

I heard a knock on the door and I wondered who it could be at this time.

"Dad", I was surprised at his sudden appearance in front of the house.

"How are you?", he asked as he walked inside. I look so pathetic with my dirty hair and unwashed face.

"Ah, I am fine. I just didn't bath yet", I smiled sheepishly and he chuckled at that. What made him come here so early? Is it so important?

"Go, freshen up. We will be going to school today", he stated and I choked on my breath. School? Should I go into that hell again? No way!

"What?", I frowned looking at him but his expression remained constant.

"I know you didn't complete your schooling. You still have an year left in high school. Don't you remember telling me?", he raised his brows and I gulped in shock. I do remember telling him that but I didn't know he would admit me back there. Aish! Why do I have to tell him that?

"You will go to school and also college. I want my daughter to be educated well", he spoke with an authoritative tone.

"But dad", I pouted to convince but I don't think this will be easy.

"No ifs and buts Yuri, go and freshen yourself. We will be going after having breakfast. I will cook it for you", he patted my head and went to the kitchen. Having no option left, I took steps towards my room.

I washed my hair and I remembered my school days. I was known for my hair in the school. All my classmates would have been in college now. I got out the bathroom and dried my hair. I am so lazy to do this work but I don't want to look miserable on my first day.

I dressed myself in casual shirt and jeans leaving my hair loose. People would be laughing if I tell that I don't know how to braid my hair.

"Bacon and eggs. I remember you liked them so much when I cooked it first time for you", I smiled at him. I feel glad to be treated like this. He remembers every small detail about me just like how a dad ought to be.

"Thank you. I will enjoy the breakfast", I started eating as I was really hungry. He smiled and started eating. I remember the day when he asked me to call dad. And the very moment I called him that, I noticed the tears in his eyes. Is he related to me by any chance?

"I got you a bag and already bought the books. Just the admission process is left and it will complete very fast", he spoke making me sad. I hate school. I don't even remember anything now. One year gap is huge, and I had gone through a lot to think about studies.

"You didn't even tell me", I whined and he let
a giggle.

"That's the best thing I have done. Or else I don't know what you would have planned to run away", he stated. True to his words, I hate school so much that I could have even tried running away.

"Come now, I will drive you today", he spoke directing me towards the car. I locked the door and hopped into the car. I saw my stuffed bag in the backseat. I feel like a nursery kid going to the school.

As the car halted at the entrance, I realised it was the same school that I attended before. Why this one out of all? I sighed. Some juniors might know about me and the teachers know me well.

I got down the car and carried the bag. Dad walked beside me as we headed to the office cabins. I remember this. I would be called here by my homeroom teacher every time for my low score.

"Kang Yuri", the man in front of me read my name.

"Yes, sir", I bowed and dad shook his hand with him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again Mr Kang. Thanks for fighting for the rights of our school", he bowed and dad smiled. Is he a popular figure in Korea?

"As I have told already, she is my daughter and I hope you take care of her. And could you please change her previous records as Kang Yuri", he told the man who quickly nodded typing something in the computer.

I looked at him astonished at the fact that he knew I studied in this school. I don't remember mentioning this to him.

"Done sir. She will be under Miss Lee and she will take care of the rest", the man showed us Miss Lee. How come I not know her? She is a strict one but tenders at good and quite students. I am not a good match for her.

"Yes, thank you sir", I bowed and walked to Miss Lee who let out a small smile. She bowed to my father and greeted him.

"Yuri, behave well and all the best okay? I will pick you up in the evening", he brushed my hair and left the office. Everyone in the office smiled at me. Is this because of him?

"The school will start in 15 minutes. And this is your classroom", she showed me the class. "And here is the key for your locker. Just walk around for some time", she smiled and left from here.

I rushed to the locker to put some books in it as I found the bag too heavy. As I scanned through the numbers, I found mine.

"Ahh this one", it is the last one in the row just beside the wall. I had to walk till here every day, it is really far. Why should it be located here?

I could hear footsteps and the students coming. This was the life before. Though I hated school with all my heart, it is a heaven compared to that place. Flipping my hair to side, I could feel a few stares from the students at the lockers.

"Taehyung ah. I will kill you if you don't give that book back to me", a black haired guy was running behind some other guy. Why does this voice sound familiar?

Ma'am I am really sorry. I am afraid I can't serve you the drink unless you show me your identity

Ma'am, could I look at your id? I just need to make sure if you are legal to drink or not?

Is he the same guy? I advanced my steps to check him properly. I don't know what stupid things I have done yesterday. As he turned around, I could see his face clearly. His hair is now nothing like styled and just right like a high schooler. Shit! What did I get myself into?

I quickly paced myself with my bag and things started dropping from it. Shit! I forgot to zip the bag. Why am I like this? I could see some students smiling. I bent down to pick up the books and pens. As I was doing my work, a hand reached out to help with the things.

I looked up to see him smile turn into shock. Oh no! I need to go.

"Thank You", I grabbed my things from his hand and started walking taking large steps.

"Hey!", I could hear him calling but I didn't pay any heed to his words. I don't want to make myself embarrassed, not in front of everyone at the least.

I walked into Miss Lee's class. She is already present and gestured me wait for a moment and I stood there. Students were gawking at and this attention is seriously annoying. Hey guys, I didn't come from a zoo.

As I was watching them coming in, my eyes darted towards the particular guy whom I have been avoiding. He looked at me with a fixed gaze and I know fate couldn't be as bad as this. Is bad luck my best friend or what?

"Students, we are having a new student in our class. Yuri, please introduce yourself", Miss Lee spoke making the students look at me. I just want to shout that I am also a human species.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I am Kang Yuri. Please take care of me well", I spoke and Miss Lee smiled.

"Kim Taehyung, could you sit beside Ahn Minhyuk? I would like Kang Yuri to be seated beside Park Jimin", Miss Lee smiled and that Kim Taehyung guy got up from his seat with a scowl on his face. And I walked up to that empty seat and I saw the face. I knew karma is a bitch.

The Sweet Bartender 


Here's Jimin walking to his class:

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