Chapter: 10

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I stood at the window staring down into the room engulfed in flames. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I tried to stop them, but I couldn't. "Oh, no!" Jodie gasped.

I quickly wiped the tears away. "What's wrong?" I inquired as I walked towards her.

She pointed out a name on the screen she was leaning over. It was Maris Garfield. "So?" I asked.

"This is a list of the next group of test subjects, and Maris must be related to Tho--"

"She's my sister." Thomas interrupted.

I looked over and saw Thomas slouched in a chair, his head in his hands. I turned back to Jodie. "We have to save Thomas's sister!! Isn't that a good enough reason to stay!?!?" I plead. "We have to help these people!! We can't just stand by and watch them die!! We have to do something! Please Jodie!! I know you care!"

"Wel--" Jodie started.

"You know what, I don't care! I'm going to save these people without your help! If Thomas's sister dies it's all your fault!" It turned my back on Jodie and walked out the door."uuhph!" I collided with someone in the hallway right outside the door. I looked up into the face of a woman. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" She said.

"It's ok."

"Wait a minute! Who are you and want were you doing in my lab!!"

" ...was looking for the bathroom." She pulled out some sort of device from her belt. I smacked it out of her hands. She looked at me and swung a punch at me. She doesn't look too strong. I need to take her out before someone sees or hears us and calls security. She threw another punch, but I grabbed her hand and swept my leg at her legs. She jumped over them. This is going to be harder than I thought! I punched she blocked. She punched I blocked. She suddenly fell towards me. I grabbed her, and she fell limp.

"I shot her with a tranquilizer dart" Jodie stated as she walked towards me.

"Thanks. Where's Thomas?" I asked as I laid the woman down on the floor.

"He's looking at a map of the building back in the lab."


"He is looking for the holding cells for the test subjects."

"Oh good! We can save Mara, Maris, and the others subjects." I knelt down to look at the woman's utility belt. The only useful things were a taser and a walky-talky. I pulled them off the belt, stuck the taser on my belt, and handed the walky-talky to Jodie.

"Why do we need this? We already have two." Jodie asked.

"We can put all three of the walky-talkys on the same channel, so that all of us can talk to each other at once. We can also find the channel that the guards and others here are using, so we can listen to their conversations."

"Well that makes sense."

We headed back to the lab were Thomas was. He was looking out the window into the room when we got there. "We have to get them out of there!!" Thomas said to us.

"Who?" I asked.

"The group. They're in there."


"The next group of subjects!"

"They're already in there!! It's too late to help the other groups, but we can get this group out. Thomas go find the way into there on the map!"

"It looks like the entrance to the room is down in the basement."

"How do we get to the basement?!?!?"

"At the end of the hallway, on the right. The door labeled stairs."

"Ok! Come on let's go!! Don't forget your backpacks!" I rushed out of the room with Jodie and Thomas right behind me. We ran to the end of the hallway to the stairs. I went down the stairs taking them two at a time. We went down three sets of stairs until we reached a door labeled Basement. I pushed open the door and continued to run until I came to a door labeled Testing Room One Elevator.

"What testing room were we in?!?!?" I asked Jodie and Thomas as they came up behind me.

"I think it was three. I think." Jodie replied.

I ran up to the third door and pressed the up button. "Password required" an electronic voice said.

"Password!! What could the password be!!"

"Maybe I have a password decoder in my backpack! I'll check." Jodie said. As she was rummaging through her backpack I heard a ding.

"It's the elevator!! Someone's coming down!! I'll knock him out and you hold the doors open! Ok?" I said to Thomas and Jodie.

"Ok!" They replied.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. I rushed into the elevator right towards the guy. He was taken totally by surprise. I tackled him before he had the chance to react. I punched him in the face a few times. He was out cold. "Well that's that!" I said. We all got into the elevator, Thomas pressed the button, and the doors closed. What if there is a password to get into the testing room?" Jodie asked.

" I didn't think about that. Maybe this guy has something we can use." I said. I kneeled down to check his belt.

"There's nothing of use one here!!" I said.

"What are we going to do?!?!?" Jodie asked.

"I don't know! Maybe there is no password to get in up there." The elevator stopped and the doors opened. On the left and right of us there was a short hallway that that was the length of the testing room. The door was right across the hall from the elevator. I ran up to the door. "There's a key pad! I wonder what the password is. What's the address for this building?" I asked

"Twenty thirty-four. Two zero three four." Jodie said.

I typed the numbers in the keypad. The light above the door flashed red.

"It didn't work! What else could it be?!?!? We have to hurry!!"

"Uuummm..... How abo--" Thomas started.

"Tr--" Jodie began, but was interrupted by a loud groan from the elevator.

"Uuuhhgggg! What.....happened?" The man groaned.

He probably knows the code!! I'll get it out of him!! "What's the code to this room?" I asked him.

"I'm not telling you!"

I went over to him and punched him in the face.

"Tell me!!" I said.

"No!" He replied.

I punched him again. Harder.

"Tell me now!" I raised my arm, ready to punch him again.

"Fine! Fine!! It's 4295! Please just don't punch me again!"

I put the code in. The light above the door flashed green.

"Yes!! We're in!!" I said.

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