Chapter: 7

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-Amarie's POV

Even though the building on the outskirts of the city was kind of creepy the first thing I did was to run up under the overhang to get out of the rain.

"What are you doing!?!? They could see you!!!" Jodie said as she pulled me back behind a pile of wood. "We have to scout the place. Not go in!! I was given strict instructions not to engage with the people!!" She said.

"Oh and do you always do what you are tol--"

"Shhshhshhhh!!" Jodie silenced me as two of the guys with hoods on came out. I tensed waiting for the guys to walk by so I could jump out and attack them. I looked down when I felt a hand on my arm. "Don't!" Jodie mouthed. They could be our way into the building, but maybe Jodie is right. What should I do? The men were getting closer. I have to decide now! I made my decision and jumped on the men as they walked by. I kicked the first guy in the stomach causing him to double over. I then punched the second guy in the jaw, I grabbed him in a sleeper-hold. He passed out in about ten seconds. I turned around to see Thomas and Jodie holding the first guy down. I walked over to them and grabbed the utility belt off of the guy on the ground. There was a walkie-talkie and an ID card.

"This ID card could get us into the building." I said.

"What will we do with this guy?" Thomas said while pointing to the guy pinned under him.

"We could tie them up with some of the rope you have."

"What if they call for help?"

I walked over to them and punched the guy in the face knocking him out. "That should keep them quiet for awhile, but we should still bind and gag them." I said. Jodie sorted through the stuff in her backpack until she produced some rope and two washcloths.

"Here is the rope to tie them up and washcloths to use as gags."

"Those will be perfect! Thomas, be useful for once and grab the other guy." I said while picking up one of the unconscious guys.

"Hey! That wasn't very nice!" He said while fake pouting.

We dragged the guys about ten yards into the woods and bound and gagged them. We returned to the wood pile and discussed what to do.

"I got his ID card. We could use that to get in." I said.

"What would we do once we got in? They would notice us in a short amount of time." Jodie said.

"Good point. Oh I know!! We could go back to the two guys and get their cloaks."

"That could work, but there are three of us."

"Well one of us could stay out here with a walkie-talkie while the other two people go in."

"That could work, but who would stay out here."

Jodie and I looked at each other and then at Thomas.

"What?!?!? Whyyyyyyy meeeeeee! I want to go in!" Thomas whined.

"Stop acting like a child Thomas!! The person in there is my roommate, so I should go in and I want Jodie to go with me." I said.

"Yeah! Um...wait a second. I was told not to engage the people, but just to scout." Jodie said.

"Well sometimes you have to take risks."

"Being a guide in the underground is my life. I don't want to loose my job!"

"Fine I guess I will go in alone! You can just stay out here with Thomas!" I said as I turned away from Jodie and started walking for the door.

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