Flying lesson

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Harry feels like something bad is gonna happen in the flying lesson. He doesn't know why but he has a feeling. Like time he felt James married a huge bitch, who managed to convince James to send Harry to Petunia. Harry is getting the hang with his powers. He manages to transfigure things, levitate, blast things, make illusion and many more. Just yesterday he can astral project himself then snuck in the headmaster's office because Harry believes he is hiding something. Harry asked around, about the third floor, the weird thing is that Dumbledore had never given a warning like that before. So that means he is hiding something. As Harry continues thinking he accidentally bumps into someone causing him to fall on his butt.

"Oh sorry about that." A third year said, helping him up.

"No, it 's fine. It most-" he stops because in front of him is the most handsomest boy he has ever seen. 

"That's good, take little fristie." The boy left. Harry blush seeing the smile.

"Yeah." Harry said, frozen and blushing. He saw some giggling and cooing at him. Harry walked quickly, slightly embarrassed. 


"Welcome to your lesson in flying with a broom." James Potter said. Dumbledore had him assassinating madam hooch in the lesson. He has been doing that and the defense of the dark arts. James is the opposite of Snape, before Harry knocks some sense into him, he is always favoring Gryffindor and taking points from Slytherin. Harry never understood the black and white bullshit. There no dark and light magic, just good people and asshole who like fucking with the weak.

"Harry, I'm kinda nervous. I'm not that much of a flyer." Neville said, during the introduction.

"That ok Nev no one is." Harry said in comfort.

"Madeline is."

"Fuck her, she a spoiled brat. Who keep sprouting bullshit every time we fucking see her. It's annoying as hell and I'm this close to losing my shit." Harry said.

"That bad?" Neville asked.

"Nev, if I hear one more thing about her being the girl who lived one more time. I'm gonna fu-" he interrupted by hooch blowing her whistle. Before she say anything Mcgonagall came to get her. So she has James to take care of the class. Harry was annoyed by this because he suspected James would turn a blind eye on his daughter's action. 

" Now, to summon your broom just say up" said James. All the students did but Harry uses Magic to mess with his sister Ron and Draco. Madeline was getting annoyed because she can't summon her brooms. After a few minutes Harry decides to let them summon their brooms not without having the brooms hit their faces.

" Maddie, are you awake sweetie?"Ask James

"I'm fine Daddy, someone put a curse on the brooms." Madeline said. James looked around to see who did it. No one steps up, some try to hide their laughter. " It's probably Harry who must have done it. "

"Harry doesn't have magic, Madeline, you know that he's a squib." James said, not noticing the glare he was getting from his forgotten son. "Now mount your brooms, on my mark getting to fly. Now ready an-" he was interrupted by Neville levitation and flying uncontrollably. "Mr. Longbottom get down right now."

 " He can't you moron. Help him!" Harry said. James ignored him, Neville hit some buildings and it looked like he hurt his arm because he let go of the broom then it shook him off causing him to fall. Harry with quick thinking and not caring if others know. He used his magic and caught Neville before he hit the ground. Everyone was shocked by what they witnessed. Harry gently set him down on the ground.

"Neville, you alright?" Harry said, checking on him. He was pulled away by furious James.

"WHERE YOU GET THA5 MAGIC. ANSWER ME YOU LITTLE SHIT." James raises his hand to strike him but Harry grabs him and Judo slams them to the ground. The students and the teacher, who showed up, were shocked to see James about to hit his son.

"Maybe instead of focusing on me. You tend to the kid who almost died falling off six feet in the air." Harry said.

"So, it's not like he was hurt." James said.

"He has a broken arm." Harry said.

"Who cares, he'll walk it. But as you little bast-"James.

"JAMES POTTER." James paled seeing an angry mcgonagall. "With me now." Dragging the grown man by the ear. Harry helps Neville up.

"How much you wanna bet he fucked." Harry said.

"Just because I'm a gryffindor doesn't mean I'm stupid." Neville said.

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