Part 1

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Author's Note (please read):

Hi, guys! I really hope you like this story. I do apologize if I got any little details wrong. I tried to stay as true to the story and characters as possible. All I ask is that, if you do see something I got wrong and would like to point it out, please be nice about it. I absolutely ADORE Marvel and the Maximoff Twins, and I had a lot of fun writing this. 

Also, just so you know, I wrote all three parts of this story for my English class. As a result, I actually wrote the first part of this story a year before I wrote the other two, so the first part is not quite as well as well written. Please bare with me, though. 

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!


My name is Wanda Maximoff. My twin brother, Pietro Maximoff, and I were orphaned at the age of twelve when bombs hit the small apartment we lived in with our parents at the time. Both of us got a clear view of the bomb. It was labeled with the words 'Stark Industries'. Pietro and I both knew that meant the bomb was made by the internationally famous inventor, Tony Stark. At the time, Tony Stark was both a maker and dealer of weapons. Bombs were his particular specialty. Anyway, my brother and I survived the bombing, sadly our parents did not. This sparked a hate inside both of us. A hate for Tony Stark. We wanted revenge.

Present day:

Pietro and I are now 13 years old. It has been a little over a year since the bombing incident. We have been placed into three different orphanages, but have escaped them all. Pietro and I aren't looking for new parents. We are looking for revenge against Tony Stark.

Our clothes have been reduced to rags, and neither of us look or feel very healthy. We can't afford to buy any food, so both of us are very skinny. In fact, we can't afford to buy anything. Almost everything Pietro and I have, we find in the trash. This includes our food. However, we live in Sokovia, and because the people here are so poor, edible things rarely get thrown out. The one good thing about living here, though, is that water is easy acquire. It rains quite a bit, so all we have to do is set out a couple of old buckets every night to collect rain water. I know that Sokovia doesn't seem like a good place to live, but it is the only place my brother and I know. We were born and raised here. Plus, we do have a pretty good place to sleep. Well, related to most of the homeless here, anyway. We sleep in a very large hole under a dumpster. It may not sound good, but, overall, it's really not that bad. There is a tunnel leading in and out of the hole so that we can't get trapped under the dumpster. Pietro and I have also stacked rocks along the walls of the hole to keep them from caving in. Along with that, we have placed six blankets and two pillows inside the hole. Four of the blankets are spread out on the ground so that Pietro and I don't have to lay directly on the dirt. The other two blankets cover us when we sleep. Obviously, the pillows are for us to lay our heads on. You would think that when we leave the hole other homeless people would just move in. However, the homeless in Sokovia are actually very thoughtful. If they are looking for a place to call home and they come across a spot that seems to be taken, they will move along.

I wake up laying in aforementioned hole. I can tell it is cold outside because the walls of the hole feel cold. I reach over to my brother, but my hand only finds a blanket. Pietro isn't here. He must've gone to try and find us some breakfast. I unwrap myself from the blanket and climb out through the tunnel. The sun is just beginning to rise, giving the sky an orange glow. The cold air sends a chill through my spine.

"Hello, Wanda!" someone says behind me.

It makes me jump. I hate it when people scare me like that. I turn around to face my greeter.

"Sorry, dear! I didn't mean to scare you!" she says.

It is just Georgie. Georgie is an old lady who helped Pietro and I get used to the homeless life. We are great friends.

"Oh, hello Georgie! That's alright. You know how jumpy I am," I say with laughter.

"I do," she says with an equal amount of laughter.

"By the way, have you seen Pietro?" I ask.

"No," Georgie replies, "I haven't."

"Alright. I better go find him," I yell while running away.

"Goodbye, Wanda!" she yells back.

Georgie is a very sweet and generous old lady. She has a granddaughter named Gertie, who is also a very good friend of Pietro and I.

You'd think that being homeless is very lonely, but that's not true in Sokovia. All of the homeless here are in the same small region. It is like living in a small neighborhood. Everyone knows everyone by name and knows where they dwell. For example, if someone is looking for Pietro or I, they will know to come to the dumpster we live beneath.

I can't find Pietro anywhere. I've checked in the market, in all of the dumpsters, and almost everywhere else I can think he might be.

Suddenly, everyone around me starts to panic. I see Pietro running towards me. At least I know where he is now!

"Pietro, what's going on?" I ask him, nervously.

He looks very worried.

"A family of Tycoons is coming. We need to get back to the dumpster immediately," he says in panic.

When we first got here, Georgie explained to us that there is a border between us and the rich people, who we call 'Tycoons'. The Tycoons view us as dirty, thieving rats. So, if we cross the border over to the rich side, they will think we are there to steal their valuables, and they will arrest us. However, if they cross the border over to our side, it is usually to interrogate us for a crime. We are always the first to blame if something bad happens. Although neither Pietro nor I have ever been interrogated, Georgie has. She says that it is very unpleasant and often involves physical abuse, in addition to being emotionally punishing. The only way to avoid being interrogated is to hide, which everyone tries to do.

Pietro and I start running to the dumpster as fast as we can. My legs burn and my head is spinning. Finally, we reach the dumpster. Pietro lets me down the tunnel first and then hurries down himself. We both huddle up as far away from the entrance to the hole as possible. I can already hear the Tycoons.

"What if they find us?" Pietro asks.

"They won't," I assure him.

Eventually, we hear the Tycoons leave. It sounds like they were unsuccessful in trying to arrest anyone.

"I think they're gone," Pietro whispers.

Suddenly, we hear a knock on the dumpster.

"It's Gertie. The Tycoons are gone," says a young female voice.

Pietro and I crawl out through the tunnel to be greeted by Georgie and Gertie. Gertie, as I said before, is Georgie's granddaughter. She is about two years older than Pietro and I. She has wavy, ginger colored hair. Apparently, Georgie used to have ginger colored hair just like Gertie, but it has turned grey with age.

"Are you guys okay?" they both ask.

"Yeah, we're fine. How about you guys?" I ask.

"We're good too," they reply.

"Thanks for checking on us," Pietro says.

"Well, we would hate to lose our favorite set of twins," Gertie replies with laughter.

I laugh at her remark. Although Pietro and I are twins, we look nothing alike. The only feature we share is our thick, brown hair. Other than that, you can't even tell that we are related.

"Well, we will see you two later," they say in unison.

"Bye Georgie! Bye Gertie!" Pietro and I say in synch.

They walk away, leaving Pietro and I alone.

"Do you want me to try to find something for dinner?" I ask.

"Sure," Pietro replies. "I'll be in the hole."

So, he crawls back through the tunnel and I head to the other dumpsters to look for something to eat.

I have visited two dumpsters so far, but I haven't found anything. I am now on my way to a third.

Suddenly, everyone around me starts to panic again. I am franticly looking around to find out what is happening. Out of nowhere, I feel a hand wrap around my arm. I am about to swing my arm to punch whoever it is, but I catch a glimpse of ginger hair. It is Gertie.

"Gertie! What is going on, now?" I ask with panic in my voice.

"It's the Tycoons," she says frantically. "They're back!"

This doesn't make any sense. The Tycoons never come twice in one day. They hate it here. Nevertheless, Gertie and I run to where Georgie is hiding. Soon, all three of us are hiding under an old van.

"What is happening," I ask. "They never come more than once a day."

"I don't know what this is about. I have been here for more than fifty years, and they have never done anything like this," Georgie says.

Suddenly, I hear someone being interrogated. The voice is unmistakable. It is Pietro. He must've come out to look for me. I have to help him. I scramble out from under the van. Gertie tries to grab my arm, but I elbow her in the stomach, forcing her to let go.

"Wanda, come back!" they both yell in a loud whisper.

I ignore them and keep running. I am now close enough to clearly see the Tycoons, the guards, and Pietro. The guards are holding him by the collar of his shirt and have him pushed against a wall. I can't hear what they are asking him, though. I charge at the guard interrogating Pietro and jump on his back. The other guard tries to pull me off, but I wrap my arms around the first guard's neck. In response, the first guard throws Pietro to the ground, and swings his body backwards causing me to hit the concrete wall. On impact, I let go of his neck. I try to stand, but the guard punches me square in the jaw. This sends a flurry of pain throughout my entire skull. I look up at the guard. Clearly, he thinks it's over. However, just as he is about to turn around, Pietro punches him and picks me up. The guard on the ground quickly swings his leg at Pietro's feet, knocking both of us to the ground. Before we can make our next move, he pulls a gun and aims it directly at us.

"You two are under arrest for assaulting an officer," the guard says in a deep, gruff voice.

The second guard puts us in handcuffs and seats us in the police car. I look over to the van that Georgie and Gertie are still hiding under. They are looking directly at me with tears in their eyes. The car starts to move, and our friends slowly disappear from sight.

"Are you okay?" he asks while looking at my jaw.

"Yeah. Are you?" I ask.

"I'm fine. I ju-"

"NO TALKING!!" the officer screams, interrupting Pietro.

Pietro and I instantly go silent. The good thing is, we don't need to speak to each other. Although Pietro and I are twins that don't look anything alike, we've always been able to communicate with one another in a special way without using words.

We have now arrived at the police station. Pietro and I are escorted to the juvenile part of the jail. This part isn't very full because hardly any rich kids are ever arrested, and most of the time, kids where we come from don't survive. So, there are about 30 other kids in here. Because this is Sokovia, there is no trial. We have no rights. Once arrested, most people remain in prison for a decade or more. Pietro and I get our mug shots, and then we are placed in a cell. Thankfully, we are in the same cell.

"I'm going to get some sleep," Pietro says.

"Alright. I think I'll stay up a little longer. Good night," I say.

"Good night, Sis," he replies.

He lays down on one of the clearly uncomfortable beds. I huddle up in the corner of the cell and look around. The entire jail is cold, damp, and lifeless. I already hate it here.

"Hi!" someone says behind me.

This makes me jump. Trying not to scream, I remember that Pietro is sleeping. So, I throw my hand over my mouth and quickly scoot away from the corner. I turn around to find a blond haired girl, probably about the same age as Gertie.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" she says.

"That's okay...," I say nervously. "I can be a little jumpy."

She smiles at me.

"My name is Jean. What's yours?" she asks.

"My name is Wanda. And that," I say pointing at Pietro, "is my twin brother, Pietro."

"Cool. What are you in for?" Jean asks.

"Assaulting an officer. We were told we'll probably have to be here for at least 10 years," I reply. "How about you?"

"Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Just like Robin Hood. I've been here for five years, and I will probably have to be here for at least 20 more," she replies.

"YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR FIVE YEARS!?!?" I ask, stunned.

"Yep. But it was, and still is, worth helping all of those people," she says, genuinely.

I am about to respond, but two voices interrupt me, "Jean, who are the new kids?" two voices ask in unison.

There are two boys behind Jean. They have dirty faces and dark brown hair. It appears as though they have been here for a very long time.

"This is Wanda. That is her twin brother, Pietro," she explains. "Wanda, this is Syro and Fanzer."

They nod hello and I nod back. Clearly, they aren't very talkative. I look back at Jean.

"I know what you're thinking," Jean says with a laugh. "They aren't very talkat-"

"WANDA!!!" Pietro screams from behind me, interrupting Jean.

He grabs my arm and pulls me away from the bars.

"Wanda, what are you doing?! You shouldn't talk to these convicts!" Pietro scolds in a loud whisper.

"Pietro, these aren't all bad people. That girl, Jean, was arrested for taking from the rich and giving to the poor," I explain.

"But....," Pietro struggles to find a response.

I shoot him a look. The kind of look that says 'just do this for me.' Pietro knows exactly what I am trying to say.

"Alright, Wanda. Alright," he says in defeat.

Present Day: 1 year later

Pietro and I turned 14 years old about a month ago. We have been in jail for exactly one year.

"Only nine more years to go!" Jean jokes.

Both Pietro and I roll our eyes and smile.

We have become very good friends with Jean, Syro, and Fanzer. Now that we have gotten to know them, Syro and Fanzer aren't so quiet anymore. They are actually very chatty.

"When do you-," I try to ask, but I am suddenly interrupted by a giant explosion. 

The alarm blares, but the cops run away. As the smoke clears, Pietro and I see the giant hole in the wall that was created in the explosion. Through the hole, march about a dozen men, all wearing the same uniform and all with very large guns. Pietro, Jean, Syro, Fanzer, and I all run to the back wall, getting as far away from the soldiers as possible. All of the other kids in the prison do the same.

The armed men line up, forming a path between them. Through the path, steps a man who looks to be in his early fifties. The man has no hair on his head, a pock-marked complexion, and a permanent scowl set on his face. He is wearing a monocle and a neat, perfect black suit. Both he and his men have a symbol on the right shoulder of their uniforms. The symbol is red and looks like a skull with octopus tentacles.

This man stares at us for a long time. Finally, he speaks.

"Hello. My name is Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, and I have an opportunity for all of you."

To be continued.......

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