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Diary entry-
So today's the last day of the Summer holidays, i cri, but looking on the bright side, i can finally see my friends again. Apart from the stack of incomplete holiday assignments, my body and mind is totally ready for school tomorrow, who knows who I'll meet, maybe even make a new friend or two- XDXD

"Hmm...." Alyssa muttered to herself, "Well that's one of the things I wanted to do done." She finally glanced at the stack of Assignments due the day after. From Chinese to Math, to English and... English Literature? Or even weirder.... Physical Education?! Is that even possible to have homework for Phys. Ed?

"Eh.... there's always tomorrow..." She thought to herself, " I mean mom won't be yelling at me if I really can't complete it"
As her Mom was attending a funeral in Singapore, she couldn't make it in time for her first day at school.
But, it's just every typical first day though, so her not being there isn't really much of a let down at all.
After chowing down a bag of chips and a can of soda, Alyssa looked at the time-
"Wouldn't want to look like the living dead on the first day, would we?" She smiled at herself reassuringly.

"Well, oh well-"

After the successfully catching the bus, Alyssa was on her way to school, chirping in her happy attitude.
"Finally a starting of a new school year," she chirped excitedly, "a time where I can start anew, wonder what my school year holds..."
As she got off and ran to the school gate with the fastest she's ever gone, her heart raced with curiosity, excited to start her new chapter in school, as soon as she got to the canteen, she was greeted with the familiar faces that was with her the last whole year.
"Terra, Mackenzie, Sia, Vien!" She squealed excitedly as the four heads turned and greeted her with a smile.
"Hey Alyssa!" They waved.
"Which class you in" Mackenzie asked as she shoved her rolled paper under Alyssa's chin, as pretending to hold a mic.
"2C." She answered, while following a squeal and 3 other disappointed groans.
"Aww hell yes!" Terra squealed and raised her fist, as if waiting for a fist bump, which Alyssa quickly bumped back.
"So what class are you guys in?" She asked.
"Well I'm in 2E, while Vien and Sia are in 2D and 2B" Mackenzie replied.
"Oh, it's not so bad, I mean, at least our classrooms are close to each other..."
"Of course cause it's put in alphabetical order!"
"Oh yea.... but whatever though, at least we can hang out at recess and lunch" Alyssa said, followed with her 4 pal's nods of approval.
As if Chronos heard their conversation, the bell rung, signalling for homeroom session to start real soon.
"So see you guys later?" She asked the 3 other's who were going to their respective classrooms.
"Sure thing, see ya!" Was the reply.
Terra and Alyssa then walked into their classroom, while being greeted by rows and rows of neatly placed desks, as if embroiling a new start. Quickly, they took their seats (which was according to alphabetical order) and waited for their classmates and homeroom teacher to arrive. And in a matter of minutes, the classroom was fully occupied with the students, though one caught Alyssa's attention- she was chattering loudly in her seat, obviously she's hard to ignore. Alyssa pushed that thought to the back of her head and continued in imagining what the upcoming school-life would offer her:
New teachers? Yes
New Classmates? Definitely checked
New Friends? Oh, yes please!

But there was one thing Alyssa forgot-
A New Enemy/Rival.

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