The threat

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There will be Cantonese translations at the bottom of the chapter
" Alyssa (1)," Alyssa softly muttered as she read on the note written on her desk "咩事,點解你會成日講英文? 係咪以為自己講英文好好聽,魏ABC (Meaning: American Born Chinese) (2)。好心你啦,收啦你。如果吾系,咁你搬去美國lor,成全你呢D怪人。同麻呢,吾該你吾好成曰搵D其他students傾計啦,吾系全部人鍾意你架。(3) "

Alyssa was left in shock. Why would someone hate her to this extent? Is speaking the first language she was taught a crime?

No... Alyssa thought, why is this happening to me? Ugh, you know what? I'll just
Forget about it.... maybe it's just a one time thing...

Alyssa then proceeded to get a rag and rub it off. It wasn't easy, but she managed to rub off the marker writings till it was barely visible. Eh, she could always bring some alcohol wipes tomorrow, she'll just have to use the pencil case to cover that patch of light grey for the day.

As soon as she put down her pencil case, she glanced up at the clock.


20 minutes had already passed since she entered the classroom.

And it wasn't long till Terra, her friend came in, along with some other classmates.

"Heya Alyssa!! What's going on-oh... did something happened?" She asked in concern, as seeing that something was awfully wrong with her best friend, seeing from her paled face and her blank expression.

"Oh...uhhhh" Alyssa quickly scrambled for the right words. Should I tell her the truth? Or should I not?.... "N-nothing's wrong! Just your friendly neighbourhood Alyssa!!!" She said, as she did a swinging motion with her hand and quickly replaced her expression with a forced smile of reassurance.
"Oh... if you say so... ANYWAYSSSSS" Terra quickly blurted out to change the subject "I heard that the MSF (Massive school functions) committee is recruiting fresh blood, and this year, we get to have the opportunity to apply and, ya know, tryout!!!" She squealed.

"Omg, really?" Alyssa asked in joy, quickly pushing away her thoughts of her threat message from the table.

The MSFC is the school's most important team, and is even as important as the athletics team! Only every four years do they have their recruitment,so many people apply for the tryouts. The MSFC as seen from their name, is to help with massive school functions, like dance or drama recitals, the annual school talent show, or even special guest talk shows. Their job includes:
~working with the audio panel
~working in the backstage
~working on recording video footage
~planning how the lighting should be shot
~ editing videos
And many many more minor jobs...

"Wanna go sign up together?" Terra asked eagerly, as she started tugging at Alyssa arm.
"Sure, why not?" Alyssa chuckled, as she got up and followed her friend out the classroom and went to get their sign up forms.

(1) Hey Alyssa
(2) Whats the deal with you always speaking English? Is it that you think you're English sounds that great, pretending to be an ABC (American Born Chinese).
(3) For the love of god, just shut the hell up. If not, then move to America, so that you can live up to your weird English dream. Plus, can you like stop approaching the other classmates to chat? Not everyone likes you.

Author's note
Hiya people (for those who are reading this please say hi, I would totally wanna hear from you) lmao anyways, sorry for not updating for such a long time, got a bit busy with school and ha..... my grades (pushes away thought) I'll be updating more often so please do stay tuned! :3

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