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I woke up at 6am and couldn't go back to sleep, school didn't start until 9. So I decided to have a long shower and I ended up at the school for half 7. I walked into the cafeteria and a familiar face stood up. Dawn!

"Morning, Dawn. I didn't expect you to be here this early." I say to her as I approach.

"OH GOD, Ash, you startled me! I didn't know you took breakfast this early?" Dawn sighs.

"Sorry. I don't. This is an exception to the rule. I'd greatly prefer to be late to school than early to breakfast."

She gives a small smile at my admitted tardiness as I begin eating my food.

After a little while of eating Dawn breaks the silence.

"Ashton, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Dawn says.

"Sure, I prefer to be called Ash...." I sweatdrop because she's calling me my full name which I don't like.

"Do you think of Serena as a friend?" She says.

Huh, this seems like a leading question.

"I guess so. She's really kind and cute. Why'd you ask?" I ask her.

"Aw, oh, and no real reason." She smiles.

"Another question! Why is it that you think of her as a friend?" She smiles again.

What's she expecting from me?

"I'm not really sure. I guess it's because she's a little different in the way she deals with people." 

"Hmm. Since I've known her, she hasn't really connected with anyone." Dawn plays with her food.

"She doesn't seem interested in other people, and I think people are a little scared off by her appearance." Dawn starts look sad.

"Really? I thought that kind of thing was, well, discouraged here. Discriminating and such." 

"Hmm, if I were to put it one way..." Dawn puts her hands together.

"I'd say that you're a little oblivious and naive." She giggles.

I'd be insulted if not for that slightly cynical grin on her face.


"While the school has a stronger sense of community compared to other schools, it's far from being free of conflict," Dawn says.

"Rules cannot remove human nature, after all, only suppress it." She adds on.


"Tell me, are you free tonight?" Dawn changes the subject.

"Freeee as the breeze." I say.

"Alrighty, you're joining me and Serena for tea." She smiles.

"I have no money at the moment, so going out isn't re-"

"At my dorm." She cuts me off.

"Sure, what's your room number?" I ask her.

"225; room 25 on the second floor." She answers.

"Can't wait!" I fist pump.


I nervously rap on the door marked 225, checking my watch once again.

"Is that you, Ash? It's open, come on in." I heard Dawn shout.

This is the first time I've been invited to a girl's room after dark.

Even though I know there is no ulterior motive behind this invitation, it doesn't stop my mind running wild with possibilities.

One guy. Two girls. In a dorm room....

When I put it that way it sounds dodgy.

I open the door, craning my head to see inside.

The door opens completely and I catch my first glimpse of Dawn's room.

Very antique....

My eyes finish their quick sweep of the room, before returning their position onto the girls.

Dawn sits next to the small table, wearing very dark blue pajamas. Dark blue pajamas with shorts that show off plenty of her alluring pale legs.

Opposite her, Serena sits adorned in a conservative light pink gown.

Her hands are firmly fixed between her legs, her shoulders forwards, and her head down, as if trying to hide herself in it.

It would be easy for her to do; it looks about two sizes too big for her.

She looks up to confirm my identity, and the beginning of a think smile creep across her face, before vanishing so fast that I can't be sure they ever were there.

"Well, don't stand in the doorway, take a seat, Ash." Dawn laughs.

I take a step in the room, closing the door behind me.

"My my, I'm afraid this really is a small room for the three of us. Would you like to take a seat?" Dawn says.

I walk to the table and sit down, trying my hardest not to disturb anything along the way.

"Tea? Serena could you please pour?" Dawn smiles.

"S...sure. A...A....sh... wo..would.." Serena stutters terribly.

"Would you..." She trails off again.

"Would you like...." she does it again...

"I'd love some tea, do you need a hand?" I smile at her.

"N...no, I'm fine.." She says. 

"-Thank you." She finishes her sentence after a pause.

"Been a tiring day?" I ask.

"Y...yeah." She blushes.

I relax at my place and rest my back against the cabinet.

There is a slight 'ting' when Serena accidentally clips the teapot on a cup as she is pouring.

She breathes in sharply; she must be really nervous, as it's not the kind of thing anyone would worry about.

She quivers at her mistake.

"No need to be nervous, Sere" Dawn reassures her.

Serena seems to find some confidence in Dawn's reassuringly soft-spoken words and deftly pours the next two cups.

"Here you are, Ash... Dawn" Serena places the cups in front of us.

 "Thank ya, Sere" Dawn smiles.

"Yep, thanks" I give her the thumbs up.

"Y-You're welcome.." Serena smiles.

I take a sip of my tea and it tastes really good.

"This is nice, it's so different from any tea I had before." I point out.

"Look like you picked the right one, Serena." Dawn laughs.

Serena's smile returns, redoubled.

"I'm glad you like it..." She says.

She begins to sip on her tea and relax.

I rest my head against the cabinet and close my eyes.

"So, Ash, ya enjoying yourself?" Dawn breaks the silence.

I'm in a room with two girls in their bedclothes. This is something to be enjoyed.

"Yeah, it's relaxing. Do you do this often?" I ask and answer.

"Often, but not as often as we take tea in the school building." She answers.

As I move to take another sip from my teacup, I find it sadly empty.

"That was delicious. Thank you Serena, Dawn." 

"You're welcome." Serena blushes again.

"Yes, you're most welcome, Ash. It's nice to have another person here." Dawn smiles.

 "Well, any time you need someone to fill that position, I'm always available. Always!" 

Dawn lets loose a yawn, which she unsuccessfully hides with her hand.

"I think I'm a little tired." Dawn giggles.

"I think we're all a little tired..." Serena adds on.

"We should head to bed; we all have class tomorrow." Dawn suggests.

"Yeah, I should go." 

"Thanks for showin' up, Ash" Dawn smiles at me.

"Th...uh! Y-You'll come again?" Serena blurts out.

I look at Dawn who has a smirk on her face. 

"Not even an army could stop me!" I fist pump.

Serena then blushes and tries to hide it with her hair.

"I'm impressed by your determination, Ash" Dawn laughs.

"Either way, you're right. We'd best get going." I stand up, and make for the door.

Serena gingerly stands up behind me.

I stop and face her.

"Are you coming with me?" I point to myself.

She instantly blossoms into full blush.

"Bet you'd like that, wouldn't ya, Serena" Dawn laughs.

"No...I...not....this room...isn't.." She trails off.

"I'm just kidding." I give her a wink.

"Oh...okay...good night..." She smiles at me.

"Goodnight, Serena. Goodnight, Dawn." 

"Night!" I hear Dawn say.

And with that, our tea party finishes.


I'm still not sure what it is that Dawn wants me to do for Serena, but I don't want to let her down.

I wait until the door has closed behind us before turning to Serena.

"Hey, Serena...ya know, you don't have to be nervous around me or anything." I smile at her.

"I mean, we're friends, right?" 

"R-Right.....we're just friends..." She plays with her thumbs, she looks unsure about something.

"If you ever want to hang out or anything, just let me know. We still need to have that chess rematch, remember?" 

"S-sure....b-but I don't think you'll win.." She gives me a confident glare.

"Wouldn't be fun if it was easy." I give her a confident look.

"W-well...I-I won't be giving up until the v-very end, Ash..." She blushes. Them words...it...hmm

"Good....Goodnight, Serena" I smile at her.


With that, Serena quickly retreats into her room, located next to Dawn's.


I barely make it to my room before I am hit by a wave of exhaustion.

I kick off my shoes, fall onto the bed and fall asleep by the time my head hits the pillow.


I'll update AGAIN! :D, see ya next chapter.

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