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I feel very tired this morning, probably because yesterday itself was a very tiring day. On top of that, I woke up far earlier than necessary.

After saying Hi to Bianca and May, I start doing the work as instructed from the board. It already looks like today is going to be heavy.

I don't have a problem with that now, though. Bianca and May might jump on me trying to get an answer about whether or not I've decided to join the Student Council, even if it's just one day.

I wouldn't put it past them to try, and I don't have an for them if they do. So, this situation is convenient for me.

About ten minutes into class, Serena walks in and takes a seat, but no one looks at her. The teacher doesn't even comment on her lateness.

He does, however, stop us to say that we're going to break into group again.

I turn my head and see Bianca and May are looking at me. Bianca gives me a smile that is equal parts cute and menacing. This is a smile that says 'We have you now. There is no escape.'

"Ashie!~, it looks like we're together again! Yay yay~!" May cheers.

May leans side ways while Bianca pushes her desk closer to mine. There really is no escape now unless I were to jump through the window, probably the best option.

Bianca does some hand gestures (FROM NOW ON THIS "..." MEANS HAND GESTURES)

"What's wrong, Ashie~!" May tells me what she said.


"Oh...Ashie, have you been thi-"

"No." I cut May off.

They both don't look pleased with my answer, but after a few minutes they seem to drop it.

Now that that's over, Bianca snaps back into serious mode and smacks today's assignment with the back of her hand in an overly dramatic and important way.

When I actually look at the stuff, it's mostly just reading, In fact, there are only two problems.

I almost want to say something about how her rush to get started seems a bit much, considering the small amount of work. In fact, Bianca probably knows how little there is, and simply doesn't care.

Yeah, it seems like the workload doesn't matter to her as much as the fact that there is work; the actual amount is unimportant. She approaches everything with the same level of ambition.

While I'm reading. I let my eyes wander around the room and catch Serena trying her hand at solving the problems. It looks like she's working alone.

I feel really bad for her, I can't remember seeing her working with other people before.

Thinking back to how shy she is, it's understandable.

"Hey, that girl over there..." I move my head in the direction of Serena.

"Serena?" May says.

"Does she always work alone?" I raised both of my eye brows feeling bad for her.

"I think so, Ashie. Do you feel sorry for her because she's alone?" May put her hands on her hips.

Yeah I do....

"I was just thinking that maybe she could work with us, or something?" I said to the two.

"Hmmmm..No, I don't think that would be a good idea, Ashie" May frowned.

"Why not?" I said almost instantly.

"Bianca wouldn't get along with her." May still had the frown.

I felt like saying 'So?' and calling Serena over, but I didn't.


"Just because, Ashie" May laughed nervous.

By now, Bianca has noticed our conversation, and it makes me realize again how May has been signing everything she has been saying this whole time.


"What, Bianca? The friend of my enemy is my enemy? That sounds so hard, I'm not going to say that." May looks kinda nervous.

"You said it anyway" I chuckled slightly.

May just looked at me with a bright smile.


I look over my shoulder towards the back of the classroom.

Serena seems to be studying her notes from the previous class.

It's an odd sight; everyone else in the class is busying themselves with the lunch break.

Socializing, gossiping, rearranging desks, the ones with actual boxed lunches mixed in and chattering like everyone else, only interrupted by short bouts of eating.

But, when I watched Serena, it feels that I'm the only one who can see who. Almost as if she was invisible; sort of hiding in plain sight.

Is she being bullied? Is she isolating herself from the rest of the class on her own accord?

I see her look over her shoulder towards the classroom's rear door.

Come to think of it, she hasn't turned a page since I've started watching her.

Maybe she's waiting for someone?

I still feel bad for making her run away yesterday, so I'd better say something.

"Hey, Serena!" I fist pump.

"A-Ash!?" She jumps up in fear.

Well, at least she remembers my name.

"Hey...I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I didn't meant to startle you or anything. I'm just new here and thought I should get to know my classmates." I looked at the ground.

As Serena looks up at me, I notice her scarring once more.

It's a little bewildering that you can barely notice it from across the room, but it's so noticeable from up close.

"T....that's okay." She smiles with a tiny pink tint on her cheeks.

"It...I-It was my fault." The smile dropped.

"Nah, that wasn't anyone's 'fault,' it just kind of happened." I shrugged with a smile.

"So, are you waiting for someone? I saw you looking at the door before?" I stood there looking at her.

"Y-Yes....Dawn" She stutters.

"Oh, you mean Dawn the blind girl?" I smile.

Serena only nods in response, and I can't help but wonder if defining people through their disabilities is a faux pas of the worst kind or just normal here.

I guess that explains why Dawn took off after her yesterday.

"She seems like a nice girl, you two friends?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Y-Yes" She looks nervous.

As if hoping for Dawn to appear, she checks over her shoulder again.

I think I'm making her nervous again.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you right now?" I was just being honest, if I was, I would leave her alone.

"N-No, that's not it." She stutters again.

"It's just easier if Dawn doesn't come here..." She trails off.

"Oh, because it's hard to get around the classroom?" I smile

"Not really" She put her hand on her chin.

Serena's gaze drifts past my shoulder and towards Bianca.

"Huh? Bianca?" I look at Serena confused.

She nods again.

"What about her? Don't they get along?" I questioned her again.

Serena shakes her head. Clearly this is something she doesn't want to talk about.

It does make a strange sort of sense, Bianca and Dawn not getting along so well.

Communication between the two would be all but impossible. It's hard enough talking to Bianca through May, even when you can see whose hands are 'talking.'

Serena is so focused on Bianca that I am the first to notice Dawn at the door.

"Oh, she's here now." I let Serena know.

Serena spins around to confirm this. Upon seeing Dawn, she moves quickly to the door.

"Dawn.." Serena smiles.

"Ah, Serena. Good morning. Is the 'president' here?" Dawn smiles.

"Y-Yes" Serena's smile disappears almost instantly after hearing that.

"I suppose we'd best be off, then." Dawn shrugs.

Dawn's sigh and tone of what seems like frustration makes me raise an eyebrow. I guess there's some kind of enmity between the two.

It's intriguing, but that's not really something I'd ask about. I'm sure if they wanted me to know, then they would tell me.

It's only my third day here; I should be trying to make friends, not finding out why people are enemies.

Still, it's a little funny to find out that this school has little feuds, just like my old high school.

Even if people are more tolerant of others, they're still going to get on each other's nerves.

 "Hey, Dawn. How are things? I'm sorry I made you run off yesterday..." I smiled at her, Serena out of the corner of my eye was looking at me.

"Oh my, is that Ash? I didn't realize you were here..." Dawn says in a surprised tone.

It seems that Dawn is a little embarrassed about being so frank in front of me.

"S-sorry Dawn. I thought you realized." Serena looked at Dawn with a sad expression.

"No, it's alright, Serena. and Ash, don't worry about yesterday. It was just a misunderstanding." Dawn chuckles slightly.

"If you say so. I'm still working this place out" I took off my hat for a second, letting the air get to my head.

"If you're feeling a little confused, please don't be afraid to ask questions." Dawn smiles, I notice Serena looking a bit above me, was she looking at my hair? My hair was a mess after all but it never changed position, it just stayed like that, it would barely move when I go underwater.

"Sure, I'll remember that!" I smile again.

"Um...Dawn.." Serena says.

 Dawn gives a small nod of acknowledgment.

  "I'm sorry, Ash, but we must be off." Dawn closes her eyes and smiles.

Bianca and May are getting really annoying, these two seem really nice.

"Mind if I accompany you two?" I ask nicely.

I know I'm kinda pushing it, but Dawn hmms quietly, still smiling.

"I'm sure that we could accommodate you, can't we, Serena?" Dawn continued to smile.

"S-sure" Serena doesn't seem very comfortable about it.

So we leave, all three together.

Dawn walks beside the wall, letting her cane gently tap against it every now and then. Serena comes along right beside her, so close that she is practically half-hugging her as they go.

Although it must make her walking that much harder, Dawn takes it in stride.

As we turn around the corner of the hallway, something hits me in the chest with the force of a steam train. Serena shrikes a little and my vision briefly goes black.

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