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The hammering of a fist against the door feels like a nail being pounded into my head.

Once, twice, three times, I let out a long, annoyed breath and bear it while pressing my eyelids shut, fervently hoping whoever it is to just go away.

I feel pretty damn awful. My face feels like it's cast out of lead, my arms feel heavy, and I feel very queasy. It's been like this since I woke up half an ago, and I can't summon the energy to pick myself up out of bed.

This is what they call a 'hangover'....

Looking to my clock, the time when I really should think about getting a shower, dressed and ready for class is approaching, I don't think I can manage it, though.

Looks like we're gonna have to pull through....


I stride into the classroom doing my best to appear normal.

The instant I open the door and take single step in, I can feel roughly a couple dozen eyes looking at me. There is no way I'm imagining this; they're not even making any attempt to hide it.

My eyes take a quick sweep around the classroom, and I spot Serena. We make eye contact momentarily before she looks down and stares very hard at her desk.

Did she spill the beans? Sycamore may be okay as far as teachers go, but underage drinking on campus is not exactly something that would be taken lightly.

"Feeling better today?" Sycamore smiles at me.

"Yeah. Thank you." I nod at him.

He motions for me to take my seat, my legs feeling like sticks as they carry me there. This is going to be a long day.


As soon as the lunchbell rings, I'm on my way to Serena's desk to ask her what's going on.

"Serena...did you tell...?" 

She looks up at me and shakes her head. That's a big relief.

"It's just..." She trails off.

"Just...?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well! Hello! It's nice to see you today~!" May screams down my ear causing me to jump.

"Hi....May, Bianca. You...uh...look happy to see me." I sweatdrop.

"You ignored us this morning~!" May's expression changes to an angry one.

"Oh...the knocking that lasted for almost an hour. That was you two?" I roll my eyes.

Bianca nods as she reaches into her pocket.

Something white and yellow can be seen sticking out a little, and as she pulls it out, it turns out to be an envelope with very bright decorations on it.

Since she points it towards me, I duly take it.

My eyes register what's written on the envelope.

"M-Misty....." I say in shock.

I stare at the envelope for a moment, before suddenly remembering that there are people are people around me.

I kind of want to be alone right now.

"Misty?" Serena says.

"A-I-It's nothing. Thanks for bringing me this, you two" I say to May and Bianca.

"I should think so, after what we went through to get it to you~!." May laughs.

I step back. May theatrically pouts even as I go out the door, but Serena remains very visibly curious about my reaction. I hope she won't interrogate me on this later.


The smell of the gardens is, as always, a very pleasant sensation. Some of the most visible signs of how well-funded this school is, aside from its sheer size, are the expense and condition of the grounds.

Even the bench I sit on to read is warmer thanks to summertime sun, reminding me of why I haven't worn the school blazer even once yet.

I open the letter, the sunflowers and splashes of vibrant yellow colouring adorning the paper are quite appropriate for the time. If only the words written on it were as well.

Here I was, thinking I'd managed to get over her, when this troublesome thing shows up.

Her handwriting looks vaguely familiar at best, and only now that I see it again I remember that she used to write in pink pen a lot. She was always very girly, for lack of a better term.

But she was also quite strong, she'd probably be the man of the relationship, if I must say so.

'I wanted to somehow express my feelings, but the right words didn't come to me. I couldn't say anything to comfort you. I am really sorry for not being able to support you when it mattered the most, even though I like you so much. At least now, finally. I can be more honest.

If I could go back to those quiet days in February and March, I'd tell you to 'not give up on yourself', but you did. That's what I would say. Maybe you wouldn't have drifted so far away if I had just said something. I hope you've managed to get back on your feet on your own.

Now that the distance between us is also physical, it also feels more final, somehow. I wonder if we will meet again. Perhaps it's for the best if we don't? Still, if you would like to correspond with me, by all means, write me back. I'd very like yo hear about your new school and how you're doing. I wish you the best, Ash.

Sincerely, Misty.'

I put down the letter, letting everything process.

"Are you okay? I hear a voice from behind me.

For a moment I assume it's Serena, but it's actually Joy.

"Oh, hey. I thought you'd be in the library?" I say to her.

"Mind if I sit here?" She asks.

"Sure, go ahead." I smile at her.


"Hey, Ash?" She breaks the silence.


"You didn't answer my question before, I wasn't going to say anything but you still look troubled." She says.

"I-I got a letter from someone I knew before I can here. It made me think about some things. I thought I'd managed to get over most of the problems that my accident caused, but now I'm not really so sure. I kinda wish I'd never seen it" I sigh.

"I don't think that's good, Ash.....When my boyfriend left me, he did so very suddenly, and never let me know why. At first i was very depressed about it, but I decided to forgive him." Joy says.

"You f-forgave him? Couldn't he at least have talked properly with you about it?" I look at her.

"Well....In the end, I decided that I fell in love with him for a reason. He was a good person, and I think that if I had been in his position, I would probably have found it just as hard to try and talk to him."  She says.

"I don't...really see the connection to the letter I got?" I scratch my head.

"I mean that...um, how do I put this?...It must have been very hard for that person to send that letter, and if they did, I think they must have thought very hard about exactly what to say." She continues.

Misty managed to write this letter and bring a final close to our relationship; something that I'd never managed to do.

Whereas here I am, trying to protect and help Serena as best I can, especially with Dawn leaving for a while, and I'm not even able to deal with my own problems.

"Does that make sense?" Joy smiles at me.

"Y-yeah, it does, surprisingly..." 

The school bell ringing out startles us both.

"I was supposed to be back before the bell!" She jumps up and sprints for the library.

"I'll see you later, Ash. Cheer up, okay?" I hear her shout while running.

"Alright will do! Thanks!" I wave her off.

'I'd tell you to not give up on yourself', but you did'.....

"The thing is....I don't give up until it's over." 

Going to update again! I thought this book take FOREVER! but we're soo close to the end I think I can touch it....oh wait.....just a few inches off. See ya next chap! - Pokeamour

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