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Moving house was the last thing Isabella Einaudi thought she'd be doing during her summer vacation. Quite frankly she thought she'd be spending her summer lounging around the house and working on her tan in the safe space of her garden, blasting music through her earphones and pretending she doesn't have an annoying younger brother nagging her ear off every two minutes.

Instead she was packing up her belongings and moving to San Fernando Valley of all places. Her home before was perfectly fine, her parents had successful jobs so she couldn't understand why they would want to move when they were doing well. I guess you could put it down to a change of heart?

Who was she kidding, she could pretend all she wanted but deep down she knew exactly why. The girl had scars mentally and physically, she just couldn't cope well.

She had one friend who was merely there for convenience of not wanting to sit alone during lunch. She liked to pretend they were best friends but she knew they didn't see her that way. They didn't talk outside of school, so really Isabella only had her family and that was a sore spot sometimes, with the absence of her beloved Aunt and cousin.

The girl had a great relationship with her parents Lizzie and Dylan and her younger brother Alexander (as annoying as the little brat could be) but they never could quite understand the girl. Physically she looked fine, minus the scar on her body that only herself seemed to notice but in the girl's head it was dark.

The pain from the accident always lurked, the scar on her body as a constant reminder of what she'd lost. She hated herself, the scar being the main point of disgust however she couldn't find a single thing about herself that she liked. And that was a terrible shame as the girl looked like an angel sent down from above and all she could see was something ugly looking back at her through the reflection of the mirror.

It didn't help that in school she'd get bullied. She was always cautious about her scar, yes, it could be covered up all the time with clothes. But one day during gym when she was ten years old, she'd been a little slack with her hiding and a girl spotted it and pointed it out to everyone in the changing room. The word of her scar spread fast just like any gossip in any school ever and she was deemed a freak. For what? Having a scar? Her parents couldn't understand why people were so horrible to her about it. Some would say don't let it bother you what others are saying but how could she not let it bother her, when the thing she hated most about herself started making her a target to be laughed at by others and called names.

It got worse as she got older and the once happy little girl slowly disappeared in front of her parents eyes. They wanted to make her feel better to love herself and see herself the way her parents loved and saw her. So they thought moving to a whole new place where nobody knew them would be a great new start for the girl, she could be herself and they hoped people could love her just as much they loved their daughter, for who she was - an amazing, beautiful, smart, caring girl.

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