Chaper six

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It had been over a week since the dark lord left to go on his travels and Cassiopeia was starting to feel useless and bored of being Alone in her room, that was were this terrible day started. She paced her room for an hour before deciding enough was enough she was going to entertain herself.

She went to the kitchens but the house elves weren't there, she knew that her father was in his office because she could feel his thoughts. She decided that the best thing to do would be to go to the family library to read into prophecies to see if she could find a way to figure out what she had seen the night she was looked into someone's mind and caught a fragment of it. But it was no use every lead she had would just leave her with more questions, it was starting to rile her up.

She felt the magic bubbling up inside her making the coldness she was feeling melt from the inside, she looked over to the fire place and the small flames that were flickering. Control, she thought. Focus. She closed her eyes and tried to release her anger into the fire, it shot out and blew her right off her feet setting fire to the section of books that was closest too it.

She tried to put it out but every time she tried her anger made it worse until she felt the smoke in her throat and ran for the door falling down as she got through it. When she opened her eyes she was looking right at the murderous snarl of Cygnus Black.

"How many times do you need to be told you stupid useless girl!" He shouted.

He ran into the room and Cassie heard him shouting different charms to put out the fire, she tried to scramble to her feet but was hit with a body bind curse.

"I'm sorry father" she whined trying to move.

"I have told you multiple times and you just don't listen I don't know what it's going to take!" He took out his wand and pointed it at her.

"No, no, father please" she begged through sobs.

"Crucio!" His voice was like thorns digging into her.

But the curse was like death, the familiar feeling of her bones shaking and her limbs spasming made her body curl up and then stretch back out. The pain made its way up her spine making her senses blur, then came the taste of blood in her mouth this time it started to spill out dripping onto the floor. That's when she heard the voice, the dark lords voice in the back of her mind 'your strong enough to handle anything' that was what she needed.

It took her every ounce of energy she had left and channeled her emotions, although this wasn't anger it was pain and sadness. She let out a sobbing scream and directed her power around her, she felt her magic seeping out of every pore in her body. It was like an explosion of blue and green sparks shooting out in every direction, she watched Cygnus fly backwards down the hall and she let out another cry that must have pierced the wards of the house because a screeching alarm started to ring.

Then the sparks changed and it was like a black mist lifted her up and threw her back down like she was weightless. Cassie tried to move but it was a pathetic attempt and her breath hitched, she turned her head to see her father laying still at the end of the corridor. She smiled and then the darkness took her and she lost consciousness.


Narcissa and Bellatrix had both got the alert for there childhood home when the wards had been breached. Narcissa was resting as the baby was causing her ankles to swell up but she knew that something was wrong and Bella had just gotten back to her estate from getting the dark lord to a safe house across the country she felt it too.

The pair of them apperated and within seconds they were stood looking at Hawthorn hall, it looked wrong. The windows had been shattered and there was a dark mist in the sky above the home.

"What has happened sister" Narcissa spoke clutching her now rather large bump.

"We're going to have to find out come on" Bellatrix spoke snappily her eyes searching every inch of the scene for anything that made sense.

"Lumos" Bellatrix held up her wand to light her way through the darkened corridors.

"I don't like this, where is Cassie" Narcissa panicked.

"Be calm Cissy it's no good for the baby" Bella carried on around the corners with her wand light still high in her hand.

As the sisters tread quietly checking rooms as they went, until they got to the corridor that lead to the library. A chill washed over both of them and Narcissa stumbled.

"Lumos maxima" Bellatrix's light shot out her wand and Narcissa screamed.

Bellatrix looked down at their father who was laying at there feet, his eyes wide and his mouth was agape he looked like the life had been drained out of him. His skin was tinged grey and he was cold as if he had been dead for days. Then just a few feet away was there sister.

"Cassie, no!" Narcissa cried.

Narcissa ran to her little sisters side followed by Bellatrix who just let out a long tut. As Narcissa lowered herself to the ground she noticed a faint blue glow coming from her sister almost encasing her, when she reached to hold her sisters hand it was as cold as ice practically unbearable to touch. But her chest was rising and falling, she was alive.

"What's happened to her Bella" Narcissa managed through weeps.

"I'm not sure" she inspected her sisters still body. "I think it could be some sort of protection" she said unsurely.

"She's alive we can get her help, you stay here do what you need to do with the dark artefacts that are here I'll be back within the hour" Narcissa spoke as she tried to calm herself down.

Without another word Narcissa marched out of the front door and apperated to the ministry, she knew it was a stupid idea but her brain was clouded by the worry of her little sister.

When Narcissa returned to Hawthorn hall with two aurors and a mediwitch from st Mungo's in tail bellatrix had locked up all of the rooms that would have peaked the ministry's interest with a blood spell and she had left.

"What in Merlins name has happened here" one of the aurors gasped as they made there way through the front door.

"It's just this way" Narcissa raced to where she had left Cassie.

"Mckellen I think we're going to need to inform the minister on this one" the second auror called out whilst inspecting the situation.

"Aye, I think your right Anderson" Mckellen called out after looking at Cygnus' body.

"The minister? But why?" Narcissa gasped as she watching the mediwitch run checks over Cassie.

"Mrs Malfoy, this looks like it could be some sort of Obscurus, or magic like it anyway" Anderson spoke as he felt out at the magic around him.

"We have to move her this environment isn't stable" the mediwitch said looking at the two men.

"Can you do it alone we need someone to stay here until we have backup" Mckellen crouched down to look at the child encased in the blue glow.

"Mrs Malfoy do you have any healer abilities?" The small witch asked.

"Yes I uh studied to be a healer for quite a while until life got in the way" she said as her eyes welled up again.

"Well then I should be fine with your help" she gave the younger witch a kind smile.

Narcissa hadn't thought a coherent thought it was all a blur and before she knew it she was sitting in an uncomfortable chair with her palms to her forehead and her cheeks burning from the tears. She looked up and gazed hopelessly at her little sister still with that faint blue glow looking as though she was just sleeping and she would wake up any minute laughing.

"Excuse me, mrs Malfoy?" A young witch spoke from the door.

"Yes, sorry I was in a world of my own" Narcissa tried to smile politely but it probably came off as deranged.

"We have some questions and as your the next of kin, we were wondering if you could answer them?" She looked slightly frightened.

"Oh, sure go ahead" Narcissa nodded.

"Has your sister has showed magical ability yet?"

"Yes, more than anyone I've ever met, she almost burnt down her nursery just minutes after she was born" she half chuckled at the memory.

"Had she been forcing it down or repressing it in any way at all?"

"Well, she's always been quite extraordinary and our father was, cruel to say the least. He hated how much potential she was showing" she muttered.

"So did your father ever force her through psychological or physical abuse" she asked sheepishly.

"He's dead now so yes, yes he did. She got it the worst." Narcissa spoke looking over to her sister eyes filled with tears.

"One more thing, do you know of anyone who would have placed a protection charm of there own making onto your sister" she raised her eyebrows when asking this.

"I can't think of anyone, I'll try and get in touch with our eldest sister she may know" she nodded as the witch left.

When the room was empty she started to pace the room, she knew who had cast a protective enchantment over her it was the only logical thing, the last few months the only person Cassie had been spending time with and getting frighteningly close too was the dark lord.

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